395 research outputs found
Mobilisations transfrontières et Union européenne : difficultés et réalités de la contestation syndicale. L’exemple du syndicalisme des transports
L’article examine les difficultés, pour l’eurosyndicalisme naissant, d’organiser des actions collectives de solidarité transfrontalière dans le nouvel espace politique et économique de l’Union européenne (UE). Ces actions restent très peu nombreuses malgré l’ampleur des réformes socio-économiques menées par l’Europe communautaire depuis plus de 20 ans, qui affectent profondément le contenu tant de l’organisation que des conditions de travail et des droits sociaux collectifs. Cependant, alors que le secteur du transport est soumis à de vives pressions concurrentielles, les structures syndicales transnationales de ce secteur réussissent à mobiliser de façon récurrente les salariés en créant des liens entre les différents métiers, tranchant ainsi avec une situation syndicale générale où l’européanisation de la contestation sociale ne semble pas être à l’ordre du jour.This article addresses the difficulties faced by European-level unions as they try to organise actions of trans-border collective solidarity in the new political and economic space of the European Union. There are few such actions, despite the important social and economic reforms that the European community has undertaken in the last 20 years, reforms that affect both the content and the organisation of working conditions and collective social rights. Nevertheless, in the transportation sector, which is subject to major competitive pressure, transnational union structures have succeeded in mobilising workers repeatedly, creating ties among the various trades. This is, then, a departure from the general union situation where there is little evidence that any Europeanisation of social conflict is on the agenda
Du discours politique au discours expert : le changement politique mis hors débat ?
Il semble difficile d’ignorer la tendance à une profonde homogénéisation du discours politique institutionnalisé à laquelle nous assistons ces deux dernières décennies. Cette homogénéisation résulte, pour partie, d’une circulation lexicale intense de lexèmes ou de mots à consonance « technique ». Nous retrouvons ainsi les mêmes expressions perçues comme des catégories de description de la réalité dans la bouche d’hommes et de femmes politiques, toutes tendances confondues, de banquiers, de pr..
L’analyse du discours des organisations internationales. Un vaste champ encore peu exploré
Les organisations internationales font partie de ces appareils politico-administratifs qui ont l’habitude de produire une pléthore de textes. La référence la plus directement associée à cette notion d’organisation internationale renvoie à la réalité institutionnelle du système onusien, dont le soleil fut longtemps l’assemblée générale de l’ONU entourée de ses nombreuses agences mondiales satellites. Dans ce cas, les corpus de textes qu’il est possible de rassembler peuvent chronologiquement c..
Employees' resources and social rights in Europe : RESORE Final report
Informe final d'un projecte finançat per la DG Research-European Commission (Vè Programa Marc) amb número de contracte: HPSE-CT-2002-00104 i en el que el QUIT va participar com a partner.Are pension reforms and labour market policies symptomatic of a crisis of the institutional forms of capitalism constructed historically in each country? Do they reflect mutations of the salariat? These are two of the key questions among the issues raised by the RESORE project in approaching its research from the particular angle of changes in workers' resources. RESORE brings to the fore the dynamic relation between employment, the wage and social rights. The primary objective of the research project was to test the validity of an original multidisciplinary conceptual framework for the analysis of the processes of construction/transformation of workers' social rights in the fields of pension reform and the emergence of the subsidized employee in European countries. The research strategy was based on an approach to international comparisons that takes account of societal configurations in their relation to European construction. The study of national documentary sources was taken as the starting point for the comparison between policies subsidising employment or aiming at pension reforms in eight EU member states (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the U.K.). In addition, available statistical sources were used in order to assess to the extent possible the resource flows and populations concerned. Finally, the articulation between national and Community levels for our two research fields was investigated through a study of the actors and their discourses, using official documents and over 60 interviews conducted with union organisations and national civil servants sitting on European committees on employment and pensions in the framework of the Open Method of Coordination
CD133 Is a Marker of Bioenergetic Stress in Human Glioma
Mitochondria dysfunction and hypoxic microenvironment are hallmarks of cancer cell biology. Recently, many studies have focused on isolation of brain cancer stem cells using CD133 expression. In this study, we investigated whether CD133 expression is regulated by bioenergetic stresses affecting mitochondrial functions in human glioma cells. First, we determined that hypoxia induced a reversible up-regulation of CD133 expression. Second, mitochondrial dysfunction through pharmacological inhibition of the Electron Transport Chain (ETC) produced an up-regulation of CD133 expression that was inversely correlated with changes in mitochondrial membrane potential. Third, generation of stable glioma cells depleted of mitochondrial DNA showed significant and stable increases in CD133 expression. These glioma cells, termed rho0 or ρ0, are characterized by an exaggerated, uncoupled glycolytic phenotype and by constitutive and stable up-regulation of CD133 through many cell passages. Moreover, these ρ0 cells display the ability to form “tumor spheroids” in serumless medium and are positive for CD133 and the neural progenitor cell marker, nestin. Under differentiating conditions, ρ0 cells expressed multi-lineage properties. Reversibility of CD133 expression was demonstrated by transfering parental mitochondria to ρ0 cells resulting in stable trans-mitochondrial “cybrid” clones. This study provides a novel mechanistic insight about the regulation of CD133 by environmental conditions (hypoxia) and mitochondrial dysfunction (genetic and chemical). Considering these new findings, the concept that CD133 is a marker of brain tumor stem cells may need to be revised
Travaux de lexicométrie sur des corpus de textes politiques européens: une approche du discours sur le social
Un an plus tard: La lutte finale?
Entretien avec J. Sloover, journaliste au Soir, qui a donné lieu à un article pour le dossier Eco-Soir consacré entièrement à "Renault- Vilvorde, un an déjà…"info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe
L'Europe tourne le dos à un siècle d'acquis du mouvement syndical dans les Etats-Nations
Entretien avec Hélène Van de Schoor, rédactrice du journal Syndicats de la FGTB, qui a donné lieu à un articleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe
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