5 research outputs found

    Influencia de variables meteorológicas en la especie medicinal Citrus x aurantium L.

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    El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar la influencia de determinadas variables meteorológicas en los parámetros farmacognósticos de las hojas de la especie Citrus x aurantium L. la especie Citrus x aurantium L. (naranja agria) es una planta muy utilizada para la indigestión, trastornos circulatorios, insomnio, erupciones cutáneas y fortalecimiento del sistema nervioso. El crecimiento de las plantas y la producción de compuestos químicos responsables de las propiedades medicinales de las mismas pueden verse afectados por factores ambientales. Se colectó la especie en dos espacios geográficos pertenecientes a la Reserva de la Biosfera Baconao, en Santiago de Cuba. Las hojas se secaron a la sombra. Los parámetros farmacognósticos se determinaron según Norma Ramal de Salud Pública 309. Se realizó la determinación cualitativa de los metabolitos mediante el tamizaje fitoquímico y la cuantificación del contenido de flavonoides empleando el método de Kumazawa. Los resultados revelaron que las hojas colectadas en la zona de La Gran Piedra fueron más largas, con mayor porciento de hojas ennegrecidas y de materia orgánica e inorgánica que las recolectadas en la zona de Siboney. Los valores obtenidos para el contenido de humedad y cenizas no presentaron diferencias. La mayor diversidad de metabolitos secundarios se identificó fundamentalmente en el extracto etanólico al 95%. La mayor concentración de flavonoides fue encontrada en las hojas recolectadas en la Gran Piedra

    An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used by inhabitants of Holguín, Eastern Region, Cuba

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    The present study was aimed to archive the etnhnomedicinal knowledge of plants used by inhabitants of seven villages of Holguín, Eastern region, Cuba. The ethnomedicinal information was collected through interviews. The collected data were analyzed through use value (UV), informant consensus factor (Fic) and fidelity level (FL). A total of 195 species of plants distributed in 166 genera belonging to 70 families were identified for the treatment of 17 ailment categories. The most treated conditions were digestive and liver disorders. The most important species according to their use value were Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E. Br. ex Britton & P. Wilson (0.236) and Annona muricata L. (0.194). Cancer and tumors had the Fic value of 0.94. A total of 19 species has a highest FL of 100 percent. This was the first ethnobotanical survey conducted in Holguín region, which will contribute to preserve valuable information of medicinal plants that may otherwise be lost to future generations

    Los ecosistemas costeros del suroriente de Cuba y su capacidad de recuperación tras un incendio

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    The fire represents one of the most severe disturbance agents altering the communities’ characteristics. The objectives of the research are to determine the magnitude of the change of plants species diversity generated by a fire at the microphyll semideciduos forest of the natural reserve El Retiro, as well as their recovery capacity through the time. Forthat, two 20 x 20 m plots were established at the conserved and burned area, spaced at a distance of 20 m each other. The plots of the burned area were examined three times at the 2013 and 2014, and the results were presented in four sample stage. The variables were the richness, recruitment and relative abundance of the species, which wereanalyzed by means of abundance-range curves, similarity index and multivariate analysis. 72 species were determined, of which 17 are endemics and 16 are new record forthearea. The burned area contain the biggest species richness, emphasized for its dominance at the beginning of the recovery, the herbs Bothriochloa pertusa, Cynodondactylon and Waltheria indica,and the succulent Agave underwoodii, with a highpotential of vegetative resproute. The number and the species composition, and so the biological similarity between the burned and conserved area, were increasing considerably beginning from 12 months of monitoring, which indicate a rapid process of recovery of the burned forest, characterized mainly by the mshrubs and epiphytes dominance.El fuego constituye uno de los agentes de perturbación más severos que pueden alterar las características de las comunidades. En esta investigación, se determinó la magnitud del cambio de la diversidad de especies de plantas ocasionado por un incendio en un área de bosque semideciduo micrófilo de la reserva natural El Retiro, y se comprobó su capacidad de recuperación en el tiempo. Para ello, se establecieron dos parcelas de 20 x 20 m en un área conservada y un área quemada, las cuales se distanciaron 20 m. Las parcelas del área quemada fueron monitoreadas tres veces durante el año 2013 y 2014, y los resultados se presentaron en cuatro etapas de muestreo. Se consideraron las variables de riqueza, recambio y abundancia relativa de las especies, las cuales se analizaron mediante curvas de rango-abundancia, índices de similitud y análisis multivariados. Fueron determinadas 72 especies, de las cuales 17 son endémicas y 16 son nuevos reportes para el área de estudio. El área quemada registró mayor riqueza específica que el área conservada, destacándose por su dominancia en los inicios de la recuperación, las herbáceas Bothriochloa pertusa, Cynodon dactylon y Waltheria indica, y la suculenta Agave underwoodii, con alto potencial de rebrote vegetativo. El número y la composición de especies, así como la similitud biológica entre el área quemada y la conservada, se incrementaron notablemente a partir de los 12 meses del monitoreo, lo cual indica un rápido proceso de recuperación del bosque afectado, caracterizado principalmente por la dominancia de arbustos y epífitas

    The coastal ecosystems of the south-east of Cuba and their resilience after a fire

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    The fire represents one of the most severe disturbance agents altering the communities’ characteristics. The objectives of the research are to determine the magnitude of the change of plants species diversity generated by a fire at the microphyll semideciduos forest of the natural reserve El Retiro, as well as their recovery capacity through the time. Forthat, two 20 x 20 m plots were established at the conserved and burned area, spaced at a distance of 20 m each other. The plots of the burned area were examined three times at the 2013 and 2014, and the results were presented in four sample stage. The variables were the richness, recruitment and relative abundance of the species, which wereanalyzed by means of abundance-range curves, similarity index and multivariate analysis. 72 species were determined, of which 17 are endemics and 16 are new record forthearea. The burned area contain the biggest species richness, emphasized for its dominance at the beginning of the recovery, the herbs Bothriochloa pertusa, Cynodondactylon and Waltheria indica,and the succulent Agave underwoodii, with a highpotential of vegetative resproute. The number and the species composition, and so the biological similarity between the burned and conserved area, were increasing considerably beginning from 12 months of monitoring, which indicate a rapid process of recovery of the burned forest, characterized mainly by the mshrubs and epiphytes dominance