96 research outputs found

    Lessico marinaresco in documenti liguri dei secoli XV e XVI

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    I testi liguri non letterari sono stati indagati frequentemente, soprattutto dagli storici per i dati concreti che forniscono alla storia economica e della marineria. Il preziosissimo dizionario di Aprosio è stato assai utile per le dichiarazioni di lemma. I documenti qui pubblicati, per la maggior parte ascrivibili a Savona, sono spesso ostici o di spiegazione incerta o dubbia, ma meno difficili per l’indagine etimologica, e si prestano ancora a uno spoglio sistematico, eventualmente accompagnato da un’analisi dei relativi tratti linguistici; si pubblica qui un glossario selettivo, con intento precipuamente documentaristico, secondo il modello inaugurato da Giulia Petracco Sicardi. The non-literary Ligurian texts have been investigated frequently, especially by historians for concrete data they provide, such as to enable you to create an economic and seafaring history. The precious dictionary by Aprosio was very useful for the lemma statements. The documents published here are difficult and often their explanation is uncertain or dubious (the etymological research is perhaps less difficult). Overall, they can be easily analysed in a systematic way, possibly accompanied with the analysis of the linguistic traits, as most of them goes back to Savona; at this moment in time we can get a selective glossary, with primarily documentary intent, based on the model pioneered by Giulia Petracco Sicardi.

    Ricordo di Max Pfister

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    Ancora sull'etimo di marmotta

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    It’s offered a new etymological proposal of the italian term marmotta (marmot).Si offre una nuova proposta etimologica del termine marmotta

    La «Vita di Maria e Cristo»: annuncio di pubblicazione

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    Cesare Segre (1928-2014)

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    Il volgarizzamento veneto della «Vita rhytmica Mariae atque Salvatoris» secondo il ms. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Canon. It. 280

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    Edizione con note critiche e commento iconografico del volgarizzamento veneto della Vita rhytmica Mariae trasmesso dal ms. Canon. It. 280 della Bodleian Library di Oxford. L’opera volgare è la traduzione di un testo poetico latino, una delle più interessanti testimonianze della materia apocrifa

    Una buona notizia

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    Impact of firing on surface passivation of p-Si by SiO2/Al and SiO2/SiNx/Al stacks

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    Firing impacts on surface passivation provided by a SiO2 and SiO2/SiNx stack with evaporated Al films are studied by capacitance-based techniques on MIS capacitors. For devices with insulator layers consisting solely of as-deposited SiO2, the densities of either interface states (Dit) or fixed charges (Qfc) are hardly influenced by firing. Capping the SiO2 layer with a SiNx layer results in a shift of the peak activation energy of Dit toward the valence band (Ev) of Si. Firing this SiO2/SiNx stack leads to an increase of Qfc, a reduction of Dit, and a moderate shift of peak activation energy of Dit toward Ev. Co-firing with the Al film on top significantly reduces the Qfc, Dit, and Dit peak activation energy, which is resulting from the atomic hydrogen passivation. These results are of particular interest for the development of solar cells with rear surface passivation and local contacts
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