24 research outputs found

    Attitudes of residents towards tourism. The case of Benalmadena, Spain

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    Tourism is consumed in the place of production causing a series of impacts. These effects caused by tourism can be perceived positively or negatively by residents. The objective of this study is to analyze the attitude of the residents from the impacts of tourism in the town of Benalmádena, Spanish town that is located within the Costa del Sol. We used a quantitative methodology and we have carried out an extensive survey of 770 residents. Information has been collected through questionnaires and there have been exploratory and ANOVA analysis. The results are: the economic benefits are the most important elements sought and valued by the local population. However, they also recognize the negative effects of this dimension, in the same way as with the socio-cultural and environmental impacts.This study is to analyze the attitude of the residents from the impacts of tourism in the town of Benalmádena, Spanish. This is a mature destination framed in a pattern of sun and beach in 2012 has a total of 10,885 hotel places. Benalmádena tourism has a significant oscillation throughout the year, peaking in the months of July to September and the minimum between December and February.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Profile of residents: attitude towards tourism in Benalmádena (Costa del Sol, Spain)

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    Tourism development and evolution along the time causes multiple impacts. Based on characteristic profiles of resident, these impacts may be assessed differently. The attitude of residents and the identification of profiles is a tool that allows to asses the status of destination and propose future strategies for improving the destination. This study aims to analyse the role of residents regarding the perception of tourism.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Así mismo, Esta investigación ha sido subvencionada por el programa Nacional de Investigación Básica 2012, CS2010-30840. "Geografías de la crisis: analisis urbano turístico de las Islas Baleares, Costa del Sol y principales destinos en el Caribe

    Residents´ perceptions of tourism development in Benalmádena (Spain)

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2015.11.007This study examines the residents´ perceptions of the impact of tourism in Benalmádena, and the profiles of the residents according to socio-demographic characteristics. A questionnaire assessed how these characteristics influence the residents' perceptions towards the environment, economy, and socio-cultural aspects. The survey was administered to a stratified sample of 770 residents in Benalmádena. Results show a significant effect of socio-demographic variables on perception of tourism impact. The educational background, place of birth and how long respondents had been living in the community explain a significant amount of the variance in overall attitudes. Interaction analyses revealed that place of birth moderated the relationship between the tourism dimensions and the years of residence. For instance, the respondents with less than five years of residence showed more positive attitude towards the impact of tourism. We offer a profile of these residents according to their perceptions of the impact of tourism in their community.This research has received funding from the Spanish Government, Fundamental Research Program (R+D) (CSO2012-30840), “Geographies of crisis: analysis of urban and tourist territories of the Balearic Islands, Costa del Sol and main tourist destinations of the Caribbean and Central America”. Andalucia Tech, Universidad de Málaga, Spain

    Evaluation of suitability areas for ecotourism using multi-criteria analysis. The case of central Serbian viticultural region

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    The authors participated equally in the development of this researchTourism in the wine region of Central Serbia has been gaining more and more affirmation in recent years. This wine destination offers to tourists a rich wine culture and recreation. Also, as a special supplement to wine tourism, ecotourism is especially promoted, in combination with quality wines with geographical origin. The basic analysis of this study is to identify potential locations for ecotourism activities in the wine region of Central Serbia based on physical-geographical elements (topography, altitude, slope, land use / coverage, diversity, distance from rivers) and socio-economic data (proximity to tourist attractions, distance from major roads and places). The integration of the Geographic Information System (GIS) and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) greatly facilitates the decision-making process in the assessment of ecotourism activities. As a result of this paper, a map of benefits for the development of ecotourism potentials was highlighted. Very high potential is shown by forest areas that can play a key role in tourism but are not fully used. This analysis helps in two ways: the promotion of ecotourism and viticultural destinations. In particular, in the assessment and implementation for local communities to identify tourism as an opportunity for economic development.This research was funded by the projects: “New strategies for new tourist conflicts in Andalusian historic centres”, Andalusian FEDER Operational Program (UMA20-FEDERJA- 005), Spain, and “Residents versus tourists in Andalusian historic centres? Conflicts, strategies and new post-Covid scenarios” (P20_01198) financed by the Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (PAIDI 2020), Spain

    Tourist Spaces and Tourism Policy in Spain and Portugal

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    The territorial and geographical factor plays a key role in the development of tourist destinations. The territory and its resources are those that provide identity to the destinations. But tourism resources are not distributed equitably, so that tourism tends to create territorial imbalances. This is explained by the close relationship between tourism and territorial resources (beaches, landscape, heritage, etc.) and the duty to use these resources in the own tourism destination. This study analyses the relationships between tourism, tourism resources and regional imbalances in Spain and Portugal. There are few comparative studies between tourism policy and territorial processes in Spain and Portugal. This is one of the contributions of this study.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Crecimiento turístico y crisis en la Costa del Sol

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    En esta comunicación analiza la relación que se ha establecido entre la actividad turística de la Costa del Sol y la crisis económica iniciada en España en el 2008. Este estudio trata de contrastar las características del sector y del espacio turístico durante el período de crisis económica con las posibles consecuencias en el crecimiento urbanístico y demográfico. Para ello, se analizan algunos indicadores turísticos y socioeconómicos relevantes. Como conclusiones hay que destacar que la oferta de alojamiento se ha mantenido o crecido en los años de crisis, así como los ingresos hoteleros, mientras que se ha visto más afectado el empleo, el flujo migratorio se ha frenado, así como la creación de viviendasUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Torremolinos, análisis de la transformación urbana y hotelera

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    El municipio de Torremolinos constituye uno de los espacios pioneros en la implantación del turismo masivo de sol y playa en la Costa del Sol malagueña. Mediante este trabajo se analiza desde un punto de vista temporal la evolución experimentada en el crecimiento urbano de Torremolinos y relacionar dicha evolución con la implantación de una importante planta hotelera que ha contribuido de forma significativa a transformar el municipio.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Trends and evolution of tourism in the Mediterranean Basin

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    Análisis de las tendencias del turismo en la cuenca del Mediterraneo.This study analyzes the tourist developments that have taken the Mediterranean basin in recent years. This paper studies the internal differences, the intervention of political and social factors and key trends. Maintenance of tourism is checked despite the stagnation in tourist arrivals. The Mediterranean basin is the main tourist area of the world, despite strong competition from other tourist areas. The distribution of this tourism is very unbalanced, with most concentrated in the north shore, and especially in the western side (75.4% tourists and 78.9% bed places, 2012). The southern and eastern Mediterranean shore has been affected by conflict which has caused a loss of tourist flows. The Mediterranean basin is a mature tourist region that needs to reinvent itself to remain.This research was sponsored by the National Programme of Basic Research 2012, Ministry of Economic and Competitiveness, Spain, grant number CS2010-30840, ‘Geographies of crises: analysis of urban and tourist territories of the Balearic Islands, Costa del Sol and major tourist destinations in the Caribbean’. Universidad deMálaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Turismofobia en los centros históricos: el caso de Málaga

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    The annoyance presented by the residents in the historic centre of Malaga, due to the impact of tourism is analysed. The study area is affected by a declining population and problems presented by residents in intense tourism spaces. The existence of tourism-phobia and the elements involved in it are examined. To this end, a specific questionnaire was produced about tourism-phobia, 378 surveys were distributed and completed and 10 semi-structured interviews were carried out with residents. Likewise, a thematic map was created, spatially identifying the main problems relating to the nuisances to residents. This research is the first study that analyses tourism-phobia by using statistically reliable samples. The results show the existence of a group of residents who are quiteannoyed (17.5 %) that can be classified as tourism-phobic and a group that is not very annoyed at all (22.2 %) that could be classed as tourism-philic. There are sociodemographic variables that are essential to interpreting these attitudes, such as the cases of the level of education and place of residence. The spatial distribution of the perceptions of the annoyance caused by tourism is uneven in the historic centre of Malaga.Se analizan las molestias que presentan los residentes en el centro histórico de Málaga, debido a los impactos del turismo. La zona de estudio está afectada por la pérdida de población y por molestias que presentan los residentes en espacios intensamente turísticos. Se indaga sobre la existencia de la turismofobia y los elementos que intervienen en la misma. Para ello se elaboró un cuestionario específico sobre turismofobia, se distribuyeron y cumplimentaron 378 encuestas y se llevaron a cabo 10 entrevistas semiestructuras a residentes. Así mismo, se confeccionó una cartografía temática que identifica espacialmente los principales problemas relacionados con las molestias a residentes. Esta investigación es el primer estudio que analiza la turismofobia utilizando muestras estadísticamente fiables. Los resultados señalan la existencia de un colectivo de residentes bastante molesto (17,5 %) que se pueden denominar como turismofóbicos, y un grupo bastante poco molesto (22,2 %), que se podría designar como turismofílicos. Hay variables sociodemográficas que son claves para interpretar estas actitudes, como son los casos del nivel de estudios y lugar de residencia. La distribución espacial de las percepciones de las molestias debido al turismo es desigual en el centro histórico de Málaga.The research was supported by research projects: "Transformations of the historical urban landscape induced by tourism: contradictions and controversies, government and local governance" (CSO2016-75470-R); "Overtourism in Spanish coastal Destinations. Tourism degrowth strategies An approach from the social dimension "(RTI2018-094844-B-C33), Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (National Plan for R+D+i); and "Tourism phobia and Tourism filia in the city of Malaga", Research Plan of the University of Malaga, Spain

    Patterns of location and hotel evolution: the case of Torremolinos

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    Torremolinos constituye un caso destacable que resalta la estrecha vinculación que existe entre el tipo de desarrollo turístico y los patrones de localización de la industria hotelera. Este estudio muestra la evolución de un destino maduro de sol y playa, que ha creado una notable oferta hotelera a lo largo del tiempo. Para comprender la distribución temporal y espacial de la oferta hotelera, se propone un modelo de localización de la actividad hotelera. Las herramientas de análisis utilizadas han sido la recopilación de la información documental y estadística relativa a los hoteles, las ortofotografías aéreas para el estudio de los cambios de usos del suelo, el análisis estadístico para conocer el comportamiento espacial y el trabajo de campo para localizar los establecimientos hoteleros. La investigación comprueba la existencia de clusters espaciales como estrategia de implantación del sector hotelero de Torremolinos.Proyecto de investigación “Crisis y reestructuración de los espacios turísticos del litoral español” (CSO2015-64468-P). Financiado por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Subdivisión de programas temáticos científico-técnico) y los Fondos FEDER (Unión Europea)