3,446 research outputs found

    Topology Change in (2+1)-Dimensional Gravity

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    In (2+1)-dimensional general relativity, the path integral for a manifold MM can be expressed in terms of a topological invariant, the Ray-Singer torsion of a flat bundle over MM. For some manifolds, this makes an explicit computation of transition amplitudes possible. In this paper, we evaluate the amplitude for a simple topology-changing process. We show that certain amplitudes for spatial topology change are nonvanishing---in fact, they can be infrared divergent---but that they are infinitely suppressed relative to similar topology-preserving amplitudes.Comment: 19 pages of text plus 4 pages of figures, LaTeX (using epsf), UCD-11-9

    On the gravitational field of static and stationary axial symmetric bodies with multi-polar structure

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    We give a physical interpretation to the multi-polar Erez-Rozen-Quevedo solution of the Einstein Equations in terms of bars. We find that each multi-pole correspond to the Newtonian potential of a bar with linear density proportional to a Legendre Polynomial. We use this fact to find an integral representation of the γ\gamma function. These integral representations are used in the context of the inverse scattering method to find solutions associated to one or more rotating bodies each one with their own multi-polar structure.Comment: To be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Factorization of Ising correlations C(M,N) for ν=k \nu= \, -k and M+N odd, MNM \le N, T<TcT < T_c and their lambda extensions

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    We study the factorizations of Ising low-temperature correlations C(M,N) for ν=k\nu=-k and M+N odd, MNM \le N, for both the cases M0M\neq 0 where there are two factors, and M=0M=0 where there are four factors. We find that the two factors for M0 M \neq 0 satisfy the same non-linear differential equation and, similarly, for M=0 the four factors each satisfy Okamoto sigma-form of Painlev\'e VI equations with the same Okamoto parameters. Using a Landen transformation we show, for M0M\neq 0, that the previous non-linear differential equation can actually be reduced to an Okamoto sigma-form of Painlev\'e VI equation. For both the two and four factor case, we find that there is a one parameter family of boundary conditions on the Okamoto sigma-form of Painlev\'e VI equations which generalizes the factorization of the correlations C(M,N) to an additive decomposition of the corresponding sigma's solutions of the Okamoto sigma-form of Painlev\'e VI equation which we call lambda extensions. At a special value of the parameter, the lambda-extensions of the factors of C(M,N) reduce to homogeneous polynomials in the complete elliptic functions of the first and second kind. We also generalize some Tracy-Widom (Painlev\'e V) relations between the sum and difference of sigma's to this Painlev\'e VI framework.Comment: 45 page

    Gap Probabilities for Edge Intervals in Finite Gaussian and Jacobi Unitary Matrix Ensembles

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    The probabilities for gaps in the eigenvalue spectrum of the finite dimension N×N N \times N random matrix Hermite and Jacobi unitary ensembles on some single and disconnected double intervals are found. These are cases where a reflection symmetry exists and the probability factors into two other related probabilities, defined on single intervals. Our investigation uses the system of partial differential equations arising from the Fredholm determinant expression for the gap probability and the differential-recurrence equations satisfied by Hermite and Jacobi orthogonal polynomials. In our study we find second and third order nonlinear ordinary differential equations defining the probabilities in the general NN case. For N=1 and N=2 the probabilities and thus the solution of the equations are given explicitly. An asymptotic expansion for large gap size is obtained from the equation in the Hermite case, and also studied is the scaling at the edge of the Hermite spectrum as N N \to \infty , and the Jacobi to Hermite limit; these last two studies make correspondence to other cases reported here or known previously. Moreover, the differential equation arising in the Hermite ensemble is solved in terms of an explicit rational function of a {Painlev\'e-V} transcendent and its derivative, and an analogous solution is provided in the two Jacobi cases but this time involving a {Painlev\'e-VI} transcendent.Comment: 32 pages, Latex2

    Integrated fish stock assessment and monitoring program

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    Constructing Integrable Third Order Systems:The Gambier Approach

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    We present a systematic construction of integrable third order systems based on the coupling of an integrable second order equation and a Riccati equation. This approach is the extension of the Gambier method that led to the equation that bears his name. Our study is carried through for both continuous and discrete systems. In both cases the investigation is based on the study of the singularities of the system (the Painlev\'e method for ODE's and the singularity confinement method for mappings).Comment: 14 pages, TEX FIL

    Chaos and Rotating Black Holes with Halos

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    The occurrence of chaos for test particles moving around a slowly rotating black hole with a dipolar halo is studied using Poincar\'e sections. We find a novel effect, particles with angular momentum opposite to the black hole rotation have larger chaotic regions in phase space than particles initially moving in the same direction.Comment: 9 pages, 4 Postscript figures. Phys. Rev. D, in pres

    Radar detection of a localized 1.4 Hz pulsation in auroral plasma, simultaneous with pulsating optical emissions, during a substorm

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    Many pulsating phenomena are associated with the auroral substorm. It has been considered that some of these phenomena involve kilometer-scale Alfvén waves coupling the magnetosphere and ionosphere. Electric field oscillations at the altitude of the ionosphere are a signature of such wave activity that could distinguish it from other sources of auroral particle precipitation, which may be simply tracers of magnetospheric activity. Therefore, a ground based diagnostic of kilometer-scale oscillating electric fields would be a valuable tool in the study of pulsations and the auroral substorm. In this study we attempt to develop such a tool in the Poker Flat incoherent scatter radar (PFISR). The central result is a statistically significant detection of a 1.4 Hz electric field oscillation associated with a similar oscillating optical emission, during the recovery phase of a substorm. The optical emissions also contain a bright, lower frequency (0.2 Hz) pulsation that does not show up in the radar backscatter. The fact that higher frequency oscillations are detected by the radar, whereas the bright, lower frequency optical pulsation is not detected by the radar, serves to strengthen a theoretical argument that the radar is sensitive to oscillating electric fields, but not to oscillating particle precipitation. Although it is difficult to make conclusions as to the physical mechanism, we do not find evidence for a plane-wave-like Alfvén wave; the detected structure is evident in only two of five adjacent beams. We emphasize that this is a new application for ISR, and that corroborating results are needed

    General-relativistic Model of Magnetically Driven Jet

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    The general scheme for the construction of the general-relativistic model of the magnetically driven jet is suggested. The method is based on the usage of the 3+1 MHD formalism. It is shown that the critical points of the flow and the explicit radial behavior of the physical variables may be derived through the jet ``profile function."Comment: 12 pages, LaTex, no figure