12 research outputs found

    Dynamic response of a thin sessile drop of conductive liquid to an abruptly applied or removed electric field

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    We consider, both theoretically and experimentally, a thin sessile drop of conductive liquid that rests on the lower plate of a parallel-plate capacitor. We derive analytical expressions for both the initial deformation and the relaxation dynamics of the drop as the electric field is either abruptly applied or abruptly removed, as functions of the geometrical, electrical, and material parameters, and investigate the ranges of validity of these expressions by comparison with full numerical simulations. These expressions provide a reasonable description of the experimentally measured dynamic response of a drop of conductive ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methyl imidazolium tetrafluoroborate

    Electric field induced deformation of hemispherical sessile droplets of ionic liquid

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    Sessile droplets of an ionic liquid with contact angles close to 90° were subjected to an electric field E = V/w inside a capacitor with plate separation w and potential difference V. For small field induced deformations of the droplet shape the change in maximum droplet height, Δh = h(E) – h(0), was found to be virtually independent of the plate separation provided that w > 3h(0). In this regime a scaling law obtains Δh α E2r2, where r is the constant droplet radius, in agreement with the asymptotic predictions of Basaran and Scriven (J. Coll. Int. Sci. 140, 10, 1990)

    Homo-PROTACs:bivalent small-molecule dimerizers of the VHL E3 ubiquitin ligase to induce self-degradation

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    E3 ubiquitin ligases are key enzymes within the ubiquitin proteasome system which catalyze the ubiquitination of proteins, targeting them for proteasomal degradation. E3 ligases are gaining importance as targets to small molecules, both for direct inhibition and to be hijacked to induce the degradation of non-native neo-substrates using bivalent compounds known as PROTACs (for 'proteolysis-targeting chimeras'). We describe Homo-PROTACs as an approach to dimerize an E3 ligase to trigger its suicide-type chemical knockdown inside cells. We provide proof-of-concept of Homo-PROTACs using diverse molecules composed of two instances of a ligand for the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) E3 ligase. The most active compound, CM11, dimerizes VHL with high avidity in vitro and induces potent, rapid and proteasome-dependent self-degradation of VHL in different cell lines, in a highly isoform-selective fashion and without triggering a hypoxic response. This approach offers a novel chemical probe for selective VHL knockdown, and demonstrates the potential for a new modality of chemical intervention on E3 ligases.Targeting the ubiquitin proteasome system to modulate protein homeostasis using small molecules has promising therapeutic potential. Here the authors describe Homo-PROTACS: small molecules that can induce the homo-dimerization of E3 ubiquitin ligases and cause their proteasome-dependent degradation

    Retinoic Acid-Dependent Signaling Pathways and Lineage Events in the Developing Mouse Spinal Cord

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    Studies in avian models have demonstrated an involvement of retinoid signaling in early neural tube patterning. The roles of this signaling pathway at later stages of spinal cord development are only partly characterized. Here we use Raldh2-null mouse mutants rescued from early embryonic lethality to study the consequences of lack of endogenous retinoic acid (RA) in the differentiating spinal cord. Mid-gestation RA deficiency produces prominent structural and molecular deficiencies in dorsal regions of the spinal cord. While targets of Wnt signaling in the dorsal neuronal lineage are unaltered, reductions in Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) and Notch signaling are clearly observed. We further provide evidence that endogenous RA is capable of driving stem cell differentiation. Raldh2 deficiency results in a decreased number of spinal cord derived neurospheres, which exhibit a reduced differentiation potential. Raldh2-null neurospheres have a decreased number of cells expressing the neuronal marker β-III-tubulin, while the nestin-positive cell population is increased. Hence, in vivo retinoid deficiency impaired neural stem cell growth. We propose that RA has separable functions in the developing spinal cord to (i) maintain high levels of FGF and Notch signaling and (ii) drive stem cell differentiation, thus restricting both the numbers and the pluripotent character of neural stem cells

    Enhanced fibrillin-2 expression is a general feature of wound healing and sclerosis: potential alteration of cell attachment and storage of TGF-beta

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    Wound healing and sclerosis are characterized by an increase of extracellular matrix proteins, which are characteristically expressed in the embryo–fetal period. We analyzed the expression of fibrillin-2, which is typically found in embryonic tissues, but only scarcely in adult skin. In wound healing and sclerotic skin diseases such as lipodermatosclerosis and scleroderma, a marked increase of fibrillin-2 expression was found by immunohistology. Double labelling of fibrillin-2 and tenascin-C, which is also expressed in wound healing and sclerosis, showed co-localization of both proteins. Solid-phase and slot blot-overlay assays showed a dose-dependent binding of the recombinant N-terminal half of fibrillin-2 (rFBN2-N) to tenascin-C. Real-time PCR showed an increase of the fibrillin-2 gene expression in cell culture triggered by typical mediators for fibroblast activation such as serum, IL-4, and TGF-β. By contrast, prolonged hypoxia is not associated with changes in fibrillin-2 expression. Tenascin-C is an anti-adhesive substrate for fibroblasts, whereas fibrillin-2 stimulates cell attachment. Attachment assays using mixed substrates showed decreased cell attachment when tenascin-C and rFBN2-N were coated together, compared with the attachment to rFBN2-N alone. Fibrillins are involved in storage and activation of TGF-β. Immunohistology with an antibody against the latency-associated peptide (LAP (TGF-β1)) showed a marked increase of inactive LAP-bound TGF-β1 in wound healing and sclerotic skin whereas normal skin showed only a weak expression. Double immunofluorescence confirmed a partial colocalization of both proteins. In conclusion, we show that a stimulation of the fibrillin-2 expression is a characteristic feature of fibroblasts present in wound healing and sclerosis, which may be involved in the alteration of cell attachment and storage of inactive TGF-β in the matrix.Jürgen Brinckmann, Nico Hunzelmann, Birgit Kahle, Jürgen Rohwedel, Jan Kramer, Mark A Gibson, Dirk Hubmacher and Dieter P Reinhard


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