68 research outputs found

    Predicting Psychological Empowerment among Service Workers: The Effect of Support-Based Relationships

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    Data from 292 service workers in 21 private clubs show that supportive peer and customer relationships are predictive of higher levels of employee experienced empowerment. Both organizational and employee-customer relationships accounted for significant variation in the dimensions of empowerment: meaningfulness, influence, and self-efficacy. Peer helping and supportive customer relationships were the two most influential predictors of all three empowerment dimensions. Implications for future research and for management practice are discussed

    Living a Vision at Hillerman Hotels

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    This case describes the efforts of Hillerman Hotels to turnaround the operating performance of the Westward Hilton and Towers, a hotel they purchased out of bankruptcy when the previous owner was forced to sell the property. The general manager charged with the turnaround, Carl Gregg, began by developing a clear strategy and then innovatively devising human resource activities to implement his vision. Carl Gregg is now the executive vice president of operations and oversees the dozen-plus mid- and upscale hotels, owned and operated by the hotel subsidiary of the parent firm, Hillerman Enterprises. Before Gregg and the other corporate officers is a business decision to sell the Westward Hilton and Towers. As Gregg wrestles with this opportunity he worries about the impact of the decision on the hotel staff of Westward, and wonders how this decision might alter the culture and employee morale of the entire hotel group

    Should NYC’s Restaurateurs Lighten Up? Effects of the City’s Smoke-Free-Air Act

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    This study indicates that legislation that mandates smoke-free restaurants attracts more business (and money) than it drives away

    Las Vegas Locals as Gamblers and Hosts to Visiting Friends and Family: Characteristics and Gaming Behavior

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    Local gamblers are an important market segment for casino marketers providing a reliable source of revenue during slow periods. This paper presents selected gaming behavior of local residents in the Las Vegas area, linking socio-demographic characteristics with gaming behavior. In addition, this article examines the relationships of Las Vegas area locals and their visiting friends and family members in two aspects. First, we identified the influence local residents have on visiting friends and family in terms of recommendations made regarding gambling in general and specific gaming locations. Second, this article describes how visiting friends and family influence local residents in terms of gaming behavior and additional spending

    Эффективность терапии постоянным положительным давлением воздуха в дыхательных путях (СИПАП) у пациентов с апноэ во сне и резистентной артериальной гипертензией

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    CPAP treatment reduction blood pressure levels, degree of reduction in blood pressure levels is similar to those achieved by some antihypertensive drugs, especially in patients with resistant hypertension. There is a positive and linear correlation between the hours of use of CPAP and the reduction in blood pressure levels. CPAP decreases both the sympathetic activity and the level of aldosterone concentration on resistant hypertension patients, and these could constitute some of the pathophysiological action mechanisms involved in this treatment. The treatment and adherence to CPAP therapy along with other antihypertensive medications greatly reduce and prevent high blood pressure, CVD, and stroke.Datele prezentate fac parte componentă a reviului de literatură/rezultatele obținute în cadrul proiectului „Program de Stat 2020-2023” cu cifrul 20.80009.8007.04.Terapia CPAP contribuie la reducerea valorilor tensionale, gradul de reducere a nivelului tensiunei arteriale fiind si- milar cu cel realizat de unele medicamente antihipertensive. Există o corelație pozitivă și liniară între orele de utilizare a CPAP-ului și reducerea nivelului valorilor tensionale. Terapia CPAP scade atât activitatea simpatică, cât și nivelul concen- trației de aldosteron la pacienții cu hipertensiune arterială rezistentă la tratament, iar aceasta ar putea constitui unele dintre mecanisme de acțiune fiziopatologică implicate în acest tratament. Prin urmare, pacienții cu HTA rezistentă ar trebui să primească o combinație de terapie antihipertensivă și tratament CPAP, ale căror efecte sunt mai semnificative decât doar a medicației antihipertensive. Tratamentul și aderarea la terapia CPAP împreună cu utilizarea altor medicamente antihiper- tensive reduc și previn în mare măsură tensiunea arterială crescută, boală cardiovasculară și accidentul vascular cerebral.Терапия СИПАП приводит к снижению уровня артериального давления. При этом степень снижения уровня АД аналогична таковой, достигаемой некоторыми антигипертензивными препаратами, особенно у пациентов с резистентной гипертензией. Существует положительная и линейная корреляция между часами использования СИПАП и снижением уровня АД. СИПАП снижает как симпатическую активность, так и уровень концентрации альдостерона у пациентов с резистентной гипертензией и это может составлять некоторые патофизиологические механизмы действия, участвующие в этом лечении. Тем не менее, лечение и соблюдение режима СИПАП-терапии вместе с другими антигипертензивными препаратами значительно снижают и предотвращают высокое АД, сердечно-сосудистые заболевания и инсульт

    Роль барорефлекторнойактивационной терапии у больных с резистентной артериальной гипертензией

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    Resistant hypertension has become an interesting and controversial topic in the last decade. According to the European Guidelines for the management and treatment of hypertension, resistant hypertension is defined as the lack of blood pressure control despite the control of risk factors and good compliance with a treatment with at least three antihypertensives in the maximum tolerated doses, one of which is a diuretic, at patients in whom possible causes of secondary arterial hypertension were excluded. In the official position of the AHA (American Heart Association) on this subject, resistant HTN is considered as HTN uncontrolled with three antihypertensive drugs or HTN controlled but requiring at least four drugs.Although the medical world has a complex arsenal of antihypertensive preparations, with them it is not possible to correct the values in a good part of the patients. A solution would be the development and study of the effectiveness of baroreflex activation therapyDatele prezentate fac parte componentă a reviului de literatură/rezultatele obținute în cadrul proiectului „Program de Stat 2020-2023” cu cifrul 20.80009.8007.04.Hipertensiunea arterială rezistentă a devenit un subiect controversat în ultima decadă. Conform Ghidului European a Societății de Cardiologie pentru managementul HTA, HTA rezistentă se defineşte ca lipsa controlului valorilor tensionale în pofida controlului factorilor de risc şi a complianţei bune la un tratament cu cel puţin trei antihipertensive în dozele maxime tolerate, dintre care unul este un diuretic, la pacienţii la care s-au exclus posibile cauze de hipertensiune arterială secundară. În poziţia oficială a AHA (Asociaţia Americană a Inimii) pe acest subiect, HTA rezistentă este considerată ca HTA necontrolată cu trei medicamente antihipertensive sau HTA controlată dar care necesită cel puţin patru medicamente.Cu toate că sistemul de sănătate deține un arsenal complex de preparate antihipertensive, nu se reușește corijarea valorilor la o buna parte dintre pacienți. O soluție ar fi dezvoltarea și studiul eficacității terapiei de activare baroreflexăРезистентная артериальная гипертензия стала интересной и противоречивой темой в последнее десятилетие. В соответствии с Европейскими рекомендациями по ведению и лечению артериальной гипертензии резистентная гипертензия определяется как отсутствие контроля артериального давления, несмотря на контроль факторов риска и хорошую приверженость к лечению не менее чем тремя антигипертензивными препаратами в максимально переносимых дозах, один из которых является диуретиком, у больных, у которых были исключены возможные причины вторичной артериальной гипертензии. В официальной позиции AHA (Американской кардиологической ассоциации) по этому вопросу резистентной АГ считается АГ, не контролируемая тремя антигипертензивными препаратами, или АГ, контролируемая, но требующая не менее четырех препаратов.Хотя в медицинском мире имеется значимый арсенал антигипертензивных препаратов, с их помощью не всегда удается скорректировать показатели у значительной части больных. Возможным решением будет разработка и изучение эффективности барорефлекторной -активационной терапии

    Friends with Benefits: Social Coupons as a Strategy to Enhance Customers’ Social Empowerment

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    Businesses often seek to leverage customers’ social networks to acquire new customers and stimulate word-of-mouth recommendations. While customers make brand recommendations for various reasons (e.g., incentives, reputation enhancement), they are also motivated by a desire for social empowerment—to feel an impact on others. In several multi-method studies, we show that facilitating sharing of social coupons (i.e., coupon sets that include one for self-use and one to be shared) is a unique marketing strategy that facilitates social empowerment. Firms benefit from social coupons because customers who share spend more and report greater purchase intentions than those who do not. Furthermore, we demonstrate that social coupons are most effective when the sharer’s brand relationship is new versus established. For customers with an established relationship, sharing with a receiver who also has an established relationship maximizes potential impact. Together, these studies connect social empowerment to relationship marketing and provide guidance to managers targeting social coupons

    Gender as Symbolic Capital and Violence: The Case of Corporate Elites in Turkey

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    Based on a Bourdieusian approach, drawing on qualitative analyses of 63 life interviews, our study demonstrates that gender is performed as both symbolic capital and violence by corporate elites within the dominant ideologies of patriarchy and family in Turkey. Our analysis reveals that, in the male-dominated context of Turkey, female elites appear to favour male alliances as a tactical move in order to acquire and maintain status in their organizations, whereas male elites appear to remain blind to the privileges and constraints of their own gendered experience of symbolic capital and violence. Our study also illustrates that gender order is still preserved, despite beliefs to the contrary that equality in education, skills, experience and job performance may liberate women and men from gender-based outcomes at work.GSU Research Fun

    Die Phantomguerilla: Revolutionäre Organisation 17. November in Griechenland

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