96 research outputs found

    Elements of the physical learning environment that impact on the teaching and learning in South African Grade 1 classrooms

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    Foundation phase teachers in South African schools follow a socio-constructivist approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics, which entails that learners experiment freely with concepts and are encouraged to communicate and share their thoughts and ideas. In an effort to understand the impact that the physical learning environment, such as noise or large class sizes, have on learning in South African foundation phase classrooms, this study deployed a qualitative case study design to gain insight into the learning and teaching that take place in Grade 1 classrooms. From a cognitive load perspective, the study found that noise, as result of the large number of learners in the class, as well as noise from the outdoor environment, contributes to the overload of learners’ working memory, which ultimately impacts negatively on learning. The study also found that the large classroom sizes in Grade 1 prevented teachers from rendering effective support, which causes uncertainty among learners in regard to what is expected of them when working on classroom tasks. This uncertainty leads to extraneous cognitive load.Keywords: education; extraneous cognitive load; foundation phase; mathematics; physical learning environment; poverty eradication; South Africa; sustainable development; working memor

    Die invloed van die New Age-beweging op die onderwysagenda van die toekoms

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    Apart from social, economic and political forces, there are also religious forces at work which are aimed at changing the character of education in South Africa within the next few years. One of these religious forces which is having an increasing influence on the unrestricted pursuit of Christian education, is the New Age movement. The eclectic world view of the New Age is seen by the uninformed as a postmodernist movement which will ultimately supply the answers to problems in education. For the informed, the New Age symbolises the purposeful replacement of the Christian faith and in addition, the substitution of Christian education with New Age orientated subject matter and teaching methods. The subtle manner in which this infiltration is taking place can only be counteracted by knowledge of and a preparedness against the New Age

    Ontstaan en ontwikkeling van sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge in Suid-Afrika vanuit 'n opvoedkundige perspektief

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    Summaries in English and AfrikaansIn elke samelewing kan die jeug as 'n opsigselfstaande groep geldentifiseer word. Die unieke eienskappe van die jeugfase lei tot die ontstaan· van konstruktiewe of subkulturele jeuggroeperinge en destruktiewe of kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge. Sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge oefen 'n direkte invloed op die onderwys en opvoeding van die jeug uit. 'n Ondersoek na die faktore wat aanleiding gee tot die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge is in die lig daarvan van dwingende belang. 'n Analise van die stambegrippe kultuur, subkultuur en kontrakultuur is 'n voorvereiste vir die begryp en verstaan van die tema ter sprake. Kultuur is die somtotaal van menslike betrokkenheid in sy materiele en nie-materiele wereld. Hierdie betrokkenheid lei tot kultuurvorming. Die vorming, oordrag en verandering van kultuur bet 'n bepaalde gesindheidsverandering by individue tot gevolg. Die nie-konfonnering met kultuurverandering het die fonnulering van 'n altematiewe of subkulturele stel waardes en nonne tot gevolg. 'n Subkultuur kan beskryf word as enige segment van die dominante kultuur waarvan die waarde en normstruktuur van die dominante kultuur verskil, maar nie in konflik daarmee is nie. Die algehele afwysing of pogings tot die omverwerp van dominante waardes en nonne het kontrakulturele waardes en norme tot gevolg. Sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge is eiesoortig van aard. Subkulturele jeuggroeperinge funksioneer met gemak in die dominante kultuur. Kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge word deur die dominante kultuur as 'n bedreiging beskou. Die faktore wat tot die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge in Suid-Afrika aanleiding gee, kan kortliks saamgevat word as: politieke omstandighede, ideologiese invloede, ekonomiese, demografiese, sosiale (waaronder 'n gedepriveerde sosiale omgewing en huislike faktore, gesinsgrootte, enkelouergesinne, gesagskrisis, generasiekonflik en religieuse faktore), kulturele vervreemding en onderwyskundige faktore. Kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge wat op geweld uitloop, bet 'n destruktiewe invloed op die fisiese en psigiese omgewing van die skool, die medeleerlinge, die gesagsdraers en die leeromgewing. Desnieteenstaande staan die skool in 'n ideate posisie ten opsigte van die identifisering, rehabilitering en akkommodering van kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge en die onderrig van lewensvaardighede waardeur anti-normatiewe gedrag afgewys kan word.In every society the youth can be identified as a separate group. The unique characteristics of the youth phase results in constructive or subcultural youth groupings, as well as destructive or countercultural youth groupings. Sub- and countercultural groupings exert a direct influence on the instruction and education of the youth. An investigation of the factors giving rise to the development of sub- and countercultural youth groupings is therefore imperative. An analysis of the key concepts of culture, subculture and counterculture is a prerequisite for the comprehension of the theme at issue. Culture is the sum total of people's involvement in their material and nonmaterial world. This involvement generates culture. Culture, and the forming, transmission and change of culture results in a change of mindset in individuals. Nonconformity with cultural change results in the formulation of an alternative or subcultural set of values and norms. A subculture can be defined as any segment of the dominant culture that subscribes to a set of values and norms that differ from, but are not in conflict with, those of the dominant culture. Complete rejection of, or attempts to overthrow dominant values and norms result in the formation of countercultural values and norms. Sub- and countercultural youth groupings are unique. Subcultural youth groupings function with ease in the context of the dominant culture. Countercultural youth groupings are perceived as a threat by the dominant culture. The factors leading to the origin and development of sub- and countercultural youth groupings in South Africa can be briefly summarised as: political circumstances, ideological influences, economic, demographic and social influences (including a deprived social environment and domestic factors, family size, single-parent families, authority crises, generation conflict and religious factors), cultural alienation and educational factors. Countercultural youth groupings that resort to violence have a destructive influence on the physical and psychic school environment, on fellow pupils, on office-bearers and on the learning environment. Despite all this, however, the school is ideally placed to identify, rehabilitate and accommodate countercultural youth groupings and to provide instruction in life skills with a view to expelling antinormative behaviour.Educational StudiesD. Ed. (Historiese Opvoedkunde

    Co-constructing Appreciative Inquiry across disciplines: A duo-ethnography

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    Orientation: Appreciative Inquiry (AI) has become increasingly popular as a tool for change management in the world of business and is spilling over into a range of contexts, linking a diversity of disciplines. However, instances where management has used AI in consultation with education for collaborative purposes could not be traced as yet. Research purpose: The aim of this study was for two AI practitioners, one in the field of Industrial and Organisational Psychology and one in Education, to partake in a collaborative study proceeding from reflection on the said researchers’ experiences with facilitating AI in different contexts. Motivation for the study: With social constructionism as a core principle underlying AI, it is argued that sharing experiences across disciplines could enrich the literature and the application of AI in different contexts. Research design, approach and method: The research is based on a qualitative, empirical, duo-ethnography using self-reflective narratives of the experiences of facilitating AI in cross-disciplinary contexts. Main findings: Reflecting on experiences in various disciplines lead to the co-construction of new knowledge. Not only were similar experiences supported, validated and extended, thus affirming the strength-based principle of AI, but it also provided the opportunity for disciplinary cross-fertilisation by combining different perspectives regarding the formality of the AI process and the extent of the facilitator’s and participants readiness to work with AI methodology. Practical/managerial implications: The formality of the AI process and hence the extent of the facilitator’s involvement (signalling his or her readiness to participate actively and take the lead in co-creating a new reality) must be tempered by due allowance for the participant’s readiness to work with AI methodology. Furthermore, participants should be accommodated within the psychological space where they find themselves at the moment when the intended intervention is initiated. Contribution/value-add: Duo-ethnography provided the researchers with the opportunity to challenge the ‘other’ to reflect on their own discipline-related AI experiences, in a deeper, more relational and authentic way. The voices and ideas identified and presented counter narratives, also blended in unique ways to augment the definition of AI as a multidisciplinary force to co-create a better society. More specifically, the ‘readiness’ of the facilitator for an AI encounter was conceptualised and applied to the psychological and behavioural readiness of not only the participants, but also the facilitators of AI workshops

    BRAF inhibitor treatment of classical hairy cell leukemia allows successful vaccination against SARS-CoV-2

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    In classical hairy cell leukemia (HCL), standard treatments including purine analogs achieve a durable response (up to 90%), but lead to severe immunosuppression and long-lasting depletion of CD4 + T lymphocytes. The BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib is effective in HCL, but its use in first-line treatment is restricted to select clinical situations (e.g. active infection). Its impact on immune function or response to vaccines in HCL is unclear. We treated four HCL patients with vemurafenib during the COVID-19 pandemic and monitored immune reconstitution and response to SARS-CoV-2 immunization. All patients responded to HCL treatment with normalization of peripheral blood counts. No severe infections occurred. As an indication of limited immunosuppression by vemurafenib, stable CD4 + and CD8 + T lymphocyte counts and immunoglobulin levels were observed. Three out of four patients received SARS-CoV-2 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech) during treatment with vemurafenib. IgG antibody levels against the spike-protein of SARS-CoV-2 were detected (40-818 AE/ml). Our data suggest that vemurafenib has limited effects on cellular and humoral immune function in HCL, which allows for successful SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. These data support the use of BRAF inhibitors during the current pandemic where continued immune response is necessary for minimizing the COVID-19-related risk of non-vaccinated patients
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