1,583 research outputs found

    Local-scale models reveal ecological niche variability in amphibian and reptile communities from two contrasting biogeographic regions

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    Los modelos de nicho ecológico (ENMs) son ampliamente usados para describir cómo los factores ambientales influyen en la distribución de las especies. Su modelización en una escala local, frente a una gran escala dentro de un alto gradiente ambiental, pueden mejorar nuestra comprensión de los nichos ecológicos de las especies. El principal objetivo de este estudio es evaluar y comparar la contribución de variables ambientales ENMs de anfibios y reptiles en dos parques nacionales españoles ubicados en regiones biogeográficas contrastantes, es decir, el Mar Mediterráneo y la zona atlántica. Los ENMs fueron construidos con modelado de entropía máxima, utilizando 11 variables ambientales en cada territorio. Las contribuciones de estas variables para los modelos fueron analizadas y clasificadas utilizando diversos procedimientos estadísticos (U de Mann Whitney, análisis de componentes principales y modelos lineales generales). La distancia a la red hidrológica fue siempre la variable más relevante para ambos parques y clases taxonómicas. Las variables topográficas (es decir, la altitud y la pendiente) fueron la segunda variable más predictiva, seguida por las variables climáticas. Las diferencias en la variable de contribución fue observada entre los parques y las clases taxonómicas. Las variables relacionadas con la disponibilidad de agua, tuvieron la mayor contribución en los modelos del parque mediterráneo, mientras que la variable topográfica fue decisiva en el parque atlántico. Las curvas de respuesta específica a variables ambientales estaban de acuerdo con la afinidad biogeográfica de especies (Mediterráneo y no especies mediterráneas) y taxonomía (anfibios y reptiles). Curiosamente, estos resultados fueron observados para especies que se encuentran en ambos parques, particularmente los situados en sus límites. Nuestros resultados muestran que el modelo de nicho ecológico construidos a escala local revelan diferencias en las preferencias de hábitat dentro de un amplio gradiente ambiental. Por lo tanto, la modelización en escalas locales en lugar de asumir modelos a gran escala podría ser preferible para el establecimiento de estrategias de conservación de especies de reptiles en parques naturales.Ecological Niche Models (ENMs) are widely used to describe how environmental factors influence species distribution. Modelling at a local scale, compared to a large scale within a high environmental gradient, can improve our understanding of ecological species niches. The main goal of this study is to assess and compare the contribution of environmental variables to amphibian and reptile ENMs in two Spanish national parks located in contrasting biogeographic regions, i.e., the Mediterranean and the Atlantic area. The ENMs were built with maximum entropy modelling using 11 environmental variables in each territory. The contributions of these variables to the models were analysed and classified using various statistical procedures (Mann-Whitney U tests, Principal Components Analysis and General Linear Models). Distance to the hydrological network was consistently the most relevant variable for both parks and taxonomic classes. Topographic variables (i.e., slope and altitude) were the second most predictive variables, followed by climatic variables. Differences in variable contribution were observed between parks and taxonomic classes. Variables related to water availability had the larger contribution to the models in the Mediterranean park, while topography variables were decisive in the Atlantic park. Specific response curves to environmental variables were in accordance with the biogeographic affinity of species (Mediterranean and non-Mediterranean species) and taxonomy (amphibians and reptiles). Interestingly, these results were observed for species located in both parks, particularly those situated at their range limits. Our findings show that ecological niche models built at local scale reveal differences in habitat preferences within a wide environmental gradient. Therefore, modelling at local scales rather than assuming largescale models could be preferable for the establishment of conservation strategies for reptile species in natural parks.Trabajo financiado por: Universidad de Extremadura. Ayuda de Research Group Kraken Fundaçao para a Ciência e Tecnologia. Beca postdoctoral SFRH/BPD/73176/2010peerReviewe

    Ligulate inflorescence of Helianthus x multiflorus, cv. Soleild’Or, correlates with a mis-regulation of a CYCLOIDEA gene characterised by insertion of a transposable element

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    Members of CYCLOIDEA (CYC)/TEOSINTE BRANCHED1 (TB1) transcription factor family are essential to control flower symmetry and inflorescence architecture. In the Helianthus annuus genome, ten CYC/TB1 genes have been identified. Studies performed on mutants recognised HaCYC2c as one of the key players controlling zygomorphism in sunflower. We identified CYC2c genes in the diploid Helianthus decapetalus (HdCYC2c) and in the interspecific hybrid Helianthus × multiflorus (H × mCYC2cA and H × mCYC2cB), a triploid (2n = 3× = 51), originated from unreduced eggs of H. decapetalus fertilised by reduced H. annuus male gametes. Phylogenetic analysis showed that HdCYC2c and H × mCYC2c were placed within a CYC2 subclade together with HaCYC2c but distinct from it. The present data showed that in H. × multiflorus the allele derived from H. annuus is deleted or highly modified.\ud The H. × multiflorus taxon exists as radiate and ligulate inflorescence types. We analysed CYC2c expression in H. decapetalus and in the cultivar ‘Soleil d'Or’ of H. × multiflorus, a ligulate inflorescence type with actinomorphic corolla of disk flowers transformed into a zygomorphic ray‐like corolla. In H. decapetalus, the HdCYC2c gene showed differential expression between developing flower types, being up‐regulated in the corolla of ray flowers in comparison to the disk flower corolla. In H. × multiflorus, an insertion of 865 bp, which is part of a CACTA transposable element, was found in the 5′‐untranslated region (5′‐UTR) of H × mCYC2cB. This insertion could promote, even with epigenetic mechanisms, ectopic expression of the gene throughout the inflorescence, resulting in the observed loss of actinomorphy and originating a ligulate head

    Luminescence and fine structure correlation in ZnO permeated porous silicon nanocomposites

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    Nanocomposites formed by porous silicon (PS) and zinc oxide (ZnO) have potential for applications in optoelectronic devices. However, understanding the distribution of both materials in the nanocomposite, and especially the fine structure of the synthesized ZnO crystals, is key for future device fabrication. This study focuses on the advanced characterization of a range of PS-ZnO nanocomposites by using photon- and ion-based techniques, such as X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and elastic backscattering spectroscopy (EBS), respectively. PS substrates formed by the electrochemical etching of p+-type Si are used as host material for the sol-gel nucleation of ZnO nanoparticles. Different properties are induced by annealing in air at temperatures ranging from 200°C to 800°C. Results show that wurtzite ZnO nanoparticles form only at temperatures above 200°C, coexisting with Si quantum dots (QDs) inside a PS matrix. Increasing the annealing temperature leads to structural and distribution changes that affect the electronic and local structure of the samples changing their luminescence. Temperatures around 800°C activate the formation of a new zinc silicate phase and transform PS into an amorphous silicon oxide (SiOx, x ≈ 2) matrix with a noticeably reduced presence of Si QDs. Thus, these changes affect dramatically the emission from these nanocomposites and their potential applicationsFunding through grant MAT2013-46572-C2-1-R from Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida

    Modeled Saharan desert dust radiative effects over the Iberian Peninsula and Atlantic ocean

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXXI Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el XI Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Sevilla, del 1 al 3 de marzo de 2010.The work was funded by the Portuguese FCT through grant SFRH/BD/27870/2006 and through project PTDC/CTE-ATM/65307/2006

    Ku Band transmitarray lens for microwave applications

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    In this document a microstrip constrained lens device for Ku band, for microwave purpose, is presented. This paper offers an overview of artificial lens-type devices and the proposed transmitarray lens is thoroughly studied in terms of design and manufacturing, with architecture discussion and selection, along with the design, manufacturing and validation of all the forming components of the transmitarray (transmission circuits, radiating elements, etc.). Each element is properly characterized and assembled properly in the complete transmitarray prototype. Eventually, radiation pattern measurements as well as gain and directivity values, are provided to show the proper behaviour of the proposed transmitarray lens

    Stellar Kinematics of the Andromeda II Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy

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    We present kinematical profiles and metallicity for the M31 dwarf spheroidal (dSph) satellite galaxy Andromeda II (And II) based on Keck DEIMOS spectroscopy of 531 red giant branch stars. Our kinematical sample is among the largest for any M31 satellite and extends out to two effective radii (r_eff = 5.3' = 1.1 kpc). We find a mean systemic velocity of -192.4+-0.5 km/s and an average velocity dispersion of sigma_v = 7.8+-1.1 km/s. While the rotation velocity along the major axis of And II is nearly zero (<1 km/s), the rotation along the minor axis is significant with a maximum rotational velocity of v_max=8.6+-1.8 km/s. We find a kinematical major axis, with a maximum rotational velocity of v_max=10.9+-2.4 km/s, misaligned by 67 degrees to the isophotal major axis. And II is thus the first dwarf galaxy with evidence for nearly prolate rotation with a v_max/sigma_v = 1.1, although given its ellipticity of epsilon = 0.10, this object may be triaxial. We measured metallicities for a subsample of our data, finding a mean metallicity of [Fe/H] = -1.39+- 0.03 dex and an internal metallicity dispersion of 0.72+-0.03 dex. We find a radial metallicity gradient with metal-rich stars more centrally concentrated, but do not observe a significant difference in the dynamics of two metallicity populations. And II is the only known dwarf galaxy to show minor axis rotation making it a unique system whose existence offers important clues on the processes responsible for the formation of dSphs.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Unconventional spin fluctuations in the hexagonal antiferromagnet YMnO3_3

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    We used inelastic neutron scattering to show that well below its N\'{e}el temperature, TNT_{\rm N}, the two-dimensional (2D) XY nearly-triangular antiferromagnet YMnO3_{3} has a prominent {\it central peak} associated with 2D antiferromagnetic fluctuations with a characteristic life time of 0.55(5) ps, coexisting with the conventional long-lived spin-waves. Existence of the two time scales suggests competition between the N\'{e}el phase favored by weak interplane interactions, and the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase intrinsic to the 2D XY spin system.Comment: 4pages, 5figure

    Algoritmo de control anticipatorio assisted-as-needed para neurorrehabilitación funcional de extremidad superior

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    Los dispositivos robóticos se están convirtiendo en una alternativa muy extendida a las terapias de neurorrehabilitación funcional tradicionales al ofrecer una práctica más intensiva sin incrementar el tiempo empleado en la supervisión por parte de los terapeutas especialistas. Por ello, este trabajo de investigación propone un algoritmo de control anticipatorio que, bajo el paradigma 'assisted-as-needed', proporcione a una ortesis robótica las capacidades de actuación necesarias para comportarse tal y como lo haría un terapeuta que proporciona una sesión de terapia manual. Dicho algoritmo de control ha sido validado mediante un simulador robótico obteniéndose resultados que demuestran su eficacia

    Clasificación de sujetos según el control motor de la extremidad superior en Neurorrehabilitación Funcional

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    El presente trabajo propone la aplicación de las redes neuronales artificiales (RNA) en la comparación del movimiento de la extremidad superior entre sujetos con Daño Cerebral Adquirido y sujetos sanos. La finalidad de esta comparación es clasificar a los sujetos según su control motor para posteriormente emitir una valoración funcional del movimiento como parte de un método de evaluación objetiva en neurorrehabiliatación funcional de extremidad superior. Para realizar esta comparación se propone un método en el que se aplica un pre-procesado a los datos usando análisis de componentes principales (ACP) para reducir la dimensión de los mismos y entrenar la red. Fueron evaluadas diferentes estructuras de redes. El resultado obtenido con el método propuesto fue de un 95.65% de exactitud en la clasificación. Este resultado permite certificar el uso de las RNAs como una opción viable para la evaluación disfuncional del movimiento de sujetos sanos y con DCA. Esta investigación puede ser considerada como un estudio piloto para investigaciones en mayor profundidad que corroboren estos resultados