32,217 research outputs found

    Orbits in a stochastic Goodwin-Lotka-Volterra model

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    This paper examines the cycling behavior of a deterministic and a stochastic version of the economic interpretation of the Lotka-Volterra model, the Goodwin model. We provide a characterization of orbits in the deterministic highly non-linear model. We then study the cycling behavior for a stochastic version, where a Brownian noise is introduced via an heterogeneous productivity factor. Sufficient conditions for existence of the system are provided. We prove that the system produces cycles around an equilibrium point in finite time for general volatility levels, using stochastic Lyapunov techniques for recurent domains. Numerical insights are provided

    A "beleza livre" e a arte não-figurativa

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    This paper is an "interested" reading of "The Critique of Judgement" – "interested", because, unlike what has become usual in recent decades, it strives to disassociate the Kantian concept of "free beauty" from any interpretation of it as an early defense of abstract art. It is also "interested" because, instead of exposing (once more) the framework of the "Kritik der Urteilskraft", it tries to show how the Third Kantian Critique can be taken as a basis for something that was not part of its original purpose: reviewing the idea of mimesis itself. For that, the understanding of the Kantian sublime (das Erhabene) will be decisive: understood initially as one of the modalities of aesthetic experience, the other being beauty, the sublime progressively distances itself from the latter. If beauty and the sublime are to be thematized independently of "determining judgement", in which the properties of the object impose themselves upon the subject, the modalities of aesthetic experience suppose, on the contrary, the primacy of the subject. This implies gradations: from the experience of harmony propitiated by beauty up through the "negative pleasure" of the sublime, both poles through which reality is reworked by the subject. At the pole of beauty, "representation" of reality still plays a prominent role. At the pole of the "negative pleasure" of the sublime, "representation" is subordinated to the power of "presentation". However, both kinds of experience, the one of beauty and the other of the sublime, belong to the same field of aesthetic experience, because in both of them the subject reworks – does not discard – what comes to him from the outside: it will be necessary to understand "Vorstellung" always as an experience in which the exterior will be transformed by the subject. That is, the representation of the Third Critic will always be an effectual representation. In the sublime as much as in "free beauty", the metamophosis of the exterior by the subject achieves its maximum level without meaning that the external pole – that we usually call "world" or "reality" – disappears. It will thus be necessary to rethink the concept of mimesis in order to understand the metamorphosis of the world performed by radicalization of the aesthetic experience through "free beauty".Der Artikel unternimmt eine "interessierte" Interpretation der "Kritik der Urteilskraft". Interessiert, weil – gegen die dominante Tendenz der letzten Jahrzehnte – versucht wird, den Kantischen Begriff der freien Schönheit von der vorweggenommenen Verteidigung der abstrakten Kunst abzutrennen. Interessiert auch, weil – anstatt von Neuem den Aufbau der "KdU" nachzuzeichnen – gezeigt werden soll, dass die dritte Kritik etwas fundieren kann, was nicht so beabsichtigt war: eine Überprüfung der Mimesis. Hierzu ist das Verständnis des Kantischen Erhabenen entscheidend: ursprünglich eine Modalität der ästhetischen Erfahrung zu seinem Gegenstück, der Schönheit, entfernt sich das Erhabene in steigendem Maße von der letzteren. Wenn Schönheit und Erhabenes außerhalb des "bestimmenden Urteils" thematisiert werden, wo sich die Eigenschaften des Objekts dem Subjekt aufdrängen, setzen die Modalitäten der Erfahrung im Gegenteil den Primat des Subjekts voraus, sich steigernd von der durch die Schönheit vermittelten Erfahrung der Harmonie bis zur Erfahrung der negativen Lust am Erhabenen. Zwischen diesen Polen arbeitet das Subjekt die Realität durch. Am Pol der Schönheit spielt die "Vorstellung" der Realität noch eine herausragende Rolle. In der "negativen Lust" am Erhabenen ordnet sich die "Vorstellung" der Gewalt der "Darstellung" unter. Aber die zwei Arten der Erfahrung – des Schönen und des Erhabenen – gehören demselben Feld ästhetischer Erfahrung an, denn in beiden arbeitet das Subjekt das von außen Herantretende durch, anstatt es zu verwerfen. Mit anderen Worten, "Vorstellung" ist immer zu verstehen als eine Erfahrung, in der das Äußere vom Subjekt transformiert wird. D. h., die "Vorstellung" in der dritten Kritik ist immer eine wirkende Vorstellung. Sowohl im Erhabenen als auch in der "freien Schönheit", erreicht die vom Subjekt bewirkte Metamorphose des Äußeren ihre höchste Intensität, ohne dass der äußere Pol – was wir gewöhnlich die "Welt" oder "Realität" nennen – verschwände. Es ist daher nötig, den Begriff der Mimesis neu zu formulieren, um sich die Metamorphose der Welt klarzumachen, die durch die Radikalisierung der ästhetischen Erfahrung mittels der "freien Schönheit" bewirkt wird

    Medidas Provisórias

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    Discorre sobre a relevância e urgência das medidas provisórias. Ressalta que os Constituintes de 1988 optaram pela adoção do sistema de medidas provisórias, considerando as críticas que se faziam ao decreto-lei

    Mirroring its British masters: state and outsourced terrorism against the Maoist insurgency

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    The Indian state has been adopting controversial policies for countering the Maoist insurgency. Even worse, this behaviour seems to mirror Britishcolonial attitudes against India’s population at some level. Consequently, this article attempts to understand this probable ‘paradoxical’ conduct. Withthe support of the post-structuralist theory, I discuss state and outsourced terrorist practices of the Indian state apparatus against this insurgency. Toreach this goal, first, I try to explicate the concept of state terrorism and its application in India. Then, I analyse the historical development of theMaoist movement and India’s concrete policies of state and outsourced terrorism against this counter-hegemonic movement. I believe the British Raj’scolonial practices have had a deep dialectical influence on India’s state apparatus and major political parties to date. So, this inquiry may clarify thepersistence of colonial practices within India.The Indian state has been adopting controversial policies for countering the Maoist insurgency. Even worse, this behaviour seems to mirror Britishcolonial attitudes against India’s population at some level. Consequently, this article attempts to understand this probable ‘paradoxical’ conduct. Withthe support of the post-structuralist theory, I discuss state and outsourced terrorist practices of the Indian state apparatus against this insurgency. Toreach this goal, first, I try to explicate the concept of state terrorism and its application in India. Then, I analyse the historical development of theMaoist movement and India’s concrete policies of state and outsourced terrorism against this counter-hegemonic movement. I believe the British Raj’scolonial practices have had a deep dialectical influence on India’s state apparatus and major political parties to date. So, this inquiry may clarify thepersistence of colonial practices within India
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