1,445 research outputs found

    Pion wave functions from holographic QCD and the role of infrared renormalons in photon-photon collisions

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    In this article, we calculate the contribution of the higher-twist Feynman diagrams to the large-pTp_T inclusive single pion production cross section in photon-photon collisions in case of the running coupling and frozen coupling approaches within holographic QCD. We compare the resummed higher-twist cross sections with the ones obtained in the framework of the frozen coupling approach and leading-twist cross section. Also, we show that in the context of frozen coupling approach a higher-twist contribution to the photon-photon collisions cross section is normalized in terms of the pion electromagnetic form factor.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0709.2072 by other author

    Looking Back From the Future: Perspective Taking in Virtual Reality Increases Future Self-Continuity

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    In the current study, we tested a novel perspective-taking exercise aimed at increasing the connection participants felt toward their future self, i.e., future self-continuity. Participants role-played as their successful future self and answered questions about what it feels like to become their future and the path to get there. The exercise was also conducted in a virtual reality environment and in vivo to investigate the possible added value of the virtual environment with respect to improved focus, perspective-taking, and effectiveness for participants with less imagination. Results show that the perspective taking exercise in virtual reality substantially increased all four domains of future self-continuity, i.e., connectedness, similarity, vividness, and liking, while the in vivo equivalent increased only liking and vividness. Although connectedness and similarity were directionally, but not significantly different between the virtual and in vivo environments, neither the focus, perspective taking, or individual differences in imagination could explain this difference—which suggests a small, but non-significant, placebo effect of the virtual reality environment. However, lower baseline vividness in the in vivo group may explain this difference and suggests preliminary evidence for the dependency of connectedness and similarity domains upon baseline vividness. These findings show that the perspective taking exercise in a VR environment can reliably increase the future self-continuity domains

    Determination of III-V/Si absolute interface energies: impact on wetting properties

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    Here, we quantitatively determine the impact of III-V/Si interface atomic configuration on the wetting properties of the system. Based on a description at the atomic scale using density functional theory, we first show that it is possible to determine the absolute interface energies in heterogeneous materials systems. A large variety of absolute GaP surface energies and GaP/Si interface energies are then computed, confirming the large stability of charge compensated III-V/Si interfaces with an energy as low as 23 meV/\r{A}2^{2}. While stable compensated III-V/Si interfaces are expected to promote complete wetting conditions, it is found that this can be easily counterbalanced by the substrate initial passivation, which favors partial wetting conditions.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    On QCD analysis of stucture function F2γF_2^{\gamma} in alternative approach

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    The alternative approach to QCD analysis of the photon structure function F2γF_2^{\gamma} is presented. It differs from the conventional one by the presence of the terms which in conventional approach appear in higher orders. We show that this difference concerns also the photonic parton distribution functions. In the alternative approach, the complete LO analysis of F2γF_2^{\gamma} can be performed as all required quantities are known. At the NLO, however, one of the coefficient function is so far not available and thus only the photonic parton distribution function can be computed and compared to those of standard approach. We discuss the numerical difference of these approaches at the LO and the NLO approximation and show that in case of F2γF_2^{\gamma} this difference is non-negligible and may play an important role in the analysis on photon data of the future experiments.Comment: 25 page

    La calorimetría diferencial de barrido y su aplicación a la Ciencia de Materiales

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    Se pone de manifiesto la idoneidad de la técnica de calorimetría diferencial de barrido para la caracterización de materiales. Se presentan ejemplos específicos de aplicación de dicha técnica en el estudio de los fenómenos ligados a la transición vitrea y cinética de cristalización de vidrios calcogenuros y metálicos así como en el estudio de la reordenación de fases desordenadas metastables

    Cosmic Rays and Large Extra Dimensions

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    We have proposed that the cosmic ray spectrum "knee", the steepening of the cosmic ray spectrum at energy E \gsim 10^{15.5} eV, is due to "new physics", namely new interactions at TeV cm energies which produce particles undetected by the experimental apparatus. In this letter we examine specifically the possibility that this interaction is low scale gravity. We consider that the graviton propagates, besides the usual four dimensions, into an additional δ\delta, compactified, large dimensions and we estimate the graviton production in ppp p collisions in the high energy approximation where graviton emission is factorized. We find that the cross section for graviton production rises as fast as (s/Mf)2+δ(\sqrt{s}/M_f)^{2+\delta}, where MfM_f is the fundamental scale of gravity in 4+δ4+\delta dimensions, and that the distribution of radiating a fraction yy of the initial particle's energy into gravitational energy (which goes undetected) behaves as δyδ−1\delta y^{\delta -1}. The missing energy leads to an underestimate of the true energy and generates a break in the {\sl inferred} cosmic ray spectrum (the "kne"). By fitting the cosmic ray spectrum data we deduce that the favorite values for the parameters of the theory are Mf∼8M_f \sim 8 TeV and δ=4\delta =4.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur
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