35 research outputs found

    The requirements and challenges in preventing of road traffic injury in Iran. A qualitative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Road traffic injuries (RTIs) are a major public health problem, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Among middle-income countries, Iran has one of the highest mortality rates from RTIs. Action is critical to combat this major public health problem. Stakeholders involved in RTI control are of key importance and their perceptions of barriers and facilitators are a vital source of knowledge. The aim of this study was to explore barriers to the prevention of RTIs and provide appropriate suggestions for prevention, based on the perceptions of stakeholders, victims and road-users as regards RTIs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Thirty-eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with informants in the field of RTI prevention including: police officers; public health professionals; experts from the road administrators; representatives from the General Governor, the car industry, firefighters; experts from Emergency Medical Service and the Red Crescent; and some motorcyclists and car drivers as well as victims of RTIs. A qualitative approach using grounded theory method was employed to analyze the material gathered.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The core variable was identified as "The lack of a system approach to road-user safety". The following barriers in relation to RTI prevention were identified as: human factors; transportation system; and organizational coordination. Suggestions for improvement included education (for the general public and targeted group training), more effective legislation, more rigorous law enforcement, improved engineering in road infrastructure, and an integrated organization to supervise and coordinate preventive activities.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The major barriers identified in this study were human factors and efforts to change human behaviour were suggested by means of public education campaigns and stricter law enforcement. However, the lack of a system approach to RTI prevention was also an important concern. There is an urgent need for both an integrated system to coordinate RTI activities and prevention and a major change in stakeholders' attitudes towards RTI prevention. The focus of all activities should take place on road users' safety.</p

    « Apprendre à apprendre » : quels enjeux pour les apprenants et les enseignants ?

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    International audienc

    Improvement of working memory performance by training is not transferable

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    Working memory (WM) usually refers to a cognitive system devoted to the simultaneous maintenance and processing of information which plays a crucial role in high-level cognition. Recently, Barrouillet and collaborators showed the importance of controlling the time course of cognitive activities to assess WM capacities. Therefore, they developed a new paradigm to systematically explore the functioning of WM that involved simple but time-constrained activities as processing component. In comparison with traditional tasks, these computer-paced span tasks provide a more accurate evaluation of WM capacities and turned out to be the most predictive of complex cognitive achievements. The present study was the first attempt to evaluate the improvement of working memory resulting from training by repetition of this type of span tasks. Participants were trained during twelve sessions with a span task in which the duration of the concurrent activity was varied to ease the implementation of an attentional refreshing mechanism. The transfer effects were evaluated with a similar span task with a different type of material to be memorized. Results showed a significant effect of training, but no transfer effect: trained participants did not outperform a control group, and their performance in the second task did not differ from the first task. Thus, we suggested that the improvement in recall performance does not rely on an increased efficiency of a domain-general process (i.e., refreshing), but on the discovery and use of more efficient encoding strategies

    Working memory computerised task and cognitive abilities

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    International audienceWorking memory is currently measured with complex span paradigm, in which memoranda have to be remembered, while performing concurrent processing. This type of paradigm had been demonstrated to be much more correlated with high cognitive abilities when the processing is time-constrained (i.e., paced by experimenter) than when timing depends on participant’s responses. The aim of our study was to further investigate the role of time-pressure generated by processing on the relation between working memory performance and cognitive abilities. Unlike traditional computer-paced paradigms, in which process timing is determined a priori and identical for all participants, in our paradigm the pace was adjusted to participants’ reaction time. A counting span task was used, in which young adults were told to remember letters, while counting dotes on screen (target dotes were mixed with distractive dotes). Before the counting span task, mean times to count the 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 target dotes were collected. These durations were used to display dots to process in the complex span task. As usually observed with computer-paced span task, the adjusted computer-pace condition gave rise to lower memory performance than a condition paced by participants (i.e., screen with dots remain till participants give their answer). Nevertheless, the correlations of adjusted-pace condition with cognitive abilities (i.e., verbal, numerical and abstract abilities) were weaker than those of participant-pace condition. These findings questioned the assumption that complex span task in which processing task is paced by computer are greater predictor of high-level cognitive abilities

    Nouvelles perspectives sur les processus impliqués dans le paradigme de S. Sternberg (Etude des stratégies et de l'effet d'une contrainte expérimentale)

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    L'objectif principal de cette recherche est d'apporter un nouvel éclairage à la question des processus mis en oeuvre dans le paradigme de balayage mental de Sternberg (1966) grâce à la confrontation de différentes approches. Le second objectif est de déterminer dans quelle mesure une simple contrainte expérimentale peut avoir des répercussions sur les resultats. Dans un premier temps, notre recherche permet de répliquer les principaux résultats de Sternberg. Cependant, l'analyse des procedures individuelles suggere que les participants mettent en oeuvre un éventail de strategies cognitives beaucoup plus large que ce que la littérature suggère. Dans un second temps, cette recherche révèle que la contrainte de restitution a un effet, non seulement sur les strategies mises en oeuvre par les individus, mais également sur la nature même de la tâche. Ces resultats devraient permettre d'affmer l'interprétation des résultats des nombreuses recherches en neurosciences qui recourent à ce paradigme.The main aim of this research was to examine the processes actually implemented in this task through a comparison of different approaches. The second aim was to determine to what extent a simple experimental constraint can affect the findings. First, we replicated Sternberg's main results. However, the analysis of individual procedures suggests that participants implement a much wider range of cognitive strategies than the literature suggests. Second, this research shows that the restitution constraint affects both the strategies implemented by the participants and the nature of the task. These results should help to refine the interpretation of results of many studies in neuroscience using this paradigm.BOULOGNE-BU Psych. Henri Pieron (920125201) / SudocSudocFranceF

    La place du français comme langue étrangère dans le système éducatif norvégien

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    (Norsk) Denne masteroppgaven tar i hovedsak for seg motivasjon for å lære fremmedspråk hos ungdomsskoleelever og årsakene til at elever velger forskjellige valgfag. Hvert år ser man en nedgang i antall elever som velger fransk på ungdomsskolen, og forskningsspørsmålet til oppgaven dreier seg om hvorfor dette elevtallet synker år etter år. For å besvare forskningsspørsmålet vil denne masteroppgaven definere teoriene til Gardner og Dörnyei som kan knyttes til elevenes syn på fremmedspråk, da spesielt motivasjon for å lære fremmedspråk. Videre analyseres en selvutviklet spørreundersøkelse der utvalget var elever på 8. og 10.trinn. Funnene av analysen diskuteres så i sammenheng med nevnte teori, for å muliggjøre en diskusjon av årsaker til elevenes motivasjon og syn på de ulike fremmedspråkene, hvilket til slutt leder til en konklusjon av forskningsspørsmålet. Motivasjon for å lære språk kan være forskjellige, men hos de tre språkgruppene var kommunikasjon med innbyggerne av de respektive landene den største motiverende faktoren, men det å få en god karakter var også en motivator hos tysk- og spanskelever. Funnene viser også at motivasjon og interesse for språkfag kan endres fra 8 til 10.klasse, der færre 10.klassinger enn 8.klassinger ville valgt språkfag dersom faget ikke hadde vært obligatorisk. Grunnen til at mange elever ikke velger fransk kommer av at fransk blir ansett som vanskelig og som et språk som krever mye arbeid, eller som ikke like nødvending som engelsk. Fransk språk blir generelt sett på som moderne, interessant og nyttig, men til gjengjeld blir det sett på som et språk som krever mye arbeid og er vanskelig å lære, samt at sees på som snobbete. Tysk og spansk anses derimot som lettere av de tre språkgruppene, der tysk anses som noe gammeldags. Elevene har et gjennomsnittlig godt inntrykk av franskmenn, der noen mener at de kan være noe arrogante, men ikke i like stor grad som det ble forventet i forkant av spørreundersøkelsen. Hovedgrunnen til at fransk ikke blir valgt er derfor ikke basert på elevenes syn på franskmenn og fransk, men på det forventede omfanget og vanskelighetsgraden til språket. (Français) Ce mémoire de master porte principalement sur la motivation d apprendre une langue étrangère chez les collégiens et les diverses raisons qui sous-tendent leurs choix. Chaque année, nous voyons une baisse dans le nombre d élèves qui choisissent le français au collège, et la question de recherche pour ce mémoire est de savoir pourquoi ce nombre d'élèves diminue année après année. Pour répondre à la question de recherche, ce mémoire va prendre pour point de départ les théories de Gardner et Dörnyei, qui nous permettront d étudier l opinion des élèves sur les langues étrangères, en particulier la motivation à apprendre. Après suit une analyse d un questionnaire auto-fabriqué, où la sélection était faite sur la base d élèves de la 8eme et 10eme année scolaire. Les résultats de l analyse sont ensuite discutés en rapport aux théories mentionnées, afin de permettre d avoir une discussion sur les raisons de la motivation des élèves et leurs visions des différentes langues étrangères. La motivation pour apprendre une langue étrangère peut être différente, cependant. Dans les trois groupes de langue (français, allemand et espagnol) la communication avec les habitants du pays cible était le plus grand facteur de motivation, mais le fait d obtenir une bonne note était aussi une motivation pour les élèves d allemand et d espagnol. Les résultats montrent que la motivation et l intérêt envers les cours de langue changent de la 8eme à la 10eme année. Moins d élèves de 10eme que de 8eme auraient choisi un cours de langue si le cours n était pas obligatoire. La raison pour laquelle de nombreux élèves ne choisissent pas le français est que le français est considéré comme une langue difficile et une langue nécessitant beaucoup de travail, ou comme une langue qui n est pas aussi utile que l anglais. La langue française est vue comme moderne, intéressante et utile, mais en revanche elle est considérée comme une langue nécessitant beaucoup de travail et elle est difficile à apprendre. Elle est également considérée comme snob. L allemand et l espagnol sont par contre vus comme plus faciles, et l allemand est considéré comme un peu démodé. Les élèves ont, en général, une bonne impression des Français, mais certains pensent qu'ils peuvent être un peu arrogants, mais cependant pas autant qu'il était prévu avant l'enquête. La principale raison que le français n est pas choisi ne repose donc pas sur les opinions des élèves sur les Français et le français, mais sur le travail attendu et la difficulté d apprendre la langue

    « Apprendre à apprendre » : analyse des effets d’un dispositif sur la réussite étudiante

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    Revue publiée en octobre 2023International audienc