135 research outputs found

    Propaganda cartográfica en la Alemania de Weimar

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    Las representaciones cartográficas que con profusión se desarrollaron en Alemania nada más concluir la Gran Guerra pretedían ofrecer a Berlín una base científica para reivindicar la soberanía del país sobre los territorios cedidos a Polonia, Checoslovaquia, Bélgica y Francia. Procuraron materializar un discurso político serio y convincente, concebido para tener aplicaciones diplomáticas. La propaganda nazi, sin embargo, no recibió el trabajo de los geógrafos con los brazos abiertos. Tanto los conceptos lingüístico-etnográficos como los geoespaciales eran insuficientes para justificar el Nuevo Orden Europeo al que Hitler aspiraba. Antes de incorporarlo al acervo de la propaganda nacionalsocialista, los criterios utilizados por los cartógrafos de la inmediata postguerra fueron sustituidos por elementos culturales y raciales. Se retomaron los conceptos que ponían el acento en el factor humano, y mediante el recurso a la raza, fue posible dar forma a dos importantes consignas: la superioridad racial y cultural de los alemanes y la amenaza inminente de una invasión eslava. Esta manipulación permitió además justificar y legitimar una Política Exterior que pavimentó el camino a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.The cartographic representations that were developed in Germany after the First World War offered to Berlin a scientific base to claim the sovereignty of the country on the territories yielded to Poland, Czechoslovakia, Belgium and France. They tried to materialize a serious political speech, conceived to have diplomatic applications. Nazi propaganda, nevertheless, did not accept at all the work of the geographers. Both the linguistic-ethnographic concepts and the geopolitical were not enough to support the New European Order to which Hitler was aspiring. Before National Socialist incorporated it into the array of its propaganda, the criteria used by the cartographers of the immediate postwar were replaced with cultural and racial elements. The concepts that stressed the human factor were recaptured so it was possible to give form to two important slogans: the racial and cultural superiority of the Germans and the imminent threat of a Slavonic invasion. In addition, this manipulation allowed to justify and to legitimize a Foreign Policy that paved the way to the Second World War

    Costes compartidos en prestaciones farmacéuticas y equidad financiera en las comunidades autónomas

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    Este trabajo analiza los efectos de los costes compartidos en medicamentos sobre la equidad financiera del sistema español de salud, atendiendo al reparto de las cargas financieras entre los hogares, en las distintas comunidades autónomas. Se contrasta empíricamente la compatibilidad del copago farmacéutico con el objetivo de justicia financiera, según la definición de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Para ello, se contemplan dos escenarios alternativos. Los resultados muestran que la contribución a la financiación de la sanidad a través de costes farmacéuticos compartidos no se distribuye equitativamente respecto a la capacidad de pago de los hogares, tanto a nivel nacional como en las CCAA. Esto es así antes y después de la entrada en funcionamiento del nuevo sistema de financiación del gasto farmacéutico. La principal consecuencia es que los hogares con menor capacidad de pago quedan expuestos a una mayor pérdida de bienestar al tener que incurrir en estos pagos directos

    Sensitive Periods for Psychosocial Risk in Childhood and Adolescence and Cardiometabolic Outcomes in Young Adulthood

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    Greater psychosocial risk in childhood and adolescence predicts poorer cardiometabolic outcomes in adulthood. We assessed whether the timing of psychosocial risk from infancy through adolescence predicts cardiometabolic outcomes in young adulthood. Young adults and their mothers participated in a longitudinal study beginning in infancy in Santiago, Chile (N = 1040). At infancy, 5 years, 10 years, and adolescence, mothers reported on depressive symptoms, stressful experiences, support for child development in the home, father absence, parental education, and socioeconomic status (SES) to create a psychosocial risk composite at each time point. Young adults (52.1% female; 21–27 years) provided fasting serum samples and participated in anthropometric and blood pressure (BP) assessments, including a dualenergy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan for measuring body fat. Greater infant psychosocial risk was associated with a greater young adult metabolic syndrome score (β = 0.07, 95% confidence intervals (CI): 0.01 to 0.13, p = 0.02), a higher body mass index and waist circumference composite (β = 0.08, 95% CI: 0.03 to 0.13, p = 0.002), and a higher body fat (DXA) composite (β = 0.07, 95% CI: 0.01 to 0.12, p = 0.02). No psychosocial risk measure from any time point was associated with BP. Infant psychosocial risk predicted cardiometabolic outcomes in young adulthood better than psychosocial risk at 5 years, 10 years, or adolescence, mean of psychosocial risk from infancy through adolescence, and maximum of psychosocial risk at any one time. Consistent with the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease model, findings suggest that infancy is a sensitive period for psychosocial risk leading to poorer cardiometabolic outcomes in young adulthood

    BMI Trajectories from Birth to 23 Years by Cardiometabolic Risks in Young Adulthood

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154617/1/oby22754_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154617/2/oby22754-sup-0001-FigS1-S2.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154617/3/oby22754.pd

    Dynamic relationships between body fat and circulating adipokine levels from adolescence to young adulthood: The Santiago Longitudinal Study

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    Background and aims: Adipose tissue secretes adipokines such as adiponectin and leptin, playing important roles in energy metabolism. The longitudinal associations between such adipokines and body fat accumulation have not been established, especially during adolescence and young adulthood and in diverse populations. The study aims to assess the longitudinal association between body fat measured with dual X-ray absorptiometry and plasma adipokines from adolescence to young adulthood. Methods and results: Among Hispanic/Latino participants (N = 537) aged 16.8 (SD: 0.3) years of the Santiago Longitudinal Study, we implemented structural equation modeling to estimate the sex-specific associations between adiposity (body fat percent (BF%) and proportion of trunk fat (PTF)) and adipokines (adiponectin and leptin levels) during adolescence (16 y) and these values after 6 years of follow-up (22 y). In addition, we further investigated whether the associations differed by baseline insulin resistance (IR) status. We found evidence for associations between 16 y BF% and 22 y leptin levels (β (SE): 0.58 (0.06) for females; 0.53 (0.05) for males), between 16 y PTF and 22 y adiponectin levels (β (SE): −0.31 (0.06) for females; −0.18 (0.06) for males) and between 16 y adiponectin levels and 22 y BF% (β (SE): 0.12 (0.04) for both females and males). Conclusion: We observed dynamic relationships between adiposity and adipokines levels from late adolescence to young adulthood in a Hispanic/Latino population further demonstrating the importance of this period of the life course in the development of obesity