8 research outputs found

    Carbon pricing research in Brazil: advances and challenges / Pesquisa de preços de carbono no Brasil: avanços e desafios

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    Carbon pricing policies are currently considered to be implemented in Brazil, so understanding the present state of carbon pricing research focusing on the national perspective can support energy and environmental policy discussions and guide future research directions. Using the bibliometric method, we analysed 160 publications aiming at assessing the carbon pricing literature in Brazil by 2020. We found out a low and recent production of articles on carbon pricing in Brazil, concentrated from 2015 onwards. Climate Policy is the leading journal and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) leads the ranking of the top three authors. Most publications are related to land use change and deforestation, and few publications connect Brazil to carbon pricing policies instruments, like emission trading schemes (ETS) and carbon taxes. However, there is an increase in the number of articles relating Brazil to the energy and environmental policies considering the policy and governance approaches

    The importance of microalgae biotechnology to the wastewater treatment and biofuels production/ A importância da biotecnologia das microalgas para o tratamento de águas residuais e a produção de biocombustíveis

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    After the Second Industrial Revolution, the use of fossil fuels increased due to growth of cities. The burning of these fuels results in air pollution, which can cause health problems in the most sensitive population, environmental impacts due to SO2, and CO2 emissions in the atmosphere that add to the greenhouse effect. The unbridled consumption of fossil fuels, a non-renewable resource, has stimulated many countries to invest in different types of renewable energies including biofuels. Biofuels can be produced from agricultural crops (first generation); residual biomass from the agricultural sector, which are not fit to the human consumption (second generation); residual microalgae biomass (third generation); and genetically modified microalgae biomass (fourth generation). The microalgae have become an attractive resource for biofuel production because they do not require arable lands for their cultivation and can use wastewater as growth medium, while simultaneously treating this effluent by assimilating the pollutants presents in these waters (nitrogen, phosphorus, and metals). The aim of this work is to analyze the relevance of microalgae applied for wastewater treatment and biofuels production, through an exploratory literature review. Wastewater treatment using microalgae is well documented and presents efficient results for biofuels production; nevertheless the use of microalgae is still in the development phase and the major barrier being economic viability. Additional studies are recommended that explore more microalgae species and focus on genetic engineering to make this biotechnology economically viable

    Qualidade das águas e diversidade microbiana do Rio Doce após o rompimento da barragem do Fundão

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    On November 5th, 2015, the Fundão tailing dam, located in Minas Gerais, Brazil, rupture, releasing between 50 and 60 million cubic meters of ore tailing into the Doce River. Samples of water collected in the month of the spill (Nov/2015), after 4 months (Apr/2016) and 9 months later (Sept/2016) were analyzed to investigate possible changes in water quality and microbial diversity resulting from the disaster. The main immediate effect of the disaster on water quality identified was the increase in turbidity levels (on Nov/2015 it was ~ 36 times higher than recommended Brazilian Legislation). In the same period, the group Actinobacteria, a taxon usually associated with soil composition, was increased in relation to Apr/2016 and Sep/2016 and to Paraguaçu River, an environment without mining historic. Nevertheless, 1 year after the disaster, there was an increase of turbidity levels above the water quality legislation, CONAMA 357, and the historical averages in the rainy season on dez/2016 (IGAM public database).Em 5 de novembro de 2015, a barragem do Fundão, localizada em Minas Gerais, Brasil, rompeu liberando nas águas do Rio Doce entre 50 e 60 milhões de metros cúbicos de rejeitos de minério de ferro. Amostras de água coletada no mês do derramamento (nov/2015), após 4 meses (abr/2016) e 9 meses depois (set/2016) foram analisadas para a investigação de possíveis alterações na qualidade das águas e na diversidade da microbiota da região decorrentes do desastre. O principal efeito identificado do desastre sobre a qualidade das águas foi o aumento imediato dos níveis de turbidez (~36 vezes superior à CONAMA 357 na coleta de nov/2015). No mesmo período, o grupo Actinobacteria, associado à composição de solos, encontrava-se aumentado em ~ 2 vezes em relação à abr/2016 e set/2016 e ao Rio Paraguaçu, um rio brasileiro sem histórico de poluição por mineração. Ademais, mesmo 1 ano após o desastre, houve o aumento dos níveis de turbidez acima da Resolução CONAMA 357, e das médias históricas durante a estação de chuvas em dez/2016 (base de dados pública do IGAM)

    Current Status and Future Perspectives of Carbon Pricing Research in Austria

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    In the context of the European Green Deal, the European Commission and the European Parliament proposed to intensify Europe’s ambition for its 2030 climate targets. In the case of Austria, the current government set itself the goal of being carbon neutral by 2040. The Federal Chancellery of Austria also presented a plan to introduce a carbon price for emissions from the non-EU ETS; a task force is underway to launch a formal proposal in 2022, and thus it is relevant to investigate the present stage of scientific research on carbon pricing in Austria. Therefore, the present paper examines and evaluates scientific publications using bibliometric techniques, combined with a systematic literature review (SLR). Our results show that even though the current government presented a plan to introduce a carbon price, there are still uncertainties about the design of the carbon pricing instrument, the institutional and regulatory framework, revenue recycling policies, impacts on sectoral GDP, competitiveness indicators and international trade. Furthermore, the transport sector was the largest contributor to the increase in total emissions in recent years in Austria; therefore, it requires special attention in terms of mitigating and adaptive measures

    Current Status and Future Perspectives of Carbon Pricing Research in Austria

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    In the context of the European Green Deal, the European Commission and the European Parliament proposed to intensify Europe’s ambition for its 2030 climate targets. In the case of Austria, the current government set itself the goal of being carbon neutral by 2040. The Federal Chancellery of Austria also presented a plan to introduce a carbon price for emissions from the non-EU ETS; a task force is underway to launch a formal proposal in 2022, and thus it is relevant to investigate the present stage of scientific research on carbon pricing in Austria. Therefore, the present paper examines and evaluates scientific publications using bibliometric techniques, combined with a systematic literature review (SLR). Our results show that even though the current government presented a plan to introduce a carbon price, there are still uncertainties about the design of the carbon pricing instrument, the institutional and regulatory framework, revenue recycling policies, impacts on sectoral GDP, competitiveness indicators and international trade. Furthermore, the transport sector was the largest contributor to the increase in total emissions in recent years in Austria; therefore, it requires special attention in terms of mitigating and adaptive measures

    A importância da inovação nos serviços de saúde privados no combate ao COVID-19: estudo de caso em laboratórios do Rio de Janeiro

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    Os principais centros de pesquisa estão debruçados na busca de soluções para diminuir a mortalidade causada pela doença COVID-19, com avanços tecnológicos e recursos que evitem a propagação do Coronavírus. Nesse contexto, os serviços de sáude privados estão buscando inovações em medidas de proteção para seus colaboradores e pacientes. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a importância da inovação em ambientes laboratoriais nos serviços de saúde privados durante a pandemia do Coronavírus. A metodologia adotada se inicia com uma revisão sistemática da literatura, baseada no protocolo PRISMA, em que foi possível identificar 21 artigos, que embasaram a teoria deste trabalho. Em seguida, desenvolveu-se um projeto de pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, com concepção filosófica pós-construtivista, estratégia de investigação de estudo de caso em laboratórios do Rio de Janeiro e método de coleta de dados por meio de observação participante e entrevistas de levantamento. Foi possível constatar que 80% dos clientes dos laboratórios se sentem seguros com relação às ações de inovação adotadas pela empresa para segurança dos colaboradores e pacientes, envolvendo o distanciamento social, medidas e equipamentos de segurança

    A importância da inovação nos serviços de saúde privados no combate ao COVID-19: estudo de caso em laboratórios do Rio de Janeiro

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    Os principais centros de pesquisa estão debruçados na busca de soluções para diminuir a mortalidade causada pela doença COVID-19, com avanços tecnológicos e recursos que evitem a propagação do Coronavírus. Nesse contexto, os serviços de sáude privados estão buscando inovações em medidas de proteção para seus colaboradores e pacientes. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a importância da inovação em ambientes laboratoriais nos serviços de saúde privados durante a pandemia do Coronavírus. A metodologia adotada se inicia com uma revisão sistemática da literatura, baseada no protocolo PRISMA, em que foi possível identificar 21 artigos, que embasaram a teoria deste trabalho. Em seguida, desenvolveu-se um projeto de pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, com concepção filosófica pós-construtivista, estratégia de investigação de estudo de caso em laboratórios do Rio de Janeiro e método de coleta de dados por meio de observação participante e entrevistas de levantamento. Foi possível constatar que 80% dos clientes dos laboratórios se sentem seguros com relação às ações de inovação adotadas pela empresa para segurança dos colaboradores e pacientes, envolvendo o distanciamento social, medidas e equipamentos de segurança