478 research outputs found

    The Foundations of Modern Criminal Law and Gender Inequality

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    Modern penal theory, like prevalent western theories of law, adopts a determined model of autonomy, one in which people are separable from social and family contexts. Taken to the criminal law context, this model proposes people can be defined without taking into account the social context. The use of prisons thus presupposes that individuals can be removed from their communities and families to be reeducated, readapted, treated or—in the retributive approach—simply punished. This notion of autonomy, however, hides from sight the group of people who not only maintain family ties with the men and women in prison, but who also, in contexts such as the Latin American one, take on the responsibility of supporting the prisoners economically. As this paper shows, this group is not heterogeneous or plural but defined by gender and primarily constituted of the mothers, daughters, wives and sisters of the people who are imprisoned. The data presented in this paper shows that this group of women is marginalized, impoverished and abused by a criminal justice system that not only omits to recognize the serious costs that the system imposes on them, but also omits to acknowledge their existence. This paper argues that this lack of recognition is possible because it is premised on a penal model that assumes a certain idea of autonomy, one which enables societies to erroneously affirm that prison sentences are individual sentences

    Parental Child Rearing Beliefs and Children\u27s Behavioral Problems: The Mediating Role of Parental Involvement in Elementary School

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    The contributions that parents make to child development have been heavily investigated but the potential links between parents’ child rearing beliefs and school involvement levels have been overlooked. In this study, a model was proposed where parental involvement was examined as a potential mediator in the relationship between parents’ child-rearing beliefs and internalizing and externalizing outcomes in children. Using data from the NICHD SECCYD study, these constructs were examined in first, third, and fifth grade (N = 1128). SEM analyses supported our hypothesis regarding the mediating effect of parental involvement and it appeared to act as a potential mediator through which parental child rearing beliefs may be associated with children’s externalizing behavior. However, parallel mediating pathways for the internalizing behavior outcome returned non-significant estimates. Overall, these findings highlight the importance of home-school relationships and the need to examine interventions designed to promote and facilitate student support among/between parents and educators. Advisor: Eric Buh

    La Sagrada Familia

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    La Sagrada Familia is a short film that looks at the complex interactions between three women. A grandmother, a mother, and a daughter must spend the night together in the countryside as they prepare for a wedding. Their already strained relationships will be put to the test as painful memories and unresolved grudges arise to haunt them. The story’s title is inspired by the Sacred Family Basilica in Spain. The monument is a beautiful catholic monument that has remained unfinished for hundreds of years much like the neglected relationships of an otherwise loving family

    Physical and mathematical evaluation of fetal cardiotocography using a methodology based on probability and entropy

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    the behavior of fetal heart rate in antepartum cardiotocography traces has been evaluated using a methodology based on the theory of probability and entropy, with which it is possible to quantify how much far away is the abnormal fetal heart rate from normal. Objective: to confirm through a blind study the clinical applicability of a mathematical diagnosis based on probability and the entropy S/k proportion designed to evaluate the cardiotocographic tracing. Methodology: 90 cardiotocographic tracings were taken with a duration of 20 minutes. Then, the frequency of occurrence of the maximum and minimum values of the fetal heart rate was calculated in 10-second intervals. Subsequently, the probability and the S/k proportion of each trace were evaluated. Finally, a mathematical diagnosis was obtained to distinguish normal from abnormal fetal cardiac dynamics. Results: the values of the S/k proportion for the reactive traces varied between -1.9415 to -1.7170 and between -2.3152 and -1.2789 for the non-reactive ones, respectively. Sensitivity and specificity values were both 100% for diagnosing normality and disease with a Kappa coefficient of one. Conclusion: the clinical applicability of the diagnostic parameters of the physical-mathematical methodology was confirmed, by differentiating normal from abnormal states in groups of cardiotocography traces in 20 minutes

    Comparison between laparoscopic versus open appendectomy in a pediatric population

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    La apendicitis aguda es la patología quirúrgica más frecuente en la población pediátrica. Existe aún controversia en cuanto a algunos aspectos de la laparoscopia al compararla con la cirugia abierta para el tratamiento de esta patologia en pacientes pediátricos. Es en el marco de esta discusión que surge la necesidad de investigar en el servicio de Cirugía Pediátrica del Hospital Militar Central en el abordaje mínimamente invasivo de la apendicectomía y comprarlos con la cirugía convencional con el fin de evaluar nuestros resultados con respecto a otras series reportadas en la literatura, para contribuir a la generación de conocimiento en esta área.ningunoAcute appendicitis is the most frequent surgical disease in children. There has been a lot of controversy regarding laparoscopy when compared with open surgery for the treatment of appendicitis in children. Because of this, we decided to review the results of minimally invasive surgery for appendicitis in children treated at the pediatric surgical department at Hospital Militar Central in Bogota, Colombia, and compare them with the results of open surgery and other series reported in the literature

    Alternativas de ahorro e inversión para personas naturales en los tres principales bancos de Colombia: Bancolombia, Banco de Bogotá y banco Davivienda para el año 2010

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    El Sistema Bancario Colombiano, ha tomado gran importancia en la vida cotidiana de un gran número de habitantes de la población, quienes directa o indirectamente se ven en la necesidad de acudir a las entidades bancarias con la finalidad de solucionar sus requerimientos de ahorro, inversión, financiación o transaccionalidad. En este sentido se decidió centrar la investigación en brindar una guía completa sobre las diferentes alternativas de ahorro e inversión que ofrece el sector bancario colombiano para personas naturales en el año 2010, para lo cual fueron seleccionados los bancos: Bancolombia, Banco de Bogotá y Banco Davivienda, por ser los más grandes de Colombia, según su nivel de activos y de este modo, proporcionar la información detallada de los diferentes productos de ahorro e inversión que ofrecen están entidades con sus características, rentabilidades y costo. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue orientar a cualquier tipo de lector, desde una ama de casa que desconoce, en buena medida, asuntos relacionados con las alternativas de ahorro e inversión en sector bancario, hasta un alto ejecutivo que por falta de tiempo, le resultaría dispendioso hacer este tipo de análisis para tomar la mejor decisión en cuanto al banco que manejará sus ingresos, sus ahorros o inversiones, si así fuese su elección; dejando siempre a criterio del lector, la alternativa que más se ajuste a sus necesidades individuales. La metodología utilizada para este trabajo se fundamentó en las consultas a las páginas oficiales de las entidades financieras y los principales diarios especializados en finanzas del país obteniendo como resultado una síntesis de las diferentes alternativas de ahorro e inversión ofrecidas por los principales bancos del país.The Colombian banking system has been taking such an importance to population in the everyday life. Those inhabitants directly or indirectly have seen the necessity to turn to bank premises in order to solve their saving, investments, finances and transactionality issues. In this regard it has been decided to focus the investigation on offering a complete guide about the diverse saving and investment choices that the Colombian banking sector offers to natural persons in 2010. The following banks were selected: Bancolombia, Banco de Bogotá and Banco Davivienda. This selection was made since they are the biggest in Colombia and according to their asset level. Therefore, it is possible to provide detailed information about the different investment and saving products with their own characteristics, profits and costs. The main goal of this work is to guide any kind of reader in suitable alternatives. For these reason is directed to a housewife who ignores issues concerning saving and investments alternatives or even busy executive person who could find difficult to make the best decision on which bank could manage his incomes and investments. The methodology used for this work is based on consultations with the official websites of financial institutions and major newspapers in the country specialized in finance resulting in a synthesis of different savings and investment alternatives offered by major banks

    Application de la Convention Pour la Prévention et la Répression du Crime de Génocide (Gambie c. Myanmar)

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    The International Court of Justice (ICJ) was created in 1945 alongside the Uni ted Nations. In this new international landscape, where peace and security came to the forefront of the international agenda, the ICJ rose as a judicial organ, charged with the purpose of the peaceful settlement of conflicts between Na tions. Since then, the development of both the Court and International Law have created new avenues for States to relate to each other and manage their disputes

    "Proceso investigativo y operativo de la Policía Nacional para la liberación de las personas tomadas como rehenes en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito"

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    In the Republic of Ecuador is constitutionally established the National Police, institutionalized the March 2, 1938 by General. Alberto Enriquez Gallo President of the Republic of Ecuador, which has as its primary mission "Addressing public safety and public order, and protect the free exercise of the rights and safety of persons within the national territory "of the mission entrusted to the National Police, police intervention is clear in all types of crimes, and specifically discuss operational and investigative processes of crime hostage, crime also represents a comprehensive and latent victims and their families risk; generates large-scale social upheaval, which is why it has been agreed determine an operating process that will allow the National Police to intervene in the kidnapping and especially in cases in which situations is established with hostage-taking, for which current legal requirements that empower the intervention of the National Police and other State agencies seeking the release of healthy victims and sound, tending to the capture of the kidnappers and other persons involved in the planning and execution were used mentioned offense. Therefore substantially investigative and operational for use in the event that a hostage situation occurs in the Metropolitan District of Quito, capital of Ecuador and city in which the political power of the nation focuses process is presentedEn la República del Ecuador se encuentra establecida constitucionalmente la Policía Nacional, institucionalizada el 2 de marzo de 1938 por el Gral. Alberto Enríquez Gallo Presidente de la República del Ecuador, la cual tiene como misión fundamental “Atender la seguridad ciudadana y el orden público, y proteger el libre ejercicio de los derechos y la seguridad de las personas dentro del territorio nacional”, de esta misión encomendada a la Policía Nacional, se desprende la intervención policial en todo tipo de delitos, y específicamente trataremos los procesos operativos e investigativos del delito de toma de rehenes, delito que además de representar un riesgo integral y latente a las víctimas y sus familias; genera conmoción social a gran escala, es por ello que se ha acordado determinar un proceso operativo que le permita a la Policía Nacional intervenir en los delitos de secuestro y de manera especial en casos en los cuales se establezca situaciones con toma de rehenes, para lo cual se utilizaran las normas legales vigentes que facultan la intervención de la Policía Nacional y demás entes del Estado en búsqueda de la liberación de las víctimas sanas y salvas, propendiendo a la captura de los secuestradores y demás sujetos que intervienen en la planificación y ejecución del mencionado delito. Por eso de manera sustancial se presenta un proceso investigativo y operativo para la aplicación en el caso que se produzca una toma de rehenes en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, capital del Ecuador y ciudad en la cual se centra el poder político de la nación

    La literatura como argumento en la obra periodística de Javier Marías. Análisis retórico argumentativo de las columnas publicadas por el autor de El País Semanal, entre los años 2009-2013

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    La presente investigación tiene como objeto de estudio las columnas escritas por Javier Marías entre los años 2009 y 2013 en el espacio semanal “La Zona Fantasma”, ubicado en la última página de El País Semanal, suplemento dominical del diario El País. Con un amplio quehacer intelectual, una aguda capacidad de reflexión y análisis, Marías se ha convertido en uno de los columnistas de la prensa española más críticos con el Gobierno, la Iglesia e incluso con la sociedad española. Esto sin dejar de ser un columnista de tipo personal, que tal como lo definen Santamaría y Casals, es aquel “que encuentra en los temas de su propia vida y anécdotas de la cotidianidad, elementos para construir su discurso argumentativo”. Para el estudio se ha recurrido a un análisis de contenido, a partir de la retórica aristotélica y su posterior renovación por Charles Perelman y Lucie Olbrechts Tyteca, expuesta en su Tratado de la argumentación. La metodología seguida ha permitido identificar las particularidades y características en cuanto a temas, enfoque, estructura y lenguaje que el autor utiliza. A partir de los lineamientos de la Nueva Retórica, de Perelman y Olbrechts se realizó un recorrido por la Inventio, la Dispositio y la Elocutio de cada una de las 232 publicaciones, del período de los cinco años estudiados. De esta forma, la tesis cuenta con un método que combina el análisis cuantitativo y el cualitativo. La parte cuantitativa se expresa en la clasificación de una serie de aspectos macro y micro textuales, recogidos en una plantilla con el fin de identificar los temas, argumentos, el léxico y las figuras literarias de cada columna. De esta forma se puede, posteriormente, realizar la tabulación de los datos obtenidos..

    El problema de la trata de personas: limitaciones de la regulación por el Estado Colombiano

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    The purpose of this article is to examine the current legislation on human trafficking and its implications on the domestic level. It begins with an account of the current international legal framework for trafficking in persons and the two possible frames applicable to control it -the criminalization frame and the Human Rights frame-, which are jointly relevant to this phenomenon. Subsequently, this paper studiesinternal trafficking in the Colombian State and its treatment by Colombian officials.This article concludes by discussing the existent disparity between the international and internal regulation of human trafficking in Colombia.El presente artículo busca indagar sobre la regulación de la trata de personas. Para comenzar, hace un recuento sobre el marco jurídico internacional de la trata y dos posibles marcos aplicables a esta: el marco de criminalización y el marco de Derechos Humanos, que conjuntamente pueden ser aplicados en la lucha contra este fenómeno. Posteriormente, el texto analiza la trata de personas interna en el Estado colombiano y el tratamiento que recibe por parte de los servidores públicos.Finalmente, este artículo subraya la disparidad existente entre la regulación de la trata de personas externa e interna relativa a Colombia