527 research outputs found

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    Large magnetocaloric effect in the frustrated antiferromagnet EuIr2_2P2_2

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    We present a theoretical analysis of the magnetocaloric effect in the frustrated antiferromagnet \Eu. Monte Carlo simulations indicate a large magnetic entropy change ΔSMmax∌5.14\Delta S_M^{\text{max}} \sim 5.14 J kg−1^{-1}K−1^{-1} at T=2.45T=2.45K for a moderate change in the external magnetic field ΔB=1.2\Delta B=1.2 Tesla. The highest value of ΔSM\Delta S_M seems to be associated with the presence of a multicritical point in the magnetic field versus temperature phase diagram (at Bm∌1.2B_m\sim 1.2 Tesla and Tm∌2.2T_m\sim 2.2 K) but it persists with similar large values for a broad range of temperatures Tâ‰ČTmT\lesssim T_m. Single crystal \Eu~magnetization vs magnetic field experiments allowed us to obtain the magnetocaloric effect for T>2T>2 K. The results are consistent with the theoretical analysis and show a large magnetocaloric effect for T∌2.5T\sim 2.5 K. Finally, we present a phenomenological Landau functional analysis that provides a simplified description of the phase diagram and of the magnetocaloric effect. Although the magnetic frustration in this system leads to a rich phase diagram, we found no clear indication that it plays a significant role enhancing the magneticaloric effect, other than by reducing the transition temperatures and fields.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Rapid increase of resistance to erythromycin and clindamycin in Streptococcus pyogenes in Italy, 1993-1995. The Italian Surveillance Group for Antimicrobial Resistance.

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    A survey of antibiotic resistance in Streptococcus pyogenes in Italy showed a sharp increase in erythromycin resistance. In 1993, the incidence of erythromycin-resistant strains was on average 5.1%, with marked variations by geographic area. Two years later, the incidence of these strains had registered a 1.5- to roughly 20-fold increase, with a mean value of 25.9%, exceeding 40% in three centers out of 13 and 30% in another four. For all the strains studied, normal levels of susceptibility to penicillin were reported

    Enhanced Kondo Effect in an Electron System Dynamically Coupled with Local Optical Phonon

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    We discuss Kondo behavior of a conduction electron system coupled with local optical phonon by analyzing the Anderson-Holstein model with the use of a numerical renormalization group (NRG) method. There appear three typical regions due to the balance between Coulomb interaction UeeU_{\rm ee} and phonon-mediated attraction UphU_{\rm ph}. For Uee>UphU_{\rm ee}>U_{\rm ph}, we observe the standard Kondo effect concerning spin degree of freedom. Since the Coulomb interaction is effectively reduced as Uee−UphU_{\rm ee}-U_{\rm ph}, the Kondo temperature TKT_{\rm K} is increased when UphU_{\rm ph} is increased. On the other hand, for Uee<UphU_{\rm ee}<U_{\rm ph}, there occurs the Kondo effect concerning charge degree of freedom, since vacant and double occupied states play roles of pseudo-spins. Note that in this case, TKT_{\rm K} is decreased with the increase of UphU_{\rm ph}. Namely, TKT_{\rm K} should be maximized for Uee≈UphU_{\rm ee} \approx U_{\rm ph}. Then, we analyze in detail the Kondo behavior at Uee=UphU_{\rm ee}=U_{\rm ph}, which is found to be explained by the polaron Anderson model with reduced hybridization of polaron and residual repulsive interaction among polarons. By comparing the NRG results of the polaron Anderson model with those of the original Anderson-Holstein model, we clarify the Kondo behavior in the competing region of Uee≈UphU_{\rm ee} \approx U_{\rm ph}.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Lattice specific heat for the RMIn5_5 (R = Gd, La, Y, M = Co, Rh) compounds: non-magnetic contribution subtraction

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    We analyze theoretically a common experimental process used to obtain the magnetic contribution to the specific heat of a given magnetic material. In the procedure, the specific heat of a non-magnetic analog is measured and used to subtract the non-magnetic contributions, which are generally dominated by the lattice degrees of freedom in a wide range of temperatures. We calculate the lattice contribution to the specific heat for the magnetic compounds GdMIn5_5 (M = Co, Rh) and for the non-magnetic YMIn5_5 and LaMIn5_5 (M = Co, Rh), using density functional theory based methods. We find that the best non-magnetic analog for the subtraction depends on the magnetic material and on the range of temperatures. While the phonon specific heat contribution of YRhIn5_5 is an excellent approximation to the one of GdCoIn5_5 in the full temperature range, for GdRhIn5_5 we find a better agreement with LaCoIn5_5, in both cases, as a result of an optimum compensation effect between masses and volumes. We present measurements of the specific heat of the compounds GdMIn5_5 (M = Co, Rh) up to room temperature where it surpasses the value expected from the Dulong-Petit law. We obtain a good agreement between theory and experiment when we include anharmonic effects in the calculations

    Effective electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions in the Hubbard-Holstein model

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    We investigate the interplay between the electron-electron and the electron-phonon interaction in the Hubbard-Holstein model. We implement the flow-equation method to investigate within this model the effect of correlation on the electron-phonon effective coupling and, conversely, the effect of phonons in the effective electron-electron interaction. Using this technique we obtain analytical momentum-dependent expressions for the effective couplings and we study their behavior for different physical regimes. In agreement with other works on this subject, we find that the electron-electron attraction mediated by phonons in the presence of Hubbard repulsion is peaked at low transferred momenta. The role of the characteristic energies involved is also analyzed.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa with acquired bla(vim) metallo-beta-lactamase determinants, Italy.

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    6nonenoneROSSOLINI G.M.; RICCIO M.L.; CORNAGLIA G.; PAGANI L.; LAGATOLLA C.; SELAN L. AND FONTANA R.Rossolini, G. M.; Riccio, M. L.; Cornaglia, G.; Pagani, L.; Lagatolla, Cristina; Selan, L. AND FONTANA R
