1,825 research outputs found

    eIF4E et étapes décisionnelles du développement embryonnaire : Quand la traduction module le développement

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    La synthèse protéique représente une étape importante de l’expression des gènes. Au cours du développement embryonnaire, la traduction des ARNm n’est pas toujours systématique, et résulte d’un contrôle efficace permettant l’expression de la protéine au bon moment et au bon endroit dans l’embryon. Les facteurs d’initiation (eIF, eukaryotic initiation factors) sont des acteurs clés du contrôle de la synthèse protéique. Parmi eux, le facteur eIF4E, par le biais d’associations avec différents partenaires, joue un rôle majeur qui se répercute depuis la gamétogenèse et la fécondation jusqu’à l’établissement des axes embryonnaires. Cet article se concentre sur le rôle d’eIF4E dans le contrôle de la régulation de la synthèse protéique en amont des décisions développementales. Les exemples sélectionnés illustrent l’importance du contrôle traductionnel en général, et au cours du développement embryonnaire en particulier. La découverte de mécanismes, parfois très sophistiqués, qui contrôlent la traduction des ARNm au cours du développement conduit le biologiste à porter un regard nouveau sur cette étape de la régulation de l’expression des gènes.Regulation of mRNA translation is an important regulatory step in gene expression. During embryonic development, mRNA translation is tightly regulated to produce the protein at the right place, at the right time. The eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) is a major target for the regulation of cap-dependent translation, that plays a key role during embryogenesis including gametogenesis, fertilization and establishment of embryonic axes. In this review, we describe recent advances illustrating the importance of the translational regulator eIF4E and its partners in developmental decisions

    EIF4E/4E-BP dissociation and 4E-BP degradation in the first mitotic division of the sea urchin embryo

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    AbstractThe mRNA’s cap-binding protein eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF)4E is a major target for the regulation of translation initiation. eIF4E activity is controlled by a family of translation inhibitors, the eIF4E-binding proteins (4E-BPs). We have previously shown that a rapid dissociation of 4E-BP from eIF4E is related with the dramatic rise in protein synthesis that occurs following sea urchin fertilization. Here, we demonstrate that 4E-BP is destroyed shortly following fertilization and that 4E-BP degradation is sensitive to rapamycin, suggesting that proteolysis could be a novel means of regulating 4E-BP function. We also show that eIF4E/4E-BP dissociation following fertilization is sensitive to rapamycin. Furthermore, while rapamycin modestly affects global translation rates, the drug strongly inhibits cyclin B de novo synthesis and, consequently, precludes the completion of the first mitotic cleavage. These results demonstrate that, following sea urchin fertilization, cyclin B translation, and thus the onset of mitosis, are regulated by a rapamycin-sensitive pathway. These processes are effected at least in part through eIF4E/4E-BP complex dissociation and 4E-BP degradation

    A Variant Mimicking Hyperphosphorylated 4E-BP Inhibits Protein Synthesis in a Sea Urchin Cell-Free, Cap-Dependent Translation System

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    BACKGROUND: 4E-BP is a translational inhibitor that binds to eIF4E to repress cap-dependent translation initiation. This critical protein:protein interaction is regulated by the phosphorylation of 4E-BP. Hypophosphorylated 4E-BP binds to eIF4E and inhibits cap-dependent translation, whereas hyperphosphorylated forms do not. While three 4E-BP proteins exist in mammals, only one gene encoding for 4E-BP is present in the sea urchin genome. The protein product has a highly conserved core domain containing the eIF4E-binding domain motif (YxxxxLPhi) and four of the regulatory phosphorylation sites. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using a sea urchin cell-free cap-dependent translation system prepared from fertilized eggs, we provide the first direct evidence that the sea urchin 4E-BP inhibits cap-dependent translation. We show here that a sea urchin 4E-BP variant, mimicking phosphorylation on four core residues required to abrogate binding to eIF4E, surprisingly maintains physical association to eIF4E and inhibits protein synthesis. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Here, we examine the involvement of the evolutionarily conserved core domain and phosphorylation sites of sea urchin 4E-BP in the regulation of eIF4E-binding. These studies primarily demonstrate the conserved activity of the 4E-BP translational repressor and the importance of the eIF4E-binding domain in sea urchin. We also show that a variant mimicking hyperphosphorylation of the four regulatory phosphorylation sites common to sea urchin and human 4E-BP is not sufficient for release from eIF4E and translation promotion. Therefore, our results suggest that there are additional mechanisms to that of phosphorylation at the four critical sites of 4E-BP that are required to disrupt binding to eIF4E

    Effects of FADS and ELOVL polymorphisms on indexes of desaturase and elongase activities: results from a pre-post fish oil supplementation

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    Polymorphisms (SNPs) within the FADS gene cluster and the ELOVL gene family are believed to influence enzyme activities after an omega-3 (n-3) fatty acid (FA) supplementation. The objectives of the study are to test whether an n-3 supplementation is associated with indexes of desaturase and elongase activities in addition to verify whether SNPs in the FADS gene cluster and the ELOVL gene family modulate enzyme activities of desaturases and elongases. A total 208 subjects completed a 6-week supplementation period with 5 g/day of fish oil (1.9–2.2 g/day of EPA ? 1.1 g/day of DHA). FA profiles of plasma phospholipids were obtained by gas chromatography (n = 210). Desaturase and elongase indexes were estimated using product-to-precursor ratios. Twenty-eight SNPs from FADS1, FADS2, FADS3, ELOVL2 and ELOVL5 were genotyped using TaqMan technology. Desaturase indexes were significantly different after the 6-week n-3 supplementation. The index of d-5 desaturase activity increased by 25.7 ± 28.8 % (p\0.0001), whereas the index of d-6 desaturase activity decreased by 17.7 ± 18.2 % (p\0.0001) post-supplementation. Index of elongase activity decreased by 39.5 ± 27.9 % (p\0.0001). Some gene–diet interactions potentially modulating the enzyme activities of desaturases and elongases involved in the FA metabolism post-supplementation were found. SNPs within the FADS gene cluster and the ELOVL gene family may play an important role in the enzyme activity of desaturases and elongases, suggesting that an n-3 FAs supplementation may affect PUFA metabolism

    Changes in plasma phospholipid fatty acid patterns and their impact on plasma triglyceride levels following fish oil supplementation

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    The objective of the present study was to test for associations between changes in fatty acids (FAs) and changes in plasma triglyceride (TG) levels after an n-3 FA supplementation and to test whether SNPs from the FADS gene cluster were associ-ated with plasma FA levels or with specific FA patterns. A total of 210 subjects completed a 2-wk run-in period followed by 6-wk supplementation with 5g/d of fish oil. FA profiles of plasma phospholipids (PPLs) were obtained and 19 SNPs from the FADS gene cluster were genotyped. Principal component analysis was conducted and scores were calculated. There was an increase in EPA, DPA and DHA levels in PPLs as well as a decrease in ALA and all n-6 FA levels after the supplementa-tion. Factor analysis suggested 4 post-n-3 FA supplementation patterns. Changes in AA, ALA, DGLA, as well as changes in total n-3 and omega-6 FAs in absolute quantities of FAs were all associated with a change in TG levels whereas the cor-relation remained significant only for AA and DGLA when FAs were expressed as percentage of total FAs. Several SNPs from the FADS gene cluster were associated with post-supplementation FA levels. These results suggest that FAs alone or regrouped in factors could play a role in modulating plasma TG levels after fish oil supplementation. SNPs from the FADSgene cluster interact with both FAs and/or factors to modulate TG levels

    Cellular coexistence of two high molecular subsets of eEF1B complex

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    AbstractThe elongation factor eEF1B involved in protein translation was found to contain two isoforms of the eEF1Bδ subunit in sea urchin eggs. The eEF1Bδ2 isoform differs from eEF1Bδ1 by a specific insert of 26 amino acids. Both isoforms are co-expressed in the cell and likely originate from a unique gene. The feature appears universal in metazoans as judged from in silico analysis in EST-databanks. The eEF1B components were co-immunoprecipitated by specific eEF1Bδ2 antibodies. Quantification of the proteins in immunoprecipitates and on immunoblots demonstrates that eEF1Bδ1 and eEF1Bδ2 proteins are present in two subsets of eEF1B complex. We discuss and propose a model for the different subsets of eEF1B complex concomitantly present in the cell

    Association between polymorphisms in phospholipase A2 genes and the plasma triglyceride response to an n-3 PUFA supplementation : a clinical trial

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    Background: Fish oil-derived long-chain omega-3 (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), reduce plasma triglyceride (TG) levels. Genetic factors such as single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) found in genes involved in metabolic pathways of n-3 PUFA could be responsible for well-recognized heterogeneity in plasma TG response to n-3 PUFA supplementation. Previous studies have shown that genes in the glycerophospholipid metabolism such as phospholipase A2 (PLA2) group II, IV, and VI, demonstrate changes in their expression levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) after n-3 PUFA supplementation. Methods: A total of 208 subjects consumed 3 g/day of n-3 PUFA for 6 weeks. Plasma lipids were measured before and after the supplementation period. Five SNPs in PLA2G2A, six in PLA2G2C, eight in PLA2G2D, six in PLA2G2F, 22 in PLA2G4A, five in PLA2G6, and nine in PLA2G7 were genotyped. The MIXED Procedure for repeated measures adjusted for age, sex, BMI, and energy intake was used in order to test whether the genotype, supplementation or interaction (genotype by supplementation) were associated with plasma TG levels. Results: The n-3 PUFA supplementation had an independent effect on plasma TG levels. Genotype effects on plasma TG levels were observed for rs2301475 in PLA2G2C, rs818571 in PLA2G2F, and rs1569480 in PLA2G4A. Genotype x supplementation interaction effects on plasma TG levels were observed for rs1805018 in PLA2G7 as well as for rs10752979, rs10737277, rs7540602, and rs3820185 in PLA2G4A. Conclusion: These results suggest that, SNPs in PLA2 genes may influence plasma TG levels during a supplementation with n-3 PUFA. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01343342

    The translational repressor 4E-BP called to order by eIF4E: new structural insights by SAXS

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    eIF4E binding protein (4E-BP) inhibits translation of capped mRNA by binding to the initiation factor eIF4E and is known to be mostly or completely unstructured in both free and bound states. Using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), we report here the analysis of 4E-BP structure in solution, which reveals that while 4E-BP is intrinsically disordered in the free state, it undergoes a dramatic compaction in the bound state. Our results demonstrate that 4E-BP and eIF4E form a ‘fuzzy complex’, challenging current visions of eIF4E/4E-BP complex regulation

    Polymorphisms in FFAR4 (GPR120) gene modulate insulin levels and sensitivity after fish oil supplementation

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    The objective was to test whether FFAR4 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are associated with glycemic control-related traits in humans following fish oil supplementation. A total of 210 participants were given 3 g/day of omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids (FA) (1.9–2.2 g of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and 1.1 g of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)) during six weeks. Biochemical parameters were taken before and after the supplementation. Using the HapMap database and the tagger procedure in Haploview, 12 tagging SNPs in FFAR4 were selected and then genotyped using TaqMan technology. Transcript expression levels were measured for 30 participants in peripheral mononuclear blood cells. DNA methylation levels were measured for 35 participants in leukocytes. In silico analyses were also performed. Four gene–diet interactions on fasting insulin levels and homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) index values were found. rs17108973 explained a significant proportion of the variance of insulin levels (3.0%) and HOMA-IR (2.03%) index values. Splice site prediction was different depending on the allele for rs11187527. rs17108973 and rs17484310 had different affinity for transcription factors depending on the allele. n-3 FAs effectively improve insulin-related traits for major allele homozygotes of four FFAR4 SNPs as opposed to carriers of the minor alleles

    The translational repressor 4E-BP mediates hypoxia-induced defects in myotome cells.

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    International audienceCell growth, proliferation, differentiation and survival are influenced by the availability of oxygen. The effect of hypoxia on embryonic cells and the underlying molecular mechanisms to maintain cellular viability are still poorly understood. In this study, we show that hypoxia during Xenopus embryogenesis rapidly leads to a significant developmental delay and to cell apoptosis after prolonged exposure. We provide strong evidence that hypoxia does not affect somitogenesis but affects the number of mitotic cells and muscle-specific protein accumulation in somites, without interfering with the expression of MyoD and MRF4 transcription factors. We also demonstrate that hypoxia reversibly decreases Akt phosphorylation and increases the total amount of the translational repressor 4E-BP, in combination with an increase of the 4E-BP associated with eIF4E. Interestingly, the inhibition of PI3-kinase or mTOR, with LY29002 or rapamycin, respectively, triggers the 4E-BP accumulation in Xenopus embryos. Finally, the overexpression of the non-phosphorylatable 4E-BP protein induces, similar to hypoxia, a decrease in mitotic cells and a decrease in muscle-specific protein accumulation in somites. Taken together, our studies suggest that 4E-BP plays a central role under hypoxia in promoting the cap-independent translation at the expense of cap-dependent translation and triggers specific defects in muscle development
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