45,287 research outputs found

    Efficiency of low versus high airline pressure in stunning cattle with a pneumatically powered penetrating captive bolt gun

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    The efficiency of stunning cattle was assessed in 443 animals (304 pure Zebu and 139 crossbred cattle), being mainly mature bulls and cows. Cattle were stunned using a Jarvis pneumatically powered penetrating captive bolt gun operating with low (160–175 psi, N = 82) and high (190 psi, N = 363) airline pressure, which was within the manufactures specifications. Signs of brain function and the position of the shots on the heads were recorded after stunning. Velocity of the captive bolt and its physical parameters were calculated. Cattle shot with low pressures showed more rhythmic respiration (27 vs. 8%, P < 0.001), less tongue protrusion (4 vs. 12%, P = 0.03) and less masseter relaxation (22 vs. 48%, P < 0.001). There was an increased frequency of shots in the ideal position when cattle were shot with the low compared to high airline pressures (15.3 vs. 3.1%). Bolt velocity and its physical parameters were significantly (P < 0.01) higher when using high pressure. Airline pressures below 190 psi are inappropriate when shooting adult Zebu beef cattle with pneumatically powered penetrating captive bolt guns

    Response of the Brazilian gravitational wave detector to signals from a black hole ringdown

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    It is assumed that a black hole can be disturbed in such a way that a ringdown gravitational wave would be generated. This ringdown waveform is well understood and is modelled as an exponentially damped sinusoid. In this work we use this kind of waveform to study the performance of the SCHENBERG gravitational wave detector. This first realistic simulation will help us to develop strategies for the signal analysis of this Brazilian detector. We calculated the signal-to-noise ratio as a function of frequency for the simulated signals and obtained results that show that SCHENBERG is expected to be sensitive enough to detect this kind of signal up to a distance of 20kpc\sim 20\mathrm{kpc}.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Amaldi 5 Conference Proceedings contribution. Submitted to Class. Quantum Gra

    Cortical free association dynamics: distinct phases of a latching network

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    A Potts associative memory network has been proposed as a simplified model of macroscopic cortical dynamics, in which each Potts unit stands for a patch of cortex, which can be activated in one of S local attractor states. The internal neuronal dynamics of the patch is not described by the model, rather it is subsumed into an effective description in terms of graded Potts units, with adaptation effects both specific to each attractor state and generic to the patch. If each unit, or patch, receives effective (tensor) connections from C other units, the network has been shown to be able to store a large number p of global patterns, or network attractors, each with a fraction a of the units active, where the critical load p_c scales roughly like p_c ~ (C S^2)/(a ln(1/a)) (if the patterns are randomly correlated). Interestingly, after retrieving an externally cued attractor, the network can continue jumping, or latching, from attractor to attractor, driven by adaptation effects. The occurrence and duration of latching dynamics is found through simulations to depend critically on the strength of local attractor states, expressed in the Potts model by a parameter w. Here we describe with simulations and then analytically the boundaries between distinct phases of no latching, of transient and sustained latching, deriving a phase diagram in the plane w-T, where T parametrizes thermal noise effects. Implications for real cortical dynamics are briefly reviewed in the conclusions

    Predicting Intermediate Storage Performance for Workflow Applications

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    Configuring a storage system to better serve an application is a challenging task complicated by a multidimensional, discrete configuration space and the high cost of space exploration (e.g., by running the application with different storage configurations). To enable selecting the best configuration in a reasonable time, we design an end-to-end performance prediction mechanism that estimates the turn-around time of an application using storage system under a given configuration. This approach focuses on a generic object-based storage system design, supports exploring the impact of optimizations targeting workflow applications (e.g., various data placement schemes) in addition to other, more traditional, configuration knobs (e.g., stripe size or replication level), and models the system operation at data-chunk and control message level. This paper presents our experience to date with designing and using this prediction mechanism. We evaluate this mechanism using micro- as well as synthetic benchmarks mimicking real workflow applications, and a real application.. A preliminary evaluation shows that we are on a good track to meet our objectives: it can scale to model a workflow application run on an entire cluster while offering an over 200x speedup factor (normalized by resource) compared to running the actual application, and can achieve, in the limited number of scenarios we study, a prediction accuracy that enables identifying the best storage system configuration

    Dataplane Specialization for High-performance OpenFlow Software Switching

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    OpenFlow is an amazingly expressive dataplane program- ming language, but this expressiveness comes at a severe performance price as switches must do excessive packet clas- sification in the fast path. The prevalent OpenFlow software switch architecture is therefore built on flow caching, but this imposes intricate limitations on the workloads that can be supported efficiently and may even open the door to mali- cious cache overflow attacks. In this paper we argue that in- stead of enforcing the same universal flow cache semantics to all OpenFlow applications and optimize for the common case, a switch should rather automatically specialize its dat- aplane piecemeal with respect to the configured workload. We introduce ES WITCH , a novel switch architecture that uses on-the-fly template-based code generation to compile any OpenFlow pipeline into efficient machine code, which can then be readily used as fast path. We present a proof- of-concept prototype and we demonstrate on illustrative use cases that ES WITCH yields a simpler architecture, superior packet processing speed, improved latency and CPU scala- bility, and predictable performance. Our prototype can eas- ily scale beyond 100 Gbps on a single Intel blade even with complex OpenFlow pipelines

    Environments for sonic ecologies

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    This paper outlines a current lack of consideration for the environmental context of Evolutionary Algorithms used for the generation of music. We attempt to readdress this balance by outlining the benefits of developing strong coupling strategies between agent and en- vironment. It goes on to discuss the relationship between artistic process and the viewer and suggests a placement of the viewer and agent in a shared environmental context to facilitate understanding of the artistic process and a feeling of participation in the work. The paper then goes on to outline the installation ‘Excuse Me and how it attempts to achieve a level of Sonic Ecology through the use of a shared environmental context

    Pseudoscalars Mesons in Hot, Dense Matter

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    Phase transitions in hot and dense matter and the in--medium behavior of pseudoscalar mesons (π±,π0,K±,K0,Kˉ0,ηandη\pi^{\pm}, \pi^0, K^{\pm}, K^0 ,\bar K^0,\eta {and} \eta' ) are investigated, in the framework of the three flavor Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model, including the 't Hooft interaction, which breaks the UA(1)U_A(1) symmetry. Three different scenarios are considered: zero density and finite temperature, zero temperature and finite density in quark matter with different degrees of strangeness, and finite temperature and density. At T=0, the role of strange valence quarks in the medium is discussed, in connection with the phase transition and the mesonic behavior. It is found that the appearance of strange quarks, above certain densities, leads to meaningful changes in different observables, especially in matter with \betaequilibrium.Thebehaviorofmesonsinthe --equilibrium. The behavior of mesons in the T-\rho$ plane is analyzed in connection with possible signatures of restoration of symmetries.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures, PRC versio

    Re-defining the Empirical ZZ Ceti Instability Strip

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    We use the new ZZ Ceti stars (hydrogen atmosphere white dwarf variables; DAVs) discovered within the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (Mukadam et al. 2004) to re-define the empirical ZZ Ceti instability strip. This is the first time since the discovery of white dwarf variables in 1968 that we have a homogeneous set of spectra acquired using the same instrument on the same telescope, and with consistent data reductions, for a statistically significant sample of ZZ Ceti stars. The homogeneity of the spectra reduces the scatter in the spectroscopic temperatures and we find a narrow instability strip of width ~950K, from 10850--11800K. We question the purity of the DAV instability strip as we find several non-variables within. We present our best fit for the red edge and our constraint for the blue edge of the instability strip, determined using a statistical approach.Comment: 14 pages, 5 pages, ApJ paper, accepte