28 research outputs found

    CONVIS: A tool enabling uninterrupted operation during refurbishments of complex buildings

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    Clash Detection refers to the identification of geometrical overlaps within a Building Information Model (BIM). This paper seeks to extend the notion of overlapping to activities: Given a construction site within a building, we seek to find clashes between construction activities and occupant routines. Such a situation is often encountered in the context of refurbishments of complex buildings operating 24/7 (e.g. airports, train stations, hospitals, prisons). By finding the influence radii of adverse effects resulting from construction - i.e. dust, noise and vibrations, functions may be temporarily relocated in order to guarantee uninterrupted operation. Our tool CONVIS implements these simulation and scheduling aspects and seeks to provide a digital project plan for refurbishments in the said context

    Noise Solver for Refurbishment Construction Site Design

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    The noise generated by the presence of a construction site within complex structure in operation (e.g. school, hospital) is a problem that too often is underestimated but that can generate problems of different nature, both concerning the health of the actors involved and regarding the performance of daily activities present within such structures (e.g. carrying out a lesson, a surgical procedure). The main aim of our tool is to highlight the impact of the noise generated by the construction site activities on these daily activities and to allow the simulation in real time of the viable solutions, thus arriving to find the one that is considered most suitable

    PASTA: Parametric Approach for Space Transplanet hAbitations. A generative powered design process for internal configurations in spaceships

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    This paper focuses on the Space transplanet habitations, or spaceships, that will host astronauts during their transfer to other celestial bodies. In this enterprise, the transfer phase is the most critical in resource shortages (e.g., air, water, room), making it harsh under habitability perspectives. The increasing number of involved scientific disciplines has raised difficulties in managing the design process, and the traditional design strategies have collapsed under the growth of complexities. PASTA proposes an implementation of generative design for the spaceship's internal configurations. This framework focuses on the multi-objective and performance-driven design process, allowing a designer to explore multiple layouts of a complex 'building' such as a spaceship. It encodes habitability needs in an unusual environment and estimates each configuration performance among intertwined needs, including adjacency relationships, by an evaluation system. As a result, PASTA can automate part of the spaceship design tasks and provide decision-making support by evaluating generated solutions, improving the handling of complexities in the design process

    PASTA: Parametric Approach for Space Transplanet hAbitations - A generative powered design process for internal configurations in spaceships

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    This paper focuses on the Space transplanet habitations, or spaceships, that will host astronauts during their transfer to other celestial bodies. In this enterprise, the transfer phase is the most critical in resource shortages (e.g., air, water, room), making it harsh under habitability perspectives. The increasing number of involved scientific disciplines has raised difficulties in managing the design process, and the traditional design strategies have collapsed under the growth of complexities. PASTA proposes an implementation of generative design for the spaceship's internal configurations. This framework focuses on the multi-objective and performance-driven design process, allowing a designer to explore multiple layouts of a complex 'building' such as a spaceship. It encodes habitability needs in an unusual environment and estimates each configuration performance among intertwined needs, including adjacency relationships, by an evaluation system. As a result, PASTA can automate part of the spaceship design tasks and provide decision-making support by evaluating generated solutions, improving the handling of complexities in the design process

    Depth and Distance Perceptions within Virtual Reality Environments. A Comparison between HMDs and CAVEs in Architectural Design

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    The Perceptions of Depth and Distance are considered as two of the most important factors in Virtual Reality Environments, as these environments inevitability impact the perception of the virtual content compared with the one of the real world. Many studies on depth and distance perceptions in a virtual environment exist. Most of them were conducted using Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs) and less with large screen displays such as those of Cave Automatic Virtual Environments (CAVEs). In this paper, we make a comparison between the different aspects of perception in the architectural environment between CAVE systems and HMD. This paper clarifies the Virtual Object as an entity in a VE and also the pros and cons of using CAVEs and HMDs are explained. Eventually, just a first survey of the planned case study of the artificial port of the Trajan emperor near Fiumicino has been done as for COVID-19 an on-field experimentation could not have been performed

    A Simulation Model for Logical and Operative Clash Detection

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    The introduction of the Building Information Modeling (BIM) approach has facilitated the management process of documents produced by different kinds of professionals involved in the design and/or renovation of a building, through identification and subsequent management of geometrical interferences (Clash Detection). The methodology of this research proposes a tool to support Clash Detection, introducing the logical-operative dimension, that may occur with the presence of a construction site within a hospital structure, through the integration of a BIM model within a Game Engine environment, to preserve the continuity of daily hospital activities and trying to reduce negative impacts, times and costs due to construction activities

    Reasoning in Common Data Environments. Re-thinking CDEs to enhance collaboration in BIM processes

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    In BIM processes, the concept of Common Data Environment - CDE - has often been depicted as a key element for successful collaboration and information sharing among different actors but, in current practice, acts as a mere documentation repository ineffective for true collaborative purposes. Therefore, the idea of CDE seems to be overrated on the one hand and unexploited on the other, while effective collaboration is still far from being decisively supported. To overcome this lack, the present research focuses on the definition of a new generation of CDEs, enhanced with an information level for knowledge integration provided by different information carriers such as models and datasets. The paper discusses its development through a graph database platform and dedicated methodologies for data retrieval and query, to verify coherence and consistency of information among different models

    Teaching BIM: a comparison between actual and future perspectives

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    Building Information Modeling BIM in AEC education is a promising teaching strategy. The aim of the European project BENEDICT is to analyze teaching approaches to Building Information Modeling (BIM) for the construction industry. The goal of this research is therefore to perform an exhaustive analysis on the methods of transmission of BIM awareness and education in some American universities with the aim of comparing them with the BENEDICT approach developed in Italian, Estonian and Finnish Universities. Therefore, a teaching plan that aims to standardize and unify relevant teaching programs, tools and methods is developed, tackling existing skill gaps and mismatches between academia and industry

    Grant eCAADe

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    Health&Safety awareness among Construction Site workers is a widely discussed topic in literature. A different matter entirely, however, is Construction Sites within Healthcare facilities where prevention for those involved (patients, visitors and healthcare staff) is remarkably lacking. The ever-growing necessity to adapt and maintain existing healthcare facilities has brought on an increase in both risk and impact, due to numerous challenges encountered on sites negatively affecting patient well-being and the organisation and management of healthcare activities, which cannot stand to incur any setbacks. Recently research has demonstrated that simulation is one of the most suitable tools for the study of complex problems (e.g. Healthcare facilities) and how the use of BIM tools allows for interference monitoring and management. The aim of the research proposal is to provide a support tool for the design of a Low Impact Development Construction Site. The interaction between modeling and definition of a model in BIM architecture and the real-time simulation of physical and behavioural phenomena, thanks to Game Engine, will enable a constant decrease in risk, cost and impact. To ensure efficacy, the proposed model will be applied to one or more processes of intervention in pre-existing Healthcare facilities

    Modello Integrato di simulazione. Approcci simulativi a supporto della progettazione di un cantiere in una struttura ospedaliera operativa

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    none1noL'obiettivo principale è fornire un modello di supporto per la progettazione di un cantiere a basso impatto, in un ospedale, attraverso un sistema integrato di modellazione e simulazione dell'ambiente costruito, fenomeni ambientali, comportamenti e attività degli attori coinvolti. Ogni sforzo di questo modello serve a controllare, in fase di progettazione, i rischi, i costi e l'impatto in ospedale, supportando i professionisti di entrambi i settori, ospedali e edifici, nella scelta delle migliori soluzioni organizzative / progettuali.The main aim is to provide a support model for the design of a low-impact construction site in a hospital, through an integrated system of modeling and simulation of the built environment, environmental phenomena, behaviors and activities of the actors involved. Every effort of this model helps to control, at the design stage, of risks, costs and impact in the hospital, supporting professionals in both sectors, hospitals and buildings, in choosing the best organizational / design solutions.mixedFabian Lorenzo;Marzo Mauro; ugo maria coragliaFabian Lorenzo;Marzo Mauro; ugo maria coragli