26 research outputs found

    Structure et dynamique de réseau d'une nouvelle phase Brownmillerite Sr₂₋ₓBaₓScGaO₅ en vue d'applications comme conducteur ionique de l'oxygène à température modérée

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    Les conducteurs d'ions oxygène fonctionnant à des températures inférieures à 300 ° C sont des matériaux d'intérêt majeur pour une série d’applications technologiques telles que les piles à combustible solide, les batteries, les électrodes, les capteurs, des catalyseurs, etc. Cependant à l’heure actuelle, les conducteurs d'ions d'oxygène solides fonctionnent raisonnablement seulement à haute température, supérieure à 800°C, ce qui limite leur application. Dans la recherche de l'amélioration des conducteurs d'ions d'oxygène, la structure Brownmillérite (ABO2.5 éq. A2B2O5) a toujours joué un rôle important, en particulier dans le régime à basse température où la dynamique de la chaîne tétraédrique induit la mobilité de l'oxygène. Dans ce contexte, nous avons synthétisé une nouvelle phase Sr2-xBaxScGaO5 (avec x=0 SSGO et x= 0.1 SBSGO), contenant des ions 3d0 diamagnétiques et susceptible d’être un conducteur ionique pur. En fonction de la voie de synthèse, le composé présente deux polymorphes, orthorhombiques et cubiques, qui sont tous deux importants pour la conductivité de l'oxygène. La réaction à l’état solide conduit à une structure de type Brownmillerite orthorhombique tandis que la synthèse de fusion de zone (FTZ) donne une structure Pérovskite déficitaire en oxygène .Par diffraction neutronique sur poudre (D2B @ ILL) nous avons analysé la structure des deux polymorphes, en fonction de la température. Une analyse détaillée du type SSGO Brownmillerite montre que le Sc occupe les sites octaédriques, tandis que Ga occupe exclusivement les tétraèdres autres. Cet ordre de cations est assez inhabituel pour les structures de type Brownmillerite. La deuxième particularité est que Sr2-xBaxScGaO5 subit une transition de phase à partir d'une configuration ordonnée des chaines (GaO4), caractéristiques du groupe d’espace I2mb à température ambiante, vers une configuration désordonnée des chaînes dans le groupe d’espace Imma (à 500°C). Ce résultat important confirme notre hypothèse que le désordre est dynamique et il est la clé pour avoir un conducteur d'ions d'oxygène à températures modérées. La synthèse à des températures élevées (jusqu'à fusion), donne une structure cubique Pm ̅m, stable jusqu'à 1000 ° C. La structure est de type Pérovskite fortement déficitaire en oxygène. La mobilité de l’oxygène de ces nouveaux composés a été ensuite étudiée par la thermogravimétrie (TGA) couplée avec spectroscopie de masse (MS) après échange isotopique 18O-16O, par spectroscopie RAMAN et RMN couplée avec les calculs théoriques ab-initio (WIEN2k), par diffusion inélastique des neutrons (IN6@ILL) couplée avec des calculs de dynamiques moléculaire ab-initio (VASP). Les résultats obtenus via les études structurales et de dynamique de réseau montrent que l’activation de la mobilité ionique est liée à la transition vers la structure désordonnée Imma, qui implique une dynamique importante des chaines GaO4 et une diffusion unidimensionnel le long des canaux lacunaires. Ces résultats ont pu être reproduits par calculs de dynamique moléculaire, dans lesquels la diffusion ne concerne que les oxygènes des plans tétraédriques, et s’expliquent par des paramètres de maille a et c qui sont significativement augmentés par rapport à (Ca/Sr)FeO2.5.Oxygen ion conductors operating at low temperature, below 300 ° C, are materials of major interest for several applications in the area of solid state ionicsas solid fuel cells, batteries, electrodes, sensors, catalysts, etc. However till now, the solid oxygen ion conductor works reasonably only at high temperatures above 800 ° C, which limits their application. In the search for improved oxygen ion conductors Brownmillerite structures ( ABO2.5 eq. A2B2O5 ) has always played an important role, especially in the low temperature regime where the dynamics of the tetrahedral chain induced mobility of oxygen. In this context, we have synthesized a new phase Sr1-xBaxScGaO5 with x = 0 (SSGO) and x = 0.1 (SBSGO) containing diamagnetic 3d0 ions to have a pure ion conductor. Depending on the synthesis route, the compound has two polymorphs, orthorhombic and cubic, which are both important for the oxygen conductivity. The reaction in the solid state leads to an orthorhombic Brownmillerite-type structure, while tmeling synthesis (using the Travelling Floating Zone method FTZ ) gives an oxygen-deficient Perovskite structure. The structures of both polymorphs were analyzed using the neutron powder diffraction as function of the temperature (D2B@ILL). A detailed analysis of SSGO Brownmillerite type shows that the Sc occupies octahedral sites, while the Ga occupies exclusively the tetrahedral ones. This cation ordering is unusual for the Brownmillerite structures. Moreover Sr2-xBaxScGaO5 undergoes a phase transition from an ordered configuration of the tetrahedral chains (GaO4) characteristic of I2mb space-group at room temperature, toward a disordered one characteristic of Imma space group (500 ° C). This important result confirms that the disorder of the tetrahedral chains is dynamic and it is the key to have oxygen ion conductor at moderate temperatures. Synthesis at elevated temperatures (up to melting point) gives a cubic structure Pm ̅m, stable up to 1000 ° C. The Perovskite -type structure is highly oxygen deficient. The mobility of the oxygen of these new compounds was studied by thermogravimetry analysis (TGA) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) after the isotope exchange 18O-16O, by Raman and NMR spectroscopy coupled with theoretical ab-initio calculations (WIEN2k), by inelastic neutron scattering (IN6@ILL) coupled with calculations of ab-initio molecular dynamics (VASP ) . The results obtained from the structural and the lattice dynamics studies show that activation of the ion mobility is related to the transition to a disordered structure Imma, which implies an important dynamics of the chains GaO4 and the diffusion along the one-dimensional vacancy channel. These results have been reproduced by molecular dynamics calculations, in which the diffusion pathway is due only to the oxygen in the tetrahedral planes

    Structure et dynamique de réseau d'une nouvelle phase Brownmillerite Sr Ba ScGaO en vue d'applications comme conducteur ionique de l'oxygène à température modérée

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    Les conducteurs d'ions oxygène fonctionnant à des températures inférieures à 300 C sont des matériaux d'intérêt majeur pour une série d applications technologiques telles que les piles à combustible solide, les batteries, les électrodes, les capteurs, des catalyseurs, etc. Cependant à l heure actuelle, les conducteurs d'ions d'oxygène solides fonctionnent raisonnablement seulement à haute température, supérieure à 800C, ce qui limite leur application. Dans la recherche de l'amélioration des conducteurs d'ions d'oxygène, la structure Brownmillérite (ABO2.5 éq. A2B2O5) a toujours joué un rôle important, en particulier dans le régime à basse température où la dynamique de la chaîne tétraédrique induit la mobilité de l'oxygène. Dans ce contexte, nous avons synthétisé une nouvelle phase Sr2-xBaxScGaO5 (avec x=0 SSGO et x= 0.1 SBSGO), contenant des ions 3d0 diamagnétiques et susceptible d être un conducteur ionique pur. En fonction de la voie de synthèse, le composé présente deux polymorphes, orthorhombiques et cubiques, qui sont tous deux importants pour la conductivité de l'oxygène. La réaction à l état solide conduit à une structure de type Brownmillerite orthorhombique tandis que la synthèse de fusion de zone (FTZ) donne une structure Pérovskite déficitaire en oxygène .Par diffraction neutronique sur poudre (D2B @ ILL) nous avons analysé la structure des deux polymorphes, en fonction de la température. Une analyse détaillée du type SSGO Brownmillerite montre que le Sc occupe les sites octaédriques, tandis que Ga occupe exclusivement les tétraèdres autres. Cet ordre de cations est assez inhabituel pour les structures de type Brownmillerite. La deuxième particularité est que Sr2-xBaxScGaO5 subit une transition de phase à partir d'une configuration ordonnée des chaines (GaO4) , caractéristiques du groupe d espace I2mb à température ambiante, vers une configuration désordonnée des chaînes dans le groupe d espace Imma (à 500C). Ce résultat important confirme notre hypothèse que le désordre est dynamique et il est la clé pour avoir un conducteur d'ions d'oxygène à températures modérées. La synthèse à des températures élevées (jusqu'à fusion), donne une structure cubique Pm m, stable jusqu'à 1000 C. La structure est de type Pérovskite fortement déficitaire en oxygène. La mobilité de l oxygène de ces nouveaux composés a été ensuite étudiée par la thermogravimétrie (TGA) couplée avec spectroscopie de masse (MS) après échange isotopique 18O-16O, par spectroscopie RAMAN et RMN couplée avec les calculs théoriques ab-initio (WIEN2k), par diffusion inélastique des neutrons (IN6@ILL) couplée avec des calculs de dynamiques moléculaire ab-initio (VASP). Les résultats obtenus via les études structurales et de dynamique de réseau montrent que l activation de la mobilité ionique est liée à la transition vers la structure désordonnée Imma, qui implique une dynamique importante des chaines GaO4 et une diffusion unidimensionnel le long des canaux lacunaires. Ces résultats ont pu être reproduits par calculs de dynamique moléculaire, dans lesquels la diffusion ne concerne que les oxygènes des plans tétraédriques, et s expliquent par des paramètres de maille a et c qui sont significativement augmentés par rapport à (Ca/Sr)FeO2.5.Oxygen ion conductors operating at low temperature, below 300 C, are materials of major interest for several applications in the area of solid state ionicsas solid fuel cells, batteries, electrodes, sensors, catalysts, etc. However till now, the solid oxygen ion conductor works reasonably only at high temperatures above 800 C, which limits their application. In the search for improved oxygen ion conductors Brownmillerite structures ( ABO2.5 eq. A2B2O5 ) has always played an important role, especially in the low temperature regime where the dynamics of the tetrahedral chain induced mobility of oxygen. In this context, we have synthesized a new phase Sr1-xBaxScGaO5 with x = 0 (SSGO) and x = 0.1 (SBSGO) containing diamagnetic 3d0 ions to have a pure ion conductor. Depending on the synthesis route, the compound has two polymorphs, orthorhombic and cubic, which are both important for the oxygen conductivity. The reaction in the solid state leads to an orthorhombic Brownmillerite-type structure, while tmeling synthesis (using the Travelling Floating Zone method FTZ ) gives an oxygen-deficient Perovskite structure. The structures of both polymorphs were analyzed using the neutron powder diffraction as function of the temperature (D2B@ILL). A detailed analysis of SSGO Brownmillerite type shows that the Sc occupies octahedral sites, while the Ga occupies exclusively the tetrahedral ones. This cation ordering is unusual for the Brownmillerite structures. Moreover Sr2-xBaxScGaO5 undergoes a phase transition from an ordered configuration of the tetrahedral chains (GaO4) characteristic of I2mb space-group at room temperature, toward a disordered one characteristic of Imma space group (500 C). This important result confirms that the disorder of the tetrahedral chains is dynamic and it is the key to have oxygen ion conductor at moderate temperatures. Synthesis at elevated temperatures (up to melting point) gives a cubic structure Pm m, stable up to 1000 C. The Perovskite -type structure is highly oxygen deficient. The mobility of the oxygen of these new compounds was studied by thermogravimetry analysis (TGA) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) after the isotope exchange 18O-16O, by Raman and NMR spectroscopy coupled with theoretical ab-initio calculations (WIEN2k), by inelastic neutron scattering (IN6@ILL) coupled with calculations of ab-initio molecular dynamics (VASP ) . The results obtained from the structural and the lattice dynamics studies show that activation of the ion mobility is related to the transition to a disordered structure Imma, which implies an important dynamics of the chains GaO4 and the diffusion along the one-dimensional vacancy channel. These results have been reproduced by molecular dynamics calculations, in which the diffusion pathway is due only to the oxygen in the tetrahedral planes.RENNES1-Bibl. électronique (352382106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Influence of Phase Transformations on Crystal Growth of Stoichiometric Brownmillerite Oxides: Sr2ScGaO5 and Ca2Fe2O5

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    International audienceHigh quality stoichiometric brownmillerite-type oxide single crystals have been successfullygrown by the floating zone method using a mirror furnace. We report here on the growth conditionsand structural characterization of two model compounds: Ca2Fe2O5 and Sr2ScGaO5. Both showoxygen deficiency with respect to the average perovskite structure, and are promising candidates foroxygen ion conductivity at moderate temperatures. While Sr2ScGaO5 single crystals were obtainedin the cubic oxygen-deficient perovskite structure, Ca2Fe2O5 crystallizes in the brownmilleriteframework. Having no cubic parent high temperature counterpart, Ca2Fe2O5 crystals were found tobe not twinned. We report on structural characterization of the as-grown single crystals by neutronand X-ray diffraction, as well as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with EDX (EnergyDispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy) analysis and isotope exchange experiments

    Inactivation of Numb and Numblike in spermatogonial stem cells by cell-permeant Cre recombinase

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    Spermatogonial stem cells (SSC) ensure continuous production of mammalian male gametes. In rodents, the SSC are Asingle spermatogonia (As). Gene loss and gain-of-function mutations have provided some clues into SSC function, but genetic dissection of SSC physiology has not yet been accomplished. The adaptor protein Numb is an evolutionarily conserved protein originally implicated in the control of the fate of sibling cells. Mice homozygous for deficient Numb die before embryonic day 11.5, hampering the analysis of its inactivation in postnatal male germline. Here, we have developed an experimental strategy to conditionally inactivate Numb and its homolog Numb like in the postnatal germline by in vitro delivery of cell-permeant Cre recombinase. Cre-transduced SSC isolated from wild-type mice retained their ability to self-renew and to differentiate in vivo, as shown by their ability to give rise to normal spermatogenic colonies when transplanted in recipient testes. Cre-transduced SSC from conditional mutant mouse line were able to colonize recipient testes upon transplantation. Inactivation of either Numb or Numb like in SSC did not impair the development of normal donor-derived spermatogenesis. However, compared to single-null SSC, double-null SSC generated shorter colonies in which the germ cells failed to differentiate beyond the round spermatid stage, underscoring the essential roles of both Numb and Numblike in spermatogenesis. We demonstrate the feasibility of gene inactivation in adult SSC by ex vivo Cre delivery. This provides a means to analyze the function of genes that operate on a cell-autonomous basis or those that are coupled to signals that SSC receive from bystander cells. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of International Society of Differentiatio

    Cubic Sr2_2ScGaO5_5 perovskite: structural stability, oxygen defect structure, and ion conductivity explored on single crystals

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    International audienceOxygen-deficient Sr2_2ScGaO5_5 single crystals with a cubic perovskite structure were grown by the floating-zone technique. The transparent crystals of this pure 3D oxygen electrolyte are metastable at ambient temperature, showing one-sixth of all oxygen positions vacant. While neutron single-crystal diffraction, followed by maximum entropy analysis, revealed a strong anharmonic displacements for the oxygen atoms, a predominant formation of ScO6_6 octahedra and GaO4_4 tetrahedra is indicated by Raman spectroscopic studies, resulting in a complex oxygen defect structure with short-range order. Temperature-dependent X-ray powder diffraction (XPD) and neutron powder diffraction (NPD) studies reveal the cubic Sr2_2ScGaO5_5 to be thermodynamically stable only above 1400 °C, while the stable modification below this temperature shows the brownmillerite framework with orthorhombic symmetry. Cubic Sr2_2ScGaO5_5 remains surprisingly kinetically stable upon heating from ambient temperature to 1300 °C, indicating a huge inertia for the retransformation toward the thermodynamically stable brownmillerite phase. Ionic conductivity investigated by impedance spectroscopy was found to be 10–4^{–4} S/cm at 600 °C, while oxygen 18O/16O isotope exchange indicates a free oxygen mobility to set in at around 500 °C

    Baseline Serum Concentrations of TRAIL in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Relationship with Response to Disease-modifying Antirheumatic Drugs.

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship between serum concentrations of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) and the therapeutic response to disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARD) in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS: Circulating levels of TRAIL and its soluble receptor OPG were measured by ELISA in paired serum samples obtained from 66 patients with early RA at their first visit (baseline) and after 1 year of therapy. Levels of TRAIL and OPG were analyzed in relation to the clinical response, defined by the 28-joint count Disease Activity Score (DAS28). RESULTS: Both serum TRAIL and OPG increased after DMARD therapy. Baseline levels of TRAIL, but not OPG, were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the patients that achieved a clinical response by DAS28 after 1 year of therapy, versus patients without clinical response to DMARD. Baseline serum levels of TRAIL were higher (p < 0.01) in rheumatoid factor-negative patients. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that the basal level of circulating TRAIL is an important determinant in the therapeutic response to DMARD in patients with early RA

    Cubic Sr<sub>2</sub>ScGaO<sub>5</sub> Perovskite: Structural Stability, Oxygen Defect Structure, and Ion Conductivity Explored on Single Crystals

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    Oxygen-deficient Sr<sub>2</sub>ScGaO<sub>5</sub> single crystals with a cubic perovskite structure were grown by the floating-zone technique. The transparent crystals of this pure 3D oxygen electrolyte are metastable at ambient temperature, showing one-sixth of all oxygen positions vacant. While neutron single-crystal diffraction, followed by maximum entropy analysis, revealed a strong anharmonic displacements for the oxygen atoms, a predominant formation of ScO<sub>6</sub> octahedra and GaO<sub>4</sub> tetrahedra is indicated by Raman spectroscopic studies, resulting in a complex oxygen defect structure with short-range order. Temperature-dependent X-ray powder diffraction (XPD) and neutron powder diffraction (NPD) studies reveal the cubic Sr<sub>2</sub>ScGaO<sub>5</sub> to be thermodynamically stable only above 1400 °C, while the stable modification below this temperature shows the brownmillerite framework with orthorhombic symmetry. Cubic Sr<sub>2</sub>ScGaO<sub>5</sub> remains surprisingly kinetically stable upon heating from ambient temperature to 1300 °C, indicating a huge inertia for the retransformation toward the thermodynamically stable brownmillerite phase. Ionic conductivity investigated by impedance spectroscopy was found to be 10<sup>–4</sup> S/cm at 600 °C, while oxygen <sup>18</sup>O/<sup>16</sup>O isotope exchange indicates a free oxygen mobility to set in at around 500 °C

    Carboxyl-Terminal SSLKG Motif of the Human Cystinosin-LKG Plays an Important Role in Plasma Membrane Sorting

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    Cystinosin mediates an ATP-dependent cystine efflux from lysosomes and causes, if mutated, nephropathic cystinosis, a rare inherited lysosomal storage disease. Alternative splicing of the last exon of the cystinosin sequence produces the cystinosin-LKG isoform that is characterized by a different C-terminal region causing changes in the subcellular distribution of the protein. We have constructed RFP-tagged proteins and demonstrated by site-directed mutagenesis that the carboxyl-terminal SSLKG sequence of cystinosin-LKG is an important sorting motif that is required for efficient targeting the protein to the plasma membrane, where it can mediate H+ coupled cystine transport. Deletion of the SSLKG sequence reduced cystinosin-LKG expression in the plasma membrane and cystine transport by approximately 30%, and induced significant accumulation of the protein in the Golgi apparatus and in lysosomes. Cystinosin-LKG, unlike the canonical isoform, also moves to the lysosomes by the indirect pathway, after endocytic retrieval from the plasma membrane, mainly by a clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Nevertheless, silencing of AP-2 triggers the clathrin-independent endocytosis, showing the complex adaptability of cystinosin-LKG trafficking