1,202 research outputs found

    The new criteria for classification of rheumatoid arthritis: what we need to know for clinical practice

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    The new criteria for classification of Rheumatoid Arthritis have been recently released. They incorporate the anti-Citrullinated Protein antibody testing and the other classic criteria in a score system (the diagnosis of definite rheumatoid arthritis is made by a total score 656). These criteria try to meet the pressing needs to gain sensitivity in early disease. Symptoms, elevated acute-phase response, serologic abnormality, joint involvement were all considered for scoring after confirming the presence of synovitis in at least 1 joint in the absence of an alternative diagnosis that better explains the synovitis. However, no sensitivity and specificity has been showed. Moreover, Area Under Curve of the Receiver Operating Characteristic curves (a measure of performance of the test) was not optimal in almost two of the three studied cohorts. On the contrary, the old criteria of the American College of Rheumatology had been tested to calculate sensitivity and specificity. Moreover, sensitivity and specificity of anti-citrullinated peptide auto-antibodies are available for clinical reasoning based on pre-test and post-test probabilities of the disease. The use of likelihood ratios applied to both the old criteria and anti-citrullinated autoantibodies could help clinicians to effectively manage early arthritis patients implementing Bayesian reasoning. Here, we tried to explain the methodology applied to the body of knowledge currently available about rheumatoid arthritis for diagnostic decision-making based on the Bayesian approach

    Effectiveness and safety of concurrent beta-blockers and inhaled bronchodilators in COPD with cardiovascular comorbidities

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the most common chronic respiratory disease and its prevalence is increasing worldwide, in both industrialised and developing countries. Its prevalence is \ue2\u88\ubc5% in the general population and it is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide. COPD is strongly associated with cardiovascular diseases; in fact, \ue2\u88\ubc64% of people suffering from COPD are treated for a concomitant cardiovascular disease and approximately one in three COPD patients die as a consequence of cardiovascular diseases. Inhaled bronchodilators might have adverse cardiovascular effects, including ischaemic events and arrhythmias, and beta-blockers might adversely influence the respiratory symptoms and the response to bronchodilators. For these reasons, it is important to know the safety profiles and the possible interactions between these two classes of drug, in order to prescribe them with greater awareness. In this article, we review the literature about the epidemiology of COPD, its association with cardiovascular diseases, and the safety of concurrent use of inhaled bronchodilators and beta-blockers, as a tool for improving the approach to complex therapies in clinical practice

    Small-area deprivation index does not improve the capability of multisource comorbidity score in mortality prediction

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    BackgroundThe stratification of the general population according to health needs allows to provide better-tailored services. A simple score called Multisource Comorbidity Score (MCS) has been developed and validated for predicting several outcomes. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the ability of MCS in predicting 1-year mortality improves by incorporating socioeconomic data (as measured by a deprivation index). MethodsBeneficiaries of the Italian National Health Service who in the index year (2018) were aged 50-85 years and were resident in the Sicily region for at least 2 years were identified. For each individual, the MCS was calculated according to his/her clinical profile, and the deprivation index of the census unit level of the individual's residence was collected. Frailty models were fitted to assess the relationship between the indexes (MCS and deprivation index) and 1-year mortality. Akaike information criterion and Bayesian information criterion statistics were used to compare the goodness of fit of the model that included only MCS and the model that also contained the deprivation index. The models were further compared by means of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). ResultsThe final cohort included 1,062,221 individuals, with a mortality rate of 15.6 deaths per 1,000 person-years. Both MCS and deprivation index were positively associated with mortality.The goodness of fit statistics of the two models were very similar. For MCS only and MCS plus deprivation index models, Akaike information criterion were 17,013 and 17,038, respectively, whereas Bayesian information criterion were 16,997 and 17,000, respectively. The AUC values were 0.78 for both models. ConclusionThe present study shows that socioeconomic features as measured by the deprivation index did not improve the capability of MCS in predicting 1-year risk of death. Future studies are needed to investigate other sources of data to enhance the risk stratification of populations

    A proposal for the idea of a flexible-combination polypill in arterial hypertension

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    Objective: Modern pharmaceutical strategies in arterial hypertension, as well as in other fields, are directed toward two major apparently contrasting objectives: 1) sim- plification of treatment by grouping multiple drugs into single fixed-combination pharmaceutical units (including “polypill”) to improve patient adherence, and 2: personalization of therapy to tailor treatments according to specific individual aspects including pharmacogenomics. The combined fulfillment of these objectives would conceivably entail the unre- alistic development of a very great variety of fixed-combination polypills, each different for drug composition and dosage. An alternative view that could combine the need for both therapy simplification and personalization may be the concept of a flexible-combination polypill. Design and Methods: In order to test this approach, we are devising a preliminary study aimed to assess the feasibility and efficacy of shifting individual patients’ treatment from multiple daily administration (multi-administration) to a single once-a-day administration (mono-administration) of the same drugs. After approval of Ethical Committee, a cross-over randomized study will be carried out for 24 weeks in 52 well controlled non complicated hypertensive outpatients under multiple therapy with at least one hypotensive drug and/or a statin and/or aspirin. Each subject will remain for an 8 weeks period on multi-administration and for another 8 weeks period on mono-administration of the same therapy; the two peri- ods will be separated by 8 weeks to avoid a carry-over effect and their sequence will be randomized

    Obesità e rischio cardiovascolare.

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    L’obesità rappresenta attualmente la più diffusa patologia da malnutrizione delle Società occidentali industrializzate e si associa spesso a svariate complicanze invalidanti sia mediche che chirurgiche. Essa è, inoltre, una condizione ad elevata prevalenza ed in continuo e costante incremento, al punto da essere etichettata come una “Epidemia globale”. Nella presente review sono stati analizzati i risultati degli studi più recenti che hanno individuato nella patologia del tessuto adiposo uno dei meccanismi più importanti nello sviluppo dell’aterosclerosi e delle manifestazioni cliniche ad essa connesse. Particolare riguardo è stato dato, oltre che alle evidenze epidemiologiche riguardanti i rapporti tra obesità e morbilità e mortalità cardiovascolare, anche alle relazioni tra grado e tipo di obesità, diabete, dislipidemia, ipertensione, e alle ripercussioni di queste condizioni sulla geometria e sulla funzione ventricolare sinistra per una corretta valutazione del rischio cardiovascolare del soggetto obeso. Un ultimo paragrafo ha riguardato l’analisi del ruolo sempre più rilevante della correzione dell’eccesso ponderale, tramite adeguati interventi dietetico-comportamentali e/o farmacologici, nelle strategie preventive delle malattie e/o degli eventi cardiovascolari

    Characterization of decay in the wooden roof of the S. Agata church of Ragusa Ibla (southeastern Sicily) by means of sonic tomography and Resistograph® penetration tests

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    We describe the results of a sonic tomography survey and penetration tests carried out inside the S. Agata church of Ragusa Ibla, in southeastern Sicily (Italy). The purpose of this work was to evaluate the extent of decay in some of the ancient wooden trusses of the nave's roof, in view of possible strengthening interventions. Sonic tomography is entirely non-invasive and is suitable to investigate large portions of a structure, although in a qualitative way, while penetration tests are little invasive, point measurements that enable high-resolution detection of wood decay and cracks. We combined the two techniques to investigate the internal condition of 4 trusses that looked most deteriorated at a preliminary visual inspection. Results showed that decays occur mainly next to the walls, due to rainwater infiltration, and on the side of the timbers facing the rear of the nave; in general, chords have worse mechanical properties than rafters

    A meta-analysis of alcohol drinking and cancer risk

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    To evaluate the strength of the evidence provided by the epidemiological literature on the association between alcohol consumption and the risk of 18 neoplasms, we performed a search of the epidemiological literature from 1966 to 2000 using several bibliographic databases. Meta-regression models were fitted considering linear and non-linear effects of alcohol intake. The effects of characteristics of the studies, of selected covariates (tobacco) and of the gender of individuals included in the studies, were also investigated as putative sources of heterogeneity of the estimates. A total of 235 studies including over 117 000 cases were considered. Strong trends in risk were observed for cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx, oesophagus and larynx. Less strong direct relations were observed for cancers of the stomach, colon and rectum, liver, breast and ovary. For all these diseases, significant increased risks were found also for ethanol intake of 25 g per day. No significant nor consistent relation was observed for cancers of the pancreas, lung, prostate or bladder. Allowance for tobacco appreciably modified the relations with laryngeal, lung and bladder cancers, but not those with oral, oesophageal or colorectal cancers. This meta-analysis showed no evidence of a threshold effect for most alcohol-related neoplasms. The inference is limited by absence of distinction between lifelong abstainers and former drinkers in several studies, and the possible selective inclusion of relevant sites only in cohort studies. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Performance of PSI, CURB-65, and SCAP scores in predicting the outcome of patients with community-acquired and healthcare-associated pneumonia

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    The objective was to compare three score systems, pneumonia severity index (PSI), the Confusion-Urea-Respiratory Rate-Blood pressure-65 (CURB-65), and severe community-acquired pneumonia (SCAP), for prediction of the outcomes in a cohort of patients with community-acquired (CAP) and healthcare-associated pneumonia (HCAP). Large multi-center, prospective, observational study was conducted in 55 hospitals. HCAP patients were included in the high classes of CURB-65, PSI and SCAP scores have a mortality rate higher than that of CAP patients. HCAP patients included in the low class of the three severity rules have a significantly higher incidence of adverse events, including development of septic shock, transfer into an ICU, and death (p < 0.01). At multivariate Cox regression analysis, inclusion in the severe classes of PSI, CURB-65, or SCAP scores and receipt of an empirical therapy not adherent to international guidelines prove to be risk factors independently associated with poor outcome. PSI, CURB-65, and SCAP score have a good performance in patients with CAP but are less useful in patients with HCAP, especially in patients classified in the low-risk classes

    Heart involvement in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to conduct a systematic review with meta-analysis of the current case-control studies about the valvular and pericardial involvement in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), asymptomatic for cardiovascular diseases. METHODS: Case-control studies were identified by searching PubMed (1975-2010) and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (1975-2010). Participants were adult patients with RA asymptomatic for cardiovascular diseases, and the outcome measure was the presence of cardiac involvement. RESULTS: Quantitative synthesis included 10 relevant studies out of 2326 bibliographic citations that had been found. RA resulted significantly associated to pericardial effusion (OR 10.7; 95% CI 5.0-23.0), valvular nodules (OR 12.5; 95% CI 2.8-55.4), tricuspidal valve insufficiency (OR 5.3; 95% CI 2.4-11.6), aortic valve stenosis (OR 5.2; 95% CI 1.1-24.1), mitral valve insufficiency (OR 3.4; 95% CI 1.7-6.7), aortic valve insufficiency (OR 1.7; 95% CI 1.0-2.7), combined valvular alterations (OR 4.3; 95% CI 2.3-8.0), mitral valve thickening and/or calcification (OR 5.0; 95% CI 2.0-12.7), aortic valve thickening and/or calcification (OR 4.4; 95% CI 1.1-17.4), valvular thickening and/or calcification (OR 4.8; 95% CI 2.2-10.5), and mitral valve prolapse (OR 2.2; 95% CI 1.2-4.0). CONCLUSIONS: Our systematic review pointed out the strength and the grade of both pericardial and cardiac valvular involvement in RA patients. Our findings underscore the importance of an echocardiographic assessment at least in clinical research when RA patients are involved. Moreover, further research is needed to understand the possible relationship of our findings and the increased cardiovascular mortality