380 research outputs found

    Citizen Participation and the Rise of Digital Media Platforms in Smart Governance and Smart Cities

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    Many governments and firms do believe that technology can supplant governance and human responsibility. This belief poses the question of who will really benefit from smart cities. This article explores this fundamental question through the study of digital media platforms. The ultimate goal is to understand the link between e-governance and smart city initiatives in our cases of study by testing whether these projects are explicitly for citizens. This article shows how e-platforms represent the use of information and communication technologies with the aim of encouraging citizen participation in decision-making processes, improving information and service delivery, reinforcing transparency, accountability, as well as credibility. Thirteen digital media platforms are surveyed, mostly in cities across countries. These e-platforms raise implementation challenges for both firms and policy makers, and new research opportunities for scientist to build up new research and to experiment with the aim to make the benefits for citizens wider and the participatory dimension strongerThis work has been supported by Grant CITADEL H2020 Empowering Citizens to Transform European PubLic Administrations. H2020 Framework Program (under GA 726755, running from 1/9/2016 to 1/9/2020) directed by Daniel Diaz-Fuentes, University of Cantabria--This is a pan European project with the innovation Basque firm TECNALIA as general coordinator. This work has has also been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (TIN2016-80630-P

    Analyzing Citizen Participation and Engagement in European Smart Cities

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    With the advent of smart cities (SCs), governance has been placed at the core of the debate on how to create public value and achieve a high quality of life in urban environments. In particular, given that public value is rooted in democratic theory and new technologies that promote networking spaces have emerged, citizen participation represents one of the principal instruments to make government open and close to the citizenry needs. Participation in urban governance has undergone a great development: from the first postmodernist ideals of countering expert dominance to today’s focus on learning and social innovation, where citizen participation is conceptualized as co-creation and co-production. Despite this development, there is a lack of research to know how this new governance context is taking place in the SC arena. Addressing this situation, in this article, we present an exhaustive survey of the research literature and a deep study of the experience in participative initiatives followed by SCs in Europe. Through an analysis of 149 SC initiatives from 76 European cities, we provide interesting insights about how participatory models have been introduced in the different areas and dimensions of the cities, how citizen engagement is promoted in SC initiatives, and whether the so-called creative SCs are those with a higher number of projects governed in a participatory wayThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (TIN2016-80630-P), and the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport (CAS18/00035

    Engagement en ciudades inteligentes. Diseño de un marco de análisis teórico y aplicado para participación ciudadana.

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    Engagement can be defined as a psychological state in which an individual focuses all her attention and enjoys the activity she is doing. The literature highlights the importance of improving this in citizen participation by governments and administrations. However, to the best of our knowledge, the literature does not offer clues about how engagement in citizen participation can be improved. This paper aims to develop a theoretical framework of citizen engagement for citizen participation in the context of smart cities. To this end, we first provide a definition of engagement, and describe some of its main characteristics. Next, we present a review of the literature on citizen participation tools in smart cities, analyzing if such tools do influence engagement attributes. The main outcomes of the study are the elaboration of a theoretical framework that integrates characteristic attributes of engagement in the field of citizen participation, and the identification of participation tools analyzing whether they can be designed to increase citizen engagement levels.El “engagement” puede definirse como un estado psicológico en el que el individuo centra toda su atención y disfruta de la actividad que está realizando. La literatura resalta la importancia de la búsqueda por parte de gobiernos y administraciones de este estado en el ámbito de la participación ciudadana. Las ciudades inteligentes poseen iniciativas de participación ciudadana. Sin embargo, hasta donde llega nuestro conocimiento, las claves previstas en la literatura sobre cómo puede fomentarse el engagement en participación ciudadana no han sido estudiadas en profundidad. Abordando este hecho, este artículo tiene como objetivo elaborar un marco teórico del engagement del ciudadano en participación ciudadana dentro de las ciudades inteligentes. Para ello, en primer lugar, se ofrece una definición del concepto y se identifican una serie de atributos que lo caracterizan. Además se presenta una revisión de la literatura sobre herramientas de participación en ciudades inteligentes. Posteriormente, se analizan si esas herramientas influyen en atributos del engagement. El resultado del estudio es la elaboración de un marco teórico con aplicaciones prácticas que integra atributos característicos del engagement en el campo de la participación ciudadana, y la identificación de herramientas de participación analizando si pueden ser diseñadas para incrementar los niveles de engagement de los ciudadanos

    Trends and challenges of e-government chatbots: Advances in exploring open government data and citizen participation content

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    This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-108965GB-I00) and the Regional Government of Andalusia (P20_00314 and B-SEJ-556-UGR20). The authors thank all people who participated in the reported studies.In this paper, we propose a conceptual framework composed of a number of e-government, implementation and evaluation-oriented variables, with which we jointly analyze chatbots presented in the research literature and chatbots deployed as public services in Spain at national, regional and local levels. As a result of our holistic analysis, we identify and discuss current trends and challenges in the development and evaluation of chatbots in the public administration sector, such as focusing the use of the conversational agents on the search for government information, documents and services –leaving citizen consultation and collaboration aside–, and conducting preliminary evaluations of prototypes in limited studies, lacking experiments on deployed systems, with metrics beyond effectiveness and usability –e.g., metrics related to the generation of public values. Addressing some of the identified challenges, we build and evaluate two novel chatbots that present advances in the access to open government data and citizen participation content. Moreover, we come up with additional, potential research lines that may be considered in the future for a new generation of e-government chatbots.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-108965GB-I00)Regional Government of Andalusia (P20_00314 and B-SEJ-556-UGR20

    Characterization and production of agglomerated cork stoppers for spirits based on a factor analysis method

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    The decision-making in the investment of a new line of stoppers based on agglomerated cork requires knowledge of the composition and its contribution to its performance. For this, it is necessary to observe the leading products on the market and to test a series of prototypes with different formulations. The development of manufacturing products made by cork, such as bottle stoppers, benefits strongly from accurate chemical and structural characterizations, correlated to the final material performance. A wise starting point to fulfill such requirement consist of comparing available products in the market to be compared with different prototypes with varying composition. This work presents a blind characterization of a series of cork samples through a non-supervised exploratory analysis designed to select agglomerated corks for spirits and still wines in the packaging industry. A total of 18 batches, with 3 of them being high-end commercial products, were used to build 15 different prototypes. They were subsequently characterized with the exact composition of microgranulated cork as the unknown variable. Statistical results based on 14 parameters related to the physic-thermo-mechanical properties indicate that the suitability of selecting the stopper relies on the study of only 4 or 5 of the initial parameters. Hence, it is shown that a reduced number of parameters may be considered to properly describe the mechanical behavior of agglomerated cork, allowing the wise choice of the most convenient material for the intended application. The factorial map reveals that the only sample batch manufactured based on the tested prototypes correlates with the three of the products supplied by the competence. © 2022 The Author

    A Chatbot for Searching and Exploring Open Data: Implementation and Evaluation in E-Government

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    © 2021 Association for Computing Machinery. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in DG.O2021: The 22nd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, https://doi.org/10.1145/3463677.3463681In this paper, we present a chatbot to access open government data. Differently to similar systems reported in the research literature, the developed chatbot not only allows searching for data collections, but also exploring information within the collections. The exploration is done via complex queries that are easily built by non-expert users through a natural language conversation. Moreover, as another novel, differentiating contribution, we report a conducted user study aimed to evaluate the chatbot according to the achievement of a number of public service values, as well as measuring distinct objective and subjective metrics. Experimental results show that the proposed system outperforms traditional methods followed in open data portalsThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-108965GB-I00) and the Centre of Andalusian Studies (PR137/19). The authors thank to all people who participated in the reported stud

    Performance of the reconstruction algorithms of the FIRST experiment pixel sensors vertex detector

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    Hadrontherapy treatments use charged particles (e.g. protons and carbon ions) to treat tumors. During a therapeutic treatment with carbon ions, the beam undergoes nuclear fragmentation processes giving rise to significant yields of secondary charged particles. An accurate prediction of these production rates is necessary to estimate precisely the dose deposited into the tumours and the surrounding healthy tissues. Nowadays, a limited set of double differential carbon fragmentation cross-section is available. Experimental data are necessary to benchmark Monte Carlo simulations for their use in hadrontherapy. The purpose of the FIRST experiment is to study nuclear fragmentation processes of ions with kinetic energy in the range from 100 to 1000 MeV/u. Tracks are reconstructed using information from a pixel silicon detector based on the CMOS technology. The performances achieved using this device for hadrontherapy purpose are discussed. For each reconstruction step (clustering, tracking and vertexing), different methods are implemented. The algorithm performances and the accuracy on reconstructed observables are evaluated on the basis of simulated and experimental data

    Aplicaciones de la espectroscopía SERS (Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering) a la detección de pigmentos orgánicos naturales en objetos del Patrimonio Cultural

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    16 páginas, 17 figuras.La espectroscopía Raman, cuyas prestaciones se han visto considerablemente mejoradas en los últimos 15 años debido a la introducción de técnicas de microscopía (que han sido posibles gracias a importantes avances tecnológicos en filtros ópticos y detectores de alta sensibilidad), se ha convertido en una técnica de identificación molecular de gran utilidad en el campo del Patrimonio Cultural [1]. Al igual que la más conocida espectroscopía Infrarroja, la espectroscopía Raman proporciona información sobre los compuestos moleculares presentes en la muestra bajo estudio, ampliando por ello la información acerca de la presencia de elementos químicos que suministran otras técnicas espectroscópicas tales como XRF, SEM - EDX, PIXE y LIBS utilizadas habitualmente en el análisis de objetos artísticos [2]. Hoy en día podemos encontrar la técnica de microscopía Raman en los departamentos de Conservación y Restauración de los más importantes Museos y Bibliotecas de todo el mundo, utilizándose como técnica no destructiva (incluso in situ) para diagnóstico de diferentes materiales que van desde los pigmentos inorgánicos hasta los biomateriales, en objetos artísticos tan diferentes como manuscritos, pinturas, textiles, cerámicas, vidrios, esculturas, monumentos, e incluso momias o cañones hundidos. La información que se obtiene puede resultar decisiva para la datación y autenticación de las obras artísticas, y ayuda a determinar los cambios físicos y/o químicos que han contribuido a su deterioro a través de la identificación de los productos de degradación de los materiales originales.Agradecemos al MICINN (Proyectos FIS2007-63065 y CONSOLIDER CSD 2007- 0058) y a la Comunidad de Madrid (MICROSERES, S2009TIC-1476) por la financiación parcial de los trabajos aquí expuestos. Agradecemos también el apoyo recibido de la Red Temática de Patrimonio Histórico y Cultural (CSIC). MVC y EdP agradecen al CSIC y al FSE 2007-2013 la concesión de sus respectivos Contratos post- y predoctoral.Peer reviewe