1,104 research outputs found

    On the Globalization of Political Power and the Added Relevance of Institutions in Contexts of Multifaceted Populism. Illustrated with Recourse to a Case Study of the Portuguese Justice System

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    This paper is an essay on the problematic of the globalization of political power and on the increased relevance of institutions in contexts of multifaceted populism. A case study of the Portuguese justice system was used to illustrate the arguments presented. First, the Troika intervention in Portugal is offered as an instance of globalization of political power. Secondly, a model of argumentation analysis of political parties is used to contend that the media coverage of the discourse about austerity during the period of external intervention constituted what can be called multifaceted populism. Finally, the Directorate-General for Justice Policy is presented as an example of the decisive and increased role that institutions can play in times of crisis by presenting a factual and dispassionate vision of the results obtained at the level of public policies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Contribution to the validation of the conceptual model of the global satisfaction of the users in the Portuguese military health services

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    Introduction: Patient satisfaction is an important measure in assessing the performance of public health systems. However, at the level of Portuguese military health services, studies that assess user satisfaction are limited. To this end, the global satisfaction evaluation model is widely used and it seems to gather consensus among the international scientific community, but studies that determine its validity in the users of the Portuguese military health services are not known. Objectives: In 2016, it was tried to determine the validity of the conceptualization model of the European version of the global satisfaction of the users, as well as to evaluate the satisfaction index of the users, within the health service of the School of Arms of the Portuguese Army. Method: In December 2016, according to a cross-sectional observational study, a sample of 262 patients was assessed using the European Customer Satisfaction Index. Data analysis was performed using structural equations. Results: With regard to the evaluation of the proposed model, there was an index of goodness of adjustment of 0.815. Model was able to explain about 83.7% of the observations and a degree of representation for most of the observed variables (adjusted R2) between 0.3 e 0.9. It was also found that the size of the effect of latent variables on the explanation of another latent variable (F2) was greater than 0.35. It was also determined, with 95% certainty and type I error probability of 0.0000, an average of satisfaction of users of 6.8 values. Discussion: The evaluation of the quality of the proposed model suggests that the results obtained are robust and representative of the study population. With a margin of error of 5%, it was also verified that the global satisfaction index obtained is high. Conclusion: The proposed model of user satisfaction assessment is globally valid and adequate to the context of the School of Arms health services. Already the global satisfaction index of users seems to follow the trend observed in public health services in Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    New Eyes for an Old Challenge: How the Portuguese Ministry of Justice is Using Sankey Diagrams to Improve Knowledge on the Judicial System Dynamics

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    For almost a decade Portugal has focused on the continuous advances of its judicial system. This professional article aims to illustrate how the Portuguese Ministry of Justice is using Sankey Diagram to improve knowledge on the Portuguese Judicial System, showing undeniable enhancements in the last decade. Based on the Portuguese experience, the text provides a concise and straightforward contribution to the justice sector by means of shared know-how and aims at inspiring other judicial systems to seek continuous improvements by implementing this uncommon technique.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Teletrabalho e o futuro pós covid-19: estudo de caso do ministério da justiça de Portugal

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    This article aims to summarize the principal results obtained from a study of Portuguese Ministry of Justice employees (including courts employees) regarding telework. Employees’ perceptions were assessed concerning both the COVID-19 confinement (started at the end of March 2020) and post-COVID-19 scenarios. A quantitative approach was used and data was collected by the Directorate General for Justice Policy (DGPJ), Ministry of Justice, Portugal, through questionnaires applied online, between the 23rd and 30th of April 2020. It was possible to obtain 2,373 answers, from workers of 11 different entities (including courts workers). The authors explore the assessment of the transition into telework, the perception of quality and intensity of work performance (telework versus in person), the willingness to continue teleworking after the COVID-19 pandemic for employees already teleworking and the willingness to start teleworking after the COVID-19 pandemic for employees currently not teleworking. Results show the potential for more permanent change, beyond the COVID-19 crisis management. The authors encourage both the academic and praxis justice international communities to conduct, collect and share similar research both during and after the COVID-19 pandemic in order to amass a data historic that might be useful in the next crisis and inform a host of current debates.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Percepções sobre o poder dos dirigentes máximos dos serviços do ministério da justiça em Portugal: evidências estatísticas de diferenças em função do gênero dos colaboradores?

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    Neste artigo são apresentados os resultados de um estudo sobre as percepções dos colaboradores dos serviços do Ministério da Justiça em Portugal acerca do poder detido pelo dirigente máximo do serviço ao qual pertencem. É dada particular atenção à temática do gênero, utilizando a dicotomia homem-mulher enquanto caso particular da componente disposicional das perceções. Foi realizado um inquérito por questionário a 458 colaboradores dos serviços do Ministério da Justiça português. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam estatisticamente que as percepções sobre o poder detido pelo dirigente máximo do serviço, onde cada participante no estudo desenvolve a sua atividade laboral, apresentam diferenças em função do gênero

    Dialogic triad of european jurisdictions: between monologue and dialogue

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    Na esfera europeia é detetável uma tríade dialógica onde a tutela multinível dos Direitos Humanos se ampara. Considerando a dinâmica entre o Tribunal Europeu dos Direitos Humanos e os tribunais constitucionais, por vezes sobrepostas e gerando conflitos que colocam em causa a defesa dos direitos e liberdades, evoca-se a necessidade de um melhor diálogo entre estas jurisdições. O objetivo do presente trabalho incide na análise da coabitação entre a Jurisdição Constitucional portuguesa e a Jurisdição Europeia dos Direitos Humanos de modo a melhor compreender o ponto de situação do diálogo judicial. Pretende-se ainda perceber se se caminha para um diálogo mais favorável entre os órgãos jurisdicionais ou se perpetuará um monólogo inflexível. Estudos futuros deverão analisar o diálogo entre as jurisdições de outros Estados e o Tribunal Europeu dos Direitos Humanos, analisando, designadamente, acórdãos com impactos nos sistemas domésticos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Troika's Portuguese Ministry of Justice Experiment, Part II: Continued positive results for civil enforcement actions in Troika's aftermath

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    This article constitutes part II of a series of studies on the impact of measures implemented by the Portuguese Ministry of Justice. Particularly, it addresses the results at the level of civil enforcement actions resulting from goals inscribed in the MoU signed between Portugal and the so called Troika (IMF/EC/ECB). The empirical study is now expanded to encompass the quantitative analysis of results achieved not only during the Troika’s period but during the post-Troika period as well. Results show a continued positive effect for civil enforcement actions in Troika's aftermath.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Theoretical-Conceptual Model of Churning in Human Resources: The Importance of Its Operationalization

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    Given the current socio-economic context in which the labor market is set in, if we were to consider both employment opportunities in specific economic periods and the individual expectations workers have regarding one’s working conditions, it should be a matter of one’s individual right of choice to decide whether or not to stay or leave and change companies. The paper we present before you took into account the phenomenon of churning as a cyclical process. Our main goal was to understand the main causes leading to it in the context of human resources and, ultimately, what were the consequences emerging from it. In order to carry out this analysis, we put forward a conceptual-theoretical model of the phenomenon of churning, made possible through the analysis of both the currently available literature and the empirical studies and conclusions stemming from the latter. The aforementioned analysis allowed us to trace all main causes responsible for the origin of churning and also, to understand how it could be implemented further on, in order to minimize the costs associated with hiring new personnel and retaining qualified employees by resorting beforehand to the implementation of strategic measures of human resources retention. By applying the methodology based on grounded theory, this study allowed us to further contribute to the already available, yet limited, literature and definition of this multifaceted and greatly complex subject that is the phenomenon of churning.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Literature Review on Human Resource Churning—Theoretical Framework, Costs and Proposed Solutions

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    As a result of the complexity and multiplicity of definitions of the concept of human resource churning, to guide this entire research, the cost resulting from replacements was taken as a premise. Although churning is related to turnover, there are differences, turnover has as its focus the turnover of workers and churning is also related to the same approach, but this concept has as its focus the costs associated with the replacements of workers derived from voluntary departures, i.e., churning is only related to the costs of hiring from replacements. Despite the complexity and multiplicity of definitions of the concept of churning, to guide the present research, we chose to adopt as our premise the costs resulting from the voluntary exits of workers, that is, the relationship between resulting costs associated with employee substitutions. The present investigation intended to identify the causes of churning through the identification of its main dimensions. This theoretical research resorted to the following methodology: a literature review and an empirical study review that approached the subject of the churning of human resources. The resulting outcome enabled us to identify how these dimensions had an influence on the management of human resources regarding the mitigation of the occurrence of churning and the application of strategic measures to retain workers. In this regard, we have identified as main dimensions the work environment; leadership; recognition; schedule flexibility; wage; career progression, responsibility, and retention of human resources.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sustainability of Portuguese Courts: Citizen Satisfaction and Loyalty as Key Factors

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    This paper aims to describe the satisfaction and loyalty of citizens towards the sustainability of Portuguese courts. This research was carried out under the Portuguese justice agenda named “Justice + Closer” between the years of 2017, 2018, and 2019. The methodological approach adopted was quantitative. Based on the literature review, a structural model of the relationships between the dimensions that directly and indirectly influence citizen satisfaction and loyalty was adapted from the arbitration centers to the court’s reality. Data collection was carried out during the three years mentioned—in person at the Portuguese Campus of Justice and also through questionnaires applied online. In the course of the three years, 3276 observations were collected. Through structural equation modeling, it was possible to measure positive relations produced between seven established dimensions. The results of this study contribute generally to applied research in the field of justice administration and to the understanding of this topic by those in the academic sector where it has been superficially addressed. Related future investigations might include a comparative study between the satisfaction and loyalty of citizens with (i) the formal adjudication processes and case outcomes of the Portuguese courts and (ii) alternative dispute-resolution processes and case outcome means reached by recognized arbitration and mediation centers, judges of peace, and related ADR services.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio