22 research outputs found

    A novel explainable machine learning approach for EEG-based brain-computer interface systems

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    Electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings can be of great help in decoding the open/close hand’s motion preparation. To this end, cortical EEG source signals in the motor cortex (evaluated in the 1-s window preceding movement onset) are extracted by solving inverse problem through beamforming. EEG sources epochs are used as source-time maps input to a custom deep convolutional neural network (CNN) that is trained to perform 2-ways classification tasks: pre-hand close (HC) versus resting state (RE) and pre-hand open (HO) versus RE. The developed deep CNN works well (accuracy rates up to 89.65±5.29% for HC versus RE and 90.50±5.35% for HO versus RE), but the core of the present study was to explore the interpretability of the deep CNN to provide further insights into the activation mechanism of cortical sources during the preparation of hands’ sub-movements. Specifically, occlusion sensitivity analysis was carried out to investigate which cortical areas are more relevant in the classification procedure. Experimental results show a recurrent trend of spatial cortical activation across subjects. In particular, the central region (close to the longitudinal fissure) and the right temporal zone of the premotor together with the primary motor cortex appear to be primarily involved. Such findings encourage an in-depth study of cortical areas that seem to play a key role in hand’s open/close preparation

    A novel automatic classification system based on hybrid unsupervised and supervised machine learning for electrospun nanofibers

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    The manufacturing of nanomaterials by the electrospinning process requires accurate and meticulous inspection of related scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) images of the electrospun nanofiber, to ensure that no structural defects are produced. The presence of anomalies prevents practical application of the electrospun nanofibrous material in nanotechnology. Hence, the automatic monitoring and quality control of nanomaterials is a relevant challenge in the context of Industry 4.0. In this paper, a novel automatic classification system for homogenous ( anomaly-free ) and non-homogenous ( with defects ) nanofibers is proposed. The inspection procedure aims at avoiding direct processing of the redundant full SEM image. Specifically, the image to be analyzed is first partitioned into sub-images ( nanopatches ) that are then used as input to a hybrid unsupervised and supervised machine learning system. In the first step, an autoencoder ( AE ) is trained with unsupervised learning to generate a code representing the input image with a vector of relevant features. Next, a multilayer perceptron ( MLP ) , trained with supervised learning, uses the extracted features to classify non-homogenous nanofiber ( NH-NF ) and homogenous nanofiber ( H-NF ) patches. The resulting novel AE-MLP system is shown to outperform other standard machine learning models and other recent state-of-the-art techniques, reporting accuracy rate up to 92.5% . In addition, the proposed approach leads to model complexity reduction with respect to other deep learning strategies such as convolutional neural networks ( CNN ) . The encouraging performance achieved in this benchmark study can stimulate the application of the proposed scheme in other challenging industrial manufacturing tasks

    A semi-supervised approach for sentiment analysis of arab (ic+ izi) messages: Application to the algerian dialect

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    In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised approach for sentiment analysis of Arabic and its dialects. This approach is based on a sentiment corpus, constructed automatically and reviewed manually by Algerian dialect native speakers. This approach consists of constructing and applying a set of deep learning algorithms to classify the sentiment of Arabic messages as positive or negative. It was applied on Facebook messages written in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) as well as in Algerian dialect (DALG, which is a low resourced-dialect, spoken by more than 40 million people) with both scripts Arabic and Arabizi. To handle Arabizi, we consider both options: transliteration (largely used in the research literature for handling Arabizi) and translation (never used in the research literature for handling Arabizi). For highlighting the effectiveness of a semi-supervised approach, we carried out different experiments using both corpora for the training (i.e. the corpus constructed automatically and the one that was reviewed manually). The experiments were done on many test corpora dedicated to MSA/DALG, which were proposed and evaluated in the research literature. Both classifiers are used, shallow and deep learning classifiers such as Random Forest (RF), Logistic Regression(LR) Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long short-term memory (LSTM). These classifiers are combined with word embedding models such as Word2vec and fastText that were used for sentiment classification. Experimental results (F1 score up to 95% for intrinsic experiments and up to 89% for extrinsic experiments) showed that the proposed system outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methodologies (the best improvement is up to 25%)

    A Novel Hierarchical Extreme Machine-Learning-Based Approach for Linear Attenuation Coefficient Forecasting

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    The development of reinforced polymer composite materials has had a significant influence on the challenging problem of shielding against high-energy photons, particularly X-rays and γ-rays in industrial and healthcare facilities. Heavy materials’ shielding characteristics hold a lot of potential for bolstering concrete chunks. The mass attenuation coefficient is the main physical factor that is utilized to measure the narrow beam γ-ray attenuation of various combinations of magnetite and mineral powders with concrete. Data-driven machine learning approaches can be investigated to assess the gamma-ray shielding behavior of composites as an alternative to theoretical calculations, which are often time- and resource-intensive during workbench testing. We developed a dataset using magnetite and seventeen mineral powder combinations at different densities and water/cement ratios, exposed to photon energy ranging from 1 to 1006 kiloelectronvolt (KeV). The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) photon cross-section database and software methodology (XCOM) was used to compute the concrete’s γ-ray shielding characteristics (LAC). The XCOM-calculated LACs and seventeen mineral powders were exploited using a range of machine learning (ML) regressors. The goal was to investigate whether the available dataset and XCOM-simulated LAC can be replicated using ML techniques in a data-driven approach. The minimum absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (RMSE), and R2score were employed to assess the performance of our proposed ML models, specifically a support vector machine (SVM), 1d-convolutional neural network (CNN), multi-Layer perceptrons (MLP), linear regressor, decision tree, hierarchical extreme machine learning (HELM), extreme learning machine (ELM), and random forest networks. Comparative results showed that our proposed HELM architecture outperformed state-of-the-art SVM, decision tree, polynomial regressor, random forest, MLP, CNN, and conventional ELM models. Stepwise regression and correlation analysis were further used to evaluate the forecasting capability of ML techniques compared to the benchmark XCOM approach. According to the statistical analysis, the HELM model showed strong consistency between XCOM and predicted LAC values. Additionally, the HELM model performed better in terms of accuracy than the other models used in this study, yielding the highest R2score and the lowest MAE and RMSE

    A Machine Learning Approach Involving Functional Connectivity Features to Classify Rest-EEG Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures from Healthy Controls

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    Until now, clinicians are not able to evaluate the Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures (PNES) from the rest-electroencephalography (EEG) readout. No EEG marker can help differentiate PNES cases from healthy subjects. In this paper, we have investigated the power spectrum density (PSD), in resting-state EEGs, to evaluate the abnormalities in PNES affected brains. Additionally, we have used functional connectivity tools, such as phase lag index (PLI), and graph-derived metrics to better observe the integration of distributed information of regular and synchronized multi-scale communication within and across inter-regional brain areas. We proved the utility of our method after enrolling a cohort study of 20 age- and gender-matched PNES and 19 healthy control (HC) subjects. In this work, three classification models, namely support vector machine (SVM), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and Multilayer perceptron (MLP), have been employed to model the relationship between the functional connectivity features (rest-HC versus rest-PNES). The best performance for the discrimination of participants was obtained using the MLP classifier, reporting a precision of 85.73%, a recall of 86.57%, an F1-score of 78.98%, and, finally, an accuracy of 91.02%. In conclusion, our results hypothesized two main aspects. The first is an intrinsic organization of functional brain networks that reflects a dysfunctional level of integration across brain regions, which can provide new insights into the pathophysiological mechanisms of PNES. The second is that functional connectivity features and MLP could be a promising method to classify rest-EEG data of PNES form healthy controls subjects

    A novel statistical analysis and autoencoder driven intelligent intrusion detection approach

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    In the current digital era, one of the most critical and challenging issues is ensuring cybersecurity in information technology (IT) infrastructures. With significant improvements in technology, hackers have been developing ever more complex and dangerous malware attacks that make intrusion recognition a very difficult task. In this context, traditional analytical tools are facing severe challenges to detect and mitigate these threats. In this work, we introduce a novel statistical analysis and autoencoder (AE) driven intelligent intrusion detection system (IDS). Specifically, the proposed IDS combines data analytics and statistical techniques with recent advances in machine learning theory to extract more optimized, strongly correlated features. The proposed IDS is evaluated using the benchmark NSL-KDD database. Comparative experimental results show that the designed statistical analysis and AE based IDS achieves better classification performance compared to conventional deep and shallow machine learning and other recently proposed state-of-the-art techniques

    A Hybrid-Domain Deep Learni/ng-Based BCI For Discriminating Hand Motion Planning From EEG Sources

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    In this paper, a hybrid-domain deep learning (DL)-based neural system is proposed to decode hand movement preparation phases from electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings. The system exploits information extracted from the temporal-domain and time-frequency-domain, as part of a hybrid strategy, to discriminate the temporal windows (i.e. EEG epochs) preceding hand sub-movements (open/close) and the resting state. To this end, for each EEG epoch, the associated cortical source signals in the motor cortex and the corresponding time-frequency (TF) maps are estimated via beamforming and Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), respectively. Two Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are designed: specifically, the first CNN is trained over a dataset of temporal (T) data (i.e. EEG sources), and is referred to as T-CNN; the second CNN is trained over a dataset of TF data (i.e. TF-maps of EEG sources), and is referred to as TF-CNN. Two sets of features denoted as T-features and TF-features, extracted from T-CNN and TF-CNN, respectively, are concatenated in a single features vector (denoted as TTF-features vector) which is used as input to a standard multi-layer perceptron for classification purposes. Experimental results show a significant performance improvement of our proposed hybrid-domain DL approach as compared to temporal-only and time-frequency-only-based benchmark approaches, achieving an average accuracy of 76.21±3.77%