4,584 research outputs found

    Postmaterialismo y espíritu emprendedor en las comunidades autónomas españolas

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar cómo el postmaterialismo puede explicar las diferencias en la actividad emprendedora de las Comunidades Autónomas españolas. Basándonos en el trabajo de Uhlaner y Thurik (2007) distinguimos entre empresarios potenciales, empresas nacientes y nuevas empresas, así como una combinación de éstas dos últimas denominada actividad emprendedora total (total entrepreneurial activity, TEA) tal como se define en el Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). El modelo también analiza la tasa de empresas establecidas. Medimos el nivel de postmaterialismo a partir del modelo de postmaterialismo de Inglehart para cuatro ítems. También se incluye, para investigar el papel independiente del postmaterialismo en la predicción de los niveles de actividad emprendedora, un conjunto de medidas económicas, demográficas y sociales. En concreto, se utilizan la renta per capita y la tasa de desempleo para controlar los efectos económicos. Los niveles de educación secundaria y superior se utilizan como variables demográficas. Por último, se incluye el nivel de satisfacción con la vida para controlar los efectos sociales. Para probar la hipótesis se emplean datos procedentes del GEM, de la Encuesta de Valor Mundiales y del Instituto Nacional de Estadística. Los resultados confirman la importancia de postmaterialismo en la predicción de la actividad emprendedora total y, más concretamente, en la predicción de los porcentajes de empresarios potenciales y de las tasas de formación de nuevas empresas.The objective of this paper is to explore how postmaterialism may explain the differences in the entrepreneurial activity of Spanish Autonomous Communities. Based in Uhlaner and Thurik (2007) a distinction is made between potential entrepreneurs, nascent entrepreneurship, new business formation and a combination of the two, referred to as total entrepreneurial activity, as defined within the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). The model is also tested for the rate of established businesses. The measure for postmaterialism is based upon Inglehart’s four-item postmaterialism index. A set of economic, demographic and social factors is included to investigate the independent role postmaterialism plays in predicting entrepreneurial activity levels. In particular, per capita income and unemployed rate are used to control for economic effects. Education rates at both secondary and tertiary levels are used as demographic variables. Finally, life satisfaction is included to control for social effects. Data from 17 Spanish Autonomous Communities (GEM, World Values Survey and National Statistics Institute) are used to test the hypothesis. Findings confirm the significance of postmaterialism in predicting total entrepreneurial activity and more particularly, potentials entrepreneurs and new business formation rates

    Reviewing Motivations for Engaging in Decision Support Social Networks

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    This paper reviews the motivations for people to engage in decision support social networks, from existing connections between social network sites and decision support. The paper points out the three intertwined levels that influence interactions and motivation of people when engaged in social network participation: communities, networks and electronic networks of practice. Participating in social networks draws upon the interaction of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors refer to motivation embedded in the action itself (comes within the individual), rather than from external rewards or extrinsic factors such as money or recognition. The paper also identifies some problems in engaging in decision support social networks and discusses potential solutions, namely: to create and maintain a critical number of users; the issue of time in decision processes; linguistic barriers and issues of confidentiality.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O papel da inteligência emocional nas respostas do consumidor à publicidade

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    As diferenças existentes entre consumidores podem originar reacções distintas face à publicidade. A presente investigação é um estudo exploratório que pretende analisar a influência da inteligência emocional, da necessidade de cognição e da necessidade de emoção nas respostas à publicidade dadas pelos consumidores. Os resultados obtidos confirmam a importância de considerar a inteligência emocional como um factor relevante para prever a opinião global e a atitude desenvolvida relativamente ao anúncio, bem como as respostas emocionais do consumidor quando confrontado com o anúncio. É ainda discutida a influência da necessidade de cognição e da necessidade de emoção nas reacções emocionais perante a publicidade.ABSTRACT: Individual differences can lead to changes in the responses given towards an advertising appeal. This is an exploratory study that analyses the influence of emotional intelligence, need for cognition and need for emotion in the consumers’ response to advertising. The results confirm the importance of considering emotional intelligence as an important factor to predict the global opinion towards the ad, the attitude towards the ad and the emotional responses to advertising. The influence of need for cognition and need for emotion in the emotional responses to advertising is also discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Under standard workout conditions, swimmers spend most of their time swimming at rates significantly lower than racing speed. Specificity of training is not just a metabolic problem, but also a technical and a kinesiological one. The purpose of this study was to determine to what extent swimming the backstroke at different speeds implies a change in the stroke pattern and in the kinematics of the propulsive movements. We also studied the technical characteristics associated with performance in short distance efforts. A third aim of this study was to compare the intra-cycle velocity variation of the center of gravity of the body to the intra-cycle velocity variation of the hip point. Seven well-trained male swimmers participated in this study (age: 14.71±0.76 years, height: 1.74±0.39 m, body mass: 63.14±5.52 kg, %FAT: 15.40±1.81). Each subject performed 3 x 50 m backstroke repeats with 15 min of rest at a velocity corresponding to 90% (v90), 95% (v95) and 100% (vmax) of best performance in the 50 m backstroke. The swimmers were filmed on the sagittal plane, underwater and above the water, with synchronized cameras (60 Hz). Images were mixed and then digitized for further analysis using the APAS system. Peak mean horizontal velocities of the hand occurred during the upsweep at v90 and v95 and during the finish/exit at vmax. Total stroke duration decreased from v90 to v100 due to the shorter duration of the downsweep, the final downsweep and the finish/exit, but the relative duration of the phases did not show any significant changes. Increasing velocity caused an increase in the distance between point of entry into the water and point of exit of the hand from the water, but mean horizontal pulling length decreased. Swimming velocity at sub-maximal paces correlated well to mean body velocity at the upsweep, but at vmax, the highest association was to body velocity at the final downsweep. Maximal velocity in the 50 m backstroke was inversely correlated to the range of intra-cycle velocity variations of the body center of gravity. This parameter showed a poor individual correlation to the hip velocity variation (r=0.58 ± 0.18). The correlation between the coefficient of variation of the hip and the center of gravity intra-cycle velocities had, on the contrary, a high significance. Movement of temporal and spatial structures seem to vary little with velocity changes in swimmers who have attained a good stabilization of motor execution. In fast swimming, nevertheless, swimmers apparently achieve a greater anterioposterior stabilization of the hand, which may indicate more pronounced lift oriented sculling actions, and performance becomes more dependent on the final portion of the underwater path. The variation of the mean velocity of the hip cannot be used for quantification of the changes of body velocity from phase to phase, but a coefficient of variation (SD . mean-1 . 100) of intra-cycle hip velocity seems to be an adequate indicator of the intra-cycle velocity variation of the body center of gravity

    What’s in it for me? Enlightening motivation within a social network decision-making

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    This paper addresses the motivations by which people engage in social networking, according to the existing literature. Understanding these motivations allows firms to set processes to explore them, in order to establish and develop a decision support social network, supported by social network sites. Participating in social networks draws upon the interaction of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. On one hand, intrinsic factors refer to motivation embedded in the action itself (comes within the individual), rather than from external rewards such as money or recognition. On the other hand, extrinsic factors refer to the motivation coming outside the individual. Considering that solutions to problems are expected within a decision support social network, some potential problems are identified and addressed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A decision reconstruction support model

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    The importance of understanding the reasons for past decisions is not a new subject. However, there seems to be a gap when it comes to verifying the efficiency of tools for understanding past decisions. In this paper we show that the ability to perform decision reconstruction using a Group Support System (GSS) can provide a flexible solution to the problem, but only if the information model underlying it is able to provide bidirectional support to the phases of a decision-making process. For this, we present a general information model to support the decision-making process, as well as the decision reconstruction process. We tested these ideas by setting up a case study where we used a GSS, based on our model, to analyze a simulated public contracting process. We present a discussion of the results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A indústria de cutelarias em Guimarães: um património a conhecer e a valorizar

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    Nos finais do século XIX, o sector das cutelarias, uma das actividades industriais que durante séculos, e até hoje, marcaram o concelho de Guimarães, iniciou o seu processo de industrialização no âmbito do qual se registou um relativo aperfeiçoamento técnico e se fundaram algumas fábricas modernas. Um dos problemas que então se colocava dizia respeito ao da força motriz necessária para o accionamento destas fábricas. Este problema resolveu-se através da instalação de aproveitamentos hidráulicos e/ou da adaptação de outros já existentes, os quais vieram a garantir o fornecimento da energia necessária ao accionamento daquelas unidades.Com esta comunicação procura-se apresentar alguns exemplos desse processo, assim como do património que lhe está associado, procurando igualmente chamar a atenção para a necessidade de se aprofundar o conhecimento do património da indústria de cutelarias em todas as suas vertentes, e de se implementarem medidas para a sua salvaguarda e valorização

    Património industrial e cultura da água - o exemplo de Guimarães, no noroeste de Portugal

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    A preocupação de proteger e estudar o património industrial é uma atitude muito recente. Os vestígios/aproveitamentos hidráulicos têm vindo a ser estudados e divulgados pela arqueologia industrial. Em Portugal temos vários exemplos de reutilização de antigas instalações industriais ou de equipamentos coletivos, para finalidades diversas, embora com destaque para a museologia. Nos últimos séculos, o rio Ave e seus afluentes marcaram, de forma singular, a implantação industrial de Guimarães, o que se relaciona com as vantagens associadas às facilidades hídricas para a produção de energia e o abastecimento de água nas diferentes fases dos processos industriais em que esta é utilizada. Pretende-se com esta artigo dar um contributo sobre o património que resultou da relação entre o recurso água e a indústria e as potencialidades que decorreram da sua integração territorial no concelho de Guimarães.The concern to protect and study the industrial heritage is a very recent attitude. The current and the remains of hydroelectric power structures have been studied and disclosed by industrial archeology. In Portugal we have several examples of reuse of former industrial plants or collective equipments, for different purposes, although with emphasis on the museology. In recent centuries, the river Ave and its tributaries has marked, singularly, the industrial development of Guimarães, which is related to the advantages associated with water facilities for energy production and water supply at different stages of the industrial processes in which this is used. The intention of this article is to provide a contribution on the heritage resulting from the relationship between the water resource and industry and the potentialities which emerged from its territorial integration into the Guimarães county.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)Universidade do PortoQRE

    O arquivo da Administração da Região Hidrográfica do Norte: um contributo na abordagem histórico-geográfica do domínio público hídrico

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    Conforme o Decreto-Lei n.º 47/2004 de 3 de Março, o Estado, especialmente através da administração central, bem como as demais entidades públicas e privadas, tem o direito e o dever de preservar, organizar, defender e valorizar o património arquivístico nacional. A Administração da Região Hidrográfica do Norte (ARH do Norte) é possuidora de um valioso acervo resultante da actividade centenária desenvolvida pelos diferentes organismos com tutela sobre a gestão da água e o planeamento dos recursos hídricos, disperso pelas cidades do Braga, Porto, Viana do Castelo e Vila Real. A partir de vários casos de estudo que percorrem os usos das águas públicas para diferentes fins, as modalidades da sua utilização, sem esquecer os usos públicos e a ocupação das margens para outras actividades, pretendemos identificar alguns dos problemas que decorrem dos modelos de gestão, baseado no licenciamento para o uso da água e a ocupação do Domínio Público Hídrico. Por outro lado, queremos igualmente contribuir para o debate relativo aos modelos tradicionais de intervenção no Domínio Público Hídrico que se reveste de grande actualidade e que em Portugal surge ainda como um tema pioneiro e pouco divulgado nos âmbitos científico e técnico. Perante a importância da informação disponível no arquivo histórico da ARH-Norte, os desafios que se afiguram a esta instituição são vários, dos quais queremos destacar os seguintes, que serão abordados na comunicação a apresentar: - a salvaguarda de um importante fundo documental que se encontra numa situação de progressivo abandono e degradação com o risco de desaparecer de forma permanente; - a divulgação do arquivo e o seu acesso duma forma simples e actualizada; - a colaboração com as instituições académicas
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