8,213 research outputs found

    The European bus system of the future: Research and innovation

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    The development of a new generation of bus systems was the goal of the European Bus System of the Future (EBSF) project, funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Program. To accomplish this, a series of very different innovative solutions for buses (such as new vehicle layouts, advanced remote maintenance systems, improved on-board communication systems, more performing bus stops and eco-efficient engines) were simultaneously tested in seven Use Cases (UCs) in Europe (Bremerhaven, Brunoy, Budapest, Gothenburg, Madrid, Rome and Rouen). All the tested measures had to increase the attractiveness and improve the image of the mode. The efficiency of all of them was assessed as well as their transferability to other European contexts. The paper describes the tested solutions and focuses on the assessment methodology, the main results achieved and the drivers and barriers for the transfer of such solutions across Europe

    A Methodology to Evaluate Accessibility to Bus Stops as a Contribution to Improve Sustainability in Urban Mobility

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    Walking and transit are the backbone of sustainable mobility. Bus stops not only represent the connection between the two, but are also central in dictating the attractiveness of the latter. Accessibility of bus stops becomes, then, pivotal in increasing both attractiveness and sustainability of public transport. The paper describes a multi-step methodology to evaluate bus stops’ accessibility starting from a cluster of seven indicators describing objective and subjective features influencing passengers’ choice toward a given bus stop. The indicators are weighed by a questionnaire submitted to experts. Finally, a multicriteria analysis is developed to obtain a final score describing univocally the accessibility of each stop. Outcomes are mapped and a case study in Rome is reported as an example, with 231 bus and tram stops assessed accordingly. Results shows the relevance of the urban network and environment in evaluating the accessibility and in promoting more sustainable mobility patterns. Research innovation relies on the possibility to merge data from different fields into a specific GIS map and easily highlight for each bus stop the relationships between built environment, passengers’ comfort, and accessibility, with the concluding goal to provide advanced knowledge for further application

    Landslide risk management through spatial analysis and stochastic prediction for territorial resilience evaluation

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    Natural materials, such as soils, are influenced by many factors acting during their formative and evolutionary process: atmospheric agents, erosion and transport phenomena, sedimentation conditions that give soil properties a non-reducible randomness by using sophisticated survey techniques and technologies. This character is reflected not only in spatial variability of properties which differs from point to point, but also in multivariate correlation as a function of reciprocal distance. Cognitive enrichment, offered by the response of soils associated with their intrinsic spatial variability, implies an increase in the evaluative capacity of the contributing causes and potential effects in failure phenomena. Stability analysis of natural slopes is well suited to stochastic treatment of uncertainty which characterized landslide risk. In particular, this study has been applied through a back- analysis procedure to a slope located in Southern Italy that was subject to repeated phenomena of hydrogeological instability (extended for several kilometres in recent years). The back-analysis has been carried out by applying spatial analysis to the controlling factors as well as quantifying the hydrogeological hazard through unbiased estimators. A natural phenomenon, defined as stochastic process characterized by mutually interacting spatial variables, has led to identify the most critical areas, giving reliability to the scenarios and improving the forecasting content. Moreover, the phenomenological characterization allows the optimization of the risk levels to the wide territory involved, supporting decision-making process for intervention priorities as well as the effective allocation of the available resources in social, environmental and economic contexts

    Fuzzy interval net present value

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    In this paper we conjugate the operative usability of the net present value with the capability of the fuzzy and the interval approaches to manage uncertainty. Our fuzzy interval net present value can be interpreted, besides the usual present value of an investment project, as the present value of a contract in which the buyer lets the counterpart the possibility to release goods/services for money amounts that can vary, at time instants that can also vary. The buyer can reduce the widths of these variations by paying a cost. So, it is "natural" to represent the good/service money amounts and the time instants by means of triangular fuzzy numbers, and the cost of the buyer as a strictly increasing function of the level a in [0, 1] associated to the generic cut of the fuzzy interval net present value. As usual, the buyer is characterized by a utility function, depending on a and on the cost, that he/she has to maximize. As far the interest rates regard, we assume that the economic operators are only able to specify a variability range for each of the considered period interest rate. So, we represent the interest rates by means of interval numbers. Besides proposing our model, we formulate and solve the programming problems which have to be coped with to determine the extremals of the cut of the fuzzy interval net present value, and we deal with some questions related to the utility function of the buyer.net present value, fuzzy set theory, interval number theory, alpha-cut, utility function

    Financial trading systems: Is recurrent reinforcement the via?

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    In this paper we propose a financial trading system whose trading strategy is developed by means of an artificial neural network approach based on a learning algorithm of recurrent reinforcement type. In general terms, this kind of approach consists: first, in directly specifying a trading policy based on some predetermined investorâs measure of profitability; second, in directly setting the financial trading system while using it. In particular, with respect to the prominent literature, in this contribution: first, we take into account as measure of profitability the reciprocal of the returns weighted direction symmetry index instead of the wide-spread Sharpe ratio; second, we obtain the differential version of the measure of profitability we consider, and obtain all the related learning relationships; third, we propose a simple procedure for the management of drawdown-like phenomena; finally, we apply our financial trading approach to some of the most prominent assets of the Italian stock market.Financial trading system, recurrent reinforcement learning, no-hidden-layer perceptron model, returns weighted directional symmetry measure, gradient ascent technique, Italian stock market.

    From "Special K" to "Special M" : The Evolution of the Recreational use of Ketamine and Methoxetamine

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    Objective: To review the recreational use of ketamine (‘Special K’; KET) and explore the recent diffusion of its new derivative methoxetamine (‘Special M’; MXE). Methods: The literature search on the non-clinical/recreational use of KET and MXE was carried out in a range of medical databases. Considering the limitations of peer-reviewed information, data were integrated with a qualitative assessment of a range of websites, drug fora and other online resources including. Results: The recreational use of KET has started since its discovery in 1962. This was due to its rapid onset, short duration of action, and peculiar psychotropic effects (‘K-hole’). The latter effect ranges from confusion to dissociation and depersonalization (near-death experience). However, KET abuse is often associated with physical and psychological side effects of which the worst is urological/bladder toxicity. Recently, MXE has emerged as a legal and ‘bladder friendly’ KET alternative. MXE presents with the same dissociative effect of KET but with slower onset and longer duration of action. However, MXE seems to be associated with worse side effects than KET, ranging from mood disturbances/suicidal attempts to acute cerebellar toxicity. Conclusions: After 50 years of its discovery, KET has led to the emergence of MXE. However, this latter derivative does not appear to be a safer alternative to KET itself.Peer reviewe

    Safety ranking definition for infrastructures with high PTW flow

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    Powered two-wheelers (PTWs) provide a suitable mode for a large portion of population in many cities due to rider's personal convenience and the vehicle supposed easiness of manoeuvring. At the same time PTWs present serious safety issues compared to other motorized vehicles. This paper reports the main outcome of study carried out in Rome, where this mode is very popular and assesses the economic efforts to make infrastructure safer for PTWs. The methodology, extensively described in the paper, includes three steps: the accident analysis, the development of economic indicators of accidents costs, the maintenance priority. In the first step the location of the PTWs local accidents are identified, then the accidents are analyzed by means of the suitable indicators and, among these the safety potential (SAPO). Lastly, according to the results of the analyzed indicators the need of infrastructure maintenance will be defined. Usually SAPO is applied to rural areas, but here it has been adapted to describe the phenomena of the urban area in hand. As a result, the estimation of the saving potential to improve the infrastructure safety levels, thus reducing the amount of accidents, is presented, along with recommendations on how to upscale the SAPO at city level

    What Sequences obey Benford's Law ?

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    We propose a new necessary and sufficient condition to test whether a sequence is Benford (base-b) or not and apply this characterization to some kinds of sequences (re)obtaining some well known results, as the fact that the sequence of powers of 2 is Benford (base-10).Benford's law, equidistributed sequences, ergodic endomorphisms

    Particle Swarm Optimization with non-smooth penalty reformulation for a complex portfolio selection problem

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    In the classical model for portfolio selection the risk is measured by the variance of returns. It is well known that, if returns are not elliptically distributed, this may cause inaccurate investment decisions. To address this issue, several alternative measures of risk have been proposed. In this contribution we focus on a class of measures that uses information contained both in lower and in upper tail of the distribution of the returns. We consider a nonlinear mixed-integer portfolio selection model which takes into account several constraints used in fund management practice. The latter problem is NP-hard in general, and exact algorithms for its minimization, which are both effective and efficient, are still sought at present. Thus, to approximately solve this model we experience the heuristics Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Since PSO was originally conceived for unconstrained global optimization problems, we apply it to a novel reformulation of our mixed-integer model, where a standard exact penalty function is introduced.Portfolio selection, coherent risk measure, fund management constraints, NP-hard mathematical programming problem, PSO, exact penalty method, SP100 index's assets.