125 research outputs found

    Microcollinearity in an ethylene receptor coding gene region of the Coffea canephora genome is extensively conserved with Vitis vinifera and other distant dicotyledonous sequenced genomes

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    Background: Coffea canephora, also called Robusta, belongs to the Rubiaceae, the fourth largest angiosperm family. This diploid species (2x = 2n = 22) has a fairly small genome size of approximate to 690 Mb and despite its extreme economic importance, particularly for developing countries, knowledge on the genome composition, structure and evolution remain very limited. Here, we report the 160 kb of the first C. canephora Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) clone ever sequenced and its fine analysis. Results: This clone contains the CcEIN4 gene, encoding an ethylene receptor, and twenty other predicted genes showing a high gene density of one gene per 7.8 kb. Most of them display perfect matches with C. canephora expressed sequence tags or show transcriptional activities through PCR amplifications on cDNA libraries. Twenty-three transposable elements, mainly Class II transposon derivatives, were identified at this locus. Most of these Class II elements are Miniature Inverted-repeat Transposable Elements (MITE) known to be closely associated with plant genes. This BAC composition gives a pattern similar to those found in gene rich regions of Solanum lycopersicum and Medicago truncatula genomes indicating that the CcEIN4 regions may belong to a gene rich region in the C. canephora genome. Comparative sequence analysis indicated an extensive conservation between C. canephora and most of the reference dicotyledonous genomes studied in this work, such as tomato (S. lycopersicum), grapevine (V. vinifera), barrel medic M. truncatula, black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) and Arabidopsis thaliana. The higher degree of microcollinearity was found between C. canephora and V. vinifera, which belong respectively to the Asterids and Rosids, two clades that diverged more than 114 million years ago. Conclusion: This study provides a first glimpse of C. canephora genome composition and evolution. Our data revealed a remarkable conservation of the microcollinearity between C. canephora and V. vinifera and a high conservation with other distant dicotyledonous reference genomes. Altogether, these results provide valuable information to identify candidate genes in C. canephora genome and serve as a foundation to establish strategies for whole genome sequencing. Future large-scale sequence comparison between C. canephora and reference sequenced genomes will help in understanding the evolutionary history of dicotyledonous plants

    Patterns of sequence polymorphism in the fleshless berry locus in cultivated and wild Vitis vinifera accessions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Unlike in tomato, little is known about the genetic and molecular control of fleshy fruit development of perennial fruit trees like grapevine (<it>Vitis vinifera </it>L.). Here we present the study of the sequence polymorphism in a 1 Mb grapevine genome region at the top of chromosome 18 carrying the <it>fleshless berry </it>mutation (<it>flb</it>) in order, first to identify SNP markers closely linked to the gene and second to search for possible signatures of domestication.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In total, 62 regions (17 SSR, 3 SNP, 1 CAPS and 41 re-sequenced gene fragments) were scanned for polymorphism along a 3.4 Mb interval (85,127-3,506,060 bp) at the top of the chromosome 18, in both <it>V. vinifera cv</it>. Chardonnay and a genotype carrying the <it>flb </it>mutation, <it>V. vinifera cv</it>. Ugni Blanc mutant. A nearly complete homozygosity in Ugni Blanc (wild and mutant forms) and an expected high level of heterozygosity in Chardonnay were revealed. Experiments using qPCR and BAC FISH confirmed the observed homozygosity. Under the assumption that <it>flb </it>could be one of the genes involved into the domestication syndrome of grapevine, we sequenced 69 gene fragments, spread over the <it>flb </it>region, representing 48,874 bp in a highly diverse set of cultivated and wild <it>V. vinifera </it>genotypes, to identify possible signatures of domestication in the cultivated <it>V. vinifera </it>compartment. We identified eight gene fragments presenting a significant deviation from neutrality of the Tajima's D parameter in the cultivated pool. One of these also showed higher nucleotide diversity in the wild compartments than in the cultivated compartments. In addition, SNPs significantly associated to berry weight variation were identified in the <it>flb </it>region.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We observed the occurrence of a large homozygous region in a non-repetitive region of the grapevine otherwise highly-heterozygous genome and propose a hypothesis for its formation. We demonstrated the feasibility to apply BAC FISH on the very small grapevine chromosomes and provided a specific probe for the identification of chromosome 18 on a cytogenetic map. We evidenced genes showing putative signatures of selection and SNPs significantly associated with berry weight variation in the <it>flb </it>region. In addition, we provided to the community 554 SNPs at the top of chromosome 18 for the development of a genotyping chip for future fine mapping of the <it>flb </it>gene in a F2 population when available.</p


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    RENNES1-BU Sciences Philo (352382102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    La cytogénétique moléculaire : FISH, GISH

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    National audienc

    Agronomic evaluation of AABB wheat tetraploids extracted from wheat neo-allohexaploids

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    In order to understand if the mechanisms leading to stabilization of hexaploid wheats occurred in early generations after hybridization or accumulated slowly over the evolutionary course, we extracted tetraploids from newly synthesized allohexaploid wheats and characterized the effects of changes in polyploidy levels. Extracted wheat tetraploids (ETW) were developed from two neo-allohexaploids and their five phenotypic traits were compared to the parents. The ETWs displayed few small amplitude differences relative to the tetraploid parent of the synthetics. This suggest that genomic changes that might have occurred during the first three generations of the newly-synthesized wheat allopolyploids had very weak effects on the phenotypes

    Boire et déboires du bac-fish sur petits chromosomes de plantes

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    National audienceAfin de dĂ©velopper des compĂ©tences et une expertise dans le domaine de la cytogĂ©nĂ©tique molĂ©culaire vĂ©gĂ©tale prĂ©sentant des problĂ©matiques spĂ©cifiques, le dĂ©partement de GĂ©nĂ©tique et d’AmĂ©lioration des Plantes a mis en place une plate-forme (PF) s’appuyant sur les deux laboratoires de cytogĂ©nĂ©tique traditionnelle travaillant sur les espĂšces Brassica et BlĂ©. L’objectif Ă©tant de mutualiser les moyens techniques, les investissements et les compĂ©tences. La plate-forme situĂ©e au sein de l’UMR APBV-Le Rheu doit rĂ©pondre aux besoins des Ă©quipes de recherche de l'unitĂ© mais Ă©galement Ă  l'ensemble des Ă©quipes du DĂ©partement. Cette capacitĂ© d’ouverture Ă  hauteur de 50% vers les unitĂ©s extĂ©rieures nous permettant ainsi d’ouvrir le champ des thĂ©matiques de la PF et permettre le dĂ©veloppement des nouveaux outils qui seront ensuite transfĂ©rĂ©s vers d’autres espĂšces. La plate-forme a ainsi dĂ©veloppĂ© un ensemble d’outils de cytogĂ©nomique permettant de rĂ©pondre aux projets scientifiques d’études des gĂ©nomes chez les plantes supĂ©rieures : ‱ CaractĂ©risation cytogĂ©nĂ©tique du matĂ©riel vĂ©gĂ©tal impliquant des hybrides interspĂ©cifiques ou des espĂšces polyploĂŻdes permettant l’identification des chromosomes de chaque espĂšce ou introgressions, ‱ Evolution structurale et stabilisation des gĂ©nomes chez des espĂšces polyploĂŻdes, ‱ Cartes cytogĂ©nĂ©tiques faisant la liaison entre la cartographie gĂ©nĂ©tique et physique, ‱ Cartographie physique fine de BAC sur chromosomes en mĂ©iose (stade pachytĂšne) Actuellement dans le cadre de trois projets multi-espĂšces, nous mettons l’accent sur l‘optimisation de la technique du « BAC-FISH multi-espĂšces » devant permettre [1] l’assignation de clone BAC Ă  un chromosome particulier dans le cadre du projet de sĂ©quençage du gĂ©nome de la Tomate, [2] la caractĂ©risation des modifications structurales lors de la stabilisation des colzas synthĂ©tiques et de la nature des appariements homologues ou homĂ©ologues Ă  la mĂ©iose, [3] l’étude de microsyntenie dans deux rĂ©gions impliquĂ©e dans la rĂ©sistance aux maladies (mildiou et oĂŻdium) chez la vigne. Tomate/Brassica/Vigne, 3 espĂšces Ă  « petits chromosomes » prĂ©sentant des rĂ©ponses diffĂ©rentes : succĂšs et problĂ©matiques du BAC-FISH sur petits chromosomes de plantes

    Revisiting meiotic pairing in wheat synthetics in relation to the evolution of the meiotic system in wheat

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    International audienceA large panel of hexaploid wheat synthetics was developed. Their tetraploid parents consisted of either four extracted wheat tetraploids (ETWs) or four natural present-day tetraploids, and their diploid parents consisted of twenty accessions of Aegilops tauschii. Analysis of meiotic behaviour of the synthetics showed that chromosome pairing is highly variable and depends on the progenitor. The meiotic behaviour in the four ETWs was compared to that of the natural tetraploid wheats. It appears there was no evolution at the hexaploid level of the meiotic genes carried by the A and B genomes. We also reach the conclusion that the neo-allohexaploids at the origin of present-day wheat had a meiotic behaviour close to that of the present-day hexaploid wheat. It is likely that other neo-hexaploids with an impaired meiosis were formed, but they had no future due to their more or less rapid disappearance due to increasing aneuploidy level and structural changes, mainly Robertsonian translocations

    Extraire les composantes d'une espĂšce allopolyploĂŻde

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    National audienceLes espĂšces allopolyploĂŻdes sont issues de croisements entre espĂšces prĂ©sentant des gĂ©nomes diffĂ©rents. L’étude de ces derniers, Ă  l’aide de diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodologies et techniques, a montrĂ© que chez toute espĂšce allopolyploĂŻde les gĂ©nomes sont affectĂ©s par de nombreuses modifications structurales et fonctionnelles. Une autre façon originale et pĂ©dagogique pour apprĂ©cier de visu serait de pouvoir extraire les espĂšces progĂ©nitrices Ă  partir des allopolyploĂŻdes. Le blĂ© tendre, Triticum aestivum (2n=42, AABBDD) est une espĂšce allohexaploĂŻde issue du croisement entre le blĂ© tĂ©traploĂŻde T. turgidum ssp dicoccum (2n=42, AABB) et l’espĂšce diploĂŻde sauvage Aegilops tauschii (2n=14, DD) il y a environ 10 000 ans dans le croissant fertile. Kerber (1964) a proposĂ© une mĂ©thode permettant de reconstituer la composante tĂ©traploĂŻde du blĂ© tendre. Nous l’avons appliquĂ©e dans le cas de deux variĂ©tĂ©s de blĂ© tendre actuel et de deux blĂ©s synthĂ©tiques issus du croisement au laboratoire entre les deux espĂšces parentales du blĂ© tendre. L’analyse des gĂ©notypes obtenus permet d’évaluer l’importance des changements qui ont affectĂ© les gĂ©nomes A et B sur le court terme (au cours des premiĂšres gĂ©nĂ©rations du blĂ© synthĂ©tique) et sur le long terme. De plus, nous allons montrer l’intĂ©rĂȘt des tĂ©traploĂŻdes reconstituĂ©s dans l’amĂ©lioration gĂ©nĂ©tique du blĂ© tendre Ă  partir de l’exploitation de la variabilitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique d’Ae. tauschii via les blĂ©s synthĂ©tiques
