251 research outputs found


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    Dietary phytochemicals and neuro-inflammaging: From mechanistic insights to translational challenges

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    An extensive literature describes the positive impact of dietary phytochemicals on overall health and longevity. Dietary phytochemicals include a large group of non-nutrients compounds from a wide range of plant-derived foods and chemical classes. Over the last decade, remarkable progress has been made to realize that oxidative and nitrosative stress (O&NS) and chronic, low-grade inflammation are major risk factors underlying brain aging. Accumulated data strongly suggest that phytochemicals from fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices may exert relevant negative immunoregulatory, and/or anti-O&NS activities in the context of brain aging. Despite the translational gap between basic and clinical research, the current understanding of the molecular interactions between phytochemicals and immune-inflammatory and O&NS (IO&NS) pathways could help in designing effective nutritional strategies to delay brain aging and improve cognitive function. This review attempts to summarise recent evidence indicating that specific phytochemicals may act as positive modulators of IO&NS pathways by attenuating pro-inflammatory pathways associated with the age-related redox imbalance that occurs in brain aging. We will also discuss the need to initiate long-term nutrition intervention studies in healthy subjects. Hence, we will highlight crucial aspects that require further study to determine effective physiological concentrations and explore the real impact of dietary phytochemicals in preserving brain health before the onset of symptoms leading to cognitive decline and inflammatory neurodegeneration

    Gender differences in treatment of Coronavirus Disease-2019

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    Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) is the worst worldwide pandemic with more than 12,000,000 cases and 560,000 deaths until 14th July 2020. Men were more infected by COVID-19 than women, and male subjects with underlying conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases developed a severe form of the affection, with increased mortality rate. Many factors can contribute to the disparity in disease outcomes, such as hormone-specific reaction and activity of X-linked genes, which modulate the innate and adaptive immune response to virus infection. Until now, only the Remdesivir was approved by FDA (Food Drug Administration) for COVID-19 treatment, although several clinical trials are ongoing worldwide also on other drugs. In this review, we analyzed published studies on several drugs (chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine, remdesivir, favipiravir, lopinavir-ritonavir in combination, tocilizumab, plasma, and immunoglobulins) with some efficacy to COVID-19 in humans, and evaluated if there were a gender analysis of the available data. In our opinion, it is essential to report data about COVID-19 disaggregated by sex, age, and race, because the knowledge of gender differences is fundamental to identify effective and customized treatments to reduce hospitalizations, admissions to intensive care units, and mortality

    Exercise training in aging and diseases

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    Sedentary lifestyle along with high blood pressure, abnormal values for blood lipids, smoking, and obesity are recognized risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and for many other chronic diseases, such as diabetes, osteoporosis, breast and colon cancer. Several studies conducted on large cohort of individuals have documented the protective effects of physical activity for both vascular and nonvascular syndromes. Exercise training is an integral part of cardiac rehabilitation, a complex therapeutic approach, effective both in young and elderly patients. Despite the number of evidences underling the benefits associated with physical fitness, the cardiac rehabilitation is still an underused medical resource. The molecular mechanism behind physical activity protective effect is presently unresolved, and further studies are also needed to establish the best protocol in terms of specificity, volume and duration of the training

    Elderly abuse: risk factors and nursing role

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    Elderly abuse is still a hidden problem, often underestimated. It is much more common than the data available suggest. Unfortunately, the incidence is expected to grow with the progressive increase in the elderly population in the future. The aim was to examine the available literature in the last 5 years to define the state of art on this phenomenon, with particular regard to the nursing role in elderly abuse, focusing on the possible types of mistreatment, the motivations and preventive interventions. Articles published in the last 5 years regarding the mistreatment of the elderly were selected, by using scientifically recognized databases such as PubMed, Cochrane Library, Medline, Scopus, and Web of Knowledge. Several keywords were used for the query among which were: "elderly abuse" and "elderly abuse in nursing home". Moreover, to better understand the entity of the phenomenon, we also searched the corresponding keywords for child abuse. Considering the Scopus database, only 78 out of 1,342 published articles in the last 5 years deal with abuse of the elderly in relation to nursing, representing a very small part (5.81%) of the considered sample. Comparing the number of articles, the ratio child/elderly is equal to 1/0.04, underlying the poor interest of research on this phenomenon. Moreover, it was observed that elderly abuse in nursing homes is still underreported in both original articles and reviews. Despite the aging of the population, elderly abuse and neglect still remain hidden problems, overlooked and also underestimated in the literature

    Sex Differences in Cardiovascular Diseases: A Matter of Estrogens, Ceramides, and Sphingosine 1-Phosphate

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    The medical community recognizes sex-related differences in pathophysiology and cardiovascular disease outcomes (CVD), culminating with heart failure. In general, pre-menopausal women tend to have a better prognosis than men. Explaining why this occurs is not a simple matter. For decades, sex hormones like estrogens (Es) have been identified as one of the leading factors driving these sex differences. Indeed, Es seem protective in women as their decline, during and after menopause, coincides with an increased CV risk and HF development. However, clinical trials demonstrated that E replacement in post-menopause women results in adverse cardiac events and increased risk of breast cancer. Thus, a deeper understanding of E-related mechanisms is needed to provide a vital gateway toward better CVD prevention and treatment in women. Of note, sphingolipids (SLs) and their metabolism are strictly related to E activities. Among the SLs, ceramide and sphingosine 1-phosphate play essential roles in mammalian physiology, particularly in the CV system, and appear differently modulated in males and females. In keeping with this view, here we explore the most recent experimental and clinical observations about the role of E and SL metabolism, emphasizing how these factors impact the CV system

    Pupillary effects in habitual cannabis consumers quantified with pupillography

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    Driving under the influence of alcohol (DUIA) and drugs (DUID) is considered an elevated risk for traffic safety. When assessing a driver's fitness to drive, standardized and objective measurement methods are still required, in order to clarify the question whether an individual is under the influence of substances acting on the central nervous system (CNS). We exposed healthy test subjects (n=41) as well as persons who were under the influence of cannabis after repeated inhalation to multiple light stimuli using infrared technology and measured the pupillary light reflex (PLR). Toxicological tests of blood samples taken from every subject followed. The aims of this study were to assess the differences in pupillography response between cannabis consumers after a washout period and no cannabis consumers as well as the dose related effects on pupillography parameters of cannabis in cannabis consumers. All four pupillary parameters changed according to a weakened pupil function after acute administration of cannabis in all test subjects. Furthermore, it could be observed that habitual cannabis consumers showed an altered pupillary function just before the first dose was taken, suggesting that the long-term effects and addiction also have to be taken into account, when effects of the CNS are discussed. The results of the present study show that almost all pupil parameters could be reliable indicators for the detection of subjects under the acute effect of cannabis

    Opposite Response to Vitamin K Antagonists: A Report of Two Cases and Systematic Review of Literature

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    Vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) are used in the prophylaxis and treatment of thromboembolic disorders. Despite a high efficacy, their narrow therapeutic window and high response variability hamper their management. Several patients experience fluctuations in dose–response and are at increased risk of over- or under-anticoagulation. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the prothrombin time/international normalized ratio to determine the so-called stable dose and to adjust the dosage accordingly. Three polymorphisms, CYP2C9∗2, CYP2C9∗3 and VKORC1-1639G>A, are associated with increased sensitivity to VKAs. Other polymorphisms are associated with a request for a higher dose and VKA resistance. We described the clinical cases of two patients who were referred to the Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacogenetics Unit of the University Hospital of Salerno for pharmacological counseling. One of them showed hypersensitivity and the other one was resistant to VKAs. A systematic review was performed to identify randomized clinical trials investigating the impact of pharmacogenetic testing on increased sensitivity and resistance to VKAs. Although international guidelines are available and information on the genotype-guided dosing approach has been included in VKA drug labels, VKA pharmacogenetic testing is not commonly required. The clinical cases and the results of the systematically reviewed RCTs demonstrate that the pharmacogenetic-based VKA dosing model represents a valuable resource for reducing VKA-associated adverse events

    Italian long-term care facilities during COVID-19 era: a review

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    Background. Since the start COVID-19 epidemic, 9154 deaths have been registered in Italian Long-Term Care Facilities (LTCF). Half of them were COVID 19-related. Objective. In this review we analyzed the management of COVID-19 outbreak in Italian LTCF, in the most affected regions. Results. In the Italian Institute of Health (ISS) report, 1356 LTCF (41.3%) answered to questionnaires on COVID-19 infection in LTCF. Only 7.4% of deaths was related to Coronavirus (confirmed by swab), while 33,8% of deceased presented flu-like symptoms without confirmation by swab. 77.2% of structures reported the lack of Personal Protective Equipment. The autonomous management policies of the regions cannot be negligible in this assessment, above all Lombardia Region that diverted patients from hospital to extra-structures, like LTCF. Conclusions. The elderlies represent high-risk patients for developing COVID-19 with rapid clinical deterioration. Containment measures should be particularly optimized, especially in anticipation of another possible pandemic recurrence. Surely a comparison among different systems could help to achieve more information in the standardization of procedures. Identifying flaws in this system is necessary to perfect and optimize epidemic management as much as possible