271 research outputs found

    In situ et alibi, dallo scavo integrato alla cultura dell’abitare: Vesuviana a Ercolano

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    Le projet Domus Herculanensis Rationes (DHER) que l’Université de Bologne conduit depuis 2005 a le but de contribuer à la tradition et à la réception de l’ancient Herculaneum. Au centre de l’attention, l’investigation et la restitution de la culture de l’habiter, prise en examen en tous ses composantes et à l’aide d’un approche intégré et contextuel, à partir des “fouilles” alibi, dans les archives et dans les réserves, jusqu’à la documentation de l’évidence matérielle conservée soit in situ soit alibi. Pour gagner ses objectifs, le projet DHER a entamé deux pistes de recherche, dediées/consacrées l’une, à échelle urbaine, à la réalisation d’un Atlante degli apparati decorativi di Ercolano, sur la base d’une nouvelle et systématique documentation fotogrammétrique, l’autre à l’étude de détail d’unités habitatives, à échelle d’édifice et d’insula. Les espaces bâtis, décorés et vécus sont l’objet d’une analyse à tout camp, à la forte vocation diacronique, qui essaye de remonter du constat de l’état actuel, compris et évalué en sa nature hybride, entre antique et moderne, à une restitution soutenable (voir vérifiable) des situations de découverte jusqu’aux hypothèses sur les réalités antiques, soit le 79 d.C. soit dans leur histoire précédente.The Domus Herculanensis Rationes (DHER) project, which the University of Bologna has been conducting since 2005, aims to contribute to the tradition and reception of the ancient Herculaneum. At the center of attention is the investigation and restitution of the housing culture, examined in all its components with an integrated and contextual approach, from the excavations alibi (in archives and reserves) to the documentation of the material evidence in situ et alibi. In order to achieve its objectives, the DHER project has started, since 2005, two research lines, aiming, the first, on an urban scale, to the realization of an Atlante degli apparati decorativi di Ercolano, based on a new and systematic photogrammetric documentation, and the other to the detailed study of residential units, on the building and insula scale. The spaces (built, decorated and lived) are the object of an all-around analysis, with a strong diachronic vocation, trying to switch from the current state recording, understood and evaluated in its hybrid nature, between ancient and modern, to a sustainable (i.e. verifiable) restitution of discovery situations and, besides these, until the hypotheses about the ancient realities, in 79 A.D., and their previous history

    Vigilância Sanitária Municipal do Rio de Janeiro: considerações sobre a aplicabilidade normativa no controle de alimentos

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    As regulamentações no âmbito da Vigilância Sanitária, aplicada à área de alimentos, são oriundas de diferentes esferas hierárquicas de governo, com predominancias das regulamentações municipais. Em vista disto, resolveu-se identificar e discutir os diferentes atos normativos e os instrumentos legais utilizados pela Vigilância Sanitária na área de alimentos, e a sua aplicabilidade, assim como a competência dos Ministérios da Saúde e Agricultura no controle dos diferentes tipos de alimentos e ainda o quantitativo de documentos legais extraídos pela Vigilância Sanitária Municipal no período de 1997 a 2004. Os dados obtidos na Divisão de Apoio Técnico em Vigilância e Fiscalização Sanitária da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, foram analisados e permitiram a constatação de que, as ações fiscais na área de alimentos são executadas de acordo com os atos normativos disponíveis e através de documentos legais pertinentes e com homogeneidade na relação quantitativa de extração desses documentos, verificando-se, ainda, a predominância do caráter educativo sobre o punitivo nas ações fiscais


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    Villa Sora. Scavi in situ et alibi: riletture e nuovi dati

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    The villa maritima near the modern Torre del Greco (Naples) has a long modern history. Its life as archaeological object began at least four hundred years ago. During the first half of the XVII century some Roman finds started to see the light in the site of Contrada Sora: the most famous, between these, is the neoattic marble relief with Orpheus and Euridyces now in the Museo Archeologico Nazionale at Naples. The following most important chapters of its modern life are the excavations by Francesco I Borbone (1797- 1798) and those by the Soprintendenza archeologica di Pompei (1989, 1992). Both confirmed the importance of the site, bringing to light two residential areas. Since 2015 the archeological site of Villa Sora is the subject of the omonymous research project of the University of Bologna. This article proposes a state of the art, focusing on the open questions, and a critical review, of what we known, or we think we known, about the Roman (and late-antique) material evidence in Contrada Sora

    Picta fragmenta. La pittura parietale romana nell'Italia meridionale e in Sicilia

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    Lo stato delle ricerche e degli studi sul tema della pittura parietale romana nell'Italia meridionale e in Sicilia \ue8 fortemente condizionato dallo status di inedito della maggio rparte dell'evidenza materiale rinvenuta sino ad oggi. Nell'attesa che sia possibile condurre un censimento sistematico ed esaustivo, il contributo propone uno status quaestionis sulla base della reviisione dell'edito, attraverso la selezione dei casi esemplari., lungo un ampio arco cronologico, dal II secolo a.C. al IV secolo d.C

    Abitare il territorio della regione vesuviana. Uno stato dell'arte

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    What does it mean, in the scientific literature, \u201cVesuvian area\u201d? How has it been studied, till today? Which results have been obtained? What is still to be done? Answering to these main questions, as well as contextualizing the theme in the frame of the contemporary research about ancient environments, is the aim of the article. For this purpose, it proposes a critical review of the paths of research that have interested this area, with a particular attention for the Roman era

    8.2.1. La Villa dei Misteri

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