28 research outputs found


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    Clusters have their economic performance based in the form of its industrial organization and in the existence of institutions and social relationships in its interior. The established connections in the agglomerate are constituted of a kind of asset - social capital - and that it produces economics gains, besides those obtained from the division of labor. However the concepts of industrial districts and of social capital still lack larger precision, as well as it have been varying the dimensions and the social unit to which the concept of social capital is applied. Explicit the conceptual controversy is an important task to organize study of co-operation in local productive arrangements and, also, in the identification of the factors that are in the base of the different co-operation levels found among enterprises belonging to these productive arrangements.

    Algumas características da industrialização gaúcha

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    This article is composed of three parts. The first studies the changes in the structure of the brazilian economy between 1930 and 1945, comparing them to the ones occured in Rio Grande do Sul and calling attention to the late industrialization of this state. The differences of the weights of the larger industrial sectors (durables, non-durables, capital goods and industrial inputs) in the composition of the industries of Rio Grande do Sul and Brazil are also analyzed. The second part discusses the role of industrialization in the creation of new jobs in Rio Grande do Sul and Brazil, compared to the experiences of mature industrial economies. The third part studies the relative eficiency of the industry of Rio Grande do Sul, compared to the brazilian industry, based on the analysis of the size of industrial plants in terms of number of workers.This article is composed of three parts. The first studies the changes in the structure of the brazilian economy between 1930 and 1945, comparing them to the ones occured in Rio Grande do Sul and calling attention to the late industrialization of this state. The differences of the weights of the larger industrial sectors (durables, non-durables, capital goods and industrial inputs) in the composition of the industries of Rio Grande do Sul and Brazil are also analyzed. The second part discusses the role of industrialization in the creation of new jobs in Rio Grande do Sul and Brazil, compared to the experiences of mature industrial economies. The third part studies the relative eficiency of the industry of Rio Grande do Sul, compared to the brazilian industry, based on the analysis of the size of industrial plants in terms of number of workers

    Inovações e mudanças na organização industrial

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    This article deals with the relationship between innovation and industrial organization. The idea is that establishment of new manufacturing principles — in so far as they convert into drive of productivity—become paradigms and dominates the industrial landscape until these principles are substituted by another best practices. The diffusion of organizational and technological innovations changes the dominant industrial structure and establishes new forms of economic activity organization. In this aspect the article analyses the formation of industrial organization models that have been preeminent in this twenty century: the mass production and iean production.This article deals with the relationship between innovation and industrial organization. The idea is that establishment of new manufacturing principles — in so far as they convert into drive of productivity—become paradigms and dominates the industrial landscape until these principles are substituted by another best practices. The diffusion of organizational and technological innovations changes the dominant industrial structure and establishes new forms of economic activity organization. In this aspect the article analyses the formation of industrial organization models that have been preeminent in this twenty century: the mass production and iean production


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    A variedade de comportamentos e de desempenhos entre empresas no mercado e em âmbito setorial é uma realidade em distintas economias. Entretanto, o instrumental teórico que permita apreender este estado de coisas ainda não se encontra unificado e plenamente desenvolvido. Aceitar a heterogeneidade de performances econômicas como resultado da própria dinâmica concorrencial, assim como a mutabilidade do ambiente competitivo, é um passo importante na elaboração e no emprego de conceitos que ajudem a dar conta do real. Desenvolvimentos teóricos de cunho neo-schumpeteriano e na área do comportamento estratégico constituem caminhos promissores nessa direção.The variety of behaviours and performances of firms in the market, as well of sector level, is a diary reality of economic life. However, the theory that could deals with this situation is not unified and plenty developed. Accept the heterogeneity of economic performances as result of the very dynamic of competition and the mutability of the competitive environment is an important step in the conception and use of theoretical concepts that can help to understand the reality. Analytical developments from neo-Schumpeterian approach and from strategic behaviour are a proper pathway in that direction

    Trajetória Empresarial em Cluster Calçadista Brasileiro: O Caso da Paquetá

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    The production of footwear is traditional in the Brazilian industrial structure. Until the end of the decade of 1960 the sector had its focus in attending the domestic consumption. The entrance in the external market at the end of that decade allowed that it expanded extensively, incorporating material resources and labor. The years of the decade of 1990 indicated a change in the competitive atmosphere in that act the Brazilian footwear producers, due to the presence of competitors - China and other Asian countries - with more advantageous conditions of production. Studies of competitiveness in the sector, in general, they have been privileging the mesoeconomic scope, not contemplating paths of individual companies. The study of the strategies of growth of the Calçados Paqueta looks for to shed lights on the roads that can be followed by companies in relation to the new competitive situation.A produção de calçados é tradicional na estrutura industrial brasileira. Até o final da década de 1960 o setor esteve voltado para o atendimento do consumo doméstico. O seu ingresso no mercado externo ao final daquela década permitiu que se expandisse extensivamente, incorporando recursos materiais e mão-de-obra. Os anos da década de 1990 indicaram uma mudança no ambiente competitivo em que atuam os calçadistas brasileiros, devido à presença nos mercados de competidores - a China e outros países asiáticos – com condições mais vantajosas de produção. Estudos de competitividade no setor, de um modo geral, têm privilegiado o âmbito mesoeconômico, não contemplando trajetórias de empresas individuais. O estudo das estratégias de crescimento da Calçados Paquetá busca indicar caminhos que possam ser seguidos por empresas em relação à nova situação competitiva

    Organização industrial e inserção internacional da indústria brasileira de móveis

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    ABSTRACT The paper aims to evaluate the competitive behavior of the Brazilian furniture industry in the light of changes that the activity is experiencing in the global scene, and also to identify the adjustments that are been done with views of its positioning in that market as well as the roads that are been traced by the sector. The methodology used in the study consists of a revision of the literature concerning industrial districts, given that the furniture activity has been accomplished under that form of industrial organization. It is made a characterization of the activity and its organization in selected countries and in Brazil, besides presenting the international furniture market and pointing out the performance of the main countries. The data base of the study is composed from national and international institutions, from interviews with companies and of punctual information from sources related to the sector. It can be observed that the presence of China in the international furniture market has been led to strategic adjustments in the industries of developed and developing countries. The rich countries' furniture industries are losing relative position in the international market. The Brazilian furniture industry, in turn, has its competitiveness in relatively cheap workforce and of raw material. The adjustment of Brazilian enterprises has been in search of reduction of costs, to act in market niches, to participate at international fairs and to diversify geographical markets. Kew words: Brazilian furniture industry; Industrial organization; Competitiveness; International market. Classificação JEL: L68. R12. F14. Artigo recebido em mar. 2011 e aceito para publicação em nov. 2011.ENDEREÇOS PARA ENVIO DE PUBLICAÇÃO Achyles Barcelos da Costa Rua João Mendes Ouriques, 365 - casa 101 Bairro Ipanema 91760-450 - Porto Alegre - RS. Helio HenkinRESUMO O objetivo do trabalho é avaliar o comportamento competitivo da indústria brasileira de móveis no quadro de mudanças que essa atividade vem experimentando em âmbito global, bem como identificar os ajustes na sua estratégia de posicionamento nesse mercado e os caminhos trilhados pelo setor. A metodologia empregada no estudo consiste de revisão de literatura acerca de distritos industriais ou arranjos produtivos locais, dado que a atividade moveleira tem sido realizada sob essa forma de organização industrial. É feita uma caracterização da atividade e de sua organização em países selecionados e no Brasil, além de apresentar o mercado de móveis em âmbito internacional, salientando o desempenho dos principais países. A base informacional do estudo é composta de dados provenientes de instituições nacionais e internacionais, de entrevistas com empresas e de informações pontuais de fontes relacionadas ao setor. O que se observa é que a presença da China no mercado internacional de móveis tem levado a ajustes estratégicos pelas indústrias de países desenvolvidos e em países em desenvolvimento. As indústrias de móveis de países ricos vêm perdendo posição relativa no mercado internacional. A indústria brasileira de móveis, por sua vez, tem sua competitividade na disponibilidade de mão de obra relativamente barata e de matéria-prima. O ajuste de empresas brasileiras tem sido em busca de redução de custos, atuação em nichos de mercado, participação em feiras internacionais e diversificação de mercados geográficos. Palavras-chave: indústria brasileira de móveis; organização industrial; competitividade; mercado internacional