67 research outputs found


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    Applying the non bis in idem principle in criminal proceedings transfer requires three criteria: identity regarding the sanctioned person, double sanctioning procedure and identity of the facts related to the case.For this purpose we have done an analysis of international and national legislation and of european jurisprudence, applying the issues found in a concrete situation encountered in national judicial practice


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    Because, in the context of the crisis of illegal migration in Europe, the notion of migrants smuggling is increasingly used, especially in the field of judicial cooperation in criminal matters between romanian and other member states judicial authorities, we intend to determine whether this term is regulated as an independent crime or whether it is just the name of a new phenomenon at european level. At the same time, we try cu establish whether the notion of migrants smuggling is part of smuggling or migrants trafficking crime

    Geophysical investigations at the dorset Palaeoeskimo site of Phillip's Garden, Port au Choix, Northwestern Newfoundland

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    This thesis presents geophysical investigations at Phillip's Garden, a large Palaeoeskimo site located near Port au Choix, northwestern Newfoundland. Previous geophysical investigations at the site have focused on large scale magnetometry surveys, aimed at identifying possible buried dwellings at the site. This research expands on this by using two complimentary geophysical methods, magnetometry and ground penetrating radar, and focusing on small scale surveying aimed at identifying features within dwellings. The purposes of this research are testing the efficacy of magnetometry and ground penetrating radar in identifying features within dwellings, testing whether there is a difference between surveying excavated versus unexcavated dwellings, and assessing the best surveying increments for geophysically surveying dwellings at Phillip's Garden. The results of this research suggest that magnetometry and ground penetrating radar are useful in identifying features associated with dwellings at Phillip's Garden, particularly in unexcavated dwellings using a smaller increment between survey transects

    Efficacy and Safety of a Novel Therapeutic of Natural Origin (NTN) in Adult Patients with Lactose Intolerance: A Multicenter, Randomized, Crossover, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study

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    Food intolerance; Intestinal barrier; Natural therapeuticIntolerància alimentària; Barrera intestinal; Terapèutica naturalIntolerancia alimentaria; Barrera intestinal; Terapéutica naturalBackground: Film-forming substances, such as natural polysaccharides (NP) and pea proteins (PP), act as a protective barrier for treating various gastrointestinal conditions. We assessed the efficacy and safety of a novel therapeutic of natural origin (NTN) containing NP and PP for symptomatic treatment of lactose intolerance. Methods: In this multicenter, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study, patients with lactose intolerance received NTN (n = 30) or placebo (n = 30) for 7 days, then the alternate treatment for 7 days. Patients rated their gastrointestinal symptoms using a 7-point Likert scale. The lactose hydrogen breath test was used to assess exhaled hydrogen. Results: NTN as primary or crossover treatment significantly improved patient-reported symptoms of bloating, distension, and abdominal pain. Abdominal pain also improved under primary treatment with placebo. Primary treatment with NTN, but not placebo, normalized mean exhaled hydrogen levels. In the group allocated initially to placebo, crossover to NTN attenuated the increase in hydrogen production. No treatment-related adverse effects were reported in either group. Conclusions: Subjective improvements in bloating, distension, and abdominal pain with NTN were supported by objective evidence of hydrogen production normalization. NTN appears to be a useful alternative to lactose avoidance or enzyme replacement in patients with lactose intolerance.The study was sponsored by Novinthetical Pharma SA, Lugano, Switzerland

    Modulation of the UV-B-induced Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis in HaCaT Cell Line with Calluna vulgaris Extract

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    The reactive oxygen species (ROS) production due to ultraviolet B (UV-B) exposure is extremely harmful to the skin. It causes lesions of DNA, proteins and lipids and leads to cellular death. In the present study the UV-B-induced ROS and subsequent apoptosis in the human keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT) were counterbalanced by a plant extract with antioxidant capacity. Some molecules modulated by common heather (Calluna vulgaris) (CV) extract through which this may exert its photoprotective effects were also identified. The ROS were evaluated with CM-H2DCFDA assay, while apoptosis and Bax-α/Bcl-xL molecules with ELISA. The extract was standardized according to its polyphenolic content and the most important biologically active compounds, such as hyperozid, quercetin, isoquercetin, kampferol were evidenced by high-performance liquid chromatography. The UV-B induced ROS production occurred at its highest level at 2 h after the exposure of the HaCaT cells, while apoptosis later, at 4 h. The most significant changes in Bax-α and Bcl-XL proteins induced by UV-B, as well as the highest effect of the extract on apoptosis, were both registered at 4 h. The CV extract decreased concentration- and time-dependently the UV-B-induced ROS production and prevented apoptosis. These effects of CV occurred, at least to a certain extent, due to the modulation of Bax-α/Bcl-XL proteins. These findings suggest that skin cells could be protected from some of the UV-B-induced harmful effects by the administration of the CV extract, which may be further exploited as a potential photoprotective agent

    Medical Expertise of vitality as a problem of public health

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    Catedra Sănătate Publică și Management ”Nicolae Testemițanu”Vitality medical expertise directly affects health indices including population’s disability. The current problems of Vitality medical expertise are related to the accuracy of examination, respect of laws and the rights of surveyed persons, the problems of rehabilitation and restoring the people suffering in the socio-economic activity, as well as reintegration of persons with disabilities in family life, social and professional field. Vitality medical expertise is a medico-social activity carried out by medical professionals who appreciate the surveyed person's ability to fulfill hiss role in social and professional functions. Expertiza medicală a vitalității are o mare importanță în menținerea indicilor de sănătate a populației, inclusiv indicii invaliditâții. Problemele actuale ale expertizei medicale a vitalității țin de corectitudinea expertizării, respectarea legislației, respectarea drepturilor persoanelor expertizațe, problemele de reabilitare și reîncadrare a persoanelor suferinde în activitatea socioeconomică, cît și reintegrarea persoanelor cu handicap în viața de familie, socială și profesională. Expertiza medicală a vitalității este o activitate medico-socială, efectuată de către medici profesioniști, care apreciază abilitatea persoanei expertizate de a îndeplini rolul în funcțiile sale sociale și profesionale

    Oxidants induce a corticosteroid-insensitive phosphorylation of histone 3 at serine 10 in monocytes

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    Oxidative stress enhances inflammation and reduces the effectiveness of corticosteroids, but the inflammatory signalling pathways induced by oxidants remain ill-defined. Phosphorylation of histone 3 at serine 10 (H3-Pser10) marks out a subset of inflammatory genes for transcription, several of which are induced in oxidant-associated inflammation. However, the influence of oxidants or of corticosteroids on this modification remains unknown. We assessed the regulation of H3-Pser10 by oxidants and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in human blood monocytes and lung macrophages and the effectiveness of its abolition in controlling inflammatory gene expression in cells from asthmatic subjects compared to corticosteroids alone. Both oxidants and LPS promoted the induction of H3-Pser10 which was unaffected by corticosteroids. The induction of H3-Pser10 was mediated through p38α mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and IκB kinase 2 (IKK-2) signalling. Consequently, inhibitors of p38α MAPK or IKK-2 used in combination with dexamethasone were more effective at controlling inflammatory gene expression from monocytes and lung macrophages from asthmatic patients than the corticosteroid alone. Therefore, reduction of H3-Pser10 by inhibition of p38α MAPK or of IKK-2 may provide greater anti-inflammatory control than corticosteroids alone in oxidant-associated inflammation such as severe asthma

    Rolul unor interleukine implicate în patogeneza polipozei rinosinuzale asociată cu astm bronşic

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    A fost studiat rolul interleukinelor IL-4, IL-5, IL-8 şi IgE totală în patogeneza polipozei rinosinuzale asociată cu astmul bronşic. Pentru a pune în evidenţă factorii de risc în apariţia, dezvoltarea şi cauzele recrudescenţelor de PRS asociată cu astmul bronşic, în studiu au fost incluşi 131 (71 de bărbaţi şi 60 femei) de pacienţi, inclusiv, lotul I – 81 (40 de bărbaţi şi 41 femei) de pacienţi cu PRS asociată cu astmul bronşic; lotul II – 50 (31 de bărbaţi şi 19 femei) de pacienţi cu PRS fără manifestări bronhopulmonare clinice şi lotul control – 102 persoane sănătoase (51 bărbaţi şi 51 de femei). A fost demonstrată o alergizare înaltă a pacienţilor cu polipoză rinosinuzală asociată sau nu cu astmul bronşic. Creşterea semnifi cativă a nivelului de IL-4, IL-5 şi IL-8 în comparaţie cu lotul persoanelor sănătoase determină gradul de avansare a procesului infl amator la nivelul căilor respiratorii în loturile de pacienţi. Aşadar, polipoza rinosinuzală şi astmul bronşic sunt boli multifactoriale, în patogeneza cărora este implicată infl amaţia cronică