6,321 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Organic Pig Production and risk analysis concerning Toxoplasma infection

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    A short written questionnaire was used to study certain characteristics of the organic pig production chain in The Netherlands and the circumstances on the farm that might play a role in the transmission of Toxoplasma infection to the pigs. Of the 81 certified organic slaughter pig farmers present in the Netherlands in 2006, 52 responded to the questionnaire (64 % response). The farms could be divided into two populations. One population was represented by small organic pig farms with a mean number of 55 slaughtered pigs per year. These farms covered 40% of the total number of investigated farms, but only represented 2.5 % of the total number of slaughtered pigs. The second population had a mean annual production of 1460 animals. Almost 95% of these animals are currently slaughtered and further distributed by the Vion Food Group (de Groene Weg). A small part of the pigs (4%) is directly delivered to a slaughter company in Germany (Thönes) and 1% is sold via farm home sales. For each farm an arbitrary Toxoplasma risk factor analysis was performed. Factors included the type of outdoor run (concrete or soil), feeding goat or sheep whey, number of cats, access of cats to outdoor run, stables and feed, rodent control and covering roughage fed to the animals. Calculation of the total risk score (summation of chance times severity scores for several factors) showed that many farmers already used management factors that decreased the risk for Toxoplasma infection. Analysis of a possible relation between risk score and farm size showed that a poor score was often seen on small farms. Because these farms mainly sell their meat in a frozen condition via home sales, this is not considered to represent a problem for food safety. Further research is needed to investigate whether the risk for Toxoplasma can be maintained via on farm prevention or whether a Toxoplasma monitoring program should be implemented at slaughter, possibly with post slaughter decontamination. The fact that a recent report by the RIVM on food related infections has concluded that Toxoplasmosis has a markedly higher disease burden than Campylobacter or Salmonella, emphasizes the priority this subject should be given on the research agenda

    A Socio-Informatic Approach to Automated Account Classification on Social Media

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    Automated accounts on social media have become increasingly problematic. We propose a key feature in combination with existing methods to improve machine learning algorithms for bot detection. We successfully improve classification performance through including the proposed feature.Comment: International Conference on Social Media and Societ

    Cats and Goat Whey Associated with Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Pigs

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    In organic livestock production systems, farm-management factors are thought to play an important role in the on-farm prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii. Serological results and the results of an HACCP analysis were combined to determine important risk factors for the prevalence of this protozoan parasite. Mathematical analysis demonstrated that feeding goat whey to pigs and the presence of a high number of cats were positively correlated to T. gondii seroprevalence in pigs. Not covering roughage and the farmers' assumption that pigs can come into contact with cat feces also showed a positive relationship. In order to decrease the risk of T. gondii infecting their pigs, farmers should limit the access and number of cats on their farms and refrain from feeding goat whey to their pigs

    Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Animal-Friendly Pig Production Systems

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    PURPOSE. Consumption of undercooked pork meat products has been considered a major risk factor for contracting toxoplasmosis in humans. Indoor farming and improved hygiene have drastically reduced Toxoplasma infections in pigs over the past decades. Whether introduction of animal-friendly production systems will lead to a reemergence of Toxoplasma infections in pigs is not yet known. Investigating this possibility was the purpose of this study. METHODS. Blood was obtained from pigs raised for slaughter and tested for Toxoplasma antibodies by using latex agglutination and indirect immunofluorescence testing, with confirmation by immunoblotting. RESULTS. None of the slaughter pigs (n = 621) from conventional farms (n = 30) were positive, whereas 38 (2.9%) of 1295 animals from animal-friendly systems tested positive (n = 33 farms; 13 [39%] farms positive). CONCLUSIONS. The following conclusions may be derived from this study: Conventionally (indoors) raised pigs are free from Toxoplasma infection, and (2) animal-friendly production systems may lead to a reemergence of Toxoplasma infections, although many of these farms remain Toxoplasma free. Slaughterhouse monitoring of pigs from animal-friendly production systems combined with on-farm prevention strategies should be applied to ensure safety for consumers of the meat products obtained from these animals

    Concurrentie tussen honingbijen en wilde bijen (1)

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    Eerste deel van een reeks over de concurrentie tussen honingbijen en wilde bijen. In 2010 was er veel te doen over concurrentie tussen honingbijen en wilde bijen. Erik van der Spek (2010) stelde dat het plaatsen van grote aantallen bijenkasten een bedreiging vormt voor de wilde bijen in natuurgebieden. Niet vee later schreef Arie Koster (2010) hij op de Elspeter heide rond bijenvolken net zoveel heidezijdebijen waarnam als op andere delen van de heide. Een dergelijke discussie is zeker niet nieuw. In 1998 schreef Koster er al over in bijenteelt en in 1998 verscheen er een rapport over dit onderwerp met aanbevelingen vooer aantallen bijenvolken in natuurgebieden (Smeekens e.a., 1998). Sindsdien is echter nog veel meer onderzoek gedaan. Tijd voor een updat

    Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of tiotropium solution and tiotropium powder in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    The aim of the study was to characterize pharmacokinetics of tiotropium solution 5 µg compared to powder 18 µg and assess dose-dependency of tiotropium solution pharmacodynamics in comparison to placebo. In total 154 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) were included in this multicenter, randomized, double-blind within-solution (1.25, 2.5, 5 µg, and placebo), and open-label powder 18 µg, crossover study, including 4-week treatment periods. Primary end points were peak plasma concentration (Cmax,ss ), and area under the plasma concentration-time profile (AUC0-6h,ss ), both at steady state. The pharmacodynamic response was assessed by serial spirometry (forced expiratory volume in 1 second/forced vital capacity). Safety was evaluated as adverse events and by electrocardiogram/Holter. Tiotropium was rapidly absorbed with a median tmax,ss of 5-7 minutes postdosing for both devices. The gMean ratio of solution 5 µg over powder 18 µg was 81% (90% confidence interval, 73-89%) for Cmax,ss and 76% (70-82%) for AUC0-6h,ss , indicating that bioequivalence was not established. Dose ordering for bronchodilation was observed. Powder 18 µg and solution 5 µg were most effective, providing comparable bronchodilation. All treatments were well tolerated with no apparent relation to dose or device. Comparable bronchodilator efficacy to powder18 µg at lower systemic exposure supports tiotropium solution 5 µg for maintenance treatment of COPD

    "Buying" Corporate Social Responsibility: Organisational Identity Orientation as a Determinant of Practice Adoption

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    In this paper, we explore the empirical phenomenon of large multinational corporations (MNCs) acquiring socially oriented enterprises, such as the Unilever–Ben & Jerry’s, and the L`Oréal-The Body Shop takeovers. When focusing on these cases, we argue that variance in organisational identity orientations, as the dominant logic of managers within the acquiring organisations, determines whether MNCs consider the transaction not only in financial terms, but also decide to adopt “social technology” in the form of CSR-related organisational practices from the acquired unit. We argue that in turn based on a “match” with the organisational identity of the acquired unit, managers will opt to adopt CSR practices more fully or selectively, and in more substantial or symbolic ways. With these propositional arguments we not only aim to contribute to the literature on CSR adoption by MNCs, but we also set out to develop theory on the widespread but so far undocumented phenomenon of MNCs “buying CSR” by acquiring socially oriented enterprises
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