116 research outputs found

    Strong fragmentation of low-energy electromagnetic excitation strength in 117^{117}Sn

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    Results of nuclear resonance fluorescence experiments on 117^{117}Sn are reported. More than 50 γ\gamma transitions with Eγ<4E_{\gamma} < 4 MeV were detected indicating a strong fragmentation of the electromagnetic excitation strength. For the first time microscopic calculations making use of a complete configuration space for low-lying states are performed in heavy odd-mass spherical nuclei. The theoretical predictions are in good agreement with the data. It is concluded that although the E1 transitions are the strongest ones also M1 and E2 decays contribute substantially to the observed spectra. In contrast to the neighboring even 116124^{116-124}Sn, in 117^{117}Sn the 11^- component of the two-phonon [21+31][2^+_1 \otimes 3^-_1] quintuplet built on top of the 1/2+^+ ground state is proved to be strongly fragmented.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Studies of the Giant Dipole Resonance in 27^{27}Al, 40^{40}Ca, 56^{56}Fe, 58^{58}Ni and 208^{208}Pb with high energy-resolution inelastic proton scattering under 0^\circ

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    A survey of the fine structure of the Isovector Giant Dipole Resonance (IVGDR) was performed, using the recently commissioned zero-degree facility of the K600 magnetic spectrometer at iThemba LABS. Inelastic proton scattering at an incident energy of 200 MeV was measured on 27^{27}Al, 40^{40}Ca, 56^{56}Fe, 58^{58}Ni and 208^{208}Pb. A high energy resolution (ΔE\rm{\Delta}\it{E} \simeq 40 keV FWHM) could be achieved after utilising faint-beam and dispersion-matching techniques. Considerable fine structure is observed in the energy region of the IVGDR and characteristic energy scales are extracted from the experimental data by means of a wavelet analysis. The comparison with Quasiparticle-Phonon Model (QPM) calculations provides insight into the relevance of different giant resonance decay mechanisms. Photoabsorption cross sections derived from the data assuming dominance of relativistic Coulomb excitation are in fair agreement with previous work using real photons.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure

    Search for the electric dipole excitations to the 3s1/2[21+31]3s_{1/2} \otimes [2^{+}_{1} \otimes 3^{-}_{1}] multiplet in 117^{117}Sn

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    The odd-mass 117^{117}Sn nucleus was investigated in nuclear resonance fluorescence experiments up to an endpoint energy of the incident photon spectrum of 4.1 MeV at the bremsstrahlung facility of the Stuttgart University. More than 50 mainly hitherto unknown levels were found. From the measurement of the scattering cross sections model independent absolute electric dipole excitation strengths were extracted. The measured angular distributions suggested the spins of 11 excited levels. Quasi-particle phonon model calculations including a complete configuration space were performed for the first time for a heavy odd-mass spherical nucleus. These calculations give a clear insight in the fragmentation and distribution of the E1E1, M1M1, and E2E2 excitation strength in the low energy region. It is proven that the 11^{-} component of the two-phonon [21+31][2^{+}_{1} \otimes 3^{-}_{1}] quintuplet built on top of the 1/2+1/2^{+} ground state is strongly fragmented. The theoretical calculations are consistent with the experimental data.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Wavelet signatures of KK-splitting of the Isoscalar Giant Quadrupole Resonance in deformed nuclei from high-resolution (p,p') scattering off 146,148,150^{146,148,150}Nd

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    The phenomenon of fine structure of the Isoscalar Giant Quadrupole Resonance (ISGQR) has been studied with high energy-resolution proton inelastic scattering at iThemba LABS in the chain of stable even-mass Nd isotopes covering the transition from spherical to deformed ground states. A wavelet analysis of the background-subtracted spectra in the deformed 146,148,150Nd isotopes reveals characteristic scales in correspondence with scales obtained from a Skyrme RPA calculation using the SVmas10 parameterization. A semblance analysis shows that these scales arise from the energy shift between the main fragments of the K = 0, 1 and K = 2 components.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Population of isomers in decay of the giant dipole resonance

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    The value of an isomeric ratio (IR) in N=81 isotones (137^{137}Ba, 139^{139}Ce, 141^{141}Nd and 143^{143}Sm) is studied by means of the (γ,n)\gamma, n) reaction. This quantity measures a probability to populate the isomeric state in respect to the ground state population. In (γ,n)\gamma, n) reactions, the giant dipole resonance (GDR) is excited and after its decay by a neutron emission, the nucleus has an excitation energy of a few MeV. The forthcoming γ\gamma decay by direct or cascade transitions deexcites the nucleus into an isomeric or ground state. It has been observed experimentally that the IR for 137^{137}Ba and 139 ^{139}Ce equals about 0.13 while in two heavier isotones it is even less than half the size. To explain this effect, the structure of the excited states in the energy region up to 6.5 MeV has been calculated within the Quasiparticle Phonon Model. Many states are found connected to the ground and isomeric states by E1E1, E2E2 and M1M1 transitions. The single-particle component of the wave function is responsible for the large values of the transitions. The calculated value of the isomeric ratio is in very good agreement with the experimental data for all isotones. A slightly different value of maximum energy with which the nuclei rest after neutron decay of the GDR is responsible for the reported effect of the A-dependence of the IR.Comment: 16 pages, 4 Fig

    Twist Mode in Spherical Alkali Metal Clusters

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    A remarkable orbital quadrupole magnetic resonance, so-called twist mode, is predicted in alkali metal clusters where it is represented by Iπ=2I^{\pi}=2^- low-energy excitations of valence electrons with strong M2 transitions to the ground state. We treat the twist by both macroscopic and microscopic ways. In the latter case, the shell structure of clusters is fully exploited, which is crucial for the considered size region (8Ne13148\le N_e\le 1314). The energy-weighted sum rule is derived for the pseudo-Hamiltonian. In medium and heavy spherical clusters the twist dominates over its spin-dipole counterpart and becomes the most strong multipole magnetic mode.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. Lett., v.85, n.15, 200

    Low-energy electric dipole response in 120Sn

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    The electric dipole strength in 120Sn has been extracted from proton inelastic scattering experiments at E_p = 295 MeV and at forward angles including 0 degree. Below neutron threshoild it differs from the results of a 120Sn(gamma,gamma') experiment and peaks at an excitation energy of 8.3 MeV. The total strength corresponds to 2.3(2)% of the energy-weighted sum rule and is more than three times larger than what is observed with the (gamma,gamma') reaction. This implies a strong fragmentation of the E1 strength and/or small ground state branching ratios of the excited 1- states.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Complete electric dipole response and the neutron skin in 208Pb

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    A benchmark experiment on 208Pb shows that polarized proton inelastic scattering at very forward angles including 0{\deg} is a powerful tool for high-resolution studies of electric dipole (E1) and spin magnetic dipole (M1) modes in nuclei over a broad excitation energy range to test up-to-date nuclear models. The extracted E1 polarizability leads to a neutron skin thickness r_skin = 0.156+0.025-0.021 fm in 208Pb derived within a mean-field model [Phys. Rev. C 81, 051303 (2010)], thereby constraining the symmetry energy and its density dependence, relevant to the description of neutron stars.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, revised mansucrip