3,346 research outputs found

    A persistent and dynamic East Greenland Ice Sheet over the past 7.5 million years

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    Climate models show that ice-sheet melt will dominate sea-level rise over the coming centuries, but our understanding of ice-sheet variations before the last interglacial 125,000 years ago remains fragmentary. This is because terrestrial deposits of ancient glacial and interglacial periods1,2,3 are overrun and eroded by more recent glacial advances, and are therefore usually rare, isolated and poorly dated4. In contrast, material shed almost continuously from continents is preserved as marine sediment that can be analysed to infer the time-varying state of major ice sheets. Here we show that the East Greenland Ice Sheet existed over the past 7.5 million years, as indicated by beryllium and aluminium isotopes (10Be and 26Al) in quartz sand removed by deep, ongoing glacial erosion on land and deposited offshore in the marine sedimentary record5,6. During the early Pleistocene epoch, ice cover in East Greenland was dynamic; in contrast, East Greenland was mostly ice-covered during the mid-to-late Pleistocene. The isotope record we present is consistent with distinct signatures of changes in ice sheet behaviour coincident with major climate transitions. Although our data are continuous, they are from low-deposition-rate sites and sourced only from East Greenland. Consequently, the signal of extensive deglaciation during short, intense interglacials could be missed or blurred, and we cannot distinguish between a remnant ice sheet in the East Greenland highlands and a diminished continent-wide ice sheet. A clearer constraint on the behaviour of the ice sheet during past and, ultimately, future interglacial warmth could be produced by 10Be and 26Al records from a coring site with a higher deposition rate. Nonetheless, our analysis challenges the possibility of complete and extended deglaciation over the past several million years

    Proton Cyclotron Features in Thermal Spectra of Ultra-magnetized Neutron Stars

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    A great deal of interest has been recently raised in connection with the possibility that soft Îł\gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs) and anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) contain {\em magnetars}, young neutron stars endowed with magnetic fields ≳1014\gtrsim 10^{14} G. In this paper we calculate thermal spectra from ultra-magnetized neutron stars for values of the luminosity and magnetic field believed to be relevant to SGRs and AXPs. Emergent spectra are found to be very close to a blackbody at the star effective temperature and exhibit a distinctive absorption feature at the proton cyclotron energy Ec,p≃0.63(B/1014G)E_{c,p}\simeq 0.63 (B/10^{14} {\rm G}) keV. The proton cyclotron features (PCFs) are conspicuous (equivalent width of up to many hundreds eV) and relatively broad (ΔE/E∌0.05−0.2\Delta E/E \sim 0.05-0.2). The detection of the PCFs is well within the capabilities of present X-ray spectrometers, like the HETGS and METGS on board Chandra. Their observation might provide decisive evidence in favor of the existence of magnetars.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, minor changes included, typos corrected. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Accretion Rates and Spectral Energy Distributions of BL Lacertae Objects

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    We investigate the relationship between accretion rates and the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of BL Lac objects, using a sample of objects for which published information on the host galaxies, emission-line luminosities, and peak frequencies and luminosities of their SEDs are available. The sample is composed of 43 BL Lac objects which have a relatively continuous distribution of peak frequencies. Under the assumption that the observed emission lines are photoionized by the central accretion disk, we use the line luminosities to estimate the accretion luminosities and hence accretion rates. We find that low frequency-peaked BL Lac objects (LBLs) span a wide range of accretion rates, whereas high frequency-peaked BL Lac objects (HBLs) cover a more restricted range of lower values. There appears to be a continuous distribution of accretion rates between the two subclasses of BL Lac objects. We find that the peak frequency of the SED, \pknu, correlates with the accretion rate, approximately with the form \pknu\propto \Lambda^{-3} in HBLs and \pknu \propto \Lambda^{-0.25} in LBLs, where Λ≡Llines/c2\Lambda \equiv L_{\rm lines}/c^2. The peak luminosity of the SED is also correlated with Λ\Lambda. These results suggest that the accretion rate influences the shape of the SED in BL Lac objects. They also support models which couple the jet and the accretion disk. We present a physical scenario to account for the empirical trends.Comment: 6 pages in emulateapj.sty, 3 figures 1 table. The Astrophysical Journal (in press

    ASCA and contemporaneous ground-based observations of the BL Lacertae objects 1749+096 and 2200+420 (BL Lac)

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    We present ASCA observations of the radio-selected BL Lacertae objects 1749+096 (z=0.32) and 2200+420 (BL Lac, z=0.069) performed in 1995 Sept and Nov, respectively. The ASCA spectra of both sources can be described as a first approximation by a power law with photon index Gamma ~ 2. This is flatter than for most X-ray-selected BL Lacs observed with ASCA, in agreement with the predictions of current blazar unification models. While 1749+096 exhibits tentative evidence for spectral flattening at low energies, a concave continuum is detected for 2200+420: the steep low-energy component is consistent the high-energy tail of the synchrotron emission responsible for the longer wavelengths, while the harder tail at higher energies is the onset of the Compton component. The spectral energy distributions from radio to gamma-rays are consistent with synchrotron-self Compton emission from a single homogeneous region shortward of the IR/optical wavelengths, with a second component in the radio domain related to a more extended emission region. For 2200+420, comparing the 1995 Nov state with the optical/GeV flare of 1997 July, we find that models requiring inverse Compton scattering of external photons provide a viable mechanism for the production of the highest (GeV) energies during the flare. An increase of the external radiation density and of the power injected in the jet can reproduce the flat gamma-ray continuum observed in 1997 July. A directly testable prediction of this model is that the line luminosity in 2200+420 should vary shortly after (~1 month) a non-thermal synchrotron flare.Comment: 28 pages,6 figures, 5 tables; LaTeX document. accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    A Viewing Angle - Kinetic Luminosity Unification Scheme For BL Lacertae Objects

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    We propose a unified classification for BL Lac objects (BLs), focusing on the synchrotron peak frequency of the spectral energy distribution. The unification scheme is based on the angle Theta that describes the orientation of the relativistic jet and on the electron kinetic luminosity Lambda of the jet. We assume that Lambda scales with the size of the jet r in a self-similar fashion (Lambda propto r^2), as supported by observational data. The jets are self-similar in geometry and have the same pressure and median magnetic field at the inlet, independent of size. The self-similarity is broken for the highest energy electrons, which radiate mainly at high frequencies, since for large sources they suffer more severe radiative energy losses over a given fraction of the jet length. We calculate the optically thin synchrotron spectrum using an accelerating inner jet model based on simple relativistic gas dynamics and show that it can fit the observed infrared to X-ray spectrum of PKS 2155--304. We couple the accelerating jet model to the unification scheme and compare the results to complete samples of BLs. The negative apparent evolution of X-ray selected BLs is explained as a result of positive evolution of the jet electron kinetic luminosity Λkin\Lambda_{kin}. We review observational arguments in favor of the existence of scaled-down accretion disks and broad emission-line regions in BLs. The proposed unification scheme can explain the lack of observed broad emission lines in X-ray selected BLs, as well as the existence of those lines preferentially in luminous radio-selected BLs. Finally, we review observational arguments that suggest the extension of this unification scheme to all blazars.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures, to be published in the ApJ (Oct 20, 1998

    Moving from a Product-Based Economy to a Service-Based Economy for a More Sustainable Future

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    Traditionally, economic growth and prosperity have been linked with the availability, production and distribution of tangible goods as well as the ability of consumers to acquire such goods. Early evidence regarding this connection dates back to Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations (1776), in which any activity not resulting in the production of a tangible good is characterized as unproductive of any value." Since then, this coupling of economic value and material production has been prevalent in both developed and developing economies throughout the world. One unintended consequence of this coupling has been the exponential increase in the amount of solid waste being generated. The reason is that any production and consumption of material goods eventually generates the equivalent amount of (or even more) waste. Exacerbating this problem is the fact that, with today's manufacturing and supply chain management technologies, it has become cheaper to dispose and replace most products rather than to repair and reuse them. This has given rise to what some call a disposable society." To put things in perspective: In 2012 households in the U.K. generated approximately 22 thousand tons of waste, which amounted to 411 kg of waste generated per person (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, 2015). During the same time period, households in the U.S. generated 251 million tons of waste, which is equivalent to a person generating approximately 2 kg of waste every day (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2012). Out of these 251 million tons of total waste generated, approximately 20% of the discarded items were categorized as durable goods. The disposal of durable goods is particularly worrisome because they are typically produced using material from non- renewable resources such as iron, minerals, and petroleum-based raw materials

    Speakable in Quantum Mechanics

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    At the 1927 Como conference Bohr spoke the now famous words "It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about nature." However, if the Copenhagen interpretation really holds on to this motto, why then is there this feeling of conflict when comparing it with realist interpretations? Surely what one can say about nature should in a certain sense be interpretation independent. In this paper I take Bohr's motto seriously and develop a quantum logic that avoids assuming any form of realism as much as possible. To illustrate the non-triviality of this motto a similar result is first derived for classical mechanics. It turns out that the logic for classical mechanics is a special case of the derived quantum logic. Finally, some hints are provided in how these logics are to be used in practical situations and I discuss how some realist interpretations relate to these logics

    Predicting the long-term impact of antiretroviral therapy scale-up on population incidence of tuberculosis.

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of antiretroviral therapy (ART) on long-term population-level tuberculosis disease (TB) incidence in sub-Saharan Africa. METHODS: We used a mathematical model to consider the effect of different assumptions about life expectancy and TB risk during long-term ART under alternative scenarios for trends in population HIV incidence and ART coverage. RESULTS: All the scenarios we explored predicted that the widespread introduction of ART would initially reduce population-level TB incidence. However, many modelled scenarios projected a rebound in population-level TB incidence after around 20 years. This rebound was predicted to exceed the TB incidence present before ART scale-up if decreases in HIV incidence during the same period were not sufficiently rapid or if the protective effect of ART on TB was not sustained. Nevertheless, most scenarios predicted a reduction in the cumulative TB incidence when accompanied by a relative decline in HIV incidence of more than 10% each year. CONCLUSIONS: Despite short-term benefits of ART scale-up on population TB incidence in sub-Saharan Africa, longer-term projections raise the possibility of a rebound in TB incidence. This highlights the importance of sustaining good adherence and immunologic response to ART and, crucially, the need for effective HIV preventive interventions, including early widespread implementation of ART

    Epitope characterization of sero-specific monoclonal antibody to Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin type A.

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    Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are extremely potent toxins that can contaminate foods and are a public health concern. Anti-BoNT antibodies have been described that are capable of detecting BoNTs; however there still exists a need for accurate and sensitive detection capabilities for BoNTs. Herein, we describe the characterization of a panel of eight monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) generated to the non-toxic receptor-binding domain of BoNT/A (H(C)50/A) developed using a high-throughput screening approach. In two independent hybridoma fusions, two groups of four IgG MAbs were developed against recombinant H(C)50/A. Of these eight, only a single MAb, F90G5-3, bound to the whole BoNT/A protein and was characterized further. The F90G5-3 MAb slightly prolonged time to death in an in vivo mouse bioassay and was mapped by pepscan to a peptide epitope in the N-terminal subdomain of H(C)50/A (H(CN)25/A) comprising amino acid residues (985)WTLQDTQEIKQRVVF(999), an epitope that is highly immunoreactive in humans. Furthermore, we demonstrate that F90G5-3 binds BoNT/A with nanomolar efficiency. Together, our results indicate that F90G5-3 is of potential value as a diagnostic immunoreagent for BoNT/A capture assay development and bio-forensic analysis
