576 research outputs found

    Splenic Artery Pseudoaneurysms: The Role of ce-CT for Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

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    Splenic artery pseudoaneurysm (PSA) is a contained vascular wall lesion associated with a high mortality rate, generally related to pancreatitis, trauma, malignancy, iatrogenic injury, and segmental arterial mediolysis. Computed tomography angiography allows us to visualize the vascular anatomy, differentiate a PSA from an aneurysm, and provide adequate information for endovascular/surgical treatment. The present review reports on the main state-of-the-art splenic artery PSA diagnosis, differentiating between the pros and cons of the imaging methods and about the endovascular treatment

    Novel schedule for treatment of inflammatory breast cancer

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    Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is the most aggressive form of this tumor, with the clinical and biological characteristics of a rapidly proliferating disease. This tumor is always diagnosed at advanced stages, atleast stage IIIB (locally advanced), so its management requires an integrated multidisciplinary approach with a systemic therapy followed by surgery and radiation therapy. Patients with IBC usually have a worse prognosis but the achievement of a pathologic complete response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy may have good rates of overall survival. We present the case of a 47 year old women with IBC, luminal B and with high proliferative index; she was successfully treated with a sequential schedule of chemotherapy (anthracyclines dose-dense/carboplatin+ taxane/Cyclophosphamide Methotrexate Fluorouracil), hormone-therapy, complementary radiotherapy and finally surgery until the achievement of a complete clinical and pathological response. Luminal B inflammatory breast cancer with high proliferation index can benefit from sequential schedules of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and hormonal treatment and this can result in pathological complete response

    Interventional Ultrasound in Dermatology: A Pictorial Overview Focusing on Cutaneous Melanoma Patients

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    Cutaneous melanoma incidence is increasing worldwide, representing an aggressive tumor when evolving to the metastatic phase. High-resolution ultrasound (US) is playing a growing role in the assessment of newly diagnosed melanoma cases, in the locoregional staging prior to the sentinel lymph-node biopsy procedure, and in the melanoma patient follow-up. Additionally, US may guide a number of percutaneous procedures in the melanoma patients, encompassing diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. These include fine needle cytology, core biopsy, placement of presurgical guidewires, aspiration of lymphoceles and seromas, and electrochemotherapy

    Conformal scattering for a nonlinear wave equation on a curved background

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    The purpose of this paper is to establish a geometric scattering result for a conformally invariant nonlinear wave equation on an asymptotically simple spacetime. The scattering operator is obtained via trace operators at null infinities. The proof is achieved in three steps. A priori linear estimates are obtained via an adaptation of the Morawetz vector field in the Schwarzschild spacetime and a method used by H\"ormander for the Goursat problem. A well-posedness result for the characteristic Cauchy problem on a light cone at infinity is then obtained. This requires a control of the nonlinearity uniform in time which comes from an estimates of the Sobolev constant and a decay assumption on the nonlinearity of the equation. Finally, the trace operators on conformal infinities are built and used to define the conformal scattering operator

    Trends in h2s-donors chemistry and their effects in cardiovascular diseases

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    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is an endogenous gasotransmitter recently emerged as an important regulatory mediator of numerous human cell functions in health and in disease. In fact, much evidence has suggested that hydrogen sulfide plays a significant role in many physio-pathological processes, such as inflammation, oxidation, neurophysiology, ion channels regulation, cardiovascular protection, endocrine regulation, and tumor progression. Considering the plethora of physiological effects of this gasotransmitter, the protective role of H2S donors in different disease models has been extensively studied. Based on the growing interest in H2S-releasing compounds and their importance as tools for biological and pharmacological studies, this review is an exploration of currently available H2S donors, classifying them by the H2S-releasing-triggered mechanism and highlighting those potentially useful as promising drugs in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases

    Na+/Ca2+ exchanger isoform 1 takes part to the Ca2+-related prosurvival pathway of SOD1 in primary motor neurons exposed to beta-methylamino-l-alanine

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    Background: The cycad neurotoxin beta-methylamino-l-alanine (L-BMAA), one of the environmental trigger factor for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/Parkinson-dementia complex (ALS/PDC), may cause neurodegeneration by disrupting organellar Ca2+ homeostasis. Through the activation of Akt/ERK1/2 pathway, the Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1) and its non-metallated form, ApoSOD1, prevent endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-induced cell death in motor neurons exposed to L-BMAA. This occurs through the rapid increase of intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in part flowing from the extracellular compartment and in part released from ER. However, the molecular components of this mechanism remain uncharacterized. Methods: By an integrated approach consisting on the use of siRNA strategy, Western blotting, confocal double- labeling immunofluorescence, patch-clamp electrophysiology, and Fura 2-/SBFI-single-cell imaging, we explored in rat motor neuron-enriched cultures the involvement of the plasma membrane proteins Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) and purinergic P2X7 receptor as well as that of the intracellular cADP-ribose (cADPR) pathway, in the neuroprotective mechanism of SOD1. Results: We showed that SOD1-induced [Ca2+]i rise was prevented neither by A430879, a P2X7 receptor specific antagonist or 8-bromo-cADPR, a cell permeant antagonist of cADP-ribose, but only by the pan inhibitor of NCX, CB-DMB. The same occurred for the ApoSOD1. Confocal double labeling immunofluorescence showed a huge expression of plasmalemmal NCX1 and intracellular NCX3 isoforms. Furthermore, we identified NCX1 reverse mode as the main mechanism responsible for the neuroprotective ER Ca2+ refilling elicited by SOD1 and ApoSOD1 through which they promoted translocation of active Akt in the nuclei of a subset of primary motor neurons. Finally, the activation of NCX1 by the specific agonist CN-PYB2 protected motor neurons from L-BMAA-induced cell death, mimicking the effect of SOD1. Conclusion: Collectively, our data indicate that SOD1 and ApoSOD1 exert their neuroprotective effect by modulating ER Ca2+ content through the activation of NCX1 reverse mode and Akt nuclear translocation in a subset of primary motor neurons. [MediaObject not available: see fulltext.

    Embolization in Pediatric Patients: A Comprehensive Review of Indications, Procedures, and Clinical Outcomes

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    Embolization in pediatric patients encompasses a large spectrum of indications, ranging from the elective treatment of congenital diseases of the cardiovascular system to the urgent management of acute hemorrhagic conditions. In particular, the endovascular treatment of central and peripheral vascular malformations and hypervascular tumors represents a wide chapter for both congenital and acquired situations. Thanks to the progressive availability of low-profile endovascular devices and new embolic materials, the mini-invasive approach has gradually overtaken surgery. In this review, the main embolization procedures will be illustrated and discussed, with a focus on clinical indications and expected outcomes. The most recent mini-invasive techniques will be described, with hints on the cutting-edge devices and embolic materials
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