42 research outputs found

    First report on orally administered methadone to multi-drug resistance (MDR1) gene normal horses

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    Opioids are potent analgesics and are believed to be the best choice for moderate and severe nociceptive pain. Investigating all the possible administration route options for pain management in the different animal species is warranted in horses as systemic administration of these drugs in horses is difficult. In this study the authors describe for the first time in the literature the administration of methadone orally to MDR1 genotipically normal horses. Twelve adult healthy horses (6 females and 6 males) were studied. Horses randomly received one of the doses of methadone (0.1, 0.2, and 0.4mg/kg) per os, which was administered using a 60cc syringe containing 30ml of corn syrup The results showed all doses produced plasma levels compatible to analgesic plasma levels in human beings. The authors conclude that methadone is absorbed when orally administered in horses at doses of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4 mg.kg -1. It does not produce excitement, sedation, nor undesirable side effects in healthy horses. Further studies are necessary in order to establish clinical guidelines for oral methadone as an alternative for pain management in the horse

    Comparative evaluation of the effects of epidural morphine and 0.9% sodium chloride on cardiorespiratory function and anesthetic recovery in ponies

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    Epidural analgesia is an effective technique to treat acute and chronic pain as well as to provide preemptive, intraoperative, and postoperative analgesia. This study was performed to evaluate the effects of epidurally injected morphine and a control group that received 0.9% sodium chloride. Eighteen healthy male adult ponies were studied. Two groups of 9 were formed. Group M (morphine) received 0.1mg/kg morphine diluted up to 5ml in sterile water, injected at the first intercoccygeal intervertebral space. Group S (saline) received 5ml of sterile 0.9% sodium chloride. All animals received 1mg/kg xylazine IV for sedation, were induced with 5% guaifenesin at 55mg/kg and 5% thiopental sodium at 4mg/kg IV, and maintained with halothane. Orthopedic surgeries on the thoracic limb (desmotomy) and on the pelvic limb (total ostectomy of the metatarsal II bone) were performed. After anesthesia induction, heart rate, respiratory rate, and arterial blood pressure recorded at 15 minutes intervals, for 90 minutes. Recovery times were recorded beginning when the administration of halothane was interrupted. Recovery quality was graded and compared between groups. Data was analyzed with two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni’s test, and ANOVA on ranks. Results demonstrated that recovery time was significantly shorter for the saline group, although the recovery quality was better for the morphine group. Epidural morphine does not produce surgical analgesia for the thoracic limbs in ponies. However it does produce for the pelvic limbs. Epidural morphine in ponies produces superior recovery quality when halothane is used as an inhalant anesthetic

    Avaliação de duas doses de propofol para infusão contínua em pombos domésticos

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    O uso do propofol em aves tem sido pesquisado e parece ser uma alternativa viável à anestesia inalatória em algumas situações. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar os efeitos de duas doses de propofol para infusão contínua, administrado pela via intra-óssea, em pombos domésticos. Sete animais foram anestesiados em diferentes ocasiões. Inicialmente, a anestesia foi realizada com isofluorano em oxigênio, para introdução de uma agulha intra-óssea (acesso intra-ósseo). Após a recuperação, os animais foram anestesiados com propofol na dose necessária para permitir a intubação endotraqueal. Os pombos foram conectados a um sistema não reinalatório com fluxo de O 2 de 500 mL/min e a anestesia foi mantida com 1mg/kg/min (dose baixa) ou 3mg/kg/min (dose alta) de propofol por 30 minutos. Freqüência cardíaca, freqüência respiratória, pressão arterial sistólica indireta, temperatura cloacal, oximetria de pulso e gases sangüíneos arterial foram mensurados antes da indução da anestesia e aos 15 e 30 minutos do período de manutenção. A dose necessária para indução anestésica foi de 14.49± 2,91 mg/kg. A dose baixa de propofol produziu acidose respiratória e hipotensão. Ocorreram movimentos espontâneos e cinco dos sete animais foram extubados devido a anestesia superficial. A dose alta de propofol resultou em hipotensão, hipotermia e apnéia, necessitando de ventilação artificial. Devido ao uso da ventilação manual, a dose alta de propofol produziu valores mais altos de pH e mais baixos de PaCO2. O tempo de extubação com a dose baixa foi de 16,33±12,42 minutos (n=2) e de 52,33 ± 22,37 minutos (n=7) com a dose alta. Baseado nestes resultados recomenda-se que o propofol seja utilizado com cautela em pombos domésticos


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    A cirurgia experimental veterinária, bem como as realizadas em animais e extrapoladas para o homem vêm experimentando freqüente avanço. Os ovinos por suas características de porte e temperamento, são importantes animais experimentais, particularmente nas investigações envolvendo as funções cardiopulmonares. Este artigo de revisão descreve as diferentes etapas do emprego da anestesia geral nesta espécie, incluindo o preparo do paciente, a sedação, a indução anestésica, a manutenção anestésica, a intubação traqueal, o monitoramento e a recuperação


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    ABSTRACT (MDR1) gene expressed in tumor cells and also in several normal tissues, such as intestine, liver, kidney, bloodbrain barrier, spinal cord, and placenta. P-gp has been identified in INTRODUCTION There is a wide difference of therapy response between species involving several drugs in Veterinary Medicine. Many factors can affect drug disposition such as physicochemical properties of the drug and biological factors including gastric and intestinal time, luminal pH, and mucosal blood flow, when orally administered. Once the drug is in the bloodstream its distribution to diverse cells and tissues, such as the brain, testes, and fetus is also limited by physiologic barrier

    Multi-drug resistance (MDR1) gene and P-glycoprotein influence on pharmacokinetic and pharmacodymanic of therapeutic drugs

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    (MDR1) gene expressed in tumor cells and also in several normal tissues, such as intestine, liver, kidney, blood-brain barrier, spinal cord, and placenta. P-gp has been identified in mice, rat, bovine, monkey, rodents, and human beings and has been receiving a particular clinical relevance because this protein expression limits brain access and intestinal absorption of many drugs. This protein plays a role as a protective barrier against a wide variety of substrates, avoiding drug entry into the central nervous system. P-glycoprotein also interferes with drug bioavailability and disposition, including absorption, distribution, metabolization, and excretion, influencing pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic of drugs. Modulation of P-gp may help the efficacy of treatment of several diseases and can explain some adverse central nervous system effects induced by drugs after intravenous administration and the poor response of oral administration in patients. Alteration in P-gp expression or function has been associated with several diseases susceptibility in humans and animals. Furthermore, additional studies relating MDR1 and P-gp expression has an important clinical implication also in terms of treatment efficacy