31 research outputs found

    Companion and free-ranging Bali dogs: Environmental links with personality traits in an endemic dog population of South East Asia

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    Dogs living on Bali Island have been free-ranging for thousands of years. A large group of expatriates sometimes adopt Bali dogs and keep them restricted to their houses and backyards, as is typical in modern western cultures. This provides us with the unique opportunity to compare the personality traits of dogs to their lifestyle either living as human companions or as free-ranging animals, exploring at the same time the impact of demographic variables (such as age, sex, and neutered status) on personality. After controlling for internal consistency of the scales and between-observer variation, we found that free-ranging Bali dogs were rated as less active, less excitable, less aggressive towards animals, and less inclined to chase animals or humans than Bali dogs living as human companions. Among free-ranging dogs, females were found to be more excitable. Females in the whole sample were also more fearful of people. The results of this preliminary study suggest that a change in lifestyle, i.e. being adopted, and living in a confined environment has negative consequences on some canine personality traits, such as activity/excitability, aggression towards animals, and prey drive

    Usefulness of multimodality imaging approach in the diagnosis of mechanical prosthetic valve dysfunction

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    Background Although the long-term outcome of mechanical mitral and aortic prosthetic valve (M-PV, Ao-PV), PV dysfunction (PVD) remains a very serious complication associated with high morbidity and mortality. Thrombosis/pannus and paravalvular leak are the 2 main mechanisms of PVD. The diagnosis of PVD, based on clinical presentation may be challenging, but it is essential for referring the patient to the optimal treatment (clinical follow-up, thrombolysis, surgery). An integrated multimodality imaging approach, comprising several parameters by transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) and fluoroscopy (F), is mandatory to pursue the correct therapeutic pathway. Purpose This study aims to evaluate the incremental diagnostic value of combined TTE+F over each imaging modality alone in symptomatic pts with Ao-PV or M-PV and high suspicion of PVD. Methods 387 consecutive pts (63\ub111y, 213 Ao-PV, 173 M-PV) suspected for PVD, symptomatic for dyspnea, embolic events, fever or haemolysis were enrolled. All patients were imaged by TTE and F within 2 days after the admission to the hospital. TTE was defined positive for PVD in presence of intra/para-prosthetic regurgitation or high transprosthetic gradient (>20mmHg in Ao-PV, >8mmHg in M-PV) together with altered Doppler parameters (for Ao-PV: DVI <0.25, AT>95ms; for M-PV: Peak Mitral Velocity>2m/sec, VTIPrMV/VTILVO>2.5, PHT>130ms). F was defined positive for PVD when leaflet/s restriction occurs. PVD was confirmed by transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE) or positive response of thrombolysis (T), or surgical inspection (S). Results PVD was found in 46% (99/213) of Ao-PV and in 53% (91/173) of M-PV at TOE/T/S. Sensitivity (SE), specificity (SP), negative predictive value (NPV), positive predictive value (PPV) and diagnostic accuracy (ACC) for TTE, F and combined TTE+F are reported in Table. The integration of TTE+F data significantly improved ACC both for Ao-PV and M-PV. At ROC analysis, the combined model of TTE+F showed the highest AUC for the detection of PVD compared with TTE and F alone (Figure). Table 1. Comparison of diagnostic accuracy between TTE, F, and TTE+F TTE-Ao-PV (n=211) F-Ao_PV (n=204) TTE+F-Ao-PV (n=202) TTE-M-PV (n=172) F-M-PV (n=158) TTE+F-M-PV (n=157) SE / SP / NPV / PPV / ACC (%) 86 / 89 / 88 / 88 / 88 59 / 99 / 72 / 98 / 79 94 / 88 / 94 / 88 / 91 74 / 90 / 75 / 89 / 81 49 / 96 / 60 / 93 / 70 81 / 86 / 78 / 88 / 83 Figure 1. ROC curves Conclusions In patients with clinical suspicion of PVD, TTE and F are both valid tools to evaluate the PV performance. However, the combined model of TTE+F had a significant incremental value over TTE or F alone to diagnose the presence of PVD. This multimodality imaging approach allows to overcome several weaknesses of the TTE or F alone and consequently provides a prompt recognition of PVD even though TOE remains the gold standard to diagnose paravalvular Leak and non-obstructive thrombosis

    "BIBLIOTECA BRAIDENSE DI MILANO Rinforzo strutturale della volta con un sistema composito innovativo "

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    L’intervento di restauro della volta della “Sala dei Manoscritti”, finanziato con appositi fondi del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali (Direzione Generale per i Beni Librari e gli Istituti Culturali), fu concepito principalmente a seguito della riapertura di dissesti statici, sicuramente di antica data, come poteva dedursi dai depositi di polveri dentro le fessure delle crepe, tornati ad evidenziarsi a seguito di opere condotte in prossimità delle cantine per la realizzazione di una nuova centrale termica interrrata, che causò, nella Sala in questione, distacco di piccoli brani di intonaco, vecchie sigillature e polvere. L’intervento si divise così in due fasi, strettamente correlate: una di consolidamento statico ed una di restauro dell’apparato decorativo; entrambe le fasi furono valutate in considerazione delle difficoltà di allestimento di qualsiasi cantiere in un sito così particolare sia sotto il profilo dell’utilizzo corrente, legato alla sua funzione, sia alla presenza di arredi di pregio e di ciò, ancor più di pregio, che in tali arredi era contenuto. Quindi la convivenza del cantiere con la funzione della biblioteca, evitando di conseguenza, di spostare arredi, libri, e documenti antichi, pur salvaguardandoli dalla presenza del cantiere stesso, fu uno dei principali problemi che venne posto sul piano operativo

    Developmental exposure to xenoestrogen enhances spatial learning in male rats

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    Steroid hormones have profound effects on the development and function of the nervous system. Environmental estrogens or xenoestrogens are manmade or are natural compounds, which mimics the action of estrogen hormones. The experimental evidence for impairment of cognitive functions in humans and mammals following exposure to xenoestrogens has been fiercely debated. The strongest arguments against such studies have been that the route, time course, and intensity of exposure did not simulate environmental exposure, and that the chemicals tested have additional, non-estrogenic toxic effects, hindering a generalization of actual "xenoestrogenic" effects. Here we show that an environmental-like exposure to the pure estrogen, 17 alpha-ethynylestradiol (EE2) during development enhances spatial learning abilities in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats. To simulate an environmental exposure, we used a very low dose (4 ng/kg/day) of EE2 equivalent to concentrations measured in European and US streams which was given orally with a non-invasive method, and we extended the treatment for the entire course of development, from conception to puberty. The animals were tested in a Morris water maze protocol at 6 months of age. Male rats treated with EE2 during development showed a faster learning during the training phase, and remembered better the position of the bidden platform in the short term. Our study demonstrates that actual levels of exposure to xenoestrogens can permanently alter cognitive abilities of a mammalian species. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved