19 research outputs found

    Microcutting redox profile and anatomy in Eucalyptus spp. With distinct adventitious rooting competence

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    Adventitious root (AR) development takes place in an intricate cellular environment. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidant defenses, triggered by wounding in cuttings, can modulate this process. A comparative assessment of biochemical and anatomical parameters at critical rooting stages in hard- (Eucalyptus globulus Labill.) and easy- (Eucalyptus grandis W.Hill ex Maiden) to-root species was carried out. Microcuttings from seedlings were inoculated in auxin-free AR induction medium and, after 96 h, transferred to AR formation medium for a period of 24 h. Samples were collected upon excision (Texc) and at the 5th day post excision (Tform). Delayed xylem development, with less lignification, was recorded in E. globulus, when compared to E. grandis, suggesting lower activity of the cambium layer, an important site for AR development. Superoxide was more densely present around the vascular cylinder at both sampled times, and in greater quantity in E. globulus than E. grandis, declining with time in the former. Hydrogen peroxide was localized primarily along cell walls, more intensely in the primary xylem and phloem, and increased significantly at Tform in E. globulus. Ascorbate peroxidase (APX), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) activities were generally higher in E. grandis and varied as a function of time in E. globulus. Soluble guaiacol peroxidase (GPRX) activity increased from Texc to Tform in both species, whereas cell wall-bound GPRX activity increased with time in E. grandis, surpassing E. globulus. Flavonoid content increased with time in E. grandis and was higher than E. globulus at Tform. Principal component analysis showed that species- and time-derived differences contributed to almost 80% of the variance. Overall, data indicate that E. grandis shows higher cambium activity and tighter modulation of redox conditions than E. globulus. These features may influence ROS-based signaling and phytohormone homeostasis of cuttings, thereby impacting on AR development. Besides being players in the realm of AR developmental differences, the specific features herein identified could become potential tools for early clone selection and AR modulation aiming at improved clonal propagation of this forest crop

    Genetic diversity of Brazilian triticales evaluated with genomic wheat microsatellites

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a variabilidade disponível para o melhoramento de triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) no Brasil. Quarenta e dois microssatélites de trigo foram empregados para estimar a diversidade molecular de 54 genótipos, que constituem a base de um dos principais programas de melhoramento da espécie no país. A heterozigosidade média foi 0,06, e os números médio e efetivo de alelos por lócus foram de 2,13 e 1,61, respectivamente, com freqüência alélica média de 0,34. O conjunto de microssatélites de trigo possibilitou reunir os genótipos em sete grupos, mesmo que o germoplasma utilizado seja originado de apenas duas instituições de pesquisa, o que refletiu em baixo índice de polimorfismo médio (0,36). A taxa de transferência dos marcadores testados (71,42%) indica a possibilidade de uso desses microssatélites de trigo, até mesmo os mapeados no genoma D da espécie, na análise de triticales hexaplóides em futuros trabalhos de genética e melhoramento de triticale.The objective of this work was to determine the genetic variability available for triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) crop improvement in Brazil. Forty-two wheat genomic microsatellites were used to estimate the molecular diversity of 54 genotypes, which constitute the base of one of the major triticale breeding programs in the country. Average heterozygosity was 0.06 and average and effective number of alleles per locus were 2.13 and 1.61, respectively, with average allelic frequency of 0.34. The set of genomic wheat microsatellites used clustered the genotypes into seven groups, even when the germplasm was originated primarily from only two triticale breeding programs, a fact reflected on the average polymorphic information content value estimated for the germplasm (0.36). The 71.42% transferability achieved for the tested microsatellites indicates the possibility of exploiting these transferable markers in further triticale genetic and breeding studies, even those mapped on the D genome of wheat, when analyzing hexaploid triticales

    Tolerância ao alumínio em genótipos de cereais de inverno sob cultivo hidropônico e campo

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    The objective of this work was to determine the root growth capacity of 75 genotypes of small graine cereals in hydroponic culture under different aluminum concentrations, and to assess the relationship betwen the level of tolerance/sensitivity in hydroponic solution and the resistance/susceptibility index in the field. Barley, triticale, rye, wheat and Aegilops tauschii were evaluated in hydroponics, with Al3+ concentrations that varied between 0.5 (barley), 2 and 6 (triticale), 6 and 10 (rye) and 2 mg L-1 (wheat and Ae. tauschii). The experiments' designs were completely randomized. In the field trial, the same genotypes were assessed, except for Ae. tauschii, in soil with pH 4.4 and 4.85 adjusted to 1/2 and 1/4 of the SMP index. A score scale ranging from 0.5 (highly resistant) to 5 (highly susceptible) was used. A strong relationship between aluminum tolerance in hydroponics and resistance to blight in the field was observed. Cereals selection in hydroponic medium can be considered an efficient tool to support breeding programs for this characteristic.O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a capacidade de crescimento radicular de 75 genótipos de cereais de inverno em cultivo hidropônico, em diferentes concentrações de alumínio, avaliar a relação entre o grau de tolerância/sensibilidade, em solução hidropônica, e a resistência/suscetibilidade ao crestamento em campo. Os cereais cevada, triticale, centeio, trigo e Aegilops tauschii foram avaliados em hidroponia, com concentrações de Al3+ que variaram entre 0,5 (cevada), 2 e 6 (triticale), 6 e 10 (centeio) e 2 mg L-1 (trigo e Ae. tauschii). Os delineamentos experimentais foram inteiramente casualizados. Em campo, foram avaliados os mesmos genótipos, exceto Ae. tauschii, em solo com pH 4,4 e 4,85, corrigido a 1/2 e 1/4 do índice SMP. Utilizou-se uma escala de notas com variação de escores de 0,5 (altamente resistente) a 5 (altamente suscetível). Foi observada elevada relação entre a tolerância ao alumínio em hidroponia e a resistência ao crestamento em campo. A seleção de cereais em meio hidropônico pode ser considerada eficiente como ferramenta de apoio aos programas de melhoramento genético para essa característica

    Erythrina velutina Willd. alkaloids : piecing biosynthesis together from transcriptome analysis and metabolite profiling of seeds and leaves

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    Introduction: Natural products of pharmaceutical interest often do not reach the drug market due to the associated low yields and difficult extraction. Knowledge of biosynthetic pathways is a key element in the development of biotechnological strategies for plant specialized metabolite production. Erythrina species are mainly used as central nervous system depressants in folk medicine and are important sources of bioactive tetracyclic benzylisoquinoline alkaloids (BIAs), which can act on several pathology-related biological targets. Objectives: In this sense, in an unprecedented approach used with a non-model Fabaceae species grown in its unique arid natural habitat, a combined transcriptome and metabolome analyses (seeds and leaves) is presented. Methods: The Next Generation Sequencing-based transcriptome (de novo RNA sequencing) was carried out in a NextSeq 500 platform. Regarding metabolite profiling, the High-resolution Liquid Chromatography was coupled to DAD and a micrOTOF-QII mass spectrometer by using electrospray ionization (ESI) and Time of Flight (TOF) analyzer. The tandem MS/MS data were processed and analyzed through Molecular Networking approach. Results: This detailed macro and micromolecular approach applied to seeds and leaves of E. velutina revealed 42 alkaloids, several of them unique. Based on the combined evidence, 24 gene candidates were put together in a putative pathway leading to the singular alkaloid diversity of this species. Conclusion: Overall, these results could contribute by indicating potential biotechnological targets formodulation of erythrina alkaloids biosynthesis as well as improve molecular databases with omic data from a non-model medicinal plant, and reveal an interesting chemical diversity of Erythrina BIA harvested in Caatinga

    Erythrina velutina Willd. alkaloids: Piecing biosynthesis together from transcriptome analysis and metabolite profiling of seeds and leaves

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    Introduction: Natural products of pharmaceutical interest often do not reach the drug market due to the associated low yields and difficult extraction. Knowledge of biosynthetic pathways is a key element in the development of biotechnological strategies for plant specialized metabolite production. The scarce studies regarding non-model plants impair advances in this field. Erythrina spp. are mainly used as central nervous system depressants in folk medicine and are important sources of bioactive tetracyclic benzylisoquinoline alkaloids, which can act on several pathology-related biological targets. Objective: Herein the purpose is to employ combined transcriptome and metabolome analyses (seeds and leaves) of a non-model medicinal Fabaceae species grown in its unique arid natural habitat. The study tries to propose a putative biosynthetic pathway for the bioactive alkaloids by using an omic integrated approach. Methods: The Next Generation Sequencing-based transcriptome (de novo RNA sequencing) was carried out in a Illumina NextSeq 500 platform. Regarding the targeted metabolite profiling, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and the High-Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to a micrOTOF-QII, High Resolution Mass Spectrometer, were used. Results: This detailed macro and micromolecular approach applied to seeds and leaves of E. velutina revealed 42 alkaloids by metabolome tools. Based on the combined evidence, 24 gene candidates were put together in a putative pathway leading to the singular alkaloid diversity of this species. Conclusion: These results contribute by indicating potential biotechnological targets Erythrina alkaloids biosynthesis as well as to improve molecular databases with omic data from a non-model medicinal plant. Furthermore, they reveal an interesting chemical diversity in Erythrina velutina harvested in Caatinga. Last, but not least, this data may also contribute to tap Brazilian biodiversity in a rational and sustainable fashion, promoting adequate public policies for preservation and protection of sensitive areas within the Caatinga

    Genes relacionados a auxinas e rizogênese adventícia em Arabidopsis

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    Enquanto as raízes laterais (RL) se desenvolvem a partir da raiz primária, as raízes adventícias (RA) são geralmente formadas em órgãos da parte aérea da planta. As RA podem ser formadas como uma resposta adaptativa a estresses, como ferimentos ou alagamentos e a sua formação também é importante para a propagação vegetativa de espécies economicamente relevantes, que frequentemente dependem da propagação clonal de genótipos elite. A aplicação de hormônios pode estimular o desenvolvimento das RA (DRA), e as auxinas são consideradas os principais hormônios envolvidos nesse processo. Neste estudo, o sistema de plântulas estioladas foi usado em Arabidopsis thaliana para analisar diversos aspectos do DRA. Diferentes tipos de auxinas, naturais ou sintéticas, foram testadas e verificou-se que AIA causou um aumento no número de raízes sem afetar seu comprimento, ANA foi efetivo para o DRA, mas as raízes ficaram pequenas, e altas concentrações de 2,4-D causaram a formação de calos. Através de imunolocalização, um nível elevado de AIA foi detectado nos tecidos do hipocótilo que deram origem ao primórdio radicular. O padrão de expressão de genes potencialmente envolvidos com o enraizamento adventício foi testado por PCR em Tempo Real. O DRA foi marcado essencialmente por aumento na expressão de PIN1, SUR2, GH3.3, GH3.6, ARF8 e IAA28. A expressão dos genes induzidos foi mais estimulada por ANA, seguida de AIA. A expressão de IAA28 aumentou com o DRA, diferente do que foi observado no desenvolvimento de RL. Os receptores de auxinas TIR1/AFB e ABP1 iniciam a sinalização de auxinas na célula pelo controle da expressão gênica, proteólise seletiva e afrouxamento da parede celular. Verificou-se que TIR1 e as proteínas AFBs são importantes para o DRA, mas que estes receptores devem estar exercendo funções redundantes no processo e que ABP1 pode agir complementando a sua ação. Durante a organogênese das RA, TIR1 e AFB2 parecem exercer uma maior influência. As auxinas são transportadas de maneira polar, célula a célula e geralmente dependem de transportadores. Analisamos o DRA em diferentes mutantes deficientes no transporte de influxo e efluxo de auxinas juntamente com construções com genes repórteres, na presença ou ausência de auxina exógena. Uma função essencial foi estabelecida para AUX1 no enraizamento adventício e, embora LAX3 per se não tenha sido chave no processo, este parece agir em conjunto com AUX1. Também observamos que a formação eficiente de RA depende dos transportadores de efluxo PIN, principalmente PIN1, 3 e 7. A adequada fosforilação dos PINs pelas quinases PID, WAG1 e WAG2 e, consequentemente, a direção do transporte, foi igualmente essencial para o estabelecimento das RA.Lateral roots (LR) develop from the primary root, whereas adventitious roots (AR) are generally formed from above-ground organs. AR can be formed as an adaptive response to stresses, like wounding or flooding, and their formation is also important for efficient vegetative propagation of economically relevant species, which often depend on clonal propagation of elite genotypes. Hormonal application can stimulate AR development (ARD) and auxins are recognized as major hormones involved in this process. Here, the etiolated seedlings system was used in Arabidopsis thaliana to study several aspects of ARD. Different auxin types, natural or synthetic, were tested and it was found that IAA caused an increase in root number without affecting root length, NAA was effective for ARD, but roots remained short and higher levels of 2,4-D caused callus formation. Through immunolocalization, a higher level of IAA was detected in hypocotyl tissues from which the root primordia differentiated. The expression pattern of genes potentially involved in adventitious rooting was tested by Real-Time PCR. ARD was essentially marked by increased expression of PIN1, SUR2, GH3.3, GH3.6, ARF8 and IAA28. The magnitude of expression of induced genes was much stimulated by NAA, followed by IAA. IAA28 expression increased with ARD, differently from what is known for lateral root development. The auxin receptors TIR1/AFB and ABP1 initiate auxin signaling in the cell through changes in gene expression, selective proteolysis and cell wall loosening. We observed that TIR1/AFB are important in ARD but might be playing redundant roles in the process, whereas ABP1 could be complementing their action. During AR organogenesis, TIR1 and AFB2 seemed to exert greater influence. Auxins are transported in a polar, cell to cell way and depend on several transporters. We analyzed ARD in different mutants affected in auxin influx and efflux transporters, coupled with reporter gene constructs, in presence or absence of exogenous auxin. An essential role was established for AUX1 in AR. Although LAX3 per se was not a key player in the process, it seemed to act in conjunction with AUX1. We also observed that efficient formation of AR depends on the PIN efflux transporters, mainly PIN1, 3 and 7. The proper phosphorylation of PINs by the kinases PID, WAG1 and WAG2, and hence the direction of auxin transport, was equally essential for AR establishment

    Gene expression in phosphorus- deficiency mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana under different phosphorus and nitrogen availability

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    fósforo (P) e o nitrogênio (N) são nutrientes geralmente limitantes ao crescimento e desenvolvimento vegetal. Respostas aclimatativas à sua limitação referem-se às alterações do desenvolvimento radicular e mobilização, transporte, assimilação e metabolismo destes nutrientes. Para que este processo seja desencadeado, é necessária expressão de genes intimamente relacionados com a percepção e transdução do sinal de deficiência de P e N. Os genes envolvidos neste processo ainda são pouco conhecidos. Neste estudo objetivou-se averiguar o papel dos genes mutados nas rotas de aclimatação à limitação de Pi e assimilação de N através da identificação das modificações em nível de expressão gênica nos mutantes p9, p23 e p37, bem como através da avaliação da resposta dos mutantes p9 e p37 ao etileno. Os três mutantes são complementares e ineficientes em utilizar organofosfatos como fonte de P e p23 e p37 são resgatados quando o N é retirado do meio. Há interação P-N em relação à expressão de genes das rotas de aclimatação à limitação de P (AtACP5 e AtPT2), de assimilação de N (NRT1.1, NIA1 e NIA2) e na modulação das raízes laterais (ARF8). Os mutantes têm alteração na expressão dos genes que codificam transportadores de N e P de alta afinidade, assimilação de N, especialmente NIA2, e no caso de p9 e p23, ainda, ARF8. Na ausência de Pi e/ou N, houve rápida exaustão do centro quiescente nas raízes primárias em p23 e p37, assim, os genes mutados devem fazer parte de uma rota que medie as respostas do crescimento radicular em função da disponibilidade de Pi e N. Os mutantes p9 e p37 apresentam deficiência na sinalização ao etileno, sendo possível que p9 possua alteração na homeostase hormonal, e que modificação nos níveis de auxinas e citocininas afetem a síntese de etileno.Phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) are nutrients highly required by plants, and limit plant growth and development. The main acclimation responses to P and N starvation include changes in root development, mobilization, transport, assimilation and metabolism of these nutrients. For properly acclimation, the expression of genes closely related to the perception and signal transduction of P and N deficiencies must work accurately. Which genes are involved in this process is still unclear, therefore, this study aimed to identify changes at the expression level in the p9, p23 and p37 mutants in an attempt to identify the role of the mutated genes in the acclimation pathway to Pi starvation. Furthermore, we aimed to verify the P-N interaction and the response of the mutants p9 and p37 to ethylene. The three mutants are inneficient in using organophosphates as the only source of P, and p9 and p23 recover the COL phenotype in the absence of N. Interaction between P and N was observed in the expression of genes involved in Pdeficiency acclimation, namely AtACP5 and AtPT2, as well as in the N assimilation, NRT1.1, NIA1 and NIA2, and ARF8, involved in lateral root modulation. It was observed that the mutated gene in p9, p23 and p37 affects genes that encode high affinity N transporters, genes involved in N assimilation, especially NIA2. And p9 and p23 also has the regulatory circuit that acts on the modulation of lateral roots affected. A rapid depletion of QC in primary roots of p23 and p37 was observed in the absence of Pi and/or N. It suggests that the mutated genes are involved in a pathway mediating the root growth in response to Pi and N availability. The mutants, p9 and p37, have some kind of deficiency in ethylene signaling. It is also possible that p9 is affected in its hormonal homeostasis, and changes in auxin and cytokinin levels affect the ethylene synthesis

    Genes relacionados a auxinas e rizogênese adventícia em Arabidopsis

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    Enquanto as raízes laterais (RL) se desenvolvem a partir da raiz primária, as raízes adventícias (RA) são geralmente formadas em órgãos da parte aérea da planta. As RA podem ser formadas como uma resposta adaptativa a estresses, como ferimentos ou alagamentos e a sua formação também é importante para a propagação vegetativa de espécies economicamente relevantes, que frequentemente dependem da propagação clonal de genótipos elite. A aplicação de hormônios pode estimular o desenvolvimento das RA (DRA), e as auxinas são consideradas os principais hormônios envolvidos nesse processo. Neste estudo, o sistema de plântulas estioladas foi usado em Arabidopsis thaliana para analisar diversos aspectos do DRA. Diferentes tipos de auxinas, naturais ou sintéticas, foram testadas e verificou-se que AIA causou um aumento no número de raízes sem afetar seu comprimento, ANA foi efetivo para o DRA, mas as raízes ficaram pequenas, e altas concentrações de 2,4-D causaram a formação de calos. Através de imunolocalização, um nível elevado de AIA foi detectado nos tecidos do hipocótilo que deram origem ao primórdio radicular. O padrão de expressão de genes potencialmente envolvidos com o enraizamento adventício foi testado por PCR em Tempo Real. O DRA foi marcado essencialmente por aumento na expressão de PIN1, SUR2, GH3.3, GH3.6, ARF8 e IAA28. A expressão dos genes induzidos foi mais estimulada por ANA, seguida de AIA. A expressão de IAA28 aumentou com o DRA, diferente do que foi observado no desenvolvimento de RL. Os receptores de auxinas TIR1/AFB e ABP1 iniciam a sinalização de auxinas na célula pelo controle da expressão gênica, proteólise seletiva e afrouxamento da parede celular. Verificou-se que TIR1 e as proteínas AFBs são importantes para o DRA, mas que estes receptores devem estar exercendo funções redundantes no processo e que ABP1 pode agir complementando a sua ação. Durante a organogênese das RA, TIR1 e AFB2 parecem exercer uma maior influência. As auxinas são transportadas de maneira polar, célula a célula e geralmente dependem de transportadores. Analisamos o DRA em diferentes mutantes deficientes no transporte de influxo e efluxo de auxinas juntamente com construções com genes repórteres, na presença ou ausência de auxina exógena. Uma função essencial foi estabelecida para AUX1 no enraizamento adventício e, embora LAX3 per se não tenha sido chave no processo, este parece agir em conjunto com AUX1. Também observamos que a formação eficiente de RA depende dos transportadores de efluxo PIN, principalmente PIN1, 3 e 7. A adequada fosforilação dos PINs pelas quinases PID, WAG1 e WAG2 e, consequentemente, a direção do transporte, foi igualmente essencial para o estabelecimento das RA.Lateral roots (LR) develop from the primary root, whereas adventitious roots (AR) are generally formed from above-ground organs. AR can be formed as an adaptive response to stresses, like wounding or flooding, and their formation is also important for efficient vegetative propagation of economically relevant species, which often depend on clonal propagation of elite genotypes. Hormonal application can stimulate AR development (ARD) and auxins are recognized as major hormones involved in this process. Here, the etiolated seedlings system was used in Arabidopsis thaliana to study several aspects of ARD. Different auxin types, natural or synthetic, were tested and it was found that IAA caused an increase in root number without affecting root length, NAA was effective for ARD, but roots remained short and higher levels of 2,4-D caused callus formation. Through immunolocalization, a higher level of IAA was detected in hypocotyl tissues from which the root primordia differentiated. The expression pattern of genes potentially involved in adventitious rooting was tested by Real-Time PCR. ARD was essentially marked by increased expression of PIN1, SUR2, GH3.3, GH3.6, ARF8 and IAA28. The magnitude of expression of induced genes was much stimulated by NAA, followed by IAA. IAA28 expression increased with ARD, differently from what is known for lateral root development. The auxin receptors TIR1/AFB and ABP1 initiate auxin signaling in the cell through changes in gene expression, selective proteolysis and cell wall loosening. We observed that TIR1/AFB are important in ARD but might be playing redundant roles in the process, whereas ABP1 could be complementing their action. During AR organogenesis, TIR1 and AFB2 seemed to exert greater influence. Auxins are transported in a polar, cell to cell way and depend on several transporters. We analyzed ARD in different mutants affected in auxin influx and efflux transporters, coupled with reporter gene constructs, in presence or absence of exogenous auxin. An essential role was established for AUX1 in AR. Although LAX3 per se was not a key player in the process, it seemed to act in conjunction with AUX1. We also observed that efficient formation of AR depends on the PIN efflux transporters, mainly PIN1, 3 and 7. The proper phosphorylation of PINs by the kinases PID, WAG1 and WAG2, and hence the direction of auxin transport, was equally essential for AR establishment