793 research outputs found

    A boxy bulge in the Milky Way. Inversion of the stellar statistics equation with 2MASS data

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    Inverting the stellar statistics equation from 2MASS star counts, we obtain the 3D density distribution of the Galactic bulge as well as its luminosity function in the K-band. This results in a boxy bulge with axial ratios 1:0.5:0.4 and a major axis angle with respect to the Sun-galactic center of 203520^\circ-35^\circ .Comment: 5 pages, accepted to be published in A&

    Fluctuations of K-band galaxy counts

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    We measure the variance in the distribution of off-plane (|b|>20 deg.) galaxies with m_K<13.5 from the 2MASS K-band survey in circles of diameter between 0.344 deg. and 57.2 deg. The use of a near-infrared survey makes negligible the contribution of Galactic extinction to these fluctuations. We calculate these variances within the standard Lambda-CDM model assuming that the sources are distributed like halos of the corresponding mass, and it reproduces qualitatively the galaxy counts variance. Therefore, we test that the counts can be basically explained in terms only of the large scale structure. A second result of this paper is a new method to determine the two point correlation function obtained by forcing agreement between model and data. This method does not need the knowledge of the two-point angular correlation function, allows an estimation of the errors (which are low with this method), and can be used even with incomplete surveys. Using this method we get xi(z=0, r<10 h^{-1}Mpc)=(29.8+/-0.3) (r/h^{-1}Mpc)^{-1.79+/-0.02}, which is the first measure of the amplitude of xi in the local Universe for the K-band. It is more or less in agreement with those obtained through red optical filters selected samples, but it is larger than the amplitude obtained for blue optical filters selected samples.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted to be published in A&

    Generation of galactic disc warps due to intergalactic accretion flows onto the disc

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    A new method is developed to calculate the amplitude of the galactic warps generated by a torque due to external forces. This takes into account that the warp is produced as a reorientation of the different rings which constitute the disc in order to compensate the differential precession generated by the external force, yielding a uniform asymptotic precession for all rings. Application of this method to gravitational tidal forces in the Milky Way due to the Magellanic Clouds leads to a very low amplitude of the warp. If the force were due to an extragalactic magnetic field, its intensity would have to be very high, to generate the observed warps. An alternative hypothesis is explored: the accretion of the intergalactic medium over the disk. A cup-shaped distortion is expected, due to the transmission of the linear momentum; but, this effect is small and the predominant effect turns out to be the transmission of angular momentum, i.e. a torque giving an integral-sign shape warp. The torque produced by a flow of velocity ~100 km/s and baryon density \~10^{-25} kg/m^3 is enough to generate the observed warps and this mechanism offers quite a plausible explanation. First, because this order of accretion rate is inferred from other processes observed in the Galaxy, notably its chemical evolution. The inferred rate of infall of matter, ~1 solar-mass/yr, to the Galactic disc that this theory predicts agrees with the quantitative predictions of this chemical evolution resolving key issues, notably the G-dwarf problem. Second, because the required density of the intergalactic medium is within the range of values compatible with observation. By this mechanism, we can explain the warp phenomenon in terms of intergalactic accretion flows onto the disk of the galaxy.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, accepted to be published in A&

    Inversion of stellar statistics equation for the Galactic Bulge

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    A method based on Lucy (1974, AJ 79, 745) iterative algorithm is developed to invert the equation of stellar statistics for the Galactic bulge and is then applied to the K-band star counts from the Two-Micron Galactic Survey in a number of off-plane regions (10 deg.>|b|>2 deg., |l|<15 deg.). The top end of the K-band luminosity function is derived and the morphology of the stellar density function is fitted to triaxial ellipsoids, assuming a non-variable luminosity function within the bulge. The results, which have already been outlined by Lopez-Corredoira et al.(1997, MNRAS 292, L15), are shown in this paper with a full explanation of the steps of the inversion: the luminosity function shows a sharp decrease brighter than M_K=-8.0 mag when compared with the disc population; the bulge fits triaxial ellipsoids with the major axis in the Galactic plane at an angle with the line of sight to the Galactic centre of 12 deg. in the first quadrant; the axial ratios are 1:0.54:0.33, and the distance of the Sun from the centre of the triaxial ellipsoid is 7860 pc. The major-minor axial ratio of the ellipsoids is found not to be constant. However, the interpretation of this is controversial. An eccentricity of the true density-ellipsoid gradient and a population gradient are two possible explanations. The best fit for the stellar density, for 1300 pc<t<3000 pc, are calculated for both cases, assuming an ellipsoidal distribution with constant axial ratios, and when K_z is allowed to vary. From these, the total number of bulge stars is ~ 3 10^{10} or ~ 4 10^{10}, respectively.Comment: 19 pages, 23 figures, accepted in MNRA

    Effect of methyl jasmonate in gene expression, and in hormonal and phenolic profiles of holm oak embryogenic lines before and after infection with Phytophthora Cinnamomi

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    The dieback syndrome affecting Quercus ilex and other oak species impels the search for tolerant plant genotypes, as well as methods of plant immunization against such infections. Elicitation treatments can be an effective strategy to activate plant defense response and embryogenic lines represent a promising tool to generate new tolerant genotypes and also to study early markers involved in defense response. The aim of the presented work was to investigate changes in gene expression, and in hormonal and phenolic profiles induced in three holm oak embryogenic lines (ELs) elicited with methyl jasmonate (MeJA) before and after infection with the oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi, which is the main biotic agent involved in this pathogenic process. The three ELs, derived from three genotypes, showed different basal profiles in all tested parameters, noting that the VA5 naïve genotype from a scape tree was characterized by a basal higher expression in NADPH-dependent cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD) and chalcone synthase (CHS) genes and also by higher caffeic acid content. Our work also identifies changes triggered by MeJA elicitation in holm oak embryogenic lines, such as increases in ABA and JA contents, as well as in levels of most of the determined phenolic compounds, especially in caffeic acid in Q8 and E00 ELs, but not in their biosynthesis genes. Irrespective of the EL, the response to oomycete infection in holm oak elicited plant material was characterized by a further increase in JA. Since JA and phenols have been described as a part of the Q. ilex defense response against P. cinnamomi, we propose that MeJA may act as an induced resistance (IR) stimulus and that in our embryogenic material induced both direct (detected prior to any challenge) and primed (detected after subsequent challenge) defense responses. Copyright © 2022 Morcillo, Sales, Corredoira, Martínez, Segura and Arrillaga

    A major star formation region in the receding tip of the stellar Galactic bar. II. Supplementary information and evidence that the bar is not the same structure as the triaxial bulge previouly reported

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    This paper is the second part of Garzon et al. (1997: ApJ 491, L31) in which we presented an outline of the analysis of 60 spectra from a follow-up program to the Two Micron Galactic Survey (TMGS) project in the l=27 deg., b=0 deg. area. In this second part, we present a more detailed explanation of the analysis as well a library of the spectra for more complete information for each of the 60 stars, and further discussions on the implications for the structure of the Galaxy. This region contains a prominent excess in the flux distribution and star counts previously observed in several spectral ranges, notably in the TMGS. More than 50% of the spectra of the stars detected with m_K<5.0 mag, within a very high confidence level, correspond to stars of luminosity class I, and a significant proportion of the remainder are very late giants which must also be rapidly evolving. We make the case, using all the available evidence, that we are observing a region at the nearer end of the Galactic bar, where the Scutum spiral arm breaks away, and that this is powerful evidence for the presence of the bar. Alternative explanations do not give nearly such a satisfactory account of the observations. The space localization of one and, a fortiori, of both ends of the bar allows us to infer a position angle for the bar of around 75 deg. with respect to the Sun-Galactic centre line. The angle is different from that given by other authors for the bar and this, we think, is because they refer to the triaxial bulge and not to the bar as detected here.Comment: 21 pages, 1 table, 9 figures, accepted in A