1,787 research outputs found

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on primary school students’ mathematical reasoning skills: a mediation analysis

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    The present research aimed to reveal how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the mathematical reasoning of primary school students through mediation analysis. It was designed as ex post facto research. The research sample consisted of two cohorts. Cohort 1 included 415 primary school children who received face-to-face instruction by attending school for six months until COVID-19 emerged. Cohort 2 included 964 children who were taught curricular skills through distance education due to COVID-19 and school closures. In total, 1,379 primary school children were recruited into the research sample. Data were collected through a mathematical reasoning test by sending items from the instrument via Google Docs. The data were analysed with mediation analysis. Results demonstrated that the school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic negatively influenced mathematical reasoning skills. Findings are discussed in the light of human interaction and Cattell’s intelligence theory

    Electronic mean free path in as-produced and purified single-wall carbon nanotubes

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    The effect of purification on room temperature electronic transport properties of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) was studied by submerging samples into liquid mercury. The conductance plots of purified SWNTs showed plateaus, indicating weak dependence of the electrical resistance on the length of the tube connecting the electrodes, providing evidence of quasi-ballistic conduction in SWNTs. The electronic mean free path of the purified SWNTs reached a few microns, which is longer than that of the as-produced SWNTs, and which is consistent with the calculation based on the scattering by acoustic phonons

    The examination of Na-Ca effect on some qualitative and quantitative characters in durum wheat plants

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    The effect of salt stress (NaCl) on shoot height (cm), root length (cm), dry and fresh weight (g), chlorophyll a and b, total chlorophyll (mg-1) and carotenoid amount was investigated in this study. In addition, the positive effects of Ca+2 (20 mM) were also investigated. Triticum durum Desf. Mirzabey, Kunduru-1149, and DH-6 and DH-8, derived from Kunduru-1149 using wide hybridization, were used as plant materials in this study. Arnon-Hoagland solution was used as food source for the plants and various NaCl concentrations (0, 50, 150 and 200 mM) and Ca+2 (as CaCl2) were added to Arnon-Hoagland solution. The research was completed at the end of the fifth week and the effect of NaCl on the root length of genotypes was found to be significant (P<0.05). Ca+2 caused an increase in root length in all NaCl applications, except for the 200 mM NaCl, whereas shoot height decreased with increasing salt concentration, except for the 50 mM NaCl. This character also increased with Ca+2 application significantly. Dry and fresh weight of the plant decreased with increasing salt concentration. Ca+2 ameliorated dry and fresh weight of the plant at 50 mM NaCl in all the genoypes and NaCl doses, except for the Kunduru-1149 and DH-6. The highest increase in total chlorophyll amount was found in 50 mM NaCl + CaCl2 in DH-8 (from 17.29 to 20.14 mg g-1). However, the rate of increase in the amount of carotenoid by the addition of Ca+2 was also determined for each genotype.Key words: Triticum durum Desf., salinity, calcium, chlorophyll, carotenoid

    Modified Degree-Hour Calculation Method

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    Quantum Hall effect on odd spheres

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    We solve the Landau problem for charged particles on odd dimensional spheres S2k-1 in the background of constant SO(2k - 1) gauge fields carrying the irreducible representation (I/2,I/2, . . . , I/2). We determine the spectrum of the Hamiltonian, the degeneracy of the Landau levels and give the eigenstates in terms of the Wigner D-functions, and for odd values of I, the explicit local form of the wave functions in the lowest Landau level (LLL). The spectrum of the Dirac operator on S2k-1 in the same gauge field background together with its degeneracies is also determined, and in particular, its number of zero modes is found. We show how the essential differential geometric structure of the Landau problem on the equatorial S2k-2 is captured by constructing the relevant projective modules. For the Landau problem on S-5, we demonstrate an exact correspondence between the union of Hilbert spaces of LLLs, with I ranging from 0 to I-max = 2K or I-max = 2K or I-max = 2K + 1 to the Hilbert spaces of the fuzzy CP3 or that of winding number +/- 1 line bundles over CP3 at level K, respectively

    Environmental management control systems:Exploring the economic motivation behind their implementation

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    Environmental management control systems (EMCSs) effectively integrate environmental objectives into corporate decision-making, yet implementation costs may discourage their adoption. To understand firms’ economic motivation for implementing EMCSs, we theorize that internal and external factors drive both their economic performance and the decision to implement EMCSs. We argue that the environmental costs induced by firms’ pollution intensity drive the economic benefits of EMCSs as well as their implementation. Additionally, we suggest that this relationship depends on society's environmental awareness. By introducing an archival measure of EMCS implementation, we test these hypotheses on a longitudinal dataset of European and US firms. Our results support the argument that environmental costs drive EMCSs’ economic benefits and implementation. We also find that environmental awareness in societies influences the impact of environmental costs. Our study highlights the importance of environmental awareness in society for aligning environmental and economic goals and thus to increase corporate environmentalism.</p

    On board Processor and Processing Strategies for Next Generation Reconfigurable Satellite Payloads

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    Today, the increasing demand in higher data rates necessitates new methods as well as higher flexibility for satellite telecommunication payloads in order to address a variety of applications and customers. This paper presents one of these processing strategies that is applicable to today’s processing satellite payloads aiming to meet those demands. For this purpose, a two-tier filter bank is designed as part of a digital onboard processor, which first divides the spectrum at the output of the ADC into a number of sub-bands extracting all the stacked channels in the digital domain. Following the analysis section of the first tier of operations, the extracted channels go under a secondary channelisation process to obtain much finer granularity of 31.25 kHz or 50 kHz depending on the communication standard used for data transmission. The implementation of the channeliser was delivered on a bit-true simulation model and the input and the output of the channelisers were compared and evaluated both in the time and frequency domains

    Evaluation of Probabilistic Streamflow Forecasts Based on EPS for a Mountainous Basin in Turkey

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    AbstractWhen designing water structures or managing a watershed it is a challenging task to determine the response of a basin to storm and/or snowmelt. In this study, the Upper Euphrates Basin (10,275 km2 area and elevation range of 1125-3500 m) located at the headwater of Euphrates River, one of Turkey's most important rivers, is selected as the application area. In this region, snowmelt runoff constitutes approximately 2/3 in volume of the total yearly runoff, therefore, runoff modeling and forecasting during spring and early summer is important in terms of energy and water resources management. The aim of the study is to make a forward-oriented, medium-range flow forecasting using Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) which is a pioneer study for Turkey. Conceptual hydrological model HBV, which has a common usage in the literature, is chosen to predict streamflows. According to the results, Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiencies are 0.85 for calibration (2001-2008) and 0.71 for validation (2009-2014) respectively. After calibrating/validating the hydrologic model, EPS data including 51 different combinations produced by ECMWF is used as probability based weather forecasts. Melting period during March-June of 2011 is chosen as the forecast period. The probabilistic skill of EPS based hydrological model results are analyzed to verify the ensemble forecasts
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