19 research outputs found

    Fluid hydration to prevent post-ERCP pancreatitis in average- to high-risk patients receiving prophylactic rectal NSAIDs (FLUYT trial): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) pancreatitis (PEP) is the most common complication of ERCP and may run a severe course. Evidence suggests that vigorous periprocedural hydration can prevent PEP, but studies to date have significant methodological drawbacks. Importantly, evidence for its added value in patients already receiving prophylactic rectal non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is lacking and the cost-effectiveness of the approach has not been investigated. We hypothesize that combination therapy of rectal NSAIDs and periprocedural hydration would significantly lower the incidence of post-ERCP pancreatitis compared to rectal NSAIDs alone in moderate- to high-risk patients undergoing ERCP. Methods: The FLUYT trial is a multicenter, parallel group, open label, superiority randomized controlled trial. A total of 826 moderate- to high-risk patients undergoing ERCP that receive prophylactic rectal NSAIDs will be randomized to a control group (no fluids or normal saline with a maximum of 1.5 mL/kg/h and 3 L/24 h) or intervention group (lactated Ringer's solution with 20 mL/kg over 60 min at start of ERCP, followed by 3 mL/kg/h for 8 h thereafter). The primary endpoint is the incidence of post-ERCP pancreatitis. Secondary endpoints include PEP severity, hydration-related complications, and cost-effectiveness. Discussion: The FLUYT trial design, including hydration schedule, fluid type, and sample size, maximize its power of identifying a potential difference in post-ERCP pancreatitis incidence in patients receiving prophylactic rectal NSAIDs

    Growth and yield of a tropical rainforest in the Brazilian Amazon 13 years after logging

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    Successive inventories of a silvicultural experiment in terra firme rain forest within the Tapajós National Forest in the Brazilian Amazon are examined to provide guidelines for operational forest management on a sustainable basis. The experiment was logged in 1979 without additional silvicultural treatment, but included protection from further logging and encroachment (`log and leave'). Thirty six permanent plots established in 1981 were remeasured in 1987 and 1992. Logging changed the canopy structure and altered the composition of the stand, reducing the number of shade tolerant species and stimulating light demanding species. There was a net increase in stem number and stand basal area during the 11 year observation period, and this trend also holds for most of the individual species. The stand basal area 13 years after logging was about 75% of that in a comparable unlogged forest. Logging stimulated growth, but this effect was short lived, lasting only about 3 years, and current growth rates are similar to those in the unlogged forest. Between the first and second remeasures, average diameter increment decreased from 0.4 to 0.2 cm year-1, mortality remained relatively constant at 2.5% year-1, while recruitment (at 5 cm diameter at breast height) decreased from 5 to 2%. Total volume production declined from approximately 6 to 4 m3 ha-1 year-1, while commercial production remained about 0.8 m3 ha-1 year-1. New commercial species increased the commercial volume in 1992 from 18 to 54 m3 ha-1, and the increment to 1.8 m3 ha-1 year-1. Results from this experiment provide the first quantitative information for management planning in the Tapajós Forest, and may guide the choice of cutting cycle and annual allowable cut. Silvicultural treatment to stimulate growth rates in forest areas zoned for timber production should be considered as a viable management option. Extrapolations of these results to an anticipated 30-35 year cutting cycle must be interpreted with caution. Ongoing remeasurement and analysis of these and other plots over the next 30 years or more are necessary to provide a stronger basis for management inferences

    Valor nutritivo do resíduo da indústria processadora de abacaxi (Ananas comosus L.) em dietas para ovinos. 1. Consumo, digestibilidade aparente e balanços energético e nitrogenado Nutritive value of pineapple by-product (Ananas comosus L.) in diets for sheep. 1. Intake, apparent digestibility, energetic and nitrogenous balance

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    O presente estudo foi conduzido para avaliar a influência da inclusão do resíduo do processamento de abacaxi (Ananas comosus L.) nas dietas sobre os consumos (por unidade de tamanho metabólico - UTM) e coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca (MS), matéria orgânica (MO), proteína bruta (PB), extrato etéreo (EE), fibra detergente neutro (FDN), fibra detergente ácido (FDA), hemiceluloses (HCEL), celulose (CEL) e energia de dietas experimentais isofibrosas e isoprotéicas. Avaliaram-se também os balanços nitrogenados e de energia dos animais. Vinte ovinos machos, inteiros receberam rações com quatro níveis de inclusão do resíduo (0; 11%; 16%; 27%) em base de matéria seca, em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com cinco repetições por tratamento. Maiores consumos de matéria seca foram evidenciados quando as rações continham 11% do resíduo. Maiores consumos de proteína bruta, fibra detergente neutro, fibra detergente ácido e celulose (g/UTM) e energia metabolizável (kcal/UTM) foram apresentados por animais alimentados com dietas contendo 11% de resíduo em relação ao das dietas com 27% de inclusão (PThe influence of increasing levels of pineapple by-product (Ananas comosus L.) on intake (unit metabolic size - UMS) and apparent digestibility (%) of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), hemicelluloses (HCEL) and cellulose (CEL) and energy of isofibrous and isoproteic experimental diets of sheep were evaluated. Energetic and nitrogenous balance were also measured. Twenty rams were randomly allotted to four treatments in a completely randomized design with five replications. The treatments were formulated to contain zero; 11, 16 and 27% of pineapple by-product on DM basis. Higher dry matter intake was observed on 11% pineapple by-product diet. CP, NDF, ADF, CEL intake (g/UMS) and metabolizable energy intake (kcal/UMS) of 11% pineapple by-product diet were higher than 27% pineapple by-product diet (P<0.05). ADF digestibility was higher for 0% pineapple by-product diet. Energy and nitrogenous balances were positives. Diets formulated to contain up to 16% of pineapple by-product presented the best results

    Avaliações microclimáticas e das características de qualidade da uva de mesa 'Romana' com proteção individual dos cachos Microclimatic and quality characteristics evaluations for the 'Romana' seedless table grape bunch grown under individual protection

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do uso de proteção individual de cachos, contra incidência de chuvas durante o período de maturação, no microclima, no controle de rachaduras e podridões e, principalmente, nas características de qualidade, foi realizado um experimento, em vinhedo da cultivar de uva de mesa sem sementes Romana (A1105), na região de Jundiaí (SP). Os tratamentos, constituídos pelo tipo de proteção individual dos cachos, foram: sem proteção; saco plástico transparente com fundo aberto; saco de papel impermeável com fundo aberto e papel impermeável translúcido (chapéu-chinês). Medições de temperatura do ar e umidade relativa foram efetuadas no nível do cacho nos tratamentos sem proteção e com proteção durante o período de maturação das uvas até a colheita. Os valores obtidos de temperatura foram: 23,9; 22,9 e 22,0 ºC, respectivamente, para os tratamentos saco plástico; chapéu-chinês e sem proteção. Os valores médios de umidade relativa foram mais elevados próximo dos cachos sem proteção (86,1%) quando comparados aos tratamentos: saco plástico (76,0%) e chapéu-chinês (73,2%). Em relação aos itens de qualidade dos cachos e controle de podridões, os tratamentos chapéu-chinês e saco de papel impermeável foram mais eficientes quando comparados ao tratamento sem proteção.<br>A field trial was carried out at Jundiaí, São Paulo State, Brazil, in a 'Romana' (A1105) seedless table grape vineyard aiming to evaluate the influence of individual bunch protection on microclimate and bunch quality, mainly for rot control. The different individual bunch protection against rain during the maturation period were: impermeable paper and polyethylene bunch cover. Measurements of temperature and relative humidity in the protected and unprotected bunchs were taken from beginning of maturation process to harvest. The obtained values of mean temperature were: 23.9; 22.9 and 22.0ºC, respectively for the treatments: polyethylene bag; impermeable paper and unprotected bunch environment. The values of mean relative humidity were higher at the bunches without protection (86.1%) when compared to the polyethylene bag (76.0%) and impermeable paper (73.2%). Also, the use of individual grape bunch protection (impermeable paper, polyethylene bag and impermeable paper bag) were effective in controlling bunch rot occurrence

    A importância da identificação botânica nos inventários florestais: o exemplo do "tauari" (Couratari spp. e Cariniana spp. - Lecythidaceae) em duas áreas manejadas no estado do Pará The importance of botanical identification in forest inventories: the example of "tauari" - Couratari spp. and Cariniana spp., Lecythidaceae - in two timber areas of the State of Pará

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    O nome vulgar adotado nos inventários florestais tem agrupado espécies distintas. Para exemplificar este problema, foram avaliadas as identificações de indivíduos comercialmente determinados como "tauari" em inventários de duas áreas manejadas de 100 ha nos pólos madeireiro central e leste do Estado do Pará. Características dendrológicas de cada espécie foram anotadas para diferenciá-las. Dados sobre a distribuição geográfica dessas espécies, as propriedades tecnológicas de sua madeira e a legislação atual para o manejo florestal são discutidos. O inventário feito no pólo madeireiro central registrou 112 indivíduos de "tauari" nominados como Couratari guianensis, e seis indivíduos de "tauari-cachimbo" determinados como Couratari sp. Depois de uma revisão botânica com material coletado de cada árvore, foi constatado que os indivíduos determinados como Couratari guianensis agrupavam três espécies: Couratari guianensis, C. oblongifolia e C. stellata, esta última com maior densidade relativa. O que antes constava como Couratari sp. agrupava as espécies Cariniana micrantha e Cariniana decandra. No pólo leste, o inventário contava 33 indivíduos, listados como "tauari" ou Couratari guianensis. Para estes, a identificação botânica mostrou o agrupamento de duas espécies: C. guianensis com maior densidade relativa e C. oblongifolia. Fora da área de estudo, foi registrada a ocorrência de C. tauari. Este estudo mostra que é possível separar as espécies utilizando aspectos dendrológicos (folhas, ramos e tronco). O inventário botânico é demonstrado como base para o conhecimento da diversidade e indispensável para assegurar o sucesso dos planos de manejo. No contexto jurídico, o agrupamento inviabiliza o cumprimento das leis brasileiras referentes ao manejo.<br>The vernacular names usually used in commercial inventories may group together distinct species. To investigate this problem, the botanical identification of trees called Tauari were examined were examined in commercial inventories of 100 ha located in the central and eastern lumber regions of the State of Pará. Field characters of each species were noted. Information about the relative distribution of this species, the technological characteristics of the timber of each species and Brazil's federal laws relating to forest management is discussed. In the central region, 112 individuals were recorded as Couratari guianensis and six individuals as Couratari sp. After revision, using botanical material collected from each tree and identified using herbarium material, the following species listed as Couratari guianensis were found: Couratari guianensis, C. oblongifolia and C. stellata (the most abundant) and specimens listed as Couratari sp. included both Cariniana micrantha and C. decandra. In the eastern region, 33 individuals were recorded by the company as Couratari guianensis, but the scientific identification showed the existence of two species: C. guianensis (the most abundant) and C. oblongifolia. C. tauari also was seen growing nearby. This study shows that correct determination of the can be obtained from field characters (leaves, branches and trunks). Botanical identification is demonstrated as fundamental for the knowledge of the regional diversity and essential for successful management plans