1,617 research outputs found

    Avian malaria co-infections confound infectivity and vector competence assays of Plasmodium homopolare.

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    Currently, there are very few studies of avian malaria that investigate relationships among the host-vector-parasite triad concomitantly. In the current study, we experimentally measured the vector competence of several Culex mosquitoes for a newly described avian malaria parasite, Plasmodium homopolare. Song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) blood infected with a low P. homopolare parasitemia was inoculated into a naïve domestic canary (Serinus canaria forma domestica). Within 5 to 10 days post infection (dpi), the canary unexpectedly developed a simultaneous high parasitemic infection of Plasmodium cathemerium (Pcat6) and a low parasitemic infection of P. homopolare, both of which were detected in blood smears. During this infection period, PCR detected Pcat6, but not P. homopolare in the canary. Between 10 and 60 dpi, Pcat6 blood stages were no longer visible and PCR no longer amplified Pcat6 parasite DNA from canary blood. However, P. homopolare blood stages remained visible, albeit still at very low parasitemias, and PCR was able to amplify P. homopolare DNA. This pattern of mixed Pcat6 and P. homopolare infection was repeated in three secondary infected canaries that were injected with blood from the first infected canary. Mosquitoes that blood-fed on the secondary infected canaries developed infections with Pcat6 as well as another P. cathemerium lineage (Pcat8); none developed PCR detectable P. homopolare infections. These observations suggest that the original P. homopolare-infected songbird also had two un-detectable P. cathemerium lineages/strains. The vector and host infectivity trials in this study demonstrated that current molecular assays may significantly underreport the extent of mixed avian malaria infections in vectors and hosts


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    AbstractBackground: Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) is an endemic disease that has a high incidence and mortality rate in Indonesia. Implementating clinical pathways (CP) in hospitals can be used as the basis for treating patients with DHF so as to improve service quality and minimize complications. Objective: This study aims to evaluate the implementation of CP DHF in the pediatric unit at Type D Private Hospital in Yogyakarta. Methods: This is a mix method research with case study design. Qualitative data was collected through in-depth interviews and observations of pediatricians n=2), nurses (n=3), directors of medical services (n=1) and medical committees (n=1). Quantitative data was collected through document review and interviews with the Integrated Clinical Pathway Appraisal Tools (ICPAT). Results: Documents is true a CP. The role of the organization has been running well. The process of documenting, developing and implementing CP DHF is not optimal. The maintenance process is bad. Compliance completes of CP DHF is 9%. The majority of lenght of stay are above 3.86 days with treatment costs above the BPJS package. The incidence of complications is low. The obstacles found during the implementation of CP DHF were that the patient did not have access to CP, low adherence to CP and human resource management factors. Conclusion: The development and implementation of CP DHF needs to be improved both in terms of content and quality. Strong policies are needed, good organizational support and the active role of clinicians are the keys to the successful implementation of CP.Keywords: Clinical Pathway, Dengue Haemorragic Fever, Integrated Service

    Diversity, differentiation, and linkage disequilibrium: prospects for association mapping in the malaria vector anopheles arabiensis

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    Association mapping is a widely applied method for elucidating the genetic basis of phenotypic traits. However, factors such as linkage disequilibrium and levels of genetic diversity influence the power and resolution of this approach. Moreover, the presence of population subdivision among samples can result in spurious associations if not accounted for. As such, it is useful to have a detailed understanding of these factors before conducting association mapping experiments. Here we conducted whole-genome sequencing on 24 specimens of the malaria mosquito vector, Anopheles arabiensis, to further understanding of patterns of genetic diversity, population subdivision and linkage disequilibrium in this species. We found high levels of genetic diversity within the An. arabiensis genome, with ~800,000 high-confidence, single- nucleotide polymorphisms detected. However, levels of nucleotide diversity varied significantly both within and between chromosomes. We observed lower diversity on the X chromosome, within some inversions, and near centromeres. Population structure was absent at the local scale (Kilombero Valley, Tanzania) but detected between distant populations (Cameroon vs. Tanzania) where differentiation was largely restricted to certain autosomal chromosomal inversions such as 2Rb. Overall, linkage disequilibrium within An. arabiensis decayed very rapidly (within 200 bp) across all chromosomes. However, elevated linkage disequilibrium was observed within some inversions, suggesting that recombination is reduced in those regions. The overall low levels of linkage disequilibrium suggests that association studies in this taxon will be very challenging for all but variants of large effect, and will require large sample sizes

    Applicability of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network/Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer Guidelines for Prevention and Management of Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting in Southeast Asia: A Consensus Statement.

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    A meeting of regional experts was convened in Manila, Philippines, to develop a resource-stratified chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) management guideline. In patients treated with highly emetogenic chemotherapy in general clinical settings, triple therapy with a serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine-3 [5-HT3]) antagonist (preferably palonosetron), dexamethasone, and aprepitant is recommended for acute CINV prevention. In resource-restricted settings, triple therapy is still recommended, although a 5-HT3 antagonist other than palonosetron may be used. In both general and resource-restricted settings, dual therapy with dexamethasone (days 2 to 4) and aprepitant (days 2 to 3) is recommended to prevent delayed CINV. In patients treated with moderately emetogenic chemotherapy, dual therapy with a 5-HT3 antagonist, preferably palonosetron, and dexamethasone is recommended for acute CINV prevention in general settings; any 5-HT3 antagonist can be combined with dexamethasone in resource-restricted environments. In general settings, for the prevention of delayed CINV associated with moderately emetogenic chemotherapy, corticosteroid monotherapy on days 2 and 3 is recommended. If aprepitant is used on day 1, it should be continued on days 2 and 3. Prevention of delayed CINV with corticosteroids is preferred in resource-restricted settings. The expert panel also developed CINV management guidelines for anthracycline plus cyclophosphamide combination schedules, multiday cisplatin, and chemotherapy with low or minimal emetogenic potential, and its recommendations are detailed in this review. Overall, these regional guidelines provide definitive guidance for CINV management in general and resource-restricted settings. These consensus recommendations are anticipated to contribute to collaborative efforts to improve CINV management in Southeast Asia

    Spatiotemporal discrete multicolor solitons

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    We have found various families of two-dimensional spatiotemporal solitons in quadratically nonlinear waveguide arrays. The families of unstaggered odd, even and twisted stationary solutions are thoroughly characterized and their stability against perturbations is investigated. We show that the twisted and even solutions display instability, while most of the odd solitons show remarkable stability upon evolution.Comment: 18 pages,7 figures. To appear in Physical Review

    Multicolor vortex solitons in two-dimensional photonic lattices

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    We report on the existence and stability of multicolor lattice vortex solitons constituted by coupled fundamental frequency and second-harmonic waves in optical lattices in quadratic nonlinear media. It is shown that the solitons are stable almost in the entire domain of their existence, and that the instability domain decreases with the increase of the lattice depth. We also show the generation of the solitons, and the feasibility of the concept of lattice soliton algebra.Comment: 18 pages,6 figures. To appear in Physical Review

    Innovative stored plant products in Germany and the potential threat by native and invasive pest insects: Presentation

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    Climate change, economic-political developments as well as new trends in diet and in bio-economy considerably influence the assortment of cultivated plants in Germany and thereby, determine the plant products which have to be stored after harvest. In the light of the International Year of Pulses 2016 and also, as a result of the European Soya Declaration, the acreage cultivated with new plants such as pulses, stress tolerant wheat varieties and also oil seed rape expanded worldwide. Due to increasing stocks of novel commodities, the emergence of economically important insects infesting stored products and the possible risk caused by native and invasive pest species have to be generally considered during storage. In this overall context, we studied the capacity of various stored-product pest insects to infest two important pulses. In laboratory tests different varieties of soy and lupine have been offered as whole seeds, grist and flour to selected moth and beetle species common in Germany. Over 14 weeks we examined the developmental time from egg to eclosion as well as the number of adults in the F1 generation compared to control insects reared on their standard feeding substrate. First findings under laboratory conditions (20-25 °C, 65-70 % RH) indicate that these innovative stored products, and in particular its simply processed plant products are highly susceptible to moths (i.a. Ephestia elutella, Plodia interpunctella) and to a much lesser extent also to some beetle species (i.a. Callosobruchus chinensis, Tribolium confusum), but the usally recommended optimal storage conditions (T = 16 °C, RH = 65%) can prevent a loss of volume and quality.Climate change, economic-political developments as well as new trends in diet and in bio-economy considerably influence the assortment of cultivated plants in Germany and thereby, determine the plant products which have to be stored after harvest. In the light of the International Year of Pulses 2016 and also, as a result of the European Soya Declaration, the acreage cultivated with new plants such as pulses, stress tolerant wheat varieties and also oil seed rape expanded worldwide. Due to increasing stocks of novel commodities, the emergence of economically important insects infesting stored products and the possible risk caused by native and invasive pest species have to be generally considered during storage. In this overall context, we studied the capacity of various stored-product pest insects to infest two important pulses. In laboratory tests different varieties of soy and lupine have been offered as whole seeds, grist and flour to selected moth and beetle species common in Germany. Over 14 weeks we examined the developmental time from egg to eclosion as well as the number of adults in the F1 generation compared to control insects reared on their standard feeding substrate. First findings under laboratory conditions (20-25 °C, 65-70 % RH) indicate that these innovative stored products, and in particular its simply processed plant products are highly susceptible to moths (i.a. Ephestia elutella, Plodia interpunctella) and to a much lesser extent also to some beetle species (i.a. Callosobruchus chinensis, Tribolium confusum), but the usally recommended optimal storage conditions (T = 16 °C, RH = 65%) can prevent a loss of volume and quality