12 research outputs found
Prognose des ischÀmischen Schlaganfalls in der Àlteren Bevölkerung: Evaluation des SPAN-100-Index
A. Background and Purposes
Age and stroke severity are two main predictors of stroke outcome.
Saposnik et al. developed the SPAN-100-Index combining age and stroke
severity to be able to predict outcome in older subgroups of patients more
We assessed the SPAN-100-Index among a large contemporary cohort using
the Erlangen thrombolysis database. Furthermore we evaluated the index
exclusively on patients â„ 65 years to investigate its predictive value.
B. Methods
We evaluated all patients who received intravenous thrombolysis for
ischemic stroke at the University Hospital Erlangen between 01/2006 and
12/2012 and divided them into two groups applying the SPAN-100-Index.
Baseline demographic, clinical and laboratory data were analyzed. Outcome
measures included any type of intracerebral hemorrhage and functional
outcome at the end of the hospital stay and at 3 months (using the modified
Rankin Scale).
In the second part of the study only patients â„ 65 years were evaluated.
Binary logistic regression analysis was used in all parts of the study to further
assess the association between SPAN-100-status and certain outcome
C. Results
Among 1002 patients in the Erlangen thrombolysis database, 124 patients
(12,4%) were classified as âSPAN-100-positiveâ. SPAN-100-positive status
was associated with worse outcomes; mortality during hospital stay (29,8%
vs. 6,4%; p < 0,001) and after 3 months (44,6% vs. 9,7%; p < 0,001) was
higher. Consequently, fewer patients achieved a favourable outcome
(defined as mRS 0-1 or attainment of pre-stroke-mRS) at 3 months (10,7%
vs. 36,9%; p < 0,001). Symptomatic ICH rates did not differ in both groups
(3,2% vs. 3,7%; p = 1,000).
Binary regression analysis revealed SPAN-100-positive patients to be at
significantly higher risk for catastrophic outcomes (mRS 4-6; OR 9,39; p <
0,001). There was no relationship between SPAN-100-status and rate of
symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage (OR 0,88; p = 0,810).
These results could be reproduced in the subgroup of patients â„ 65 years.
D. Conclusion
Our findings confirm the predictive value of the SPAN-100-Index for
prognosis of outcome after stroke in a larger contemporary cohort. The
calculator can be a useful everyday tool to evaluate prognosis of elderly
stroke patients receiving thrombolytic therapy.
Importantly the SPAN-100-status did not predict the risk of intracerebral
hemorrhage after thrombolytic therapy in our cohort, therefore simplifying the
decision pro treatment in the group of elderly patients.A. Hintergrund und Ziele
Alter und Schweregrad des Infarktes sind entscheidende PrĂ€diktoren fĂŒr das
klinische Ergebnis von Patienten nach einem akuten ischÀmischen
Schlaganfall. Saposnik und Mitarbeiter entwickelten mit dem SPAN-100-
Index, welcher Alter und klinischen Schweregrad des Infarktes kombiniert,
einen Score, der dazu dienen soll, die Prognose Àlterer Patienten nach
Therapie mit intravenöser Thrombolyse genauer vorhersagen zu können.
Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, den von Saposnik unter diesen Aspekten
entwickelten SPAN-100-Index an einer groĂen kontemporĂ€ren Kohorte zu
evaluieren und Unterschiede der untersuchten Gruppen zu erfassen. Danach
soll der Index ausschlieĂlich auf die Teilpopulation der â„ 65-jĂ€hrigen
Patienten angewendet werden, um die Ergebnisse erneut zu evaluieren und
damit zu prÀzisieren.
B. Methoden
Alle zwischen 01/2006 und 12/2012 an der Neurologischen Klinik des
UniversitÀtsklinikums Erlangen konsekutiv mittels intravenöser Thrombolyse
behandelten Patienten mit einem akuten ischÀmischen Schlaganfall wurden
analysiert und mit Hilfe des SPAN-100-Index in zwei Gruppen getrennt.
Diese Gruppen wurden hinsichtlich der PrÀvalenz intrazerebraler Blutungen,
der MortalitÀt und ihres klinischen Ergebnisses nach drei Monaten
verglichen, um so die Vorhersagekraft des Index hinsichtlich klinischem
Ergebnis und Sicherheit nach DurchfĂŒhrung einer intravenösen Thrombolyse
zu evaluieren und zu validieren.
Das klinische Ergebnis wurde mit Hilfe der modifizierten Rankin-Skala am
Ende des stationÀren Aufenthaltes und drei Monate nach dem ischÀmischen
Schlaganfall erfasst. ZusÀtzlich wurden demographische Daten und
Laborparameter beider Gruppen beurteilt.
Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden dann nur die ℠65-jÀhrigen Patienten
Es erfolgte eine binÀre logistische Regressionsanalyse, um den
Zusammenhang zwischen SPAN-100-Status und relevanten Endpunkten(klinisches Ergebnis, Auftreten intrazerebraler Blutungen) in beiden Teilen
der Arbeit zu bestimmen und damit den prÀdiktiven Wert des Index genauer
zu beurteilen.
C. Ergebnisse und Beobachtungen
Unter den 1002 Patienten der Erlanger Schlaganfall- und Thrombolyse-
Datenbank wurden 124 als âSPAN-100-positivâ klassifiziert. SPAN-100-
positive Patienten starben signifikant hÀufiger wÀhrend des stationÀren
Aufenthaltes (29,8% vs. 6,4%; p < 0,001) und erreichten seltener ein gutes
klinisches Ergebnis (mRS 0-1 bzw. Erreichen des pre-Stroke-mRS) nach drei
Monaten (10,7% vs. 36,9%; p < 0,001). Auch war ein SPAN-100-positiver
Status mit einer höheren MortalitÀt nach drei Monaten assoziiert (44,6% vs.
9,7%; p < 0,001). Die symptomatischen Blutungsraten waren in beiden
Gruppen vergleichbar (3,2% vs. 3,7%; p = 1,000).
In der binÀren logistischen Regressionsanalyse erwies sich ein SPAN-100-
positiver Status als prĂ€diktiv fĂŒr ein katastrophales klinisches Ergebnis (mRS
4-6; OR 9,39; p < 0,001), jedoch ergab sich kein Zusammenhang mit der
Rate symptomatischer intrazerebraler Blutungen (OR 0,88; p = 0,810). Diese
Ergebnisse waren unabhÀngig davon, ob die Thrombolyse im 4,5-Stunden-
Zeitfenster oder danach durchgefĂŒhrt wurde, und konnten auch fĂŒr das
Teilkollektiv der ℠65-jÀhrigen Patienten reproduziert werden.
D. Schlussfolgerungen
Diese Arbeit kann den Wert des SPAN-100-Index als PrĂ€diktor fĂŒr die
Prognose nach einem ischĂ€mischen Schlaganfall an einer gröĂeren und
kontemporÀren Kohorte bestÀtigen. Der Index kann als ein einfach
anzuwendender und stĂ€ndig verfĂŒgbarer Risikorechner hilfreich sein, um die
Prognose Àlterer Patienten mit ischÀmischem Schlaganfall nach Therapie mit
intravenöser Thrombolyse im klinischen Alltag besser einzuschÀtzen.
Diese Untersuchung zeigt jedoch auch, dass das Auftreten intrazerebraler
Blutungen vom SPAN-100-Status unabhÀngig und die Blutungsrate auch bei
SPAN-100-positiven Patienten nicht signifikant höher ist.
Diese Information sollte die Entscheidung zugunsten einer intravenösen
Thrombolyse bei Àlteren Patienten erleichtern
Depression and attempted suicide under pregabalin therapy
Originally developed for the treatment of epilepsy, pregabalin has become a compound with a wide spectrum of indications comprising anxiety disorders and chronic pain and is therefore largely prescribed. Thus, it is important for clinicians to be aware of rare, but serious adverse effects. The following report illustrates the case of a 20-year-old male with a severe depressive syndrome following pregabalin medication which even led to a suicide attempt
Functional improvement of patients with Parkinson syndromes using a rehabilitation training software
IntroductionIndividuals with Parkinsonian disorders often face limited access to specialized physiotherapy and movement training due to staff shortages and increasing disease incidence, resulting in a rapid decline in mobility and feelings of despair. Addressing these challenges requires allocating adequate resources and implementing specialized training programs to ensure comprehensive care and support. Regarding these problems, a computer software was invented that might serve as an additional home-based extension to conventional physiotherapy.MethodsThe trial took place in a rehabilitation center where every patient received equivalent treatment apart from the training program that was set up to be investigated over 3 weeks. Seventy four Patients were included and randomized between two intervention and one control group. Intervention group 1 (IG1) trained with the computer-based system two times a week while Intervention group 2 (IG2) received five training sessions a week. Using the markerless Microsoft KinectÂź camera, participants controlled a digital avatar with their own body movements. UPDRS-III and Clinical measurements were performed before and after the three-week period.ResultsPatients in all groups improved in UPDRS-III pre and post intervention whereas reduction rates were higher for IG1 (â10.89%) and IG2 (â14.04%) than for CG (â7.74%). Differences between the groups were not significant (value of ps CG/IG1 0.225, CG/IG2 0.347). Growth rates for the arm abduction angle were significantly higher in IG1 (11.6%) and IG2 (9.97%) than in CG (1.87%) (value of ps CG/IG1 0.006 and CG/IG2 0.018), as was the 5-steps-distance (CG 10.86% vs. IG1 24.5% vs. UG2 26.22%, value of ps CG/IG1 0.011 and CG/IG2 0.031).DiscussionThe study shows the beneficial effects of computer-based training and substantiates the assumption of a similar impact in a home-based setting. The utilized software is feasible for such interventions and meets with the patientâs approval. Group dynamics seem to have an additional supporting effect for the aspired objective of improving mobility and should be seen as an essential aspect of video games in therapy
Plasma extracellular vesicle tau and TDP-43 as diagnostic biomarkers in FTD and ALS
Minimally invasive biomarkers are urgently needed to detect molecular pathology in frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Here, we show that plasma extracellular vesicles (EVs) contain quantifiable amounts of TDP-43 and full-length tau, which allow the quantification of 3-repeat (3R) and 4-repeat (4R) tau isoforms. Plasma EV TDP-43 levels and EV 3R/4R tau ratios were determined in a cohort of 704 patients, including 37 genetically and 31 neuropathologically proven cases. Diagnostic groups comprised patients with TDP-43 proteinopathy ALS, 4R tauopathy progressive supranuclear palsy, behavior variant FTD (bvFTD) as a group with either tau or TDP-43 pathology, and healthy controls. EV tau ratios were low in progressive supranuclear palsy and high in bvFTD with tau pathology. EV TDP-43 levels were high in ALS and in bvFTD with TDP-43 pathology. Both markers discriminated between the diagnostic groups with area under the curve values >0.9, and between TDP-43 and tau pathology in bvFTD. Both markers strongly correlated with neurodegeneration, and clinical and neuropsychological markers of disease severity. Findings were replicated in an independent validation cohort of 292 patients including 34 genetically confirmed cases. Taken together, the combination of EV TDP-43 levels and EV 3R/4R tau ratios may aid the molecular diagnosis of FTD, FTD spectrum disorders and ALS, providing a potential biomarker to monitor disease progression and target engagement in clinical trials.</p
Outcome of stroke in the elderly: evaluating the SPAN-100 index
A. Hintergrund und Ziele
Alter und Schweregrad des Infarktes sind entscheidende PrĂ€diktoren fĂŒr das
klinische Ergebnis von Patienten nach einem akuten ischÀmischen
Schlaganfall. Saposnik und Mitarbeiter entwickelten mit dem SPAN-100-
Index, welcher Alter und klinischen Schweregrad des Infarktes kombiniert,
einen Score, der dazu dienen soll, die Prognose Àlterer Patienten nach
Therapie mit intravenöser Thrombolyse genauer vorhersagen zu können.
Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, den von Saposnik unter diesen Aspekten
entwickelten SPAN-100-Index an einer groĂen kontemporĂ€ren Kohorte zu
evaluieren und Unterschiede der untersuchten Gruppen zu erfassen. Danach
soll der Index ausschlieĂlich auf die Teilpopulation der â„ 65-jĂ€hrigen
Patienten angewendet werden, um die Ergebnisse erneut zu evaluieren und
damit zu prÀzisieren.
B. Methoden
Alle zwischen 01/2006 und 12/2012 an der Neurologischen Klinik des
UniversitÀtsklinikums Erlangen konsekutiv mittels intravenöser Thrombolyse
behandelten Patienten mit einem akuten ischÀmischen Schlaganfall wurden
analysiert und mit Hilfe des SPAN-100-Index in zwei Gruppen getrennt.
Diese Gruppen wurden hinsichtlich der PrÀvalenz intrazerebraler Blutungen,
der MortalitÀt und ihres klinischen Ergebnisses nach drei Monaten
verglichen, um so die Vorhersagekraft des Index hinsichtlich klinischem
Ergebnis und Sicherheit nach DurchfĂŒhrung einer intravenösen Thrombolyse
zu evaluieren und zu validieren.
Das klinische Ergebnis wurde mit Hilfe der modifizierten Rankin-Skala am
Ende des stationÀren Aufenthaltes und drei Monate nach dem ischÀmischen
Schlaganfall erfasst. ZusÀtzlich wurden demographische Daten und
Laborparameter beider Gruppen beurteilt.
Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden dann nur die ℠65-jÀhrigen Patienten
Es erfolgte eine binÀre logistische Regressionsanalyse, um den
Zusammenhang zwischen SPAN-100-Status und relevanten Endpunkten(klinisches Ergebnis, Auftreten intrazerebraler Blutungen) in beiden Teilen
der Arbeit zu bestimmen und damit den prÀdiktiven Wert des Index genauer
zu beurteilen.
C. Ergebnisse und Beobachtungen
Unter den 1002 Patienten der Erlanger Schlaganfall- und Thrombolyse-
Datenbank wurden 124 als âSPAN-100-positivâ klassifiziert. SPAN-100-
positive Patienten starben signifikant hÀufiger wÀhrend des stationÀren
Aufenthaltes (29,8% vs. 6,4%; p < 0,001) und erreichten seltener ein gutes
klinisches Ergebnis (mRS 0-1 bzw. Erreichen des pre-Stroke-mRS) nach drei
Monaten (10,7% vs. 36,9%; p < 0,001). Auch war ein SPAN-100-positiver
Status mit einer höheren MortalitÀt nach drei Monaten assoziiert (44,6% vs.
9,7%; p < 0,001). Die symptomatischen Blutungsraten waren in beiden
Gruppen vergleichbar (3,2% vs. 3,7%; p = 1,000).
In der binÀren logistischen Regressionsanalyse erwies sich ein SPAN-100-
positiver Status als prĂ€diktiv fĂŒr ein katastrophales klinisches Ergebnis (mRS
4-6; OR 9,39; p < 0,001), jedoch ergab sich kein Zusammenhang mit der
Rate symptomatischer intrazerebraler Blutungen (OR 0,88; p = 0,810). Diese
Ergebnisse waren unabhÀngig davon, ob die Thrombolyse im 4,5-Stunden-
Zeitfenster oder danach durchgefĂŒhrt wurde, und konnten auch fĂŒr das
Teilkollektiv der ℠65-jÀhrigen Patienten reproduziert werden.
D. Schlussfolgerungen
Diese Arbeit kann den Wert des SPAN-100-Index als PrĂ€diktor fĂŒr die
Prognose nach einem ischĂ€mischen Schlaganfall an einer gröĂeren und
kontemporÀren Kohorte bestÀtigen. Der Index kann als ein einfach
anzuwendender und stĂ€ndig verfĂŒgbarer Risikorechner hilfreich sein, um die
Prognose Àlterer Patienten mit ischÀmischem Schlaganfall nach Therapie mit
intravenöser Thrombolyse im klinischen Alltag besser einzuschÀtzen.
Diese Untersuchung zeigt jedoch auch, dass das Auftreten intrazerebraler
Blutungen vom SPAN-100-Status unabhÀngig und die Blutungsrate auch bei
SPAN-100-positiven Patienten nicht signifikant höher ist.
Diese Information sollte die Entscheidung zugunsten einer intravenösen
Thrombolyse bei Àlteren Patienten erleichtern.A. Background and Purposes
Age and stroke severity are two main predictors of stroke outcome.
Saposnik et al. developed the SPAN-100-Index combining age and stroke
severity to be able to predict outcome in older subgroups of patients more
We assessed the SPAN-100-Index among a large contemporary cohort using
the Erlangen thrombolysis database. Furthermore we evaluated the index
exclusively on patients â„ 65 years to investigate its predictive value.
B. Methods
We evaluated all patients who received intravenous thrombolysis for
ischemic stroke at the University Hospital Erlangen between 01/2006 and
12/2012 and divided them into two groups applying the SPAN-100-Index.
Baseline demographic, clinical and laboratory data were analyzed. Outcome
measures included any type of intracerebral hemorrhage and functional
outcome at the end of the hospital stay and at 3 months (using the modified
Rankin Scale).
In the second part of the study only patients â„ 65 years were evaluated.
Binary logistic regression analysis was used in all parts of the study to further
assess the association between SPAN-100-status and certain outcome
C. Results
Among 1002 patients in the Erlangen thrombolysis database, 124 patients
(12,4%) were classified as âSPAN-100-positiveâ. SPAN-100-positive status
was associated with worse outcomes; mortality during hospital stay (29,8%
vs. 6,4%; p < 0,001) and after 3 months (44,6% vs. 9,7%; p < 0,001) was
higher. Consequently, fewer patients achieved a favourable outcome
(defined as mRS 0-1 or attainment of pre-stroke-mRS) at 3 months (10,7%
vs. 36,9%; p < 0,001). Symptomatic ICH rates did not differ in both groups
(3,2% vs. 3,7%; p = 1,000).
Binary regression analysis revealed SPAN-100-positive patients to be at
significantly higher risk for catastrophic outcomes (mRS 4-6; OR 9,39; p <
0,001). There was no relationship between SPAN-100-status and rate of
symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage (OR 0,88; p = 0,810).
These results could be reproduced in the subgroup of patients â„ 65 years.
D. Conclusion
Our findings confirm the predictive value of the SPAN-100-Index for
prognosis of outcome after stroke in a larger contemporary cohort. The
calculator can be a useful everyday tool to evaluate prognosis of elderly
stroke patients receiving thrombolytic therapy.
Importantly the SPAN-100-status did not predict the risk of intracerebral
hemorrhage after thrombolytic therapy in our cohort, therefore simplifying the
decision pro treatment in the group of elderly patients
Automatic Rating of Hoarseness by Text-based Cepstral and Prosodic Evaluation
Abstract. The standard for the analysis of distorted voices is perceptual rating of read-out texts or spontaneous speech. Automatic voice evaluation, however, is usually done on stable sections of sustained vowels. In this paper, text-based and established vowel-based analysis are compared with respect to their ability to measure hoarseness and its subclasses. 73 hoarse patients (48.3 ± 16.8 years) uttered the vowel /e / and read the German version of the text âThe North Wind and the Sunâ. Five speech therapists and physicians rated roughness, breathiness, and hoarseness according to the German RBH evaluation scheme. The best human-machine correlations were obtained for measures based on the Cepstral Peak Prominence (CPP; up to |r | = 0.73). Support Vector Regression (SVR) on CPP-based measures and prosodic features improved the results further to r â 0.8 and confirmed that automatic voice evaluation should be performed on a text recording.
Re-evaluation of the stroke prognostication using age and NIH Stroke Scale index (SPAN-100 index) in IVT patients â the-SPAN 10065 index
Abstract Background The SPAN-100 index adds patient age and baseline NIHSS-score and was introduced to predict clinical outcome after acute ischemic stroke (AIS). Even with high NIHSS-scores younger patients cannot reach a SPAN-100-positive status (index â„100). We aimed to evaluate the SPAN-100 index among a large, contemporary cohort of i.v.-thrombolysed AIS-patients and exclusively among older patients who can at least theoretically achieve SPAN-100-positivity. Methods The SPAN-100 index was applied to AIS-patients receiving i.v.-thrombolysis (IVT) in our institution between 01/2006 and 01/2013. Clinical outcome and symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage rates were compared between SPAN-100-positive and -negative patients. Furthermore we excluded patients <â65 years, without any theoretical chance to achieve SPAN-100-positivity, and re-evaluated the index (SPAN65â100 index). Results SPAN-100-positive IVT-patients (124/1002) had a 9-fold increased risk for unfavorable outcome compared to SPAN-negative patients (OR 9.39; 95% CI 5.87â15.02; pâ<â 0.001). The odds ratio for mortality was 7.48 (95% CI 4.90â11.43; pâ<â 0.001). No association was found between SPAN-100-positivity and sICH-incidence (OR 0.88; 95% CI 0.31â2.53; pâ=â0.810). SPAN65â100-positivity (124/741) was associated with an 8-fold increased risk for unfavorable outcome (OR 7.6; 95% CI 4.71â12.22; pâ<â 0.001) but not associated with higher sICH-rates (OR 0.86; 95% CI 0.29â2.53; pâ<â 0.001). Conclusions Also for patients â„65 years the SPAN-100 index can be a fast, easy method to predict clinical outcome of IVT-patients in everyday practice. However, it should not be used to determine the risk of sICH after IVT. Based on a SPAN-positive status IVT should not be withheld from AIS-patients merely because of feared sICH-complications
Exosome Secretion Ameliorates Lysosomal Storage of Cholesterol in Niemann-Pick Type C Disease*
Niemann-Pick type C1 disease is an autosomal-recessive lysosomal storage disorder. Loss of function of the npc1 gene leads to abnormal accumulation of free cholesterol and sphingolipids within the late endosomal and lysosomal compartments resulting in progressive neurodegeneration and dysmyelination. Here, we show that oligodendroglial cells secrete cholesterol by exosomes when challenged with cholesterol or U18666A, which induces late endosomal cholesterol accumulation. Up-regulation of exosomal cholesterol release was also observed after siRNA-mediated knockdown of NPC1 and in fibroblasts derived from NPC1 patients and could be reversed by expression of wild-type NPC1. We provide evidence that exosomal cholesterol secretion depends on the presence of flotillin. Our findings indicate that exosomal release of cholesterol may serve as a cellular mechanism to partially bypass the traffic block that results in the toxic lysosomal cholesterol accumulation in Niemann-Pick type C1 disease. Furthermore, we suggest that secretion of cholesterol by exosomes contributes to maintain cellular cholesterol homeostasis
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Objectives/Hypothesis: Automatic voice evaluation is usually performed on stable sections of sustained vowels which often cannot capture hoarseness properly. The measures Cepstral Peak Prominence (CPP) and Smoothed Cepstral Peak Prominence (CPPS) do not require exact determination of the cycles of fundamental frequency like established perturbation-based measures. They can also be applied to text recordings. In this study, they were compared to perceptual evaluation of voice quality and the German Roughness-Breathiness-Hoarseness (RBH) scheme. Study Design: Retrospective data analysis. Methods: 73 hoarse patients (48.3±16.8 years) uttered the vowel /e / and read the German version of the text âThe North Wind and the Sunâ. The text recordings were evaluated perceptually by 5 speech therapists and physicians according to the RBH scale. The criterion âoverall quality â was measured on a 4-point scale and a visual analog scale. For the human-machine correlation, the automatic measures of the Praat program (vowels only) and the âcpps â software were compared to the experts â ratings. The experiments were repeated for speakers with jitterâ€5 % or shimmerâ€5% (n=47). Results: For the entire group (n=73), the best human-machine results for most of the rating criteri