1,243 research outputs found
Testing low strength concrete of collapsed frame buildings
Within the scope of measurement of in-situ material properties, the paper presents results of two studies carried out by the Authors for forensic investigations of concrete properties in existing reinforced concrete frame structures collapsed during the 2009 Aquila earthquake. The two edifices were built in the 1960s; the results provide data on low-strength material property measurement. Cores were extracted: 53 specimens in two series for the first building and 16 in the second. Compression tests were carried out following EN12390-3, providing data on density, compression strength and ultrasound velocity. Non-Destructive Testing with SONREB measurements were also carried out in the first building. The test results are analyzed and discussed in relation to the design documents and the Italian code specifications at the time of the design of the building. The conclusions show that the concrete quality was very poor in relation to low quality construction practices
The structural life of a Cathedral and the worksites of the Duomo di Milano
The life of Milan Cathedral is described with the evolution of the structural system and the restorations carried out throughout the centuries. The organization of the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano is outlined, with the latest restoration interventions. The case study of the construction and restorations of the Tiburio with its supporting pillars is analyzed, from the initial design to the dramatic damage in the 20th century. The rebirth of the Cathedral was the fruit of restorations preserving the structural identity of the monument up to the present. The conclusions address the study of damage and maintenance and repair operations of mon-umental heritage buildings within a life cycle perspective, in relation to the underlying socie-tal values
[Biblioteca universale : in continovanza delle voci, principianti per C. nella quale alfabeticamente sono descritti I Cavalieri d'ogni ordine ... : alcuna de'gia pubblicati in due volumi dall' accuratissimo abbate Giustinian : bensi ora accresciuti di numerose importanti notizie, figure in rame, e copiosi indici
Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Tit. y autor tomado de portadillaTit. en antep.: "Ordines equestres"Antep. y portadillaLas h. de lám. grab. calc. representan ordenes de caballería, religiosas, heráldica, escudos de armas, medallones, etc. y algunas están firmadas por: "Ant. Luciani auct. scul. Venet.
A state of the art of flat-slab frame tests for gravity and lateral loading
The research was carried out in preparation of the SlabSTRESS experimental campaign, that is a part of the Transnational Access activities of the SERA (Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance for Europe) project.This paper presents a critical review of the state of the art of experimental research concerning the seismic response of reinforced concrete flat slab frames. After a summary of tests on connections, the paper examines tests carried out on frames with gravity and cyclic lateral loading, and shake table tests; scaled specimens and one real scale study are included. A discussion of the results reached so far is provided focusing on the global response, the different load types and effects; the ultimate rotations at failure in relation to the gravity shear and a classification of different failure modes for different types of connections. Based on this analysis, the research needs are highlighted. An experimental program launched to address these open questions is described. Further open topics are highlighted.authorsversionpublishe
Dose estimation in clinical phase - contrast mammography with synchrotron radiation
Naslov doktorske disertacije: Procena doze u fazno – kontrastnoj
kliničkoj mamografiji sa sinhrotronskim zračenjem
Cilj. Sinhrotronsko zračenje odlikuju karakteristike koje ga čine posebno
interesantnim za primenu u mamografiji. Njegov širok energetski spektar i visok
fluks omogućavaju selekciju monohromatskog snopa izuzetno visokog intenziteta;
energija prilagođena svakoj pojedinačnoj pretrazi uspostavlja bolju ravnotežu u
odnos između predate doze i kvaliteta proizvedenog snimka. Zahvaljujući
laminarnoj formi snopa, smanjen je doprinos rasejanog zračenja, što se odražava na
dodatnu redukciju doze. Odlična prostorna koherencija izvora omogućava primenu
novih fazno senzitivnih metoda (fazno kontrastni (eng. phase – contrast, u daljnjem
tekstu PhC) i difrakcioni imidžing) i akviziciju snimaka detalja koje odlikuju loše
apsorpcione karakteristike. Ove imidžing tehnike omogućavaju prevazilaženje
osnovnog nedostatka konvencionalne mamografije - zavisnost kontrasta slike od
razlika apsorpcionih karakteristika strukturnih komponenti dojke; ovo je posebno
evidentno u mamografiji detalja relativno velikih dimenzija, čije apsorpcione
karakteristike su veoma bliskih istim od tkiva dojke koje ga okružuje (eng. low
contrast masses).
Istraživanja predstavljena u ovom doktorskom radu fokusirana su na dve
međusobno povezane grupe ciljeva:
Procenu radijacionog rizika prouzrokovanog izlaganjem x – zračenju
tokom PhC sinhrotronske mamografije
Valutaciju efikasnosti PhC sinhrotronske mamografije (u smislu
dozimetrijskih parametara) u odnosu na konvencionalnu mamografsku metodu.
Metode. Mamografska pretraga izvođena je simultarnim skeniranje dojke
pacijenta i detektora kroz monohromatski sinhrotronski snop laminarne forme.
Optimizovana ekspozicija podrazumevala je podešavanje parametara pretrage
(energije snopa i brzine skeniranja) u skladu sa morfološkim karakteristikama
(gustina žlezdanog tkiva) i debljinom organa. Ista se odvijala u dve faze, prva
(«preskeniranje») koja je imala za cilj definiciju parametara pretrage i druga u kojoj
se vršila akvizicija snimka («skeniranje»).
Procena srednje glandularne doze (MGD) tokom mamografske pretrage
pacijenata bazirala se na primeni koeficijenata normalizovane glandularne doze za
mamografiju sa nekonvencionalnim snopom zračenja, koji uspostavljaju odnos
između izmerene kerma vrednosti na površini kože pacijenta (ESAK) i MGD. Ovi
koeficijenti uzimaju u obzir individualne osobine dojke pacijenta (debljina i sastav)
i kvalitet x-zračenja. Za tu svrhu korišćen je sistem za dozimetriju s dve jonizacione
komore, dizajniran specijalno za monitoring snopa laminarne forme, koji garantuje
maksimalnu osetljivost u energetskom intervalu predviđenom za mamografsku
pretragu s sinhrotronskim zračenjem (15 – 22 keV).
Za eksperimentalnu proveru matematičkog algoritma za procenu srednje
glandularne doze, realizovanu sa LiF TLD dozimetarima (GR – 200) i
mamografskim fantomima (eng. Mammography Phototimer Consistency Testing
Slabs - MPCTS), kao parametar valutacije analitičke metode korišćena je relativna
procentualna razlika između procenjene («analitičke») i izmerene (TLD) doze.
Još jedna eksperimentalna provera analitičke metode realizovana je sa
različitim mamografskim fantomima (CD - Contrast Detail Mammography Phantom
i "Rachel" - The Anthropomorphic Breast Phantom) kao i uzorcima tkiva dojke
dobijenim nakon parcijalne i totalne mastektomije. U ovoj valutaciji, «analitičke»
doze su upoređene sa odgovarajućim vrednostima istih izračunatih primenom
koeficijenata normalizovane glandularne doze za mamografiju sa
nekonvencionalnim snopom zračenja.
Rezultati. Uzimajući u obzir analizirani uzorak od 88 mamografske
pretrage, srednje vrednosti kerme na površini kože pacijenta iznosile su 0,38 ± 0,34
mGy i 2,19 ± 0,75 mGy, tokom faze preekspozicije i faze akvizicije snimka,
respektivno. Iako rezultati pokazuju njen blagi rast sa debljinom, ovaj trend je
mnogo umereniji u odnosu na isti u konvencionalnoj mamografiji; uzimajući u obzir
njenu standardnu devijaciju, kerma na površini kože pacijenta tokom akvizicije
sinhrotronskog mamografa može se smatrati skoro konstantnom.
Procena srednje glandularne doze u PhC sinhrotronskoj mamografiji
pacijenata urađena je za standardnu dojku glandularne gustine 50 % («standardna»
doza) i za procenjenu glandularnost dojke; obe procene se odnose na izmerenu
debljinu komprimovanog organa i sabiraju dozne doprinose iz dveju faza
mamografske pretrage. Uzimajući u obzir ukupan analizirani uzorak, njena srednja
vrednost je iznosila 0,86 ± 0,26 mGy za standardnu dojku, odnosno 0,82 ± 0,26
mGy za procenjenu glandularnost dojke.
Eksperimentalna provera analitičke metode za procenu MGD u
sinhrotronskoj mamografiji ukazala je na niže vrednosti ovako izračunatih doza u
odnosu na odgovarajuće vrednosti dobijene primenom koeficijenata normalizovane
glandularne doze za mamografiju sa nekonvencionalnim snopom zračenja.
Simulacijom sinhrotronske mamografske pretrage dojke (glandularna
gustina i debljina od 100 % i 4,5 cm, respektivno), potvrđeno je izuzetno slaganje
dozne procene dobijene primenom koeficijenate normalizovane glandularne doze za
mamografiju sa nekonvencionalnim snopom zračenja i analitičke procene
(«analitične» doze) urađene s atenuacionim koeficijentima za fotoefekat (prosečno
odstupanje doznih procena ovih metoda iznosilo je 4 %); ovo ukazuje da se u
sinhrotronskoj mamografiji dozni doprinos rasejanih fotona ne može zanemariv.
Odstupanja analitičke procene za ukupan atenuacioni koeficijent od doza
dobijenih primenom koeficijenata normalizovane glandularne doze za mamografiju
sa nekonvencionalnim snopom zračenja (od 26 do 36 % za energetski interval od 16
do 22 keV) iskorišćeno je za aproksimativnu korekciju «analitičkih» doza na
prisustvo rasejanih fotona. Ova korekcija primenjena na analitičke procene za
ukupni atenuacioni koeficijent dobijene u eksperimenta sa mamografskim
fantomima, pokazala je da merna nesigurnost ove dozne procene (od 7 do 23 %)
ostaje u okviru intervala definisanog evropskim standardima za konvencionalnu
Zaključak . Na osnovu komparativne analize doza i dozimetrijskih
parametara iz konvencionalnih i sinhrotronskih mamografija zaključuje se da:
- Sinhrotronskom metodom se ostvaruje «ušteda» kerme na površini
kože pacijenta; njena srednja vrednost u konvencionalnoj mamografiji veća je od
iste u sinhrotronskoj mamografiji za čak 151 %.
- Zahvaljujući monohromatskoj prirodi snopa, u sinhrotronskoj
pretrazi uspostavljen je kompromis između kvaliteta snimka i predate doze; za
razliku od distribucije «standardnih» doza u konvencionalnoj mamografiji, koja
pokazuje rastući trend sa debljinom dojke, ista u sinhrotronskoj mamografiji
praktično je konstantna sa ovim parametrom. Prosečna ušteda u MGD tokom
mamografskih pretraga sa sinhrotronskim zračenjem procenjuje se na 34 % i 32 %,
za standardnu i procenjenu glandularnost dojke, respektivno. Ovo, zajedno sa PhC
efektom, razlog je što se za niže primenjene doze sinhrotronskom metodom
proizvode snimci boljeg kvaliteta u odnosu na konvencionalnu mamografiju.
Interpretacija podataka eksperimentalne provere analitičke metode za
procenu doze u sinhrotronskoj mamografiji dala je ohrabrujuće rezultate. Dalji rad
na njenom poboljšanju, koji bi imao za cilj smanjenje merne nesigurnosti, mogao bi
se orijentisati na više novoa:
- Razumevanje naglašene razlike u procenjenim dozama koje su
dobijene za ukupni i atenuacioni koeficijent za fotoefekat, s posebnim akcentom na
iste u niskoenergetskom području, gde je doprinos Compton – ovog rasejanja
zanemarljiv i
- Preciznu procenu atenuacionih koeficijenata strukturnih komponenti
tkiva dojke, zbog njihovog fundamentalnog značaja za dozimetriju.Title: Dose estimation in clinical phase - contrast mammography with
synchrotron radiation
Aim. The unique properties of synchrotron radiation (SR) make it a
particularly interesting for mammography. Its wide energy spectrum and high
photon flux allow selection of highly intense monochromatic beam; the use of the
optimal energy for the considered examination establishes a better balance in the
relationship between delivered radiation dose and image quality. Thanks to the
laminar geometry of the beam, the contribution of scattered radiation is reduced,
which brings an additional radiation dose reduction. The high degree of coherence
of the source allows the application of phase sensitive methods (Phase Contrast
(PhC) and Diffraction Enhanced Imaging), which give a futher improvement on the
visibility of very low contrast details. These imaging techniques overcame the major
limitation of conventional mammography – image contrast dependance on
differences in the absorption properties of structural components of the breast; this
is particulary relevant in mammography of relatively large objects having an x-ray
absorption coefficient very close to normal breast tissue (low contrast masses).
The researches presented in this doctoral dissertation focus on two
interrelated sets of objectives:
The assessment of radiation risk caused by x-ray exposure during
PhC synchrotron mammography
Validation of the effectiveness of a PhC synchrotron mammography
(in terms of dosimetric parameters) compared to conventional mammography.
Materials and methods. The PhC SR mammograhy was performed by
simultaneouly scanning the patient's breast and detector through the monochromatic
laminar beam. Optimized exposure entailed exam parameters (beam energy and
scan velocity) setting on the base of the breast glandularity and thickness. It took
place in two phases: the first phase («pre-exposure») which was aimed at the
examination parameters definition and the seconde phase («scan») in which the
image acquisition was carried out.
The estimate of mean glandular dose (MGD) was based on use of the
normalized glandular dose coefficients for unconventional x-ray spectra in
mammography, which establish a relationship between the Entrance Surface Air
Kerma (ESAK) and MGD. These coefficients take into account the individual
characteristics of the patient's breast (thickness and composition) and quality of xray
beam. For this purpose, an ad-hoc dosimeter system was constructed, consisting
of two ionization chambers, designed specifically for monitoring of laminar shaped
beam, guaranteeing maximum sensitivity in the energy range specified for
mammography with synchrotron radiation (15-22 keV).
The experimental verification of the mathematical algorithm for the mean
glandular dose calculation, realized with LiF TLD dosimeters (GR - 200) and
mammography phantoms (Mammography Phototimer Consistency Testing Slabs -
MPCTS), uses the relative percentage difference between the estimated
(«analytical») and measured (TLD) dose as the validation parameter.
Another experimental verification of the analytical method was performed
with several mammography phantoms (CD - Contrast Detail Mammography
Phantom and "Rachel" Anthropomorphic Breast Phantom) and breast tissue
samples, obtained after partial and total mastectomy. In these experiments,
«analytical» doses were compared with the corresponding values calculated using
the normalized glandular dose coefficients for unconventional x-ray spectra in
Results . Taking into account the analyzed sample of 88 mammographyc
examinations, the mean ESAK value was 0.38 ± 0.34 mGy and 2.19 ± 0.75 mGy,
during pre - exposure and image acquisition phase, respectively. Although it
increases slightly with a breast thickness, this trend is much more moderate
compared to the same in clinical practice with conventional unit; taking into account
its standard deviation, the ESAK in SR PhC mammography can be considered
almost constant.
The evaluation of the patient mean glandular dose in SR PhC mammography
has been performed for a standard breast composition, i.e. 50% adipose tissue and
50% glandular tissue by mass («standard» dose), and a estimated breast
composition; both doses were calculated for the thickness of the compressed breast
and take into account dose contributions from the two phases of SR PhC
mammographic examination. Taking into account the total analyzed sample, the
mean MGD value was 0.86 ± 0.26 mGy for the standard breast composition and
0.82 ± 0.26 mGy for the estimated breast composition.
The experimental verification of the analytical method for the mean
glandular dose estimation shows a lower values of thus calculated doses compared
to the corresponding values determined using the normalized glandular dose
coefficients for unconventional x-ray spectra in mammography.
Simulation of SR PhC mammography exam with a 4,5 cm thick, 100 %
glandular, breast confirmed very good consistency between a doses determined
using the normalized glandular dose coefficients for unconventional x-ray spectra in
mammography and «analytical» doses calculated with photoelectric attenuation
coefficient (average deviation between doses estimated by these two methods was 4
%); this implies that the dose contribution by scattered photon in SR PhC
mammography can not be neglected.
Deviation between «analytical» doses calculated with total attenuation
coefficient and doses determined using the normalized glandular dose coefficients
for unconventional x-ray spectra in mammography (from 26 to 36 %, in the energy
ragne from 16 to 22 keV) was used for correction of «analytical» doses by the
presence of scattered photons. This correction, applied to «analytical» doses
(calculated with total attenuation coefficient) delevered in experiments with
mammography phantoms, showed that the dose measurement uncertainty (7 to 23
%) remains within range defined by the European guidelines for conventional
Conclusions . In conclusion, the comparative analysis of dose values and
dose parameters in conventional mammographic examination and SR PhC
mammography show that:
- The PhC synchrotron based method leads to the ESAK saving;
average ESAK value in conventional mammography is even 151 % higher than in
SR PhC mammography
- Due to the possibility of selecting the most suitable beam energy, in
the SR - based mammography, a compromise has been established between image
quality and delivered dose; unlike the conventional mammography, in which the
«standard» dose distribution shows an increasing trend with the breast thickness, in
the SR PhC mammography it is nearly constant with the same parameters. The
average dose saving in mammography with SR is 34% and 32 %, for standard and
estimated breast composition, respectively. The PhC SR mammography method
reveals a prominent increase in image quality with respect to conventional
mammograms even at lower delivered dose.
The interpretation of experimental results, obtained from measurements on
verification of the analytical method for the dose assessment in SR mammography,
gave encouraging results. A further work on its improvement, aimed to reduce
measurement uncertainty, could be oriented toward:
- A better understanding of differences in the estimated doses obtained
for total and photoelectric attenuation coefficient, with a special emphasis on low
energy region, where the contribution of Compton - scattering is negligible, and
- Accurately verification of the attenuation coefficients of breast
tissues, because of their fundamental importance for mammography dosimetry
Effigies, et series chronologica ministrorum generalium: totius ordinis S. Francisci minorum conventualium concinnatae
16 portraits of the Minister Generals of the Order of Friars Minor, each with handwritten descriptive text and preceded by a portrait of St. Francis of Assisihttps://digital.sandiego.edu/aafh-mss/1000/thumbnail.jp
Bond Strength of Highly Corroded Reinforcement and Cover Delamination
A recent experimental and analytical research program (Zandi et al., 2011-a, b) provided bond strength values for highly corroded bars. The test program included both main reinforcement and stirrup corrosion. These results must be compared to the rather wide but scattered database of test results in this field. Two relevant sources for comparison are the indications of FIB MC2010, based on the existing literature, and some recently published test results (Regan and Kennedy Reid, 2009). The latter simulated the delamination of the concrete cover by casting the concrete either flush to the bar surface or at mid-barrel i.e. the bars had either no cover or even were partly external to the concrete; the reinforcement was not corroded. The paper summarizes the tests by the authors and develops the comparison with the other studies. The conclusions discuss the choice of bond strength values for the assessment of existing structures and future research outlooks
Bond Strength of Highly Corroded Reinforcement and Cover Delamination
A recent experimental and analytical research program (Zandi et al., 2011-a, b) provided bond strength values for highly corroded bars. The test program included both main reinforcement and stirrup corrosion. These results must be compared to the rather wide but scattered database of test results in this field. Two relevant sources for comparison are the indications of FIB MC2010, based on the existing literature, and some recently published test results (Regan and Kennedy Reid, 2009). The latter simulated the delamination of the concrete cover by casting the concrete either flush to the bar surface or at mid-barrel i.e. the bars had either no cover or even were partly external to the concrete; the reinforcement was not corroded. The paper summarizes the tests by the authors and develops the comparison with the other studies. The conclusions discuss the choice of bond strength values for the assessment of existing structures and future research outlooks
Severely Corroded Reinforced Concrete with Cover Cracking: Part 2. Anchorage Capacity
There is a growing need for reliable methods of assessing the load-carrying capacity and remaining service life of corroded structures. In an ongoing research by the authors, issues that have not been investigated in the methods and models available today to calculate the remaining load-carrying capacity of the corroded structures are identified. Two main issues; i.e. high amount of corrosion leading to cover spalling and the effect of corroding stirrups, were investigated in an experimental program. Pull-out tests were carried out on beam-end specimens with long embedment length to study the anchorage capacity of a corroded bar. The specimens were subjected to electrochemical corrosion process leading to different corrosion penetrations prior to mechanical loading. Details concerning electrochemical corrosion setup, corrosion-induced cracking and numerical modelling of a corroding bar are presented in a companion paper subtitled “Part 1. Crack initiation, crack propagation and cover delimitation”. Three types of specimens, with stirrups, without stirrups and with corroding stirrups, were subjected to pull-out test. The test results showed a significant influence of stirrups not only on corrosion-induced cracking but also on anchorage capacity and failure mode in the pull-out test. Finally, the corrosion and mechanical testing phases were simulated in a finite element model using the corrosion and bond models earlier developed by Lundgren [1,2]. The outcomes of the numerical modelling help to further understand the effect of high corrosion penetrations and presence of stirrups on failure modes observed in the experiments
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