6,503 research outputs found

    Statistical Analysis of Reported Tag-Recaptures in the Harvest from an Exploited Population

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    16 pages, 1 article*Statistical Analysis of Reported Tag-Recaptures in the Harvest from an Exploited Population* (Robson, D. S.; Youngs, W. D.) 16 page

    Interferometric Astrometry of Proxima Centauri and Barnard's Star Using Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensor 3: Detection Limits for sub-Stellar Companions

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    We report on a sub-stellar companion search utilizing interferometric fringe-tracking astrometry acquired with Fine Guidance Sensor 3 (FGS 3) on the Hubble Space Telescope. Our targets were Proxima Centauri and Barnard's Star. We obtain absolute parallax values for Proxima Cen pi_{abs} = 0.7687 arcsecond and for Barnard's Star pi_{abs} = 0.5454 arcsecond. Once low-amplitude instrumental systematic errors are identified and removed, our companion detection sensitivity is less than or equal to one Jupiter mass for periods longer than 60 days for Proxima Cen. Between the astrometry and the radial velocity results we exclude all companions with M > 0.8M_{Jup} for the range of periods 1 < P < 1000 days. For Barnard's Star our companion detection sensitivity is less than or equal to one Jupiter mass for periods long er than 150 days. Our null results for Barnard's Star are consistent with those of Gatewood (1995).Comment: 35 pages, 13 figures, to appear in August 1999 A

    Possible Absolute Determinant Values for Square (0,1)- Matrices Useful in Fractional Replication

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    16 pages, 1 article*Possible Absolute Determinant Values for Square (0,1)- Matrices Useful in Fractional Replication* (Anderson, D. A.; Federer, W. T.) 16 page

    Output coupling of a Bose-Einstein condensate formed in a TOP trap

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    Two distinct mechanisms are investigated for transferring a pure 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensate in the F = 2, mF = 2 state into a mixture of condensates in all the mF states within the F = 2 manifold. Some of these condensates remain trapped whilst others are output coupled in the form of an elementary pulsed atom laser. Here we present details of the condensate preparation and results of the two condensate output coupling schemes. The first scheme is a radio frequency technique which allows controllable transfer into available mF states, and the second makes use of Majorana spin flips to equally populate all the manifold sub-states.Comment: 12 Pages, 5 Figures, submitted to J. Phys.

    A Storage Ring for Neutral Atoms

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    We have demonstrated a storage ring for ultra-cold neutral atoms. Atoms with mean velocities of 1 m/s corresponding to kinetic energies of ~100 neV are confined to a 2 cm diameter ring by magnetic forces produced by two current-carrying wires. Up to 10^6 atoms are loaded at a time in the ring, and 7 revolutions are clearly observed. Additionally, we have demonstrated multiple loading of the ring and deterministic manipulation of the longitudinal velocity distribution of the atoms using applied laser pulses. Applications of this ring include large area atom interferometers and cw monochromatic atomic beam generation.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Renormalization Group Study of the A+B->0 Diffusion-Limited Reaction

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    The A+B0A + B\to 0 diffusion-limited reaction, with equal initial densities a(0)=b(0)=n0a(0) = b(0) = n_0, is studied by means of a field-theoretic renormalization group formulation of the problem. For dimension d>2d > 2 an effective theory is derived, from which the density and correlation functions can be calculated. We find the density decays in time as a,b \sim C\sqrt{\D}(Dt)^{-d/4} for d<4d < 4, with \D = n_0-C^\prime n_0^{d/2} + \dots, where CC is a universal constant, and CC^\prime is non-universal. The calculation is extended to the case of unequal diffusion constants DADBD_A \neq D_B, resulting in a new amplitude but the same exponent. For d2d \le 2 a controlled calculation is not possible, but a heuristic argument is presented that the results above give at least the leading term in an ϵ=2d\epsilon = 2-d expansion. Finally, we address reaction zones formed in the steady-state by opposing currents of AA and BB particles, and derive scaling properties.Comment: 17 pages, REVTeX, 13 compressed figures, included with epsf. Eq. (6.12) corrected, and a moderate rewriting of the introduction. Accepted for publication in J. Stat. Phy

    Observation of anomalous spin-state segregation in a trapped ultra-cold vapor

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    We observe counter-intuitive spin segregation in an inhomogeneous sample of ultra-cold, non-condensed Rubidium atoms in a magnetic trap. We use spatially selective microwave spectroscopy to verify a model that accounts for the differential forces on two internal spin states. In any simple understanding of the cloud dynamics, the forces are far too small to account for the dramatic transient spin polarizations observed. The underlying mechanism remains to be elucidated.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Solution of the two identical ion Penning trap final state

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    We have derived a closed form analytic expression for the asymptotic motion of a pair of identical ions in a high precision Penning trap. The analytic solution includes the effects of special relativity and the Coulomb interaction between the ions. The existence and physical relevance of such a final state is supported by a confluence of theoretical, experimental and numerical evidence.Comment: 5 pages and 2 figure

    Statistical Characteristics of Repeated Block Designs

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    9 pages, 1 article*Statistical Characteristics of Repeated Block Designs* (Raghavarao, D.; Federer, W. T.; Seiden, E.; Lee, F.-C. H.) 9 page