14,199 research outputs found

    Anomaly-free U(1) gauge symmetries in neutrino seesaw flavor models

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    Adding right-handed neutrino singlets and/or fermion triplets to the particle content of the Standard Model allows for the implementation of the seesaw mechanism to give mass to neutrinos and, simultaneously, for the construction of anomaly-free gauge group extensions of the theory. We consider Abelian extensions based on an extra U(1)_X gauge symmetry, where X is an arbitrary linear combination of the baryon number B and the individual lepton numbers L_{e,mu,tau}. By requiring cancellation of gauge anomalies, we perform a detailed analysis in order to identify the charge assignments under the new gauge symmetry that lead to neutrino phenomenology compatible with current experiments. In particular, we study how the new symmetry can constrain the flavor structure of the Majorana neutrino mass matrix, leading to two-zero textures with a minimal extra fermion and scalar content. The possibility of distinguishing different gauge symmetries and seesaw realizations at colliders is also briefly discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, 7 tables; comments and references added, a new subsection with nonstandard interactions of neutrinos included; final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Evidence for Accretion in the High-resolution X-ray Spectrum of the T Tauri Star System Hen 3-600

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    We present high-resolution X-ray spectra of the multiple T Tauri star system Hen 3-600, obtained with the High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrograph on the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Two binary components were detected in the zeroth-order image. Hen 3-600-A, which has a large mid-infrared excess, is a 2-3 times fainter in X-rays than Hen 3-600-B, due to a large flare on B. The dispersed X-ray spectra of the two primary components overlap spatially; spectral analysis was performed on the combined system. Analysis of the individual spectra was limited to regions where the contributions of A and B can be disentangled. This analysis results in two lines of evidence indicating that the X-ray emission from Hen 3-600 is derived from accretion processes: line ratios of O VII indicate that the characteristic density of its X-ray-emitting plasma is large; a significant component of low-temperature plasma is present and is stronger in component A. These results are consistent with results obtained from X-ray gratings spectroscopy of more rapidly accreting systems. All of the signatures of Hen 3-600 that are potential diagnostics of accretion activity -- X-ray emission, UV excess, H-alpha emission, and weak infrared excess -- suggest that its components represent a transition phase between rapidly accreting, classical T Tauri stars and non-accreting, weak-lined T Tauri stars.Comment: latex, 27 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables; accepted by Ap

    Public Approval for State Government Institutions

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    There are a number of state level institutions designed to limit the impact of special interests on government or to facilitate citizen participation in government. These include legislative term limits, ballot initiatives, governors' line item veto power and public funding for legislative and gubernatorial candidates. While most of these state government institutions are fairly common around the United States, relatively little is known about Americans' opinion of them. This policy note explores Americans' views on these features as well as the relationship between survey respondents' partisanship and their approval of these state government institutions. To assess the public's attitudes on these political institutions, researchers at the Harry S Truman School of Public Affairs at the University of Missouri conducted a national survey of 1,000 adults. The survey was administered as part of the 2007 Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES), a 10,000 person survey conducted through the collaborative efforts of a consortium of universities. The 2007 CCES was administered in November 2007 by Polimetrix, an Internet survey firm located in Palo Alto, California.Includes bibliographical reference

    Data for life cycle assessment of legume biorefining for alcohol

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    Benchmarking the environmental sustainability of alcohol produced from legume starch against alcohol produced from cereal grains requires considering of crop production, nutrient cycling and use of protein-rich co-products via life cycle assessment. This article describes the mass balance flows behind the life cycle inventories for gin produced from wheat and peas (Pisum sativum L.) in an associated article summarising the environmental footprints of wheat- and pea-gin [1], and also presents detailed supplementary results. Activity data were collected from interviews with actors along the entire gin value chain including a distillery manager and ingredient and packaging suppliers. Important fertiliserand animal-feed substitution effects of co-product use were derived using detailed information and models on nutrient flows and animal feed composition, along with linear optimisation modelling. Secondary data on environmental burdens of specific materials and processes were obtained from the Ecoinvent v3.4 life cycle assessment database. This article provides a basis for further quantitative evaluation of the environmental sustainability of legume-alcohol value chains

    Just the tonic! Legume biorefining for alcohol has the potential to reduce Europe’s protein deficit and mitigate climate change

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    Industrialised agriculture is heavily reliant upon synthetic nitrogen fertilisers and imported protein feeds, posing environmental and food security challenges. Increasing the cultivation of leguminous crops that biologically fix nitrogen and provide high protein feed and food could help to address these challenges. We report on the innovative use of an important leguminous crop, pea (Pisum sativum L.), as a source of starch for alcohol (gin) production, yielding protein-rich animal feed as a co-product. We undertook life cycle assessment (LCA) to compare the environmental footprint of 1 L of packaged gin produced from either 1.43 kg of wheat grain or 2.42 kg of peas via fermentation and distillation into neutral spirit. Allocated environmental footprints for pea-gin were smaller than for wheat-gin across 12 of 14 environmental impact categories considered. Global warming, resource depletion, human toxicity, acidification and terrestrial eutrophication footprints were, respectively, 12%, 15%, 15%, 48% and 68% smaller, but direct land occupation was 112% greater, for pea-gin versus wheat-gin. Expansion of LCA boundaries indicated that co-products arising from the production of 1 L of wheat- or pea-gin could substitute up to 0.33 or 0.66 kg soybean animal feed, respectively, mitigating considerable greenhouse gas emissions associated with land clearing, cultivation, processing and transport of such feed. For pea-gin, this mitigation effect exceeds emissions from gin production and packaging, so that each L of bottled pea gin avoids 2.2 kg CO2 eq. There is great potential to scale the use of legume starches in production of alcoholic beverages and biofuels, reducing dependence on Latin American soybean associated with deforestation and offering considerable global mitigation potential in terms of climate change and nutrient leakage — estimated at circa 439 Tg CO2 eq. and 8.45 Tg N eq. annually

    Avaliação da resistência de cultivares de feijoeiro (Phaseolus spp.) a Meloidogyne javanica, para uso como porta-enxerto

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    Das diversas pragas e doenças que afetam o feijoeiro (Phaseolus spp.), encontram-se os nemátodes-das-galhas-radiculares (NGR), Meloidogyne spp., sendo amplamente conhecido o seu efeito devastador em culturas hortícolas. A principal estratégia de controlo assenta na aplicação de nematodicidas, que têm sido progressivamente restringidos. Têm sido consideradas técnicas de controlo alternativas, como a enxertia de hortícolas em porta-enxertos resistentes. Os objetivos do estudo foram: 1) conhecer a reação de cultivares de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris e P. coccineus) a Meloidogyne javanica, considerando o seu grau de suscetibilidade ou resistência; 2) avaliar a severidade dos danos causados nas raízes; e 3) inferir sobre a potencial utilização destas cultivares como porta-enxerto comercial de feijoeiro. Foi realizado um ensaio em vaso, com cinco repetições de cada uma de nove cultivares testadas, que decorreu numa sala de culturas com condições controladas. As plantas foram inoculadas com 5000 ovos e jovens de M. javanica; plantas não inoculadas serviram de testemunha negativa, sendo a testemunha positiva plantas de tomateiro cv. Tiny Tim reconhecidamente suscetível a M. javanica. Sessenta dias após a inoculação, procedeu-se à determinação do número de galhas e de massas de ovos nas raízes. Nenhuma das cultivares testadas foi completamente resistente ao nemátode. No entanto, através de uma análise comparativa, foi detetado um potencial de resistência nas cultivares Bencanta e Oriente, em que foram registados níveis do número de galhas, de massas de ovos e de reprodução dos nemátodes comparáveis aos de cultivares classificadas como resistentes. As cultivares Bencanta e Oriente revelaram resultados promissores relativamente à sua utilização como porta-enxertos resistentes a NGR, justificando-se uma investigação mais aprofundada para testar e avaliar a viabilidade da sua utilização na enxertia de feijoeiro, em condições controladas e no campo, e na presença de outras espécies de NGR.Evaluation of the resistance of common bean (Phaseolus spp.) to Meloidogyne javanica, for use as rootstocks. Among the numerous pests and diseases that affect common bean (Phaseolus spp.), root-knot nematodes (RKN), Meloidogyne spp., are the ones that stand out for their devastating effects on horticultural crops. The main control strategy is based on the application of nematicides, which have been 1 progressively restricted. Alternative nematode management methods have been considered, such as vegetable grafting using resistant cultivars. The objectives of this study were: 1) to know the reaction of nine cultivars of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris and P. coccineus) to Meloidogyne javanica, considering their degree of susceptibility and resistance; 2) to assess the severity of damage to the roots; and 3) to infer on the potential use of these cultivars as commercial bean rootstocks. A pot experiment was done under controlled conditions in a culture room, and each treatment consisted of five replicates. Plants were inoculated with 5000 eggs and second stage juveniles of M. javanica, with uninoculated plants serving as negative control and susceptible tomato plants cv. Tiny Tim being used as positive control. Sixty days after inoculation, roots were observed to determine the number of galls and egg masses. None of the tested cultivars was completely resistant to the nematode. However, through a comparative analysis, a potential for resistance was detected in Bencanta and Oriente cultivars, with levels of nematode-induced galls and egg masses comparable to those of cultivars classified as resistant. The Bencanta and Oriente cultivars showed promising results regarding their use as resistant rootstocks to RKN, justifying further research to test and assess the feasibility of their use in bean grafting, under controlled conditions and in the field, and in the presence of other species of RKN.Programa Estratégico UID/BIA/04050/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007569), financiado por fundos nacionais através da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, e pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), através do COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI)Empresa Alípio Dias & Irmão LdaEmpresa Tozer Iberica SLEscola Superior Agrária de Ponte de LimaLaboratório de Nematologia da Universidade de Coimbrainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Green House Gas Mitigation Policy, Bio-fuels and Land-use Change- a Dynamic Analysis

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    Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,