11 research outputs found

    Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the tongue : Case report and literature review

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    Adenoid cystic carcinoma is a common malignant neoplasm originated from salivary glands. The clinical and pathological findings typical of this tumor include slow growth, perineural invasion, and potential local recurrence. It accounts for nearly 2% to 4% of head and neck area tumors. In minor salivary glands it usually affects the palate. We described herein the case of a patient who presented a posterior tongue lesion, which was treated with surgery and radiotherapy as additional treatment. We also carried out a brief literature review on the subject

    Prevalence of carotid artery calcifications among 2,500 digital panoramic radiographs of an adult Brazilian population

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    The aim of the present study was to analyze the epidemiological data of digital panoramic radiographs revealing suggestive images of carotid artery calcifications (CAC) from a Northeast Brazilian population. A cross-sectional retrospective study was conducted with 2,500 digital panoramic radiographs obtained from a single imaging reference center in Northeast Brazil. Images from individuals of both sexes and older than 18 years were included and those that did not cover the region of cervical vertebrae or presented low radiographic quality were excluded. Data were analyzed regarding prevalence, location (bilateral, right or left), sex, and age using the Chi-square test at the significance level of 5%. An amount of 96 (4%) patients presented suggestive images of CAC. The female sex (p=0.003) and individuals aged up to 70 years (p=0.002) were statically significant. 40.4% were found bilaterally, 37.6% on the right side (p<0.001) and 22% on the left side. In conclusion, this study showed a low prevalence of suggestive images of CAC in digital panoramic radiographs from a Northeast Brazilian population. It was observed a higher prevalence of CAC associated with female sex, older patients, and right side location

    CONSORT compliance in randomized surgical trials assessing the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effectiveness of preoperative drug management of patients undergoing mandibular third molar surgery:a scoping review

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    Investigate methodological quality of clinical trials in mandibular third molar surgery and its compliance with the consort statement. An electronic search was performed in five journal websites, chose the five scientific journals with the greatest impact factor in oral and maxillofacial surgery according to the SCImago Journal Rank. The compliance of studies with the CONSORT statement was assessed. Also, the risk of bias of each study was evaluated. Twenty-nine studies were included. The average CONSORT compliance score was 25.50 (79.68%). Most studies were performed in the Americas (n = 14, 48.3%) and Asia (n = 10, 34.5%). Parallel-group (n=15, 51.7%) and split-mouth RCTs (n=11, 38%) were the most prevalent study design. An inverse correlation was observed between the year of publication and the number of Scopus citations (p<0.001), time between acceptance and publication (p<0.001), and time between study completion and publication (p=0.040). Understanding the correct use of guidelines, such as the CONSORT statement, is necessary to reduce methodological errors and possible bias, thereby ensuring reliable knowledge dissemination

    Mandibular incisive canal-related prevalence, morphometric parameters, and implant placement implications : a multicenter study of 847 CBCT scans

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    This study evaluated the epidemiological and morphological features of the mandibular incisive canal (MIC) using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in a significant sample of subjects in Brazil. This retrospective, multicenter study assessed 847 CBCT scans performed at four oral imaging centers. The sample comprised CBCT images acquired from dentate individuals who presented at least from tooth 35 to tooth 45 in the anterior mandible region. Data regarding patient sex and age, and MIC linear measurements (length and diameter in mm), anatomical distances (to the alveolar, buccal and lingual cortexes, inferior border of the mandible, and adjacent teeth apexes), and location were obtained. The MIC was more prevalent in women (76.3% [p<0.001]) between the fourth and sixth decades of life (p<0.001). It was present bilaterally (p<0.001) and exhibited a mean length of 7.7 mm (standard deviation [SD]=3.7 mm). Spearman correlation and logistic regression analysis revealed collinearity between age and linear measurements (p<0.05). The mean distances varied from the initial to the final portion of the MIC, respectively, in relation to the buccal cortex (mean=2.6 mm, SD=1.27; mean=3.96 mm; SD=1.43), to lingual cortex (mean=5.13 mm; SD=1.7; mean=4.61 mm, SD = 1.65), and to the inferior mandibular border (mean = 9.32 mm, SD=1.92; mean=8.76 mm, SD=2.07 mm). The difference in the proximity of the MIC to the apex of the inferior lateral incisor was statistically significant (p<0.05). Results of this study revealed a high prevalence of MIC with a bilateral pattern in women who were between the fourth and sixth decades of life. Both the distance between the MIC and the lingual cortex of the mandibular alveolar bone, and the diameter of the MIC, decreased as its trajectory assumed a more anterior position

    Occupational group, educational level, marital status and deleterious habits among individuals with maxillofacial fractures : retrospective study

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    To investigate the occupational profile, educational level, marital status and deleterious habits to the health of patients with maxillofacial fractures of a population of northeastern Brazil. A retrospective study of patients records admitted to the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Walter CantĂ­dio University Hospital (Fortaleza, Brazil) who sustained maxillofacial fractures was conducted in the period between 2006 and 2015. A total of 338 patients rendered 355 fractures. Males were the most affected (p<0.001), with prevalence in the third decade of life (p<0.001). There was a predominance of motorcycle accidents (p<0.001), home workers (p<0.001), low educational status (p = 0.032), and no cigarette use (p<0.001) or alcohol (p = 0.023). Fractures of the zygomatic-orbital complex were the most prevalent in the sample (p<0.001). The sociodemographic profile exerted a significant influence on the epidemiological profile of maxillofacial fractures in a Brazilian population during the study period

    Preemptive analgesia-related gene and protein expression in third molar surgeries under non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug protocols : A PROSPERO-registered systematic review of clinical studies

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    This study aimed to review translational studies focusing on third molar removal surgeries through a systematic analytical approach. A PROSPERO-registered systematic review (CRD42017060455) was conducted following the PRISMA statement to summarize current knowledge on gene expression in third molar surgeries. A search was performed in PubMed?s Medline and Scopus databases, without date or language restrictions, using the logical expression {[(Third molar) OR (preemptive) OR (cyclooxygenase inhibitors) OR (acute inflammation) AND (gene expression)]}. All studies included in the analysis evaluated gene expression in a third molar extraction model, using the preemptive analgesia methodology in seven investigations. The sample analyzed was obtained from gingival tissue biopsy (n=4), blood (n=1), transudate (n=1) and gingival tissue biopsy/transudate (n=1). There were differences with respect to evaluated genes, drug protocol, sample studied, and method for evaluating gene expression. Third molar surgeries were found to be associated with different COX-related gene expression patterns. Although inflammatory events following the surgical procedure are associated with COX isoforms, data from preemptive analgesia studies are scarce, especially from studies correlating gene expression and clinical parameters. In the future, from a clinical perspective, identifying the molecular targets of a drug based on individual gene expression may be helpful to delineate specific third molar, surgery-related, preemptive analgesia protocols

    Dental status, salivary flow, and sociodemographic aspects in Sheehan Syndrome patients

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    Sheehan?s syndrome (SS) is one of the leading causes of hypopituitarism in developing countries. It occurs after postpartum necrosis of the pituitary gland, and it is considered a significant public health problem. This paper, apparently unpublished, aimed to perform an analysis on oral aspects in patients with SS. A cross-sectional study was performed with 23 women diagnosed with SS at the Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes (Walter Cantídio University Hospital, Fortaleza, Brazil). Data on sociodemographic, dental and salivary flow aspects were collected through a clinical approach and a panoramic radiograph request. The mean age was 64 ± 11.5 years old, with the sample consisting mainly of married women (56.5%), socioeconomic class C2 or D / E (78.2%) and years of education up to 8 years (69.5%). The presence of horizontal bone loss (p<0.001) and bilateral pneumatization of the maxillary sinus (p=0.015) were significant data. The mean number of absent teeth considering all subjects was 23.17±9.7, being statistically significant (p<0.001). In relation to age, the mean number of missing teeth was higher in individuals over 65 years old (p=0.048). Reduced salivary flow was observed in 78.3% of the patients. In a bivariate analysis, considering the outcome variables ?missing teeth? and ?reduced salivary flow?, it was observed that economic class (p< 0.001), family income (0.037) and maxillary sinus pneumatization (0.032) were statistically significant. In brief, patients with SS showed severe teeth loss, reduced salivary flow, and low educational status. This study addressed important aspects regarding oral findings in SS and highlighted the importance of researches in oral medicine

    Role of dental clinical and imaging exam during McCune Albright Syndrome diagnosis process: Case Report/ Importância do exame clínico e imaginológico odontológico durante o processo diagnóstico da Síndrome de McCune Albright: Relato de Caso

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    McCune Albright Syndrome (MAS) is a rare disease characterized by the classic triad of early puberty that begins in the embryonic period and mainly affects women. The present study aims to report the case of a 27-year-old patient, melanodermic, referred to the oral and maxillofacial surgery service of the Walter Cantídio University Hospital, complaining of pain in the right mandibular body region. During the anamnesis, the patient reported having had her menarche at the age of 6. Clinically, it was observed body asymmetry, prominence of the right zygomatic, frontal and parietal bones, and expansion of the right hemimandible. Panoramic radiography showed images with ground-glass appearance in the region of the direct hemi-mandible with mixed radiopacity and root resorption, suggestive of MAS. The patient was referred to the gynecologist and endocrinologist, and it was observed that the patient had the presence of cyst in the right ovary. Incisional biopsy was performed on the right maxilla, which showed histopathological characteristics compatible with fibrous dysplasia, with final diagnosis of MAS.  In summary, the present study reinforces the importance of a meticulous and interdisciplinary clinical examination allied to the patient's complaint in order to establish an adequate treatment pla