15 research outputs found

    Popliteal venous thrombosis in juvenile arthritis with Baker cysts: report of 3 cases

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    Three pediatric patients with different illnesses leading to knee arthritis and large Baker cysts and additional calf swelling are reported. Calf swelling was due to true popliteal venous thrombosis and not to the much more common cause of pseudothrombophlebitis. Careful ultrasound examination can differentiate these two causes of calf swelling. Even though all our patients had risk factors for thrombophilia, we do not recommend routine thrombophilia work-up for all arthritis patients in the absence of thrombosis


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    Three pediatric patients with different illnesses leading to knee arthritis and large Baker cysts and additional calf swelling are reported. Calf swelling was due to true popliteal venous thrombosis and not to the much more common cause of pseudothrombophlebitis. Careful ultrasound examination can differentiate these two causes of calf swelling. Even though all our patients had risk factors for thrombophilia, we do not recommend routine thrombophilia work-up for all arthritis patients in the absence of thrombosis

    “Wozu bezahlt man denn Krankenkasse, wenn man, sage ich 'mal, nichts rauskriegt“ Qualitative Studie zum Verständnis von Solidarität in der GKV im Kontext der Priorisierungsdebatte

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    Die aktuelle Debatte um Rationierung oder Priorisierung medizinischer Leistungen berührt die Frage nach dem Solidarprinzip der GKV und dem Solidaritätsverständnis ihrer Versicherten. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung zum Solidaritätsverständnis von Stakeholdern der Hämophilie A vor. Für die Untersuchung wurden die in einer qualitativen Interviewstudie zur Priorisierung medizinischer Leistungen am Beispiel der Hämophilie A erhobenen Äußerungen gesondert auf das zugrundeliegende Verständnis von Solidarität untersucht. Die qualitative Inhaltsanalyse ergibt ein ambivalentes, zwischen den Ansprüchen des Einzelnen und der Gemeinschaft abwägendes Verständnis von Solidarität. Zum einen bewerten Interviewpartner eine vorrangige Behandlung von einzelnen Patienten als unsolidarisch denjenigen gegenüber, die nachrangig behandelt werden sollen. Zum anderen gilt eine übertriebene Inanspruchnahme GKV finanzierter Leistungen des Gesundheitssystems als unsolidarisch gegenüber der Solidargemeinschaft und wird abgelehnt.   “Why should you pay for Insurance if you're not getting anything out of it” A Qualitative Study on the Attitude towards Solidarity in the Statutory Health Insurance in the Context of the Debate about Prioritisation This article presents the results of an empirical study of the views of haemophilia A stakeholders on solidarity. In our project, the comments given in a qualitative interview study on the prioritization of medical services in haemophilia A were examined with special emphasis on the basic understanding of solidarity. The qualitative content analysis reveals an ambivalent understanding of solidarity that differs between individual expectations and those of society as a whole. The interview partners tend to judge prioritization of individual patients as not being compatible with solidarity towards those ranking lower. But an unjustified use of resources provided and paid for by the health care system is also rejected

    ILC Reference Design Report Volume 1 - Executive Summary

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    The International Linear Collider (ILC) is a 200-500 GeV center-of-mass high-luminosity linear electron-positron collider, based on 1.3 GHz superconducting radio-frequency (SCRF) accelerating cavities. The ILC has a total footprint of about 31 km and is designed for a peak luminosity of 2x10^34 cm^-2s^-1. This report is the Executive Summary (Volume I) of the four volume Reference Design Report. It gives an overview of the physics at the ILC, the accelerator design and value estimate, the detector concepts, and the next steps towards project realization.The International Linear Collider (ILC) is a 200-500 GeV center-of-mass high-luminosity linear electron-positron collider, based on 1.3 GHz superconducting radio-frequency (SCRF) accelerating cavities. The ILC has a total footprint of about 31 km and is designed for a peak luminosity of 2x10^34 cm^-2s^-1. This report is the Executive Summary (Volume I) of the four volume Reference Design Report. It gives an overview of the physics at the ILC, the accelerator design and value estimate, the detector concepts, and the next steps towards project realization