7 research outputs found

    Chapter Beyond the glass house icons: graphic documentation of the correlations between Bo Bardi’s and Johnson’s studios

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences

    Análise paramétrica das abóbadas gaussianas de Eladio Dieste

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    A presente pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo as Abóbadas Gaussianas descontínuas, variação tipológica mais comum da tipologia estrutural das Abóbadas Gaussianas projetadas e construídas pelo engenheiro Uruguaio Eladio Dieste. As Abóbadas Gaussianas são uma tipologia estrutural original de Dieste que podem ser classificadas como superfícies estruturais rígidas de duplacurvatura, e são resultantes das explorações construtivas do engenheiro uruguaio Eladio Dieste em cerâmica armada. Os recortes geográficos e cronológicos desta pesquisa dizem respeito às ocorrências de edificações enquadradas na tipologia estrutural em análise: entre os anos de 1955 e 2000 e nos territórios do Uruguai, Brasil, Argentina e Espanha. A principal justificativa para esta pesquisa é a carência de explorações acadêmicas acerca da obra de Eladio Dieste, efeito colateral da abordagem eurocentrista da arquitetura moderna na literatura correlata no século XX. Este ostracismo é conflitante com a importância das contribuições da obra de Eladio Dieste no âmbito da concepção e construção de superfícies estruturais rígidas, e o advento de explorações acadêmicas e construtivas de superfícies estruturais rígidas de dupla curvatura nas primeiras décadas do século XXI. O objetivo central desta pesquisa é verificar e identificar a existência de relações geométricas subjacentes no conjunto de obras de Dieste projetadas e executadas enquanto Abóbadas Gaussianas descontínuas. Ao passo que a metodologia elencada para a análise dos objetos de estudo foi a modelagem paramétrica e redesenho a partir de seus desenhos originais, cuja implementação foi potencializada durante o ano dispendido na Università degli Studi di Ferrara em função de bolsa do Programa de DoutoradoSanduiche no Exterior (PDSE) da CAPES. Dentre as contribuições esperadas para esta pesquisa residem um aprofundamento no entendimento da relação do processo de projeto e processo construtivo das superfícies estruturais rígidas de Eladio Dieste, assim como sua inter-relação com a forma resultante.This research has as its object of study the discontinuous gaussian vaults, the dominant variation of the gaussian vault structural typology, designed and built by the Uruguayan engineer Eladio Dieste. The gaussian vaults are doubly-curved rigid structural surfaces resulting from Dieste’s constructive explorations with reinforced brickwork. Furthermore, the geographical and chronological scope of this academic endeavor matches the construction time and location of Dieste’s gaussian vaults: between 1955 and 2000 in the territories of Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina and Spain. The research framework arises from the ostracism of Eladio Dieste’s legacy in academic publications in a historical and a constructive perspective, which is highly contrasting with his contributions in the fields of architectural and engineering structural design through extensive reinforced-brick shells explorations. However, this ostracism is a collateral damage of the Eurocentric approach present in Modern Architecture bibliography during the twentieth century, and paradoxical to the resurgence of academic and constructive explorations of doubly curved rigid structural surfaces in the first decades of the 21st century. The main objective within this research is to verify and identify the existence of underlying geometrical relationships within the body of Dieste`s work designed and structured as discontinuous gaussian vaults. However, the analysis of the geometry itself was initially conducted by means of redrawing and the parametric modelling of Dieste’s Gaussian Vaults from the original drawings. The implementation of the aforementioned methodological procedures was fostered by the year spent in the Università degli Studi di Ferrara for the PDSE-CAPES scholarship grant. When it comes to the expected contributions from this investigation, it is important to mention a deepening of the understanding of the relationship amongst Dieste`s shell form and constructive processes, as well as insights regarding his gaussian vaults` design process.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Transformações na arquitetura hoteleira em São Paulo: hotéis centrais de padrão superior: 1954 a 2004

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    A presente Dissertação tem como objeto de pesquisa o Hotel Central de padrão superior em São Paulo, limitado pelo recorte cronológico de 1954 a 2004. Seu objetivo principal é analisar as transformações da arquitetura de hotéis centrais de padrão superior em São Paulo, sob a luz de sua característica programática, no recorte cronológico acima. A incongruência entre a importância econômica do turismo de negócios para a cidade de São Paulo, e consequentemente de seus hoteis centrais, e a escassez de estudos referentes a este nicho de arquitetura foi a força motriz por trás deste estudo. Assim, uma das principais contribuições almejadas por parte desta dissertação, e também objetivo secundário desta pesquisa, é reunir bibliografia especializada no assunto e deste modo auxiliar e incentivar futuras pesquisas. Nesta pesquisa são definidos e analisados conceitos fundamentais sobre a arquitetura de hotéis centrais de padrão superior, e depois estes são verificados na análise e confrontação de dois estudos de caso proeminentes do segmento: o Hotel Jaraguá e o Hotel Ceasar Park, parte integrante do conjunto multifuncional Continental Square. A contribuição principal desta dissertação reside justamente na análise projetual destes dois estudos de caso, pois análises desta natureza se apresentaram raras no material consultado. A análise e confrontação destes estudos de caso resultaram na aferição das transformações da arquitetura de hotéis centrais de padrão superior em São Paulo, entre 1954 e 2004. Estas transformações são resultantes das mudanças do perfil do hóspedes destes hotéis no recorte cronológico da pesquisa, que passaram a ser turistas de negócios ao invés de autoridades governamentais e artistas, assim como os avanços tecnológicos e sociais ocorridos na sociedade, e o advento da importância do setor de serviços na economia paulista. As necessidades deste novo perfil de hóspedes, por sua vez, se refletiram principalmente em mais áreas públicas e sociais em hotéis centrais, especialmente áreas de eventos, e consequentemente na duplicação das áreas de apoio necessárias para a operação destes hotéis.This Master´s Dissertation has the city of São Paulo‟s upscale downtown hotels as its research object, although limited by the chronological restraints of 1954 and 2004. Its objective is the analysis of the transformations underwent by upper scale downtown hotels in São Paulo, focusing its scope in those hotels‟ specific programmatic distribution. The incongruence amongst the downtown hotel‟s importance to the city of Sao Paulo and the scarcity of studies regarding this kind of architecture was the catalyst for this Dissertation. Furthermore, one of the aspiring contributions of this research is to gather enough bibliographical references regarding the theme in order to foster and aid future related research efforts. Fundamental concepts regarding upscale downtown hotels‟ architecture are discussed in this research, which later verifies these concepts by means of analysis and confrontations of conspicuous case studies: Hotel Jaraguá and Hotel Caesar Park, part of the multipurpose Continental Square. The main contribution of this research resides upon the projectual analysis of these two study cases of this kind of architecture under the scope of the concepts gathered by means of the study of the bibliography, since analysis of this nature are indeed rare when pertaining to this architectural niche. The analysis and confrontation of these two case studies resulted in the verification of the transformations underwent in the architecture of upscale downtown hotels in São Paulo, between 1954 and 2004. These transformations were produced by the changes in these hotels‟ guest profile, which became business travellers instead of governmental authorities and public personalities, as due the technological and social advances in the globe during these 50 years, and the uprising of the service‟s sector in the city‟s economy. The demands of this new guest profile reflected themselves by means of the inclusion of much more public and social áreas in these hotels, especially function spaces, and consequently, the virtual duplication of their back-of-housing just so these hotels could operate properly

    Arquitetura De Hotéis Centrais Upscale Paulistanos: Paralelos Programáticos Entre As Décadas De 1950 E 2000.

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    O  presente artigo tem como objeto de pesquisa o Hotel Central de padrão superior em São Paulo, limitado pelo recorte cronológico de 1954 a 2004. Seu objetivo principal é analisar as transformações da arquitetura de hotéis centrais de padrão superior em São Paulo, sob a luz de sua característica programática, no recorte cronológico acima.Nesta pesquisa são definidos e analisados conceitos fundamentais sobre a arquitetura de hotéis centrais de padrão superior, e depois estes são verificados na análise e confrontação de dois estudos de caso proeminentes do segmento: o Hotel Jaraguá e o Hotel Ceasar Park. Esta análise mostrou que houve um aumento significativo nas áreas públicas e sociais, e de apoio nestas edificações, muito em função da mudanças no perfil do hóspedes destes hotéis no recorte cronológico da pesquisa, assim como os avanços tecnológicos e sociais ocorridos na sociedade, e o advento da importância do setor de serviços na economia paulista.Palavras Chaves: Arquitetura, São Paulo, Hotéis Centrais, Turismo de Negócio

    Visionary drawings for weaving visuals of the city. Roberto Loeb’s design for the international competition for ideas for the recovery of the Le Murate complex

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    This paper is a result of a research that investigates architectural designs developed by both Brazilian architects in Italy and Italian architects in Brazil. Thus, this text presents the study of the architectural design of Brazilian architect Roberto Loeb for the international competition for the Le Murate complex, in Firenze, 1987, based on a careful observation of the original drawings and the wooden model elaborated for the competition. The proposed design, which was not built, is a pathway-building structured in metal that overlaps the urban fabric of Firenze in the 1980s, in a visionary design approach which weaves visual relations within the city. The current research was carried out from the close observation of the drawings prepared by the architect for the competition, and the large wooden model, tri-dimensionally representing his design idea and solution, in addition to reading texts regarding the competition and the architect’s proposal

    The unbuilt Ponte dell'Accademia in Venice designed by Oscar Niemeyer

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    The subject of this research comprises two projects in Italy by the Brazilian architects Oscar Niemeyer and Roberto Loeb. These projects where envisioned following a modern design path able to create structure and concept but at the same time a utopian character of unbuilt works. The Ponte dell’accademia in Venice, was designed in 1985 by Niemeyer, when he was asked to think about a new link between the two banks of Canal Grande by Giandomenico Romanelli. On the other hand, Le Murate project was developed in Florence in 1987 by Loeb who took part into the international competition. The work by Oscar Niemeyer, besides being the subject of a large bibliography, was a topic of research for some years by the authors regarding unbuilt projects, design, geometry and parametric modelling. On the other hand, Roberto Loeb, an important architect in the Brazilian scenario, is described by a book about his complete work (ROSSO, 2011) and was the subject of an academic research guided by one of the authors in 2018. About unbuilt architecture some authors are important reference (Larson,2000; Galli;Mühlhoff,2000; Sdegno 2008, 2011; Foscari,2010; Maggio, 2017; Spallone, 2017; Tagliari,Perrone,Florio, 2017), and also about utopian architectural drawings, as George Collins (1979), Fraser and Henmi (1993), Robert Harbison (1991), among others. This research is structured mainly on two topics: Brazilian architects who have developed projects in Italy, and the analysis of projects and utopian drawings of unbuilt works. The study was structured in stages to reach its objectives: identification of Brazilian architects who developed projects in Italian cities; Bibliographical survey and readings on the work of the selected architects; Survey of projects and search for drawings; Organization of designs and projects by theme; Analysis of the drawings and verification of the project representation; Re-drawing, physical and digital modelling. The aim of this research is to increase the knowledge about the proposals conceived by Brazilian architects for Italian cities by investigating these projects. The careful analyses of the drawings disclose the designer’s thinking about architecture, art and city. The objectives were to analyze the projects, from the original drawing, to reconstruct the digital model, the physical model by 3D printer, create a photomontage in order to study the impact of this XX century form in the historical scenario of the related cities. The study of unbuilt works contributes to the understanding of the project imagined by modern architects and the insertion in the historical city. The research final outputs will be the reconstructive digital and physical model, photomontage, analyses and discussion of these projects, identifying concepts and solutions