122 research outputs found

    Riforma Fornero e start up innovative, le modifiche targate 2012 in tema di contratto a tempo determinato: tra finalità economico-occupazionali e recepimento del diritto comunitario = Fornero reform and innovative start-ups, the 2012 changes regarding fixed-term contracts: between economic and employment purposes and implementation of Community law. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 171/2013

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    This article debates about last reforms of fixed labor contracts. In the first part, the author analyzes the principal legal effects of l. n. 92/2012, so called Fornero reform, explaining the new advantages for employers to utilized this type of contracts without any indication of reasons of justification. Moreover, are described the relationship between the measures introduced (minimal intervals, maximum duration, etc.), and the tendency undertaken by European Court of Justice on the same themes. In the last part, are defined the innovations of l. n. 221/2012, about “start up innovative”, and the measures of exceptions for these companies respect general discipline of d.lgs. n. 368/2001

    Les préférences hédoniques et leur variabilité

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    Plan de la prĂ©sentation : 1. Peut‐on allĂ©ger en gras les produits du commerce sans perte de prĂ©fĂ©rences ?2. Le gras indissociable du sucre dans l’univers des biscuits 3. Un outil pour la mesure de la sensation de gras perçue applicable Ă  tout le rĂ©pertoire alimentaire4. Un questionnaire pour la mesure de la prĂ©fĂ©rence vis‐à‐vis du gras5. Un outil d’analyse sensorielle pour la mesure de la prĂ©fĂ©rence vis‐à‐vis du gra

    Macroeconomy, Financial Crisis, and Sentinel Psychological Factors of Salient Financial Identity: Anxiety, Loneliness, Anger, and Depression Before, During, and After the Great Recession of 2007 to 2009

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    Influences of economic environment contributing to change in factors of psychological distress were studied in relation to the central macroeconomic event of the Great Recession using an epidemiological approach with big data from a 24/7 crisis center in a large Canadian city. The data set consisted of all calls to the helpline from January 2005 to June 2012 identified as having a salient financial identity associated with money problems or unemployment. Gender-differentiated analysis revealed that prevalence of loneliness, depression, and anger related to personal finance consistently remained greater for males despite economic change. Prevalence of male anxiety and loneliness increased the most prior to the Great Recession; whereas, female anxiety and anger increased more than pre-recession loneliness. This thesis explores factors that may play a role in individual psychological distress and how applied psychology may benefit from an expanded and systemic understanding of a client in relation to the economy

    Loisir et culture en Tchécoslovaquie

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    Spare Time and Culture in Czechoslovakia. This essay is based on the data of many sociological surveys on sparetime, carried out in Czechoslovakia during the sixties in order to underline some aspects of Czechoslovak society, and particularly the persistence of a social stratification reflected in ways of life and culture. The analysis points out firstly the different levels of real « consumption » of sparetime, secondly the varying attitudes towards two types of « cultural » leisure, reading and mass media, according to sex, and social category defined by occupation and level of education. Concerning sex, despite the high level of education of the female population, it appears that their consumption of leisure is far lower than that of the male population (with respect to time as well as to outlay dedicated to leisure). Regarding social category, one distinguishes what can be called an « Ă©lite », quite clearly differenciated by its way of life and particularly its way of using spare time (far more than by its standard of living, the scale of wages beeing very narrow in Czechoslovakia). The other social categories are less differenciated but they nevertheless show many behavioural differences (for instance between workers and employees with equal wages).Cette Ă©tude se propose d'utiliser les donnĂ©es de nombreuses enquĂȘtes sociologiques sur le loisir effectuĂ©es en TchĂ©coslovaquie dans les annĂ©es soixante, pour faire ressortir certains aspects de la sociĂ©tĂ© tchĂ©coslovaque et, en particulier, la persistance d'une stratification sociale Ă  travers les phĂ©nomĂšnes du mode de vie et de la culture. L'analyse souligne essentiellement les diffĂ©rences de « consommation» effective de loisir, puis les divergences d'attitude vis Ă  vis de deux types de loisirs « culturels», la lecture et les mass media, en fonction d'une part du sexe, d'autre part des catĂ©gories sociales dĂ©finies par la profession et le niveau d'instruction. En ce qui concerne le sexe, on constate, malgrĂ© le niveau d'instruction Ă©levĂ© de la population fĂ©minine, une consommation de loisirs nettement infĂ©rieure Ă  celle de la population masculine (aussi bien en ce qui concerne le temps que les dĂ©penses consacrĂ©es au loisir). Du point de vue de la catĂ©gorie sociale, on distingue ce qu'on peut appeler une « Ă©lite » assez nettement diffĂ©renciĂ©e par son mode de vie et notamment par sa maniĂšre d'occuper ses loisirs (beaucoup plus que par son niveau de vie, l'Ă©ventail des salaires Ă©tant trĂšs resserrĂ© en TchĂ©coslovaquie). Les autres catĂ©gories sociales sont moins nettement diffĂ©renciĂ©es mais on note nĂ©anmoins de nombreuses diffĂ©rences de comportement (entre les ouvriers et les employĂ©s par exemple, Ă  salaire Ă©gal).Cordelle-Bon AgnĂšs. Loisir et culture en TchĂ©coslovaquie. In: Revue d'Ă©tudes comparatives Est-Ouest, vol. 9, 1978, n°1. pp. 181-214

    The Sensobase project

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    The Sensobase project

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    Poster P5.21 in abstracts.International audienc
